Maegor The Cruel - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Ok but what would a Fem! Maegor wear in her day to day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess or wife of his impotent Hightower husband

I support evil crazy women soooo much u guys don’t even know

Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent
Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent
Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent

Honestly she spends most of her time in old armor/training clothes because she’s always on the training grounds. Thin, short linen gowns with pants underneath. Light leather armor over it usually half because it’s easy to move around in half because she thinks she invincible. Even when she has to wear real armor most of it is chain mail with only some plate. Except when she’s out terrorizing the faith. Then she pulls out the big guns (jet black full plate armor with inlaid ruby dragons and her daddy’s crown). Also I know I’ve used a couple of these picks for visenya but fem maegor is still a mommas girl so let’s just say she was inspired

Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent
Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent
Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent
Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent
Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent
Ok But What Would A Fem! Maegor Wear In Her Day To Day? As Aenys's Queen, Princess Or Wife Of His Impotent

(Alyssa Sutherland for the face claim didn’t I fucking cook with this) Her actual gowns are actually not that grand for a queen of the seven kingdoms. Understandable since they’re only on the second generation of their dynasty and I think early medieval for the early targs, and also understandable since being frivolous isn’t exactly maegor-like. One layered, made of cotton or linen or hemp or some other rough hewn fabric. Repeated patterns, simple embroidery on the cuffs and gems and necklines. Usually some sort of sturdy belt, with other minor decorations, but it isn’t like she needs to exude power through her clothing. Also furs! She loves a dead animal skin on her shoulders. Headcanon that every fur cloak she wears she hunts and skins herself

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1 year ago

okay wait. so curious about the visenya blood magic maegor theory on the theories chart

Okay Wait. So Curious About The Visenya Blood Magic Maegor Theory On The Theories Chart

say no more. I think Maegor being Visenya’s blood magic baby was just an established fact but turns out it isn’t. It makes a lot of sense with what we know about her and with what fire and blood is trying to say about monarchy. Neither of Aegon’s kids actually being his is such an interesting idea and i love what it would say about visenya (woman in stem). The evidence for it is a bit shaky though it’s “visenya is said to have dabbled in dark sorcery in her free time” + “visenya announcing she was pregnant at age 41 right when aenys was starting to struggle when everyone thought she was barren and she and aegon definitely weren’t fucking is SUSPICIOUS” = “maegor was conceived using witchcraft and is a blood magic baby” but it’s slay it makes sense to me and I love it

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9 months ago

Aemond basically calling his mother a slur, Maegor remains on top as #1 mama’s boy I stay winning

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9 months ago
Since This Boyfailure Has Fallen From Mamas Boy Heaven, I Wonder What Kind Of Horrible Gifts True Mamas

Since this boyfailure has fallen from mama’s boy heaven, I wonder what kind of horrible gifts true mama’s boy Maegor gifted to Visenya. Evil evil things.

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9 months ago

Visenya showing up to mommy and me class like this is my 384 month old baby no he’s not on steroids he was just born that way

Visenya Showing Up To Mommy And Me Class Like This Is My 384 Month Old Baby No Hes Not On Steroids He
Visenya Showing Up To Mommy And Me Class Like This Is My 384 Month Old Baby No Hes Not On Steroids He

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9 months ago

He’s going to Visenya’s chambers to tell her he frew up (he’s 19 and married)

Hes Going To Visenyas Chambers To Tell Her He Frew Up (hes 19 And Married)

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9 months ago

Visenya carrying 12 year old Maegor like a loud and obnoxious purse

Visenya Carrying 12 Year Old Maegor Like A Loud And Obnoxious Purse

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9 months ago

Bro cannot read đŸ€ŁđŸ€­đŸ˜čđŸ«”đŸ“ž

Bro Cannot Read

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7 months ago
Never Get In Between A Woman And Her Blood Magic Baby

never get in between a woman and her blood magic baby

my commission from @wweskywalker

I don’t have as much to explain with this piece as my Saera and Jaehaerys commission because it’s Maegor and Visenya and their insanity is self explanatory, but I did want to take a moment to gush bc isn’t it so beautiful??? The thought struck me one day that normal mama’s boys get their mothers jewelry or otherwise provide for them, and Maegor tried to do the same, but what was the most special to him was not how the other boys acted. I imagine he would have started out by giving parts from the animals he hunted, and it spiraled from there. To him, there is no stronger and purer declaration of love and devotion than bringing a human heart to his mother (he brought Ceryse one too but she did not react as positively for some reason). Some have characterized Maegor as a sociopath, but I don’t think is true as it seems he does have loyalty and love towards his mother. He’s a horrible person, but I imagine he has never ending aim to please the people (or maybe it’s just one person) that he holds dear. I see him almost as some kind of twisted mutt. Of course, that’s not how Visenya views him, for to her he is her world. The original intention was for this to be set during the early reign of Aenys and certainly before the Trial of the Seven. The crown does sort of contradict that, but I love how Veronica draws jewelry so much and asked her to please please please deck them out as much as she could, so let’s just not think on it too hard. I don’t have a person specifically in mind whose heart this is, the gift was more important than the person who it came from. But my friend @theweirwoodfiles told me it could be the High Septon’s, if we were going with the Maegor being King timeline instead of Aenys.

