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Well-those leaks for MHA are crazy. I’m just happy Izuku is a hero and not working in a fast food chain.
Well.. chapter 430 of My Hero Academia… it’s been a wild ride honestly. Back before I was into it, I barely knew of its existence. Now I’m in the fandom. Sadly I don’t own any merch (blame being poor and strict parents). I’m happy with the ending honestly.
Just to be clear, these are just leaks and not the final version!

You can see Kamui Woods and Mt.Lady working together, Gran Tornio getting helped to walk, and Mirko with her prosthetics.

You see the League of Villains book getting published, the embers of OFA slowly dying, Bakugo aggressively going through rehab, Deku and Uraraka going on a date…? (If they are then YAY), Mr.Compress reading the book, and Bakugo and Monoma? blowing up the stage, LMAO

YAYYY DEKU IS A HERO- (or at least is seen as one)

Also, crazy how Yaoyorozu’s adult hero costume seems to reveal less skin then her high school one. Uraraka looks so prettyyyy. And oh! Is that a piece of Deku’s hero outfit??? Izuku x Uraraka fans getting crumbsss. Eri with her friends, and Aizawa with a haircut.

Ah yes, Bakugo Mr.Rich guy
And nice to see his old classmates funding the support gear- Deku deserves it honestly. So his classmates funded his hero support stuff for 8 years, (mostly Bakugo) so he could be a hero alongside them- crying tears of joy 😭😭😭

Im sad though that his freckles don’t grow back… GIVE THEM BACK TO MY BABYYY- glad to see All Might still up and kicking though. Im happy Deku isn’t on the fast food franchise and is a hero.

And as you can see, Aoyama is also there, so YAYY
Kaminari looks like he rizzes up a lot, Mineta looks like a shrimp, Kirishima looks so manly, and I think it’s a cool touch that Mina’s horns are longer now. Sad that we don’t get to see adult Iida’s face. At least not here, though. Hagakure … I’m assuming she changed?? Like take some tips from Mirio so you don’t go around naked. And Izuku looks so fineeee here. Is that Shinso next to Tokoyami?? HE LOOKS SO COOL
I hope Deku and Uraraka are a thing, and KamiJiro- but I think Horikoshi did a pretty good job with the ending, not making it explicitly clear of who ended up with who. Uraraka’s looking at Deku though, maybe they’ll get married?? But ship who you will.
I’m wondering since now that MHA is ending, will the fandom disappear? I hope not. I intend to stay here for forever or a long while.
Bye bye. (And I have yet to learn how to draw Deku properly)

one thing I don’t like is that Izuku is not the #1 hero. Bro deserved better honestly.


This shows just how impressive his reflexes are- BRO KNEW THE SECOND SHE STARTED TO FALL IT WASN’T URARAKA. YET BRO SAVED HER-
And oh yeah he gets to see a naked girl- honestly all the stuff that happens to him

Ochaco smiling a lot and being happy isn't someone she's pretending to be, its just another aspect of her character.
And yes there were times were she had put on a happy face to hide her true feelings.
The character arc of Ochako Uraraka

I think the biggest problem with Ochako was thinking of her feelings as a burden to other people. She just doesn't wants to be a bother to anyone and that's why whatever she has to say or what's going on her mind isn't important to her and she just keeps bottling it all up.
Pretty ironic when you remember the fact that she wants to become a hero who can lift the burden of other people.
I think, it emerges from her own household where her parents worked so hard just to keep food on the table. By the Bonus Material that Horikoshi added it can be seen how far she's willing to go to save money i.e. how far she's willing to go to not be a bother and while wanting to help her parents is a very good thing but going on extreme lengths to do so and then giving birth to a new set of problems definitely isn't.

Instances of Ochako's bottling up her feelings:
She doesn't even talks about herself. She told Izuku in the Cavalry Battle that it's better to team up with people you're friends with but later revealed that how bad and ashamed she felt for relying on him. The problem here is also that she's too critical of herself. She knows her limits (after her brawl with Bakugo, she knew she lost because she didn't have a back-up plan, in season 5 also she admitted that she should have been a bit more calm) and while that is a good thing, she just overvalued other people way too much.
Even after her battle with Bakugo when Deku comes to check if she's okay, she pretends as if nothing happened and all his worries were for nothing. Because again, it was her loss and she wouldn't want Deku getting bothered by it. So she just puts on a fake cherry smile and wishes Deku luck for his match only for him to overhear her crying in her phonecall with her parents.

