Mandolorian - Tumblr Posts
Okay Easter egg time for Mando season 2 Ep 5 “The Jedi” so here we go:
1. People have seen this but yes - that bird cry is most DEFINITELY MORAI and the owl in the corner is definitely Dave’s way of saying “hey guys, we back”.
2. The little clasp on the cloak of Morgen looks almost identical to Count Dooku’ one. Plus, she held her own against a Jedi so maybe she received some kind of training for it and was gifted that chain clasp.
3. My FAVOURITE by far - Ahsoka suddenly switching to her reverse grip when she loses her other lightsaber. This is such a telling detail: this is an Ahsoka post knowing who Vader was. She’s on a mission and doesn’t want to train Grogu because of what happened to Anakin (she doesn’t want to see that repeated). BUT when she’s down on her luck in the fight, she finally switches back to her old style of fighting before she knew that Anakin was Vader. The same fighting style Anakin initially berated her about using but eventually mellowed to by giving her a second lightsaber to balance it out.
This is so telling for me because not using it before was like a denial and active rejection of what happened - like she couldn’t accept her old way of fighting because of the person who taught her. Finally switching back to it is an acceptance of who she was and of those memories. That’s why in the end, she doesn’t take Grogou. Din is the father figure he needs and she won’t take him away from those who love him like Anakin was. She knows this. It’s clear from her last words to Vader.
“I won’t leave you. Not this time”.
Din and Grogou help her to heal and to accept what happened.
okay. okay. I know this has ABSOULUTLY nothing to do with what I usually post(reblog) abt, but I just had a thought. Grogu is one of the students Luke took away to train, right? with ben? who either slaughtered or Turned everyone there besides Luke??????
Mando!! Space dad™ and I love him so much it hurts

Din Djarin x obiwandaughter!reader Masterlist

How You and Din Meet
Don’t Belong Here
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The mandalorian getting emotionally attached to ig-11 after they saw him without his helmet on really makes it feel like they took mando’s virginity huh?

B stands for Buir

Kaysh shu’shuk

Clark Kent meeting a very tired Mand’alor
Bloodletting by TheResurresctionist on ao3