Your Story Matters - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I wanna say that sexual harassment isn’t just physical but also verbal. There’s many forms and both are harmful, just because the person never physically touched the person doesn’t mean that it isn’t still harassment. Sexualizing someone, threatening them, or making overly sexual comments to someone after they say they aren’t comfortable with that is still sexual harassment! It’s a form of harassment I don’t see getting recognized enough and I want people to know that just because it isn’t necessarily physical it’s still valid!

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1 year ago

Not all man but most women. NOT ALL MEN BUT MOST WOMEN! I have never met a women who has never at least had one story to tell about how they been sexualized, sexually assaulted, sexually harassed or raped. Not all men but most women.

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11 months ago

If you haven’t already please I highly recommend watching this unless you are very easily triggered by topics of grooming.

I just wanted to give my honest opinion that even if all these girls were of age it’d still be illegal cause even than it’d be considered revenge porn. Obviously adding the fact that the victim is a minor worsens it and makes it CP.

CP is child pornography. Child pornography is photographic, video, audio and even written pornographic material of someone below the age of 18. It doesn’t matter if the person sends, takes, and or possess the material, by law they are in possession of distributing CP.

Now if the girls were of age, Omar was still doing what is called revenge porn. Revenge porn is the distribution of pornographic material without their consent. Which we all know that more than half of the girls he was talking to did not know they were on his stream or being filmed.

So it doesn’t matter if the girls were even of age cause either way it would be illegal. The fact that they were also minors just adds to how horrible the situation is.

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11 months ago

I’ve never really went to detail on my experiences with sexual abuse and I don’t necessarily plan on it anytime soon. All in all I am a victim of it and to this day it really affects me. I went unknown to the abuse I endured as a kid cause I was a naive child who grew up around it so to me at the time “it was normal”. It wasn’t till I made friends that I realized it was actually incredibly wrong. When you’re a child growing up around sexual abuse and that being your only source of knowledge you began to think that’s “normal”. It’s not until you get an outside perspective till you realize that it actually really isn’t normal. On top of the sexual abuse I endured growing up I had other situations with other people where I was sexually harassed. It affects me so much that any grown man who show me affection makes me genuinely scared that they’ll end up well… you know. Mixed with that fear is anger, anger that all of my offenders are able to walk freely without consequences. Angry that I’m not the only one but dozen upon dozen of people have the similar experiences. Angry that I was forced into silence for so long, angry that so many others are forced to be silent. I am no longer gonna be silent, I refuse to stay quiet. I speak for myself and the people who are forced into silence to this day.

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10 months ago

I would like to go back to the year where women would be burnt at steak if accused to be a witch, cause I know damn well I would be brunt at steak and I rather be dead than have to live in world where I have to fight with people who can’t express basic sympathy to the struggles a person goes through regardless of their gender.

“Not all men”

“Not all women”

“Well I never —“

Irrelevant! Y’all wanna be praise so bad for doing the bare fucking minimum and not being a rapist, abuser, sexual assaulter, pedophile, groomer, serial killer, etc…

IRRELEVANT!!! Just be a human being and show love and support to a victims story, rather than making it about yourself or some fucked up gender competition.

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8 months ago

I make this post for the men who have trauma and constantly get discredited for it or ignored, silenced, and told to be quiet just because they are a man. Anyone who thinks vulnerability is weak is ridiculous. Show support for all victims no matter their gender.

Mens rape, abuse, and sexual assault matters just as equally as it does for women. My platform is for both men and women, and for anyone in between. It’s for people who need a voice because they are scared to speak up, because they are told their story doesn’t matter, because they are forced to stay quiet, because they are told it’s their fault.

I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault, that your story’s valid and there are dozens of people who understand, who gone through similar, who are here to support you through it.

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7 months ago

I cried watching this, absolutely broke my heart. I am so happy he had the courage to talk about this bringing light to othesr who may have similar experience. Never feel like your story isn’t valid just because other people have it worse. The fact that it’s affected you and happened to you is enough.

Please if you are going through sextortion currently please reach out to someone whether thats your parents, teachers at school, any adult or your friends. anyone at all, it’s important to talk to someone so they can help you through this.

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