Merry Chrysler - Tumblr Posts

A few of the more creative spellings of Christmas I’ve come across while looking for Dear Santa letters in old newspapers this year.
Me every Christmas after having have watched this vine when I was younger 🤣

#Merry crisis

A few of the more creative spellings of Christmas I’ve come across while looking for Dear Santa letters in old newspapers this year.
at the moment it is currently this very beautifully painted Christmas Garfield background with Garf decorating Odie with christmas lights as Santa gleefully looks on through the window,

and my log in screen is them building a snowman :)

This website is too mobile focused these days. Reblog and tell me what your desktop/laptop background is.

A gift for @camodielsart
Still testing out these markers and I decided to draw Cam’s demon persona thingy drinking some coco and chilling with some gifts

katsuki’s been hovering around you for about 6 minutes now.
you had decides on a whim you wanted to bake some cookies, and since the holidays were coming up, now was the perfect excuse to. you were soon joined in the dorm kitchen by your grouchy boyfriend, who had just come back from his morning run.
you explained you were in the mood for cookies and he responds with a grunt. but then he proceeds to stay in the kitchen, awkwardly standing around looking at the cupboards and utensils like this is the first time he stepped foot in a kitchen before.
he then proceeds to just hover around behind you, staring over your shoulder like a child waiting to see if the cookies were done yet. you found it cute at first, but that constant scowl and scrutinizing look on his face makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong, and frankly it’s making you a little nervous and baking cookies should not be nerve racking !
“would you stop doing that ? i know what i’m doing” you snap your head to squint at him and he stiffens like he’s been caught, like he was being even remotely close to sneaky to begin with, which he wasn’t.
“m’not doin’ anything” he mutters defensively, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweats. “just lookin’ atcha. m’i not allowed to ?” he leans in so his nose is almost touching yours, that stupid little handsome smirk on his lips as his eyes fixate themselves on your lips before looking back up. you gulp, then you place your hand on his face and push him away lightly “you’re distracting me” you mutter, feeling your face grow hotter. he chuckles to himself before turning on his heels and leaning again the countertop.
it’s quiet for a second before you feel like calling him out as payback for teasing you “ is there a reason you’re still here ? you wanna lick the batter or something?” you quip teasingly and you snort when his face morphs into one of disgust “hell no.” he scoffs, looking at you before looking down at the batter you’re currently mixing the shit out of, screw whoever broke the mixer. “how long are ya gonna keep mixing that ?” his eyebrow raises in question
“until it’s good” you huff, taking a break from mixing to keep your fingers from cramping up. then you suddenly get an idea
“oh, suki~” you sing turning to look at him. he eyes you suspiciously, crossing his bulky arms across his chest and grunting out a suspicious “what do you want ?”
“well~” you start walking towards him, proceeding to wrap your arms around his middle and give him your best puppy eyes. his doesn’t budge but he squints at you even harder and you can basically feel him cave already “what?” he urged again.
“since you’re oh, so strong and handsome, could you please do me a favor and mix the batter for me, my handsome boyfriend?” you give him your sweetest smile and he scoffs, “what the fuck does being handsome even have to do with it ?”he mumbles. pink dusts his cheeks and he looks away from you, already feeling his resolve crumbling at your shallow praise. he hates how easily he gives in to you sometimes. you squeeze at his waist, he grunts “thought you said i was distracting you.”
you’re pouting at him, he sees it from the corner of his eye and he’s this close to blowing up. “that was before. you’d be helping me out lots now if you did this for me” you’re relentless, standing on your tippy toes to lean in close to his face cus he won’t stop leaning further away from you.
he could very easily just shove you off if he wanted to, but you have a feeling he doesn’t want to. you know he doesn’t want to when he closes his eyes shut and his eyebrows furrow and then he groans, letting his hands fall at his sides limply before glaring at you. “gimme the damn bowl.” he growls. you squeal, pressing kisses all over his face and a finisher one right on the tip of his red scrunched up nose, he grunts at you but gives you a light pat to the back, rubbing his warm hands up and down your spine. then he pinches you, you giggle. “thank you ‘suki.” he responds with a “yeah, yeah whatever.”
he grabs the bowl from your hands starts mixing..hard. letting off his aggression on the bowl like it was at fault for his weak will to deny you. you smile to yourself and turn to the cupboard so you could grab the decorations and of course, the chocolate chips.
you watch for a bit as your boyfriend mixes away, you’re watching how his toned arms flex and how the muscle of his arms tightens and tenses up, more specifically. one thing’s for sure, you’ll never get tired of his arms. you quickly turn away before he can catch you staring and teases you again.
you jump when he calls for you not even a second later “s’this good?” he asks gruffly, leaning forwards to show you his work. you feel your face warm as you squeak out a curt “yeah, looks good !” before taking the bowl back from him and turning right back around to reach for the baking sheet you had prepped. he’s none the wiser for a moment before a knowing grin crosses his face, he shakes his head.
you place everything down on the counter and sigh happily to yourself, feeling accomplished. you walk over to your grumpy boyfriend and place a sweet kiss to his cheek “you’re the best.” he clicks his tongue, muttering out a “tell me something i don’t know.” while the pink on his cheeks grows darker, you let out a giggle.
“you done with this ?” he asks lifting the spatula in the air for you to see, you offer him a simple “mhm” and a smile before turning back to the task at hand and watch from the corner of your eye as he places the spatula in the sink.
not before taking a lick of the excess batter still on it.
your head shoots up and you stare, he stares back. then you let out a loud belly laugh and clutch your stomach “so you were just here to lick the batter !” katsuki only grunts. there’s a light smirk on his face as he licks away a speck of cookie dough batter off his lips. he shrugs, walks up to you and places his head on your shoulder.
“figured i deserve a little somethin’ for my hard work.” you roll your eyes. his hold on you tightens and he huffs, trying to get as comfortable as he can while still standing up as he simply watches work.
“hmm..” you decided to humor him “ you did help a lot, i think i can give you a little more" you look at him from your shoulder just in time to catch his eyebrow raise as he registers what you said, a smirk playing on his lips when he does. he readjusts his head to look you in the eyes.
“yeah ?”
“mhm..” you hum. his grip tightens, his hands feel warmer.
“whaddya have in mind then, huh ?” he whispers. he’s so close and you can smell your body wash, probably because he keeps stealing it but you keep quiet about that for now.
“i dunno..” you trail off shyly, your confidence melting away under his smoldering gaze. “would…a smooch suffice ?” you giggle. he chuckles to himself at your choice of words. he grabs the back of your head softly, pulling you in closer until your noses brush against each other and he gives you a half hearted little eskimo kiss, you giggle and he smiles a little wider.
“s’a good start” he concludes before pressing his lips to yours.

