Long Ass Post - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

LONG POST AHEAD! All words and it's just about my lil au!

I've just gone through my tumblr blog and realised that i haven't actually posted about my theory (and au canon) about why nardo's ninpo was "broken" when he popped up in the present, so now I'm gonna infodump as much as i can remember about it!

How should i put this..

So, is his ninpo broken? No, but it is definitely damaged. I'll explain that in a sec, but first: what did he do to fuck himself up so bad?

He completely neglected his health, skipped meals, gave his rationed water to others, and completely ignored his need for rest and sleep. He didn't think this was a problem, especially when he started feeling less and less hungry, despite not eating properly. Less thirsty, even though he still wasn't drinking nearly enough. And less tired, despite staying up for days, at times.

Now, he didn't really notice this shift, and neither did anyone else with the uh, apocalypse going on. But what actually caused it?

His ninpo, of course! His ninpo started sustaining him, literally keeping him alive. It's kinda like his body switched to survival mode and just preserved itself with his little built-in life source!

Why is this so bad? Because it has severe consequences. One of the side effects of this is that during the decade where his body was forced to sustain itself, it got so used to him not eating, drinking and sleeping that when he got back to the present he couldn't eat proper food for weeks, and it took months before he could eat foods like pizza.

Hell, he couldn't eat a peach without throwing it back up 20 minutes later after being in recovery for two weeks, a peach.

But as i mentioned earlier, his ninpo dulled his hunger. So it even made him nauseous anytime he tried to eat more than once a day when he had access to food again, and it took a lot of trial and error to find the right routine for his recovery.

Now, it may have been sustaining him, but it was not doing more than the bare minimum, so he was, uh, severely underweight, to say the least.

But enough about that, his sleep. I've mentioned him basically not having a sleep schedule in previous posts, and here's why! He literally couldn't sleep due to his ninpo, he didn't feel tired until after long missions, and even then he couldn't sleep until he literally crashed, and went out like a light for the next day.

This let him handle a lot more work around the base, but it also made his insomnia absolute hell for him. Instead of your average insomnia, he, like i said, didn't feel tired whatsoever. And this didn't just magically go away when he was suddenly safe in the present. In fact, it still pops up in 'manic episodes' where he just.. stays up for a few days.

This is why he looks so chronically exhausted lmao, he's got some permanent eye bags for a reason

Little important info rq, in my au the brothers can boost each other! Physical contact is needed, so let's say donnie just used a lot of his ninpo energy creating a complex blueprint, and is now pretty drained. If leo reached out and pressed his finger on donnie's arm, he could actively send a flow of his own ninpo energy to replenish some of what donnie used up. In this scenario, after the boost, donnie's next few ninpo constructs would be Leo's electric blue instead of his pixelated purple! Until he's used up the boost leo gave him, that is. There is no limit as to how much they can boost each other, but they usually just use it as a pick me up during lengthy battles or in scenarios similar to the one i described here.

So, what does this whole situation mean for his portals and all that hamato stuff? Well, he couldn't talk to karai or communicate with his ancestors and fallen family members anymore whatsoever after his ninpo was drained for the first time, so he went about.. nine years without directly communicating with them before he had 'recovered' enough ninpo energy to speak with karai in the present (let's be real, he tried as soon as he had more than two grapes worth of energy stored up)

This impromptu (and secret) meeting with karai actually led to some rather plot heavy things happening as soon as he left the hamato minscape, but let's not talk about that yet.

What about his portals? So, he lost his ability to portal when he'd just turned thirty, and during those first 14 years of the apocalypse he gained experience and training, along with some rather impressive skills with his portals, and he greatly improved the size of his portals (this happened specifically when he lost raph) and the number of portals he can open at once, along with the precision of where and when they open and close.

