Men's Grooming - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Every Hair In Place. You Can See That's What Makes Good Boys And Proper Men Happy.
Every Hair In Place. You Can See That's What Makes Good Boys And Proper Men Happy.
Every Hair In Place. You Can See That's What Makes Good Boys And Proper Men Happy.
Every Hair In Place. You Can See That's What Makes Good Boys And Proper Men Happy.

Every hair in place. You can see that's what makes good boys and proper men happy.

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6 months ago

I cried watching this, absolutely broke my heart. I am so happy he had the courage to talk about this bringing light to othesr who may have similar experience. Never feel like your story isn’t valid just because other people have it worse. The fact that it’s affected you and happened to you is enough.

Please if you are going through sextortion currently please reach out to someone whether thats your parents, teachers at school, any adult or your friends. anyone at all, it’s important to talk to someone so they can help you through this.

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5 months ago

A common theme I see through the life is strange fandom is Nathan Prescott hate, which I understand cause he’s a shit person! I don’t support his actions of any sorts but it makes me upset how a lot of people will ignore the fact that Nathan Prescott was literally groomed by mark Jefferson just because Nathan is a shitty person. He was still a senior in highschool having his teacher who is a grown man manipulate and twist his already mentally unstable mind to make him far more dangerous to others. Mark Jefferson used Nathan’s daddy issues as a means to get in his head and make Nathan trust him, telling Nathan the things he wanted to hear just to get Nathan’s money and the drugs to carry out his sick perverted plan. once Nathan wasn’t to use to him anymore he went as far as to kill him.

I genuinely believe that if he had never met mark Jefferson Nathan wouldn’t have done what he did. If his family, more specifically his father, payed attention to his mental disorders and actually got him active help he wouldn’t have turned out the way he did.

Just because Nathan Prescott is a huge piece of shit in the story it doesn’t make it ok for you guys to ignore the fact that he is still a victim as well. Mark Jefferson is the true villain in the game.

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