somerandomdummy - idk mate
idk mate


126 posts

Somerandomdummy - Idk Mate - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

Imagine if Arthur decided to finally read Oscar's letter and the letter was like...

Imagine If Arthur Decided To Finally Read Oscar's Letter And The Letter Was Like...

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7 months ago

I miss tma season one when Jon puts his whole archivussy into a statement and then ends it by saying "yeah lmao this probably didn't happen. I asked Martin to look into it and he found nothing because he sucks and I hate him. Tim got me more information, probably because he's such a fucking slut. Sasha was also very useful. I love Sasha because she's so dependable and trustworthy. Nothing bad will ever happen to Sasha to make her less dependable or trustworthy."

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7 months ago

shout out to arthur lester for screaming and whimpering in my ear while I work. love that guy

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7 months ago

Challenging you all!

Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!

Then tag Tumblr friends to keep the game going!

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7 months ago

List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!!! ( the train continues lol)

Thank you for the ask!

1. silly little audiofictions (i know, such a shock)

2. playing ttrpg's (also currently trying to make my own CoC campaign, which i'm very proud of (even if i haven't gotten far at all))

3. my lovely cat (who is an absolute hater) (and honestly any cat i see)

4. getting a new book, which i can then show to everyone and be all proud about (then put it on my shelf and not read it for months, oops)

5. whenever i'm around multiple ppl and someone still chooses to come and talk to me, same w if someone calls me their friend, it's like yeah ik we're friends but it just makes me rll happy when ppl act like i'm/call me their friend (silly but it just rll makes me feel appreciated)

7 months ago
7 months ago

jet sikuliaq come give me calm quiet solid wisdom and an honest pat on the shoulder please

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9 months ago
10 months ago
1 year ago

nureyev what. what are you doing. nureyev what.

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1 year ago

I think my favorite thing so far is that Juno steel is pathetic. a loser. wet cat behavior. he gets his ass handed to him no matter what. he smells like cologne, desperation, and bourbon. he has a debilitating fear of heights. he cant fight for shit. a hot guy came onto him once and he got so boner-stupid the dude took his safe key and then he didn't stop thinking about him for weeks. his first reaction to the possibility that the mcguffin will get taken from him is to swallow it and get brain blasted by ancient space magic and then be in the hospital for a week. he has the decision making and self preservation skills of a 21-year-old at the club for their birthday. if mars is really that treacherous I struggle to fathom how he survived this long. I'm deeply in love with him

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1 year ago

Every fear avatar experiencing the most fucked up traumatic thing, dying and getting thier powers like Jude Perry literally sets herself on fire. Mike Crew jumps out of the window. Oliver literally dies because a satellite fell on him.

Meanwhile Peter Lukas some dude smiled at him in public.

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1 year ago

This is me officially claiming Juno Steel as my wife.

I know him and Nureyev are like soulmates and literally made for each other but idc, want him back? Come get him.

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1 year ago

I get so defensive of the women in TMA like "she killed people" "She fed that guy to the distortion!!" "She was mean to Jon!" " She tried to kill Jon" "She set that guy's head on fire!!" "She set that house on fire!" Like, God forbid women have hobbies right??? God forbid women do anything!!!

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1 year ago

Can we all agree Juno has the worst sense of style? Like Rita has her whole kid/rainbow core going on, Buddy knows what looks good after being in weird Victorian baby doll clothes for her entire childhood, Vespa has really good punk style, Nureyev is Nureyev and we know he has style, and Jet is a car guy with a leather jacket which automatically makes you cool, Juno wears turtlenecks and a trench coat and thinks he’s cool but isn’t

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1 year ago

[Episode one]

John: I am an evil entity I want suffrage I want to commit MURDER I have killed I will kill again

[Episode one like 5 minutes later]

John: Arthur what the fuck do NOT kill that man ??? Freak ?? The hell you acting crazy for ?? What the hell man why would you try and kill him he's done nothing wrong

[Episode 2]


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1 year ago

mf telling arthur to "look at him" cracked me up to oblivion KANDJAJSKAKSKAKK LIKE OH OPSIE FORGOT I GOTCHUR EYES SORRZ

Mf Telling Arthur To "look At Him" Cracked Me Up To Oblivion KANDJAJSKAKSKAKK LIKE OH OPSIE FORGOT I

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