Meraxes - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago
Guess What Book I Just Got

Guess what book I just got🫢

I like the headcannon that Meraxes was a slinky noodle dragon like Caraxes (I know he’s just deformed but I love his design so much)

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5 months ago
Rhaenys Targaryen And Meraxes

Rhaenys Targaryen and Meraxes

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5 months ago
Now That I Have Finished All The Fourteen Flames Of The Valyrian Pantheon, I Decided To Do A Family Tree.

Now that I have finished all the Fourteen Flames of the Valyrian Pantheon, I decided to do a family tree. Due to the incest, it’s a bit confusing lmao

A little summary:

Terrax (the known world, “Earth”): is the antithesis of Chaos and her creation was set up by Fate. She is the Mother of all Creation, the light that came out of the darkness, the organization of the world from the chaos of cosmos. She is soil and earth and creates Arrax as her companion and they have six children together.

Arrax (Urano): The known world’s sky. Essentially the atmosphere that separates Terrax and the world she built from cosmos (the reign of chaos). Arrax is the first son of Terrax, and becomes her companion, husband and the father of her six children. He betrays her by trying to destroy all her creation and is slain and banished by his children with her aid. In many legends, he fathered Meleys with his daughter, Syrax.

Meraxes (Jupiter): the youngest of Terrax and Arrax’s children. She leads the war against Arrax and later banishes Terrax. The Queen of all the Gods, she becomes the Goddess of the Sky, giving the seas to her brother Caraxes and the underworld to her brother Balerion. Her sister Syrax becomes the new Goddess of earthly life and Vermithor forges the volcanoes. She marries her sister Shrykos, Goddess of marriage and family. She has many kids. Vhagar and Tyraxes with Shrykos, her wife. Vermax, by herself. Perzys and Tessarion with Vermithor. And in some legends, Meleys with Syrax.

Shrykos (Light of creation): Queen consort of all Gods, married to her sister, Meraxes. Mother of Vhagar and Tyraxes.

Caraxes (Neptune): King of the Sea, married to Perzys, God of Fire.

Perzys (Sun): Caraxes’ queen, and twin to Tessarion, the Sun to her Moon.

Tessarion (Moon): Twin to Perzys. Created by Vermithor and Meraxes, the twins meant to became fire and light in the sky.

Vermithor (the chain of Fourteen Volcanoes): the creator for the Gods, made the moon and the sun with Meraxes, and the fourteen volcanoes in the peninsula to represent all Fourteen. He was the one who started the cataclysmic events of the Doom.

Balerion (Pluto): King of the Underworld, married to his niece Meleys, the Goddess of Love and fertility.

Meleys (Venus): Balerion’s queen, daughter of Syrax with either Meraxes or Arrax. Is coveted by Vhagar, who fell in love with her (one-sided).

Syrax (Vegetation): Took over her mother, Terrax, as Goddess of Vegetation and Earthly life, and has a daughter, Meleys, whose paternity varies between legends.

Vhagar (Mars): daughter of Shrykos and Meraxes, lusts after Meleys.

Tyraxes (Chaos//Cosmus//Fate): son of Shrykos and Meraxes.

Vermax (Mercury): son of Meraxes, turns himself into a dragon to travel between worlds.

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6 months ago

Good dragons from the mediocre dragon show

Dragons And Riders
Dragons And Riders
Dragons And Riders
Dragons And Riders
Dragons And Riders
Dragons And Riders
Dragons And Riders

Dragons and Riders

By Ra Horakhty art

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