What I *do* want to think on too hard is how beautiful the Valyrian fashion and jewelry is! When I think of Valyrian fashion, I think of the Byzantines. So the reference photos I gave Veronica were inspired by that, and I think she did a great job of making Visenya look luxurious and still representative of her family’s roots, what I imagine fashion looked like in the Valyrian freehold (maybe just a little more fancy, seeing as she’s Queen Dowager). Maegor’s dragon on his armor is a total Veronica original, I didn’t give her any references or anything, I just told her I love the dragon imagery that she displays in her art and she delivered ^_^

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2 years ago
All Such Speculation Ended In 11 AC, When Queen Visenya Suddenly Announced That She Was Carrying The
All Such Speculation Ended In 11 AC, When Queen Visenya Suddenly Announced That She Was Carrying The
All Such Speculation Ended In 11 AC, When Queen Visenya Suddenly Announced That She Was Carrying The
All Such Speculation Ended In 11 AC, When Queen Visenya Suddenly Announced That She Was Carrying The
All Such Speculation Ended In 11 AC, When Queen Visenya Suddenly Announced That She Was Carrying The
All Such Speculation Ended In 11 AC, When Queen Visenya Suddenly Announced That She Was Carrying The

All such speculation ended in 11 AC, when Queen Visenya suddenly announced that she was carrying the king’s child. A son, she proclaimed confidently, and so he proved to be. The prince came squalling into the world in 12 AC. No newborn was ever more robust than Maegor Targaryen, maesters and midwives agreed; his weight at birth was almost twice that of his elder brother.

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The thing is, there is room for a great deal of that and it could be utterly amazing if - if you gave it to an excellent writing team.

As an example the Roman Emperor Domitianus is often regarded as one of Rome’s bad tyrannical emperors. Tacitus in particular paints him as an incompetent man, jealous of his servants great successes. He is accused of fabricating triumphs and wasting roman lives in unsuccessful wars. Thing is, he was extremely popular with the army and when Trajan began his Dacian Wars a lot of the necessary infrastructure was in place, put there in large part by Domitianus who also campaigned in the area, even though less successfully. Regarding his tyrannicsl nature, none of his reforms that were seen as tyrannical were ever reversed by his successors but only Domitianus ever caught any flac for it. Pliny remarks on his the ascension of Trajan to the imperial throne that he is so happy too never again have a princeps that he has to call dominus. Guess what he called Trajan in all his letters.

You could absolutely make a show about how Maegor and Jaehaerys ultimately shared many of the same ideas and values but one was very good at making them palatable to the Westeros-edition of the patriarchy and the other was murdered and labeled the worst Tyrant in history.

But again, you‘d need goid writers and the track record thus far does not inspire much confidence

HOTD and the future shows

Wanna know what I am fearing, in light of how the second season of HOTD have proved to be?

The future series based on the Tales of Dunk and Egg... if a show based on the Dance of Dragons-era/generations in Fire and Blood, can become so changed from the source material, how will things go for Egg aka future Aegon V in his boyhood, and Dunk, the future Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, in how their plotline will be handed?

In fact, one worry of mine, when thinking about all of this, is how a TV show based on the reign of Maegor the Cruel would end like, based on what HOTD have done as "supposed" changes to the plot and characters.

I know that Classical Disney Movies may sound odd as a way to describe Maglor the Cruel, but I am thinking of the hand-drawn Original Disney Classics and the ongoing trend of making them into Live-Action versions:

Say that Maegor the Cruel as he is written in Fire and Blood, as well the other published books so far, is akin to a such Classic Disney movie, and how not all the Live-Action movies based on the Classics have proved to be....let's say well received, by fans.

If the second season of HOTD have proved to not be well received by fans for various reasons, then how well would a TV show based on Maegor do? Would the tv team try and paint his cruelity as "propaganda written by the Maesters/his enemies" to make Jaehaerys come off as a much better King? Would they rewrite his personality to 180 degrees, akin to how Season 2-Alicent is NOTHING compared to her book self? Would they try and make up something "tragic" about his relationships to his six wives, going for the far too common "All girls want bad boys" idea and that Maegor only "need" someone to see his "supposed real" self akin to Beauty and the Beast?

I am sorry for babbling, but if this mess of a second season is the result of trying to make a tv show out of Fire and Blood so far....

Then I am in honest doubt that the 2025 tv show about Dunk and Egg is not gonna live up to the original written tales of them.

And I can see Maegor's character in a possible TV show be haunted by cries from fans in style of "he is not like that in Fire and Blood!" "When did someone called the "Cruel" in-story suddenly become a "misunderstood" character like this?" "He is called the Cruel, not the "poor, second son" of Aegon the Conqueror!"

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