Making Fiends Charlotte - Tumblr Posts
But we also musn’t forget this Orange bastard representation

Absolutely DEVIOUS little green shithead mood board

Cursed bonus: RARE devious little blue shithead frames

Some exhibits from my personal collection of Making Fiends screen caps that exude a mild-to-moderate amount of unhinged energy

Screencap Compilation of Charlotte looking absolutely miserable (No particular reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Vendetta has so many great pets! I taught some of them to swim. They are soooo good at Holding their breath!

She drowned my fiends!

We made a collage!

She destroyed my magazines!!
We played a board game!

She sank my battlesheep!!
Happy (Day After) 15th Anniversary, Making Fiends!! ٩(^‿^)۶
Making Fiends X Creature Feature's "Mommy's Little Monsters", a Fan-Animated Flipnote MV/Tribute

i mean..
she did it 😃
Charlotte's Favorite Hamster in the Whole World.

(Yes, i redesigned Buttons because the original design kinda bugs me af).

Better than CreathingChimera's shit.
Fuck you Charlie you still ruinning our comunity.

My art!

Freshly Picked Morsel.
I wasn't joking when i said i'll fix the shit who CreathingChimera did.
Mistakes into Miracles.

Why i made dis?

A explicity fiend that made to sucks Charlotte's blood, but instead of it, he turned her best friend, i redesign this Mosquito-Fiend (Bloodsucker-Fiend) who have a vampire behavior and personality coded, he preffer flowers now thanks to this Stupid Blue Girl.

This, but better.
Teenagers be like...

Another fixed stuff.

Moar fixed stuff...
Is funny because people hates Venchar Charletta but defends Starco and Markapoo (LMAO what the eff is this shipp and the name makes me laughing at my ass off for the fact that is the worst with the same level as Starco). Starco is worse because Marco has '30' ( why the fuck they invented this shit, i don't know) and Star Butterfly is 16 ( blame Disney and SVTFOE fandom for making this shit).
Evangelion but funnier.

It is not a repost, just a little update on the fixed one, because i wanted to make it more wholesome. 🥺