She has strong feelings, opinions and motivations but she wouldn't let anyone be bothered by it. She has a side that gets jealous, that is insecure, that is strong willed but she wouldn't let it show.
Another big instance is when she refused to go for the Bakugo Rescue in Kamino. She knows Bakugo well to understand that he wouldn't like receiving help from people he looks down on. She thought too much about what Bakugo would think and it all ended up in vain when Izuku and gang went anyway and saved Bakugo from the LoV. Just like Asui at that time she felt sad and maybe ashamed but she never said anything like that during that time and yet it was brought up again in the recent manga.

Why? Because it was yet another example of her ideology that her opinion is not necessary which is wrong since her take on this matter was damn important!!
Despite her own second thoughts on the matter she suggested how Bakugo who was the victim, would feel about all this and that lead to Deku deciding that it would be Kirishima to offer help.
Her biggest development in the Pro Hero Exam?
Come to think of it, it was one of my least favourite arcs because how less of Ochako it had. Most characters in MHA learn from their mistakes but ever since her battle with Bakugo it felt like Ochako was never making any mistakes and suddenly been reduced to nothing but a love interest. This scene right here is also probably one of the most misunderstood or misinterpreted scene in MHA.

Ochako decides to completely her feelings away for Deku might have been a good thing on the short term basis but if we look at the impact it had on the larger scheme of things, we can see how big the concequences were. She thought that again, her own feelings are very unnecessary and just a burden on Deku and his Hero career and even for herself, so she decides to put it all away but it's just partial as stated by Toga in chapter 288.
"When you keep bottling it all up it only grows on the inside"
Which is true because ever since the pro hero exam it feels like despite not admitting to herself or Deku, her crush has only gotten stronger like seriously Chako, you say that you don't like him and yet to keep that All Might Keychain safe and close for your dear life!
So yeah while it might look like a character development on her part, it was one of the biggest mistakes Ochako has made in the entire series! And she was forced to face the consequences of it when Deku left UA and she couldn't do anything anymore. She was forced to face all of it and finally admitting how much of a dummy he is!
Some moments of realisations
One of my favourite thing about MHA is how realistic the characters are written. Despite Ochako not admitting her feelings much often, she does have her own moments of truth.
Before her brawl with Bakugo she admitted that they were all rivals and she wants to get stronger too.
After the Bakugo Rescue she admits that they were all uneasy.
After Sir Nighteye died, she admits to herself that she wants to save people.
In season 5 she admitted how dangerous hero work is and acknowledged how Deku's power hurts him too.

She has a parallel to Bakugo in a way that goes around announcing his motivations to the whole world while she cannot even admit it to herself. She looks up on other people so much that she doesn't looks at her own strength and while idolizing Deku had its own merits, what about her own capabilities?
After Sports Festival she went to learn some Martial arts because she needed more combat experience.
After the Black whip incident she attaches grappling hooks to her costume which gives her more mobility in air and ability to grab people and things from distances (obviously) giving her much needed ranged moves.
But where is her mastery over Zero Gravity?
Where is her use of her actual power?
Their is a big reason why the name for Toga vs Uraraka 2.0 was "Miss Candid vs Miss Shut away". Toga here is the candid one! She is honest because she has learned it the hard way (during her quirk awakening) that the transformation is only external. She tries telling that to Ochako but well, wrong place, wrong time.

Despite being the more Frank person of the group Ochako is not honest to herself and even Horikoshi has stated in his bonus Material that she has no hidden sides to her *wink* *wink* What's the meaning of this?
Obviously, Ochako has a secret side. A dual personality of some sort, that is not the cherry girl we're used to seeing on regular basis. The one that is insightful, brave and doesn't give a shit about what other people have to say and we finally witness it after the war arc when Deku leaves UA.

Now that is not to say we haven't have seen that side of her in pieces even before the war ended. She has shown her sheer wit and determination in Ocha vs Bakugo.
She shows her thoughtful side in season 5 when she acknowledged how hard it is to be a hero and her philosophy on saving other heroes in need.
We have seen it all in tiny bits and pieces though she herself thinks of them as something insignificant, as something not necessary. She just goes along with everyone and never truly admits to the situation because that will lead her to admitting her own flawed thinking.
During the war arc, both her philosophy and her Candidness were put to a test and she was made to face the harsh realities of war. She saw Toga crying, she saw casualties, she saw heroes giving up, she saw the society and the hero system fall apart right infront of her and for someone who originally wanted to do it as a job it was an especially important moment that Ochako had to witness.