He does regain his ability to portal when he's been given a boost by mikey, and he immediately tests it out by teleporting an apple around the kitchen in a showy manner. And i personally love the thought that his portals would mostly be mikey's fiery orange, with little swirls of electric blue throughout them when he does this

But! I've completely lost track of what i was typing, so let's get back on track.

One of the side effects is spazzy ninpo. long after he's recovered, if he uses up too much ninpo energy during a battle his ninpo will get spazzy for the next day or two, what this means is that it's basically switching between survival and rest every few minutes, making him crash over and over until his body and ninpo are both drained, and until his body remembers that it can just rest and replenish. A boost would help him recover faster, but usually, it's best to let his body figure it out on its own

Especially since nardo can be a bit of a workaholic at times, as you can probably tell if you've read this far. So if he's being forced to have a rest day or two by his fucked up ninpo after overusing it in battle.. i think he might need that rest.

Have nice day

Okay, so i can't remember what the exact reason for this post was, but hey, lore/infodump ig :]

Oh, and if he got cut off from his ninpo by the krang, he'd have died pretty early on in the apocalypse. Oh well, good thing that didn't happen, lmao

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1 year ago

Well no joke, hecc you too. I literally had to stop myself short from finishing a sentence during drafting this that started off “the closest we ever did get to see to what that ability to introspect would do to him was Zib because-“

And I stopped because I realized that Zib is really squirmy and hard to use as an example for much on this front, because Dib’s still the dominant majority of that fusion. But damn you this is such a delicious tangent. The most I brought myself to speak of it without poking was this here in the tags

Well No Joke, Hecc You Too. I Literally Had To Stop Myself Short From Finishing A Sentence During Drafting

Like they’re literally mirrors of the worst in each other in a lot of ways but the bit that distinguishes them the MOST to me is that Zim is the sorest loser and Dib is a sore fucking winner. Zim could never cope with being in Dib’s position and knowing it. That selective mental blindness to failure is all he has because whenever he DOES have to accept defeat, at best he throws a screaming, rampaging tantrum.

At worst, he can’t go on if he can’t see a way to bounce back, or if he loses his faith in that glorified version of himself. That’s why his crash in Enter the Florpus Happens. That’s why “Mopiness of Doom” happens. Dib, the arch nemesis, is necessary for that inner narrative to not expire. Zim knows he’s the main character, and protagonists, especially those of legends are only as compelling as the monsters they slay. He needs his antagonist to validate his invasion, because Red/Purple’s half-hearted humoring can only give him so much juice when he’s witnessing his own stagnation in the field and every other invader speeding past him in their progress. Everyone else on Earth is either pathetically unthreatening, or they don’t give him the time of day.

Dib’s the godsend excuse he needs to explain why the he’s not living up to his expectations- Someone else to be “the problem” so he doesn’t have to have that band snap (spiral into an introspective depression or meltdown). He’s not even aware that this is the nature of their symbiosis. I fully believe he would kill Dib again, just as remorselessly as in “Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy” if given the chance. And he would celebrate… until it dawns on him that he still can’t conquer the earth and that Dib’s defeat actually didn’t slay the dragon. Zim is freaking pitiful to me in how jacked up and kind of destined for self implosion he is. He only thrives and feels his self worth in a constant state of conflict and chaos, neither winning or losing.

In other words, he’s a perfect war machine. An enthusiastic tool of perpetual conflict and mass destruction,

if only he could actually be controlled. Then he’d be the best thing to happen to Irkens since nachos. Sucks for them, though, he’s designed not to be.

However, I digress. As for Dib, there’s no effing way that twerp has any clue either about what’s going on in Zim’s head/back. He doesn’t even have enough of the full picture to guess at it, and besides, he has his own priorities and his own savior of the world complex he needs Zim for in just a similar fashion. But while Zim is teetering on the edge of that aforementioned lovecraftian brand of melodramatic darkness, Dib can actually take a narrative punch.

