Loz Tears Of The Kingdom - Tumblr Posts

bonding over the mutually shared arm <3

The lineup of different Wilds from people's AUs!! @limited-hero @minas-linkverse @bonus-links @hazethestrange @ryssbelle @heroesspirit myself!! @linkeduniverse
So like, there are bananas that grow in Hyrule, right? So, we can ASSUME these are WILD BANANAS.
Like it would make sense for them to have seeds, but they more look like the modern seedless bananas. And if Hyrule bananas do have seeds, how much banana do you get per banana? Rubber is also canon, it being an ancient material, so it wouldn’t be such a stretch to say that seedless bananas were a thing, but I don’t think a banana tree from the ancient times can survive till the plot of totk. So it could be that bananas reinvented seeds for themselves, because the seedless would strait up not pass on their genes. Or one of the three goddesses decided “THERE WILL BE BANANAS “, or maybe BANANAS DON’T ANSWER TO THE GODS OR THE LAWS OF NATURE. THEY JUST APPEAR WHERE THEY PLEASE.
But the real question is…
I haven't played Botw in 1 year or so
So I got Tears of the Kingdom
Great game, Though despite the obvious signs to go towards the Castle as my first objective my instincts from the first game instead led me straight to Hateno village (While I was trying to get to Kakariko village) with severely Under leveled weapons... somehow
My poor brain was trying so hard to find familiarity in this new game that the second I saw that bisected mountain I started booking it towards Necluda
"Man why am I already encountering Blue Bokoblins and Moblins, is this game just meant to be harder?"
I figured it out eventually though
if it wasn't already obvious I was not good at Botw and still am not good ot Totk
Hyrule Headcanon #1
Elemental weapons (arrows, swords, spears etc) are nearly impossible to make and even harder to properly maintain. It's beyond most of the civilizations in the kingdom. Even the Shiekah and Zonai, arguably the most advanced races in the world, never figured out how to make a single Ice arrow. The best they could ever do was just stick a gemstone onto a weapon and call it a day.
It was the MONSTERS who first started using authentic elemental weapons. Specifically, the monsters who survived the purges that followed the first Calamity.
Monsters, when left alone, tend to be surprisingly intuitive. Many a cocky researcher have lost their live because they underestimate just how smart they are.
However, this only counts when left alone! When comparing Bokoblins that appeared after the Upheaval to those from the Calamity, people were surprised
It seems when Ganondorf takes direct control of his forces, they become much more ferocious, but less intuitive. Almost none of the Upheaval monsters make unique weapons anymore.
Instead they copy Hylians by attaching materials to decayed armaments.
This implies the Demon King cares more about obedience than effectiveness
(more on this will be elaborated on later)
Just my thoughts as to why most of the unique Monster weapons don't come back in Totk
Im done! I'm free, I'm free!
I finally beat TOTK!
I've literally had this game since fucking launch, I've barely played ANYTHING else. But I'm done!
I need about, another day or so to get my thoughts together, but I will say this,
Unfortunate implications formed by vague story telling wrecked poor Rauru's rep.
Year of the Dragon

my reaction to that information:
*hysterically cackles while replaying Skyward Sword after the TOTK Trailer* Welp, time to check things off the Zelda Bingo book guys! Or to at least get it ready. We got:
Possible 10kyrs Zelda
Possible Hylia (although very different from any other interpretation of her seen so far)
Rehydrated Ganondorf
The Zonai appearing (going to have to hold back so hard on writing anything about them and the 10kyrs era until the drop I am thriving but dying)
Allusion to the Seven Sages
Allusion to time travel
Possible use of dragon parts for more than upgrades.
Skyloft Allusion (in the Isle of Songs reference)
Possible Zonai Leader
Possible Zonai Deity
Can't wait until the game is out.

I feel like the first time Link sloops through a ceiling he's very ????? XD

the gloom claims the hero👁️ #totk

🗣️ huh?? what do you mean I haven’t posted any Link signing propaganda yet??
I had a dream where I was married to Ganondorf

I saw this character in LoZ:TotK, and immediately decided to draw her. She’s absolutely darling, and I hope y’all love this is much as I do.

I saw this character in LoZ:TotK, and immediately decided to draw her. She’s absolutely darling, and I hope y’all love this is much as I do.