And finally her breaking point was when Deku leaves UA. It wasn't the only thing that changed her forever but rather the series of events that followed the events of war but it had to be one of the most shocking ones.
After the kids make an epic return in chapter 319, we see the true side of Ochako Uraraka. The real one that is not faking things just for the sake of keeping the environment tension free. She is still a figure of reassurance for her fellow classmates and family but she is no longer thinking too much about how other people would think, infact she doesn't give a damn!
She is calm, determined and decisive.
She was the major advocate in bringing Izuku back to UA and it just only goes to show how far she has come, both as a hero and as a person.
Was there ever an analysis or theory you have read for a fandom you are in and it is really good but some parts of it are inaccurate/incorrect/incomplete etc. but you press "like" on the whole thing anyway instead of spending time reblogging talking about how you mostly agree with them but then list the small ways you add/correct/disagree with them about their post . . .
*inhale* *exhale*
So now its saved in your "likes" and you just see it as a post you mostly agree with but not fully and you just want to take/remove certain parts of that analysis or theory (or mostly just inject some of your thoughts into a reblog, just adding your take, or at least part of it, on the analysis) but you just don't?
If I had done this I would have had a lot more posts on my page.
Maybe I should just so I could voice some of my thoughts on the matter instead of just letting it bounce around in my head.
Don't want to stay complacent anymore in my regrets and make my thoughts known and speak for myself!
What has Ochako Uraraka's character arc been really about.
It was right infront of our eyes this entire time. The true potential of Uraraka's arc!
I have said it many times that Ochako maybe one of the most complex characters of MHA but since her arc never got expanded upon that much, we never had a clear vision of the kind of Hero she was gonna be...
But now, after 350+ chapters we can finally see a clear arc.
Ochako's debut takes place in the 3rd chapter of MHA where she helps Deku from falling on his two feet to falling from literal sky. She saves the hero who saved everyone, already!
And when she realises that Deku for zero points, what does she do? She goes straight to the office and advocates for his sacrifice or if I put it, fighting for the justice.

Yes guys! Even before she realised what she wanted to do, even before she declared that she wanted to be a hero, she was already fighting for rights of other people, she was already protecting those who protect others and after 350+ chapters we realise, this is what Ochako's character arc has been all about!
Even though she stated that she wants to become a hero to support her family, her real Dilemma has been about what's right and what's wrong. And yeah, don't even get me started on that love interest plot point, geez!
Ochako has always been this passive hero admirer in the background. Coming from a small town, a little girl who used to be more happy to see the reactions of the bystanders rather than the hero himself meaning she was always vary of the effect heroes have on the psyche of other people.
So she considers every step she takes, very carefully. Even during the Kamino rescue she was the one to persuade everyone to not go because she thought of what Bakugo would think of this ordeal. She thinks that this is how heroes are supposed to act.
But she doesn't know that passiveness is not always the answer. Sometimes you have to be authoritative and take the command in your own hands which is why it is one of the greatest developments in VH arc as we see that her hesitation is now gone.

The icing on the cake is when she calls back this exact moment while rescuing Deku stating that she's not the same person as before meaning that it was indeed a very important aspect of her character!
Because she thought it was the right thing to do, only to regret later when she realises what happened later and well, this happens again as she fails to save Nighteye and for the first time in forever, she realises that she's already done past doing heroism only for money.
It was the first time she realised the weight, the responsibility heroes have on their shoulders and decides that she's up for it. She will no longer be just a passive bystander anymore.
And then comes the JTA where we see the glimpse of the central idea that her arc has been built upon "Who saves the heroes?"
Ochako is naive.
She's what? A fifteen-year old girl in her highschool or so? It's obvious, she has never faced any real life villains before coming to UA. She has been throught a tough life and money issues but she has never been in the shoes of someone that has been wronged by the society, say Toga.
Instead, despite the poverty her parents actually loved her. Despite their business not going so well, they manage to pay for Ochako's expenses in UA (and Ochako being the nice daughter she is still uses a fliphone). She has friends who always support her in everything and when compared to Toga, it almost looks like a blessing.

Not that it is, because we see how much they are suffering and technically they are not even 2nd years! But from a villain's POV that's not the case, so when Toga looks at Ochako, she envisions Ochako as a hero with perfect life!
Whereas, what Toga gets?

Horrible remarks on her appearance and behaviour? Being told to not be herself? Her parents abandoning her completely? No friends and family. She doesn't even go to school cause she's already a runaway.
All because of what?
Her Quirk?!
But Ochako being the person she is cannot simply empathize with someone like Toga.
She is surrounded by heroes who inspire her to work hard. Be it her loving parents who are willing to overlook their own profit to make their daughter's dreams come true , or her friends who trust her blind folded or her teachers to support her each step of the way.
From witnessing the horrors of USJ in their mere first week, to when she saw All Might going down on TV to seeing Deku desperately trying to save Eri.
She has seen it all. The plight of a hero who puts on a smile for everyone else's sake. So her first question becomes, "Who saves the heroes?"