This kid doesn’t have the luxury of a malfunctioning neurology that auto-slaps down offense or uncomfortable information. Neither does he have decades of military propaganda that propped him up as the universe’s pinnacle species since birth. He’s a freaking 12 year old human boy. He for a decent part, at least much better than Zim, knows his own size and position in the galaxy. This alien is the invader, and he’s playing home team on defense. In fact, Dib has seemingly lived most of his damn life so far on defense. He doesn’t have a lot of victories he can hold onto for a boost and he doesn’t forget it. He doesn’t have reliable allies or servants. He has ONE human being he somewhat gets along with and can have occasionally positive interactions with. Yeah, it’s sad to see that it’s led to him developing a remarkably negative self image and some amount of self loathing, but Dib has actually, somehow, managed himself pretty well under that. He gets up after falls fine, he shrugs off near-death close calls, and he looks this overpowered, lunatic bug freak right in the spider eyes and says to himself “Yeah. This is the fight I’m choosing, and I’m going to win because I have to.” Zim’s bubble wrapped. Dib is tempered in flame, with a self image that has nowhere to go but up.

And he actually still has a hobby or two outside of Zim. He’s arrogant in his own way, but not to the point of inhumanity. He’s an antagonist, but Zim is a villain. If Zim wins, there’s a timer ticking to some point where he still comes freaking undone and is unsatisfied. If Dib wins, really wins, that fixes Dib. And that’s a perfectly logical narrative to weave, given the facts. But goddamn is dib really awful at taking a W without being really overcompensative about it.

Yet…the Zib case.

Your question, right.

My answer, at least under the web I’ve weaved, is definitely the latter option. Where I considered some fear I had of the idea of Dib’s ability to put together and not sugarcoat shit with Zim’s whole life story, banishment and fake invasion and sabotaging his own leaders and all… you’d especially worry for that seeing that Dib’s seemingly conquered the PAK in some fashion, given that it hasn’t killed him and Zim’s personality is either erased or dormant…

but that’s not what actually happened. Instead, we actually did see Dib being the one who survived, but not untainted by the merge. He was just the next host for the PAK’s double edged sword- superior intellect at the cost of bearing the involuntary madness, warts and all. If that sickness could overcome the collective control brains, how tf was a single human’s mind supposed to stand a chance against the same corruption?

Potential spoiler for anyone who never caught up on og Adventure time, but in other words, Dib basically did the equivalent of murdering the ice king, and then slapping the cursed crown onto his own big fat head in a reckless grasp for power. Which, in adventure time, messing with the ice crown does not go well. For anyone. Ever. It’s the classic folly of he who fucks around with things beyond his limited understanding, in his ignorance, isn’t ready to contend with the consequences.

Fuck around, the universe lets you find out, no matter who or what you think you are.

And the funny thing is, if you actually read Lovecraft, that’s the real core soul of his horror, not repulsion of the spooky scary monsters just because they’re out of this world.

But the horror of Zib is that he smoothly rose up to both embrace and embody the paradox that keeps Zim going, but with Dib’s sense to competently see a plan through setbacks. Zib is the brutality of the invader, given the humanity to empathize with others well enough to make them believe his lies too. He’s Zim’s ferocity and Dib’s cynical bitterness given control back, and that’s what makes him the most dangerous entity in the entire franchise.

So there was a note under my post about Zim hovering a finger over the self destruct switch on his first day on Earth that just cracked open something in my mind.

So There Was A Note Under My Post About Zim Hovering A Finger Over The Self Destruct Switch On His First

Cause…Oh. Oh hecc you, @murhuedur. You actually touched on like, my favorite thing about this character, period. I really like this take, I do. It’s a good one. I ponder, still,

In my own opinion, it’s actually genuine confidence and arrogance, but Zim’s delusions of grandeur are as a thin rubber band. They can stretch out to wild lengths and remain malleable enough to bend around truth as he wills,

But there’s a hard limit out there eventually, and should reality require him to stretch his cognitive dissonance just too far, it’s a violent snap-back to full clarity. I don’t think he’s faking it or always lying to everyone else about what hot shit he is, because I think he fully believes those lies about as fast as he can speak them, even if he will later realize he was wrong after a cosmic punch to the face.

