Darkrai - Tumblr Posts

Maybe distortion can be beautiful? Artfight attack for @pearlousthetic! Glitch belongs to them.
My first ever adimation I finally finished it

HE! yes, i did in fact have an actual Darkrai with me, because he is my baby boi, we gonna go take naps in the timeless woods! I have Oracion on my phone, we will enjoy peaceful vibes, and if a pokemon attacks, ima beat the crap outta them.
I just had a realization- (kind of might be wrong but-)
Melli lives in the territory of not one not two but three legendaries and one mythical Pokémon or their at least close too the territory of two of them. and now I can’t get the image of Melli having to separate two literal gods and their own lord from having an all out arena battle-
Or maybe just the legendaries hiding around Melli like Darkrai hiding in their shadow for no reason but to avoid Cresselia or the player. Then by accident links their mind with Melli and just get stuck together for a few weeks. During this period of time Adaman saw their shadow and this happened-
Adaman: what did you bring with you
Melli(large shadow with piercing blue eyes looming behind them): My report :D
Adaman: •_•” Melli has come to the conclusion that they are now the warden of lord Voltorb, a easily agitated shadow, and a flying Croissant. Darkrai and Cresselia are having the time of their lives Melli hasn’t slept in a week-
Their not even aware of the two till Darkrai’s accidentally links with them and now they realize how close they are to two other gods territory-
This was just a random thought-

But if Darkrai would have a final form I think they would have a similar appearance to a Kirin a mythical creature.
Almost every gay person I’ve met likes pokemon

Been thinking about fusions again and decided to revisit one of my favorites, mewtwo + darkrai

Darkrai Painting

Drew this for fun. Need to have more practice but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
The way people perceive Darkrai is a prime example of the bias against Dark Type Pokemon
When Ghost types and Psychic types use hypnosis and Dream Eater, no one bats an eye. BUT WHEN THE MYTHICAL POKEMON DARKRAI DOES IT, suddenly it's "EVIL"
"But the nightmares..." It's proven to be a defense mechanism. It's trying to get you off it's territory.
Most Dark Type Pokemon behavior is stuff they had to do in the wild to survive. Pokemon do not follow human morals unless introduced to them by a trainer. Pokemon learn acceptable and unacceptable behavior from whoever their trainer is. That's why Pokemon raised by criminal organizations rarely if ever oppose what they're doing: they don't have a concept of "what my trainer's doing is wrong" unless they see the trainer as hurting them specifically, or if they previously had a trainer who taught them better.
"Then why do so many criminals use them?" Criminals also commonly use Zubat (more than any other Pokemon as a matter of fact), but no one is claiming Zubats are evil. Or Numel. Or Purrloin. Or Rattata. Or Croagunk. You get the idea.
Dark types, while called "evil" in some languages, are NOT inherently evil
Darkrai as MC in Twisted-Wonderland
I got some idea and I can't stop thinking about it.
Why not bring Darkrai from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon to Twisted-Wonderland?
I mean... He was the secret last boss who behind the dark future (from what he said) in Explorer of Time, Darkness and Sky.
And not like Darkrai in Rise of Darkrai, this one is evil.
When player got attacked by Darkrai while they still in Dimensional Hole, they got amnesia and became a Pokemon...
Isn't that mean when Darkrai himself got attack by Palkia while he still in Dimensional Hole, he gonna turn into human? And I remember Palkia said something about he got banished to unknown place...and Cresselia said he lost his memory so...
He is the perfect choice for MC or Yuu role.
Is this mean redemption arc? I don't know, maybe?
Darkrai as Yuu/MC is stuck in my head right now-
...I'm gonna draw this later.
The most noble and beautiful flowers of evil...who might it be, if it not the most gorgeous evil Darkrai?