#Merry crisis
The woke mob has made Santa gay! Mrs Claus has been replaced with a 5'8 twink named Tony Tinsel

I'll be playing every Christmas special ever made, plus Christmas reggae music all night long starting tonight at 8 est. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you might even stain your undergarments.
Special guest santy clause will be joining us from underneath his nuclear bunker.
All you need is a Gmail account to attend.
Not sure my opinion on cooking rn. Normally I love it, but the Seven Fish Dinner isn't super fun to make, and it takes forever T_T (We're still making 3 more dishes)

At least they look and taste good!
Merry Christmas tumblr, we’ve been through 13 Christmases together❤️
Here is a present from me:
And yet still have the audacity to show me ads 🙃. WELL, love you anyways
Happy yuletidechristmahanuquanzika! Merry crimbo! Happy Chrysler! Merry bah humbug!

Enjoy a festive bobafet and carbonite frozen Han solo gift.
happy christmas tom (t.m.r.)
merry christmas everyone! here’s a short lil something. ❄️🎁
“what is this?” tom stared at the box with a raised eyebrow.
“a gift.” you smiled eagerly.
“we have discussed this, (y/l/n)—no gifts.” your arm holding the red box dropped, along with your smile. you rolled your eyes, following him to his window where he shut the blinds. with the flick of his hand the fireplace lit a flame.
“but it’s christmas…” you said quietly, already knowing that it was a weak argument.
“no christmas presents…” tom fluffed the pillows on his bed.
“a teddy bear!” five year old tom exclaimed gleefully, throwing the wrapping paper aside.
“mine!” his childhood bully at the orphanage named graham snatched the toy out of his hands.
this pretty much became an annual thing.
“a boomerang-“ seven year old tom smiled, only for graham to hold out his hand expectedly. the scrawny brunette placed the wooden toy into his palm.
eventually the young wizard learned how to accept it.
“a book…here you go graham…” ten year old tom sighed disappointed. only this time, tom managed to send an electric shock through the older boys body when he opened the book.
“yeah, yeah,” you waved off, slipping under the green covers shivering as your skin met the cold silk sheets. “i just thought this time would be an exception, you know…because we’re together now.”
tom sighed through his nostrils, getting onto his side of the bed. he wrapped his arm around you and rested his chin on your head. “sleep well,” he whispered, planting a kiss into your hairline.
“good night,” you responded, snuggling closer to his chest. despite thinking that he had moved on from the subject, tom stayed up thinking while you slept. eventually he followed suit—your soft breathing and scent lulling him to sleep.
as per usual, you woke up and tom was gone. his everyday routine consisted of waking up at an unnecessarily early hour to study and complete prefect duties. you couldn’t help but notice that the gift he had rejected last night was missing from the nightstand.
a smile appeared on your face, as it would again at the slytherin table during breakfast where you would see tom pull the diary out casually to take note of something.
Merry Christmas my darlings!!!!!! I love you all and wish you a merry Christmas from the states!!!

Screenshot of 12/31/23 12:34