She asks this question to herself again as she goes up against the angry mob fighting for Deku, again. Just like in the Entrance exam where Deku saves everyone by demolishing the Zero point robot but sacrificing all of his power to gain some points for himself.
And after 300+ chapters, it's still the same!

The same old Deku fighting desperately for those in need. However, this time around their is no CCTV to record good heroic actions and it's not the fair Jury of UA who knows everything.
Instead, they're up against an ignorant mob who doesn't know what Deku has been through.
Instead the system is angry and seeing him as threat and even now it's upto Ochako who has to do the advocating.
So she rises to the challenge and with everyone's help convinces the angry mob to let Deku stay at UA.

So she's already on her path to becoming a great hero who will fight for the other heroes but
Are heroes the only ones in need?
During her own speech, she realises this question! Are heroes really the only ones in pain?

Nope! Because she remembers Toga was crying.
And that raises her questions as she wonders if she knows Toga Himiko at all? Like I have said before, it's easy for Uraraka to reach out to her fellow heroes because she has been there making Toga her biggest narrative challenge.
She is a simple, practical and naive girl who is surrounded by good people/heroes all around her.
So she takes it upon herself to fight for the rights of everyone she cares about. She's a practical girl who takes her job seriously. She's like they're heroes, they're good people, I'm fighting to protect them and if you're not one of them, get out of my way or I'll take you down right here, right now!
She never even looks outside of her horizons as she doesn't needs to but seeing Toga crying definitely made her question a lot of things...

Despite being naive, she has faced unjust a lot of time, be it when the crowd started booing in her battle against Bakugo or when the mob wasn't letting Deku in UA just for their own selfish reasons.
She has also seen that heroes are not some knight in shining armor and they may not be able to save everyone.
And anyone can be hurt and fighting, not just heroes but villains too.
We don't know, so we can't judge.
And like principal Nezu said, she's just one step away. One step for the mankind, a giant leap for humanity. He explained that due lack of understanding and intolerance, we are just always one step away as humanity struggles to make progress down it's path.
Issues shift: war and events happening rapidly without letting them catch a break
Voices clash: war happening everywhere
It feels like an impossible journey. Well it really is, considering it took 340+ chapters for Ochako to finally in understand Toga a little better.
But taking the first step is always hard and we know Ochako has already taken that step, in the right direction and now she is carving the path for the other heroes to follow.
Becase Rising at the time like this will lead to the birth of a true hero.
So what kind of Hero is Uravity gonna be?
The kind of hero that will gravitate to reach out to a lost child and fight for it's right to smile in the society!

Not for heroes, not for villains, but fighting for what's right!
No longer just a love interest

Btw these are with reference to a post by Mr.Fanboy on YouTube.

Always nice to see Uravity getting some much needed appreciation.
Uraraka Ochako
She’s at the club for a girl’s night out. This is what she wears.

More Chibi Practices!! Honestly still struggling with anatomy. But I made her cute and that's what I care most on!!
Time Taken 1hr50mins

🎉✨HAPPITY BIRBDAY URARAKA!! I made her Iris a bit too big,, but I made her cute and that's all I care about!!✨🎉
🌷Character: #urarakaochako
Actor: @/luci_loves_mic (on ig)
💧Show: @/plusultra (on ig)
🌷Repost w/Credit
✨ Materials: iPad 7th Gen, Apple Pen 1st Gen, Medibang
💧Time Taken: 2hrs44mins

Why isn’t this talked about!?
I’m watching MHA for the first time, (but I practically already know every important event) and season 1, episode 11, the Game Over or aka, USJ part 2.
Iida’s job was to book it to the door, get help and come back, right? But of course, Kurogiri wasn’t going to let that happen- The other students: Sero, Uraraka, Shoji, and someone else (I think?) wasn’t going to let dark cloud stop him. Yada, yada, yada, right?
I shit you not- Uraraka touched his birdcage lookin neck brace, and up he goes.
Kuro tries again, Sero tapes the same place and Shoji grabs the tape and takes off
Aka rendering him into an edgy looking balloon.
Why does no one talk about big ol’ Mamagiri being turned into a balloon by a bunch of children?? That guy just got a lot less scary.

I haven’t posted in a while cause of inktober so I’m gonna try make small drawings like these in between ( ◠‿◠ )