Loki's Army - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Other than how to be a douchebag, none that I know of. In my opinion, CH can’t act his way out of a paper bag, and now he’s reunited with oscar winner NP? He clearly can’t carry a film that isn’t wrapped in a franchise, so I would think he would hold fast to his MCU colleagues like a lifeline. Cause they are. Karma, anyone?

I hope like hell TH is done with the Thor films, unless he chooses to re-engage with them. More power to him with the Loki series and beyond. So excited for it! 

I just saw the panel where all of the MCU actors were gathered and I couldn't help but notice that TH kept looking off to the side. I got the sinking feeling he was gazing at CH and TW and TT and NP. CH didn't acknowledge TH once and neither did TW. TH still has some feeling towards CH that CH doesn't deserve at all. Mahershala Ali full on ran over to give TH a hug but CH stayed far away as far as I saw. I would rather TH get all the love from the 2 time Oscar winner than CH the dudebro.

I saw him looking their way too. I think he was looking right at them. As far as I could tell, they would not look at him. Giving him no acknowledgement. But that’s passive aggressive cowards for you. After everything that’s come out of CH’s mouth regarding Tom and Loki, he didn’t have the guts to say a word, or meet Tom’s eyes. I hope that made them both reeeeally uncomfortable. 

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5 years ago

I get that. 

I personally cannot wait to see Loki without Thor. 

despite the fact that I will love every second of Thor 4, Valkyrie being the queen of Asgard, the return of Jane, and the fact that Taika will direct it again, I am not mentally and physically ready to see Thor without Loki

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5 years ago

Hear, hear!!! 

True Story

Marvel : Here's Nathalie Portman with Mjolnir!

Crowd : *applauds*

Marvel : We have Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek and Richard Madden!!

Crowd : *applauds*

Marvel : Here's the list for phase 4

Crowd : *applauds*

Marvel : Valkyrie will be openly LGBT!!!

Crowd : *applauds*

Tom Hiddleston : *breathes*


Marvel : ... I'm done with them ...

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3 years ago

And here I am... Watching this gif for hours because fuck... That's so incredibly HOT 😍

Youre Doing Amazing Sweetie

You’re Doing Amazing Sweetie

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9 years ago

Trust Me

Pairing: Loki x reader

Word Count: 1,044

Summary: You are an agent with S.H.I.E.L.D. and are assigned on the case of Loki. What will your final judgment be?

Warnings: N/A, I believe.

A/N: Happy birthday to Tom Hiddleston! <3

Also, this is a bit irrelevant to the events of Thor: The Dark World; my apologies for that.


“I don’t understand,” the clipped, slightly accented and very much annoyed voice of Loki resonated in the empty room, and he fixed his piercing glare on you and his brother Thor, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat yet returned the Trickster’s cool look.

“I have paid my dues. I have understood the weight of my crimes and I have spent a sufficient amount of time in prison, thinking of what I did wrong and doing everything else expected of an inmate like me. Now that you need my assistance, why won’t you just let me out?” he insisted on the same argument he had gone over numerous times but always used slightly different words for. He enunciated every word clearly, as if he was speaking to two rather stubborn children instead of Thor and an experienced S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

“We told you, Loki. You are too dangerous to be trusted. We just need the information,” Thor’s deep, loud, voice boomed and echoed in the confined space of the room you were in.

Loki frowned, his eyes scanning you carefully for anything that might be useful to him, and you allowed yourself to break character long enough to shrug apologetically at him, indicating that it wasn’t in your power to decide about his future.

Loki and you had a rather... interesting relationship that deviated from the usual one between an officer of the law and a criminal. You knew there was good inside him; you knew he had changed, and you knew that well. It had been only last night when, anxious about his interview with you and Thor, he had confessed all of his fears and insecurities to you and kissed you senseless.

There was no hint of the previous night’s desperation and vulnerability in him now. His posture was straight, regal -that of a king’s- and his expression was neutral, almost bored.

“I don’t have the information,” Loki said sharply, the sound of his voice drawing you back to reality. “But I have a way of finding it that would require countless hours of research -and that could only be possible if I were free to go to the palace library,” he said, meaningfully rattling the handcuffs that tied his hands together.

Thor and you shared a look at that and, without a word, you got up and walked out of the room.

“Whatever shall we do, Lady Y/N? I am afraid that Loki is right -we need his help, and it is obvious that the only way to ensure that is to free him. But he is dangerous, and both Asgard and Midgard alike would be enraged if they found out about this. The threat of another of his attacks is too big, and the fear too fresh in the people’s minds. We can’t just cut him loose,” Thor said with a sigh. “I wouldn’t want for my first big and crucial decision to be a failure, but I also cannot let this mission fail, and without Loki’s help, disaster would be imminent.”

You thought for a bit. You, of course, wanted Loki’s freedom. You’d seen a reformed Loki in the cage the previous night, and you wanted the world to understand that he indeed was different.

“Nobody said that the world has to know. And we don’t have to cut him loose either. He asked for a way out of that cage, but any place -if guarded properly- can become a prison. You can convert his rooms into a heavily guarded holding place and you can gradually give him more and more freedom until he either convinces you of his change or gives you a reason to throw him back in jail,” you suggested, and Thor’s frown turned into a smile.

“That’s brilliant -and exactly what we are going to do. But I have to ask a small favour of you. Could you watch him while he does his research? You’re intelligent enough to keep him under control,” he said.

It was your turn to smile. “Certainly. It’d be my pleasure.”

Half an hour later, you were standing near a table inside a vast, seemingly endless, library with Loki next to you. You were so caught up in the mystery and sheer mass of the books that surrounded you that at first you didn’t notice Loki’s piercing gaze.

“What is it?” you asked him, and he continued to look at you in that way that made you feel as if he was reading you. In the end, frustrated, he heaved a sigh.

“It must’ve been you who convinced Thor to give me this -however limited- amount of freedom,” he said, and you smiled, understanding the underlying message. ‘Thank you.’

“I just... I trust you,” you replied, and he chuckled.

“Not a wise decision on your part. I’m a criminal.”

It was your turn to fix him with a piercing glare. “Yes, you are, but I believe you’ve seen that what you did wasn’t right. I believe that a part of you -if not all of you- has changed,” you said firmly, moving closer to him. “I always had my doubts when it came to what everyone said. Last night only helped reassure me. Loki, give me no reason to distrust you, and I won’t,” you told him, and you were happy to see a small, rare, smile appear on his lips.

“Last night... it was good,” you said hesitantly, and his smile turned into a more predatory one. He walked closer to you, backing you up against the table and trapping you between its cold surface and his body.

“But this night can be better,” he muttered, leaning closer to you and pressing his lips on yours. His tongue licked your lower lip and you gave a small moan, opening your mouth to allow him access. The kiss was heated, passionate and needy, very much unlike the previous night’s tender caresses.

“I like the way you trust me,” he muttered as he pulled away, and you barely managed to stifle a whimper at the sight of his heated gaze.

“Always,” you muttered back, and he smirked.

“What do you say we postpone research for a while?” he suggested and, not waiting for a response, leaned closer to capture your lips with his.

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8 years ago

Holy fucking Loki...

Buff Loki

Buff Loki

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