Like, Zim’s smart, but smart people aren’t inherently rational ones. Within Zim, the tallest, hell, maybe even Skoodge, there’s sometimes this very short-sighted flippancy about what is objectively true/false that peeks out every now and again in their psychology. I mean, humans sometimes do this too when it’s convenient to their interests, just, obviously not to goofy cartoon character levels if they want to function in society.

Zim has whatever this flaw is and cranked up to 11, maybe as a side effect of his PAK defects. Sometimes it gets him into DEEP shit, but it’s also his biggest mental shield. Zim has like no fortitude against spiraling into a full on depression or a justifiable panic attack over the smallest concession of being an absolute failure to his race. That weaponized denial that makes him so dangerous to himself and others also keeps him together and motivated forward. But it’s not largely a conscious lie he’s telling himself. It’s genuine faith he’s trying to manifest into matter through sheer force of his will.

His dogmatic mantra, “I am Zim” and what it means to him is a statement he holds on such conviction it overpowered and hijacked the ego of 3 control brains at once.

If I were inserting him into DnD he’d have the wisdom stat of a stale poptart and a 20+ thrown into charisma. He’s faking it without even understanding he’s faking it.

But were he completely detached from reality, he’d be WAY more likely than even now to accidentally get himself killed. While a narcissistic level of self esteem is what lets him ignore and selectively unhear inconvenient truths, the adrenaline of immediate life or death danger is what grounds him back in the real world. You notice over time that as self-sabotaging as he normally is, he seems to act his most rational and competent when he’s suddenly put against the grindstone and self preservation HAS to jump into the driver’s seat. He basically survives his day to day on a tightrope between a falsely glorious narrative of himself, and his perceptive anxiety both tugging him to land on either side of the fence when something big happens.

In “The Trial”, he wastes very little time on his expected bullshit or his confidence in being able to just win over the approval of his judges.. by virtue of being his awesome self. He spent most of that ordeal on the verge of a heart attack, squirmed to find an escape, and actually tried to DENY causing the death of two Almighty Tallests (reminder that he usually owns up to his atrocities with downright offensive pride). He understood the full gravity of an existence evaluation and how cooked his goose was. As soon as the situation resolves and he’s no longer in that danger, it’s right back to full trust of his status as an invader, and in Red and Purple as his biggest fans. When his disguise starts to slip in front of Skool kids he knows are dumb as a bag of rocks, he can silver tongue his way around that without skipping a beat. Losing his disguise in front of a bunch of alien-obsessed adults? Uh oh, pants-shitting terror, this is potentially game-over levels of bad, immediately gtfo of here. Stand there, chest beat, and scold the obviously rogue duty-mode Gir all day until the second it actually tries to kill you and you suddenly have to realize you’re not the one holding the cards anymore to save your own life.

The other way this quirk of his really shows through is in his selective memory. Zim has this skill to repress down and push away unpleasant experiences that I think some of us can only dream we had. I love it because it’s equal parts a comedic and analytical goldmine.

So There Was A Note Under My Post About Zim Hovering A Finger Over The Self Destruct Switch On His First

Tak, who actually posed a legit threat to his entire mission and tried herself to chip through that massive wall of denial he’s shielded in- same Tak who’s powerful af ship was stolen and desecrated by Zim’s arch nemesis… she’s not just an afterthought in his mind after that mess. He’s literally pushed that one out of his thoughts altogether in the comics. Like she, and Skoodge, who he can’t fucking stand, might as well have never even existed, even while GIR’s trying to remind him. That time he played around with time travel and it was one of the biggest clusterfucks he quickly lost control of? The bologna incident he stooped so low as to ask dib to help him with? You must be thinking of someone else. Nope. Not a thing. Lalala, can’t even hear you. This is also what makes it no wonder he deeply struggles with actually learning from certain mistakes.

