Maizono - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Sayaka Maizono Headcanons

-She likes her hair up, but doesn't like taking it down because she has a sensitive scalp.

-Tea hater.

-She wanted to work at Claires'.

-She enjoys reading books, and has a secret book club with Toko.

-She had a Sailor Moon phase.

-She quite enjoys cakes and biscuits.

-She likes candy canes

-Ibuki was a part of her band (i saw this once as a headcanon and it's been stuck in my head)

-She hates frogs

-She got annoyed by Ishimaru

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1 year ago

Kirigiri Kyoko headcanons

-Likes fruits a LOT

-Lots of book collection

-Has played DDLC

-She really likes coffee

-Has a collection of big ribbons and (regular sized) ties, Sayaka didn't help with this obsession

-She's allergic to fish

-Perfers long skirts

-Waaay too cometative when it comes to MarioKart

-Only lets Makoto touch her hands

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1 year ago

Toko Fukawa Headcanons

-Forgets to take care of herself sometimes (physically & mentally)


-Autistic , insomiac (?)

-She really likes MLP

-Braided Sakura's hair at a sleepover once

-Probably had a repressed crush on Maizono

-She sneezes/talks a lot in her sleep

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1 year ago

Sakura Ogami headcanons (omg omg omg hehehehe)

-She watches Sailour Moon with Maizono

-Protien shake addict

-Lesbian (or maybe pansexual?) <-(edited)

-She's pretty insecure about her hair and how buff she is

-Likes wearing work out outfits

-Swims with Aoi a lot

-Doesn't really like shopping but goes with Aoi anyways and has a bit of fun

-amazing handwriting

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