So There Was A Note Under My Post About Zim Hovering A Finger Over The Self Destruct Switch On His First

From an outsider’s eye this behavior of his is baffling. It makes him look actually insane or at least obnoxiously obstinate. And I think both assumptions are half right, because this is clearly not the result of mere stupidity. Those truths are simply wayyyy too discordant with his view of himself to devote surface memory to, or too uncomfortable, unless and until, of course, you confront him with them in a fashion where that rubber band has to snap, that bubble pops, and he instantly sobers out of that complacency.

Literally god forbid he ever stops being defective in this way or is given the ability to reckon with the reality of his situation and his history all at once. I’m not even just talking about his job or banishment. I’m talking about his entire life. This chaotic, flexible, incoherent mindstate is the only branch he’s holding onto from dropping into a much more horrifying chasm beneath himself, the depth of which we can only guess. I straight up have no idea what he would do or what could happen to him if he could, even for a moment, rationally comprehend his every action, memory, and empirical truth all at the same time. Seriously, leave that Pak’s Gordian Knot be, or I imagine there could be an HP Lovecraft type of breakdown in the making.

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1 year ago

Untitled Wukong Game

aka a doodle page FULL of goose Wukong (ft Macaque) and Shadowpeach geese.

btw the goose Wukong design isn’t mine and it came from this

the Macaque goose design is mine so feel free to use but credit me for such

Untitled Wukong Game

close ups

Untitled Wukong Game
Untitled Wukong Game
Untitled Wukong Game
Untitled Wukong Game
Untitled Wukong Game
Untitled Wukong Game
Untitled Wukong Game

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6 months ago

It’s spooky time (it’s September—)

Its Spooky Time (its September)

Out of boredom, I decided to finally design a few of the ghost versions of my ocs who die in the main plot. I got something cool planned in October for them >:D

Below the cut is a long info-dump ramble about how ghosts work in my little oc world that I feel like sharing. Feel free to check it out!

A lot of supernatural things do exist in this world, which includes ghosts. Ghosts have three different looks to take on.


As stated before, ghosts take on three forms; invisible, silhouette, and true form. Invisible is self explanatory. Silhouette form is essentially a shadow of the true form, the only noticeable features being eyes and the color red.

True form is also self-explanatory, if you look back at the image above that would be true form.

In both the Silhouette and True forms, the ghost’s appearance relies heavily on who the person was and a metaphorical trait that alludes to their cause of death. It is always bright red.In some cases, it can be ironic in terms of the deceased person’s previous way of living.

For example, Tácito is gluttonous and powerful, and he died by being crushed/split by a stalactite. Outlined in his silhouette form and shown in his true form— look at the gums of his mouth stomach thingy— Tácito gains rock parts and a large mouth fills the space between both halves of his body. The mouth symbolizes his voraciousness and gluttony.

anyway because this is long and my fingers hurt that’s it. Have a good day/night :D

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5 months ago
So Out Of Boredom I Randomly Decided To Do A Mini-redesign/rewrite Of The Storm King.

So out of boredom I randomly decided to do a mini-redesign/rewrite of the Storm King.

His original design is great, but it feels a tad out of place and his personality doesn’t work. You’re telling me the dude who chased a whole population into the water and conquered so many parts of Equestrian acts like a Saturday morning cartoon villain?? Not only that but he’s super overshadowed by the secondary antagonist??HELLO?

I just messed around with his face and head to look more intimidating and look a little more similar to his weird storm henchmen guys. As far personality goes I’d say he’s a little silly sometimes as a sort of attempt at charm, but mostly acts serious and threatening. His goal is still to obtain the princess’ magic, but he does so in order to unlock the sheer potential of his power. Without the staff he still has storm magic, just limited and a little less controlled, whereas with the staff his magic is more controlled.

Anyway this post is long af, my fingers are getting sore and I got a goretober thingy to do so yeah *explodes*

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4 months ago



PART SONG: The Lobotomy - Maebi

Part 1/Beginning | End of Part 1/Previous Page | Begin Part 2

Blurb below cut ⬇️

Part 2 is where things start kicking up. Again, things are mostly similar to what happens in main plot (which I really should explain one day 😭) but with the minor exception of Mono beginning to slip.

Throughout this part, the same warnings as before apply, but especially the following: offensive language (swearing and insults), intimidation, manipulation, blood, implications/mentions of abuse.

If any of these warnings, specific and/or general, are sensitive to you or you’re too young to view, get outta here (respectfully).

ok bye bye *explodes*

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1 year ago

WoT about: "The writers keep giving time to plots that aren't bad, but do nothing to actually serve the story".

Disclaimer : As always, it's long.

Alll of these comments are from a discussion I had with a book reader in the comments of a post on S3E01 being written by S1E06 and S2E07 writer: Justine Juel Gillmer. Basically, the original poster was celebrating more Siuan (however it might be) and/or a possible Siuanraine reunion in S3.

Book Reader 1:

In a story about the potential end of all things, I can't honestly say that I care about Suianraine. Side romance plots are fine, but they're not what WoT is really about. I hope they give a little ship time to those who are craving it, but they really need to work on the Nerf Reborn. He's way weaker in the show than he is in the books. We need a Rocky montage to put the Dragon back on track.

Book reader 2 :

One of my biggest issues with this show. The writers keep giving time to plots that aren't *bad*, but do nothing to actually serve the story.

Moiraines family scenes? Well written and acted, but that's 30-40 minutes that we could have had in Falme, or building up the Horn, or generally building the legend of the dragon.

Book reader 1 :

Yep. The show wastes precious time on things which aren't central to the plot.

Torashi :

That mostly has to do with the fact that the show is not about Rand but about Moiraine and specifically about Moiraine's Quest which is something that most book readers seems to have overlooked and that's the most important and fundamental change from the books yet it's overlooked when it comes to understanding how and why everything plays out the way it does.

If we had to choose a character and declare them the main one for the show, it would be Moiraine. That's the main difference that explains most of the complaints bookcloaks and book readers may have with the show.

The books are about Rand. Here, it's about "Moiraine's Quest", and it gives the show more room to explore the characters deemed as side characters and one of the most interesting group of people in this universe in my opinion: Aes Sedai's and their warders.

Both are telling the same story but not from the same POV, and that changes a bunch of things and it includes what gets showed or not.

Book reader 1 :

I certainly didn't overlook that the show is focused on Mo. That is the biggest problem, as you say (pre post edit: I did not say that the the Mo focus was a problem, never had actually) . Book Mo isn't anywhere near a main character after TEOTW, so it's a very questionable decision to promote her to a main, outside of real world "politics". Pike is the most recognized actress **and** she's a producer.

While I get that non-readers don't mind it, I and millions of other readers waited 39 years for the books to be turned into a show.

We weren't waiting on Siuan and Moiraine.


I'm not saying that you're overlooking this but that those who did read the books tends to do so and fail to realise( pre post edit: or recognise really) that the things they're complaining about usually makes sense as Rand is not the main character anymore.

The pov's are mostly Moiraine's, and while it's different from the books, it doesn't mean that it's not good. The story is just told differently, and a lot of you guys fail to realise that while it's not what you hoped for, you at least get to experience the same story told another way and in the same world you grew up loving but on screen.

I understand that it's disappointing as it's probably not what you guys imagined and expected the show would be if you ever got to see it, but Rand, as the main character, probably wouldn't have worked as needed exactly because it's been so long since the books.

The classic hero trope is not as appealing as it used to be for TV, and switching the focus and putting it onto the Gandalfs of the WoT world probably was better so it ended up as the Moiraine's Quest show and not as the Randland show. It's also probably because it's usually better if most actors in a fantasy show are unknown so that their reputation and previous roles do not taint the ones they'll have in the show.

( pre post edit : in case some people don't get why I'm comparing them, it's to emphasise that all of these fantasy shows have 1 or 2 of their main cast and characters as the biggest stars so that they don't have to rely only on the existing fandom but can also count on their main celebrity to bring a wider audience (advertising aside) which allows for the rest of the cast to be lesser known or straight-up debuting and/or unknown actors)

For ex, Matt Smith and Paddy Considine probably are the most recognisable actors of HOTD (HBO) and they're brothers in the show and have a close relationship ( in case you didn't see it, Matt is Daemon and Paddy is King Viserys)

WoT (Prime) has Rosamund Pike and Sophie Okonedo as their biggest star, and they have a close relationship.

(Fun fact : Sophie wasn't even supposed to be in the show and probably wouldn't have accepted if she was offered the part but Rosamund specifically wanted her to play her love interest and Sophie had to be written to personally by Ros so that she would accept the role ( anyone who knows or follows Sophie's work knows that her playing Siuan was as probable as a WoT + GoT crossover episode) )

The Witcher( Netflix) they really just needed Henry Cavill as he actually is a mainstream celebrity and was at the prime of his career when he took the role.

Good Omens (Prime) : David Tennant and Micheal Sheen, they lead and are close. ( they really could have been fine with David here. Actually, he probably has one of the most dedicated fan base I've seen because of his performance as the doctor ) ( they also have benedict cumberbatch but I'm sticking to mains biggest star + they're closest relationships )

Carnival Row (Prime and original so a lil different): Cara delevigne and Orlando Bloom, biggest stars + close relationship.

Good Omens is focused on the gandalfs ( Crowley & Aziraphale) again btw and it's one of amazon most successful adaptations.

The Witcher is also focused on the Gandalfs of their world: Geralt & Yennefer (by extension)

WoT switched it to be the same : Moiraine & Siuan (by extension).

What i'm saying is that basically most of the complaints are related to missing things from the books, the cast diversity, things people wish they could have seen or wishing Josha's (pre post edit :Rand) or Daniel's (pre post edit : Lan) characters where depicted as in the books or it's blaming the show (pre post edit: or really mainly and mostly Rafe and sometimes the rest of the writers) for spending time on things that actually makes sense when you recenter yourself in what the show is actually doing which is telling the story from Moiraine's POVs.

Siuan is important so she gets time, Lan is important so he gets time (pre post edit : mainly referencing the Aes sedai + Warder focused episodes of S1, from Ep4/5 to Ep6).

Liandrin is a problem and has a grudge against Mo that leads her to be a threat not only because she's a red and black ajah but also because of an ulterior reason so she gets time and is developed, Moiraine is pushing everyone away even the only 2 people she could allow herself to be close to during her mission because of her depression and allow herself no other choice but to go to Cairhien alone which happens to be her hometown so we get a family reunion and see how much her quest for Rand impacted her and her family too and how unusual it is even for an Aes sedai( Alanna's scenes with her family).

The main problem isn't that the story is being told through Moiraine's POV but that they only get 8 episodes of approximately 1 hour each to tell a story that required 14 books to finish, they clearly need more or longer episodes per season to include more of what they initially intended to put in each season. ( pre post edit : in case you didn't know Lan was supposed to start training the boys from s1. you can check here )

For reference, GOT had 10 episodes for each season until S7 for 8 season out of 10 initially planned, each episode falling anywhere between 1h and 1h22 max, and it's only 5 books out on 7 planned.

There, we have 8 episodes falling anywhere between 54 minutes to 1h10 min max each, planned to have 8 seasons for 14 books.

(Pre post edit : so far, and yes i went to check the longest ep so far was 1h10 min and it's s2 finale in case you were wondering)

Original poster reaction :

OMG!!! I wish I could give you gold for this comment. I am getting tired of when I post something about the show, instead of people focusing on the show, they wanna bring the "but but but the books did this and that and it is nowhere to be found on the show", like I don't care, let's focus on what's happening in the show and can we only talk about that? You should make another main post pointing this out and that for the sake of productive conversations, this sub should stop complaining about what isn't on the show from the books and more on what we actually get, if it works or not let's stick to that!

Torashi :

I understand, but I totally get their reaction, too. It's been so long for them that it's probably hard to accept anything else than what they expected or wished they had.

(pre post edit :

While i do understand the frustration, i do not understand why you think it makes it fine to ruin (or tarnish) the experience of genuine show only fans by complaining and shitting on the show for missing things or not doing it the way you wanted it to be instead of going:

"That's cool i wish they had room for this or that, in the books there's this or that and whatever, you should check the books."

"The story is so much more richer even though the focus is not on the guide in the books. It could be interesting for you to see it from another PoV too"

You'd actually make show-only fans want to read the books. You guys have been tainted by so much display of lack of respect and gratitude towards those making and/or enjoying the show that I think that you're actually deterring show only fans from the books by dividing the fandom as much as S8 divided GOT fans and by making people afraid to read them before the show ends because of how ugly your reactions are and have been. (You guys are literally associated to Whitecloacks).)


What's infuriating me, though, is that most of the books things they wish they saw when that's what they're complaining about are things that had to be cut because they were details and did not impact the rest of the story as much and instead of complaining about the show having an insane amount of episodes, episode's length and planned seasons for 14 books each individually as big as an encyclopedia they blame Rafe who actually loved the books and is a fan too, that's literally why the books got approved to be on screen. Rafe he's a book fan that got lucky the same way Brandon Sanderson was a book fan that got lucky back then. He probably wish he could put more things in there too.

Instead of complaining about the real problem, they should be battling against, its straight up hate (from bookcloaks) and endless complaints about things that does not matter as its really just "yes but in the books" for choices that does makes sense when they stop being Rand centric while watching a show that isn't about the hero's journey but about the Quest itself.

(Pre post edit thoughts:

Robert made a mistake by calling his books: The Wheel of Time ,to then make most of the pov's and most of the story revolve around a single character. He should have called it "The dragon Reborn" or something along those lines, because most of book readers' new complaints I've seen so far, really are just about it not being ridiculously focused on Rand's story or like the books when they know that this is not a "Randland" show but specifically one that corrects this major flaw from the books by using the only character close enough, interesting enough and refreshing enough to tell this story trought a different lense that allows more freedom to explore other "z-list"/ side characters who actually plays a role in all of this, it's actually painfull to see so many book readers fail to realise that Moiraine really is just the best character to tell this story as she actually knows what's going on behind the scene whereas Rand is just clueless.)

E.g: Rand apparently being powerless (or rather not as powerful as they wished he would be already).

Even though he was alone and in hiding for the last 6 months and only ever channelled because he lacked control and only got to Logain once, because he stayed close but still ignored him for as long as he could. Until he left with Selene to then be found by Mo, he still kills Ishy, Turak and his guards, takes the shield off Egwene (pre post edit: who's struggling btw) and looks like he doesn't even break a sweat.

Yet, all some book readers allow themselves to see is him being "powerless" because he didn't get a flashy 1vs1 against the bad guy even though it wouldn't makes sense with his current development (that was impacted by what ? Cuts because of time/budget constraints ) and Egwene literally is the strongest and most experienced of them all right now because of the Sanchean (pre post edit : the bright side of being a damane lol ) and is one of the most developed character of s2 from EF5 because of what needs to happen with Siuan at some point in S3 and where her (really theirs) story might be going.

(more on this topic here)

This ends here, feel free to share your opinion on this.

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