Micheal Emerson - Tumblr Posts
i think micheal is a adamant and violent joint cracker like he will do it all the time and the first time the boys saw him crack his neck they are disgusted
all of the emersons are extremely competitive they have and will threaten and fight someone over a game of monopoly
I haven’t talked about this in a while (and maybe not at all on the blog), but I have this headcanon that in Lost Boys lore, when one is turned they acquire a specific magic power. Examples:
David- Transfiguration (they’re only noodles)
Star- Hypnosis (just. The ENTIRE introduction scene.)
Marko- Commune with animals (the pigeons. Also just cause I want.)
Dwayne- Telepathy (Idk I just thought it would be cool to have a quiet character with telepathy)
Also, Bonus, headcanons for Michael, Sam, and Alan (Edgar is excluded bc he’s the only one who isn’t turned in canon) based on nothing but their personalities:
Michael- Telekinesis (He’s a weightlifter by hobby, and while a little stupid, he’s very strong emotionally. I feel like that would lend itself well to Matilda-type antics)
Sam- Hypnosis (He’s very persuasive by nature, and very demanding. I feel like Vampirism would only enhance his natural powers of persuasion)
Alan- “Invisibility” (more like advanced wallflowering. He just becomes unnoticeable. Very useful for hunting.)
Oh god, I have a lost boys fic idea now!
Max dies, the boys survive and are extremely grateful that the bastard is dead.
And so begins the adoption process.
David decides that in order to say sorry he pretty much gives Lucy the video store. Won't take no for an answer. Grandpa tells her to just except the damn gift it means she won't have to worry about money for a long while.
Marko and Paul take a while to warm up to Sam and the Frogs, but once they do getting rid of the two is damn near impossible. There at the comics store scaring thieves away, their 'trying' to help them train by appearing out of now where and scaring the shit out of them.
Then there's Dwayne, who takes on look at the Frogs home life and suddenly Mother hen mode is ACTIVATED. Only he's only good at strong silent and intimidating stuff so he basically just stand and glowers at the Frog parent whilst there at the store and keeps leaving groceries at the Frog home. Sometime its the basics, other time its stuff they have no use for but Dwayne thinks its what humans need in a house. Like sometimes its bread and milk and shampoo. Other time Alan is trying to figure out why Dwayne had bought them a table cloth whilst Edgar frowns at a bottle of girls deodorant.
Michael and Star have no clue what to do with all the non murderous attention they are now getting from David, whose just happy not too have Max breathing down his neck as He tries to figure out a way to make Nanook a hell hound so The Emerson’s always have a guard without Sam trying to kill him for it.
Look I love the loner vampire trope as much as the next basic bitch but let’s face the facts: if the animal we’re basing them on/associating them with is bats, then that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Most bats live in colonies. I mean there are loner werewolves out there too but there are far more portrayals where packs are made up of giant families that interact like Weasleys with all the shenanigans and fuss and unwavering love and loyalty that that entails. That’s all well and good, but consider if you will that one of these animals lives with a dozen or two members of their species and the other lives with literally thousands.
If anything, vampires would form gigantic covens or attempt to manage their familial instincts by “adopting” people off of the streets to smother with gifts and affection.
Vampire: *Sees a 30 year old man trying his best*
Vampire: !!! A baby!! Martha, come quick! Someone has abandoned this infant child to the wilderness of NYC! We simply must take him under our wings!!
Even the more careful or standoffish ones probably stalk the night (and random citizens) so often and for so many years that they are intimately familiar with the lives of absurd amounts of people and just kind of watch over them like a real-time soap opera. One where they can swoop in and drop some cash in their path or manufacture “coincidences” to help their faves any time they want.
Vampire: I hate people. I’m a creature of the night. I need no one. I-
*Trips and 5000 pictures and hand-painted portraits of their favorite people from the past few centuries spill out of their cape*
Vampire: I-I have no idea how- this isn’t what it- This means nothing…
I know what I’m watching for the thousandth time tonight.
Today in horror / comedy movie history: on July 31, 1987 The Lost Boys debuted.

Here's some art to mark the occasion!

I walk into film class. I say, "Joel Schumacher's The Lost Boys is the greatest film ever made." I'm booed out of the room when, suddenly, I hear a voice. "No, she's right." There he stands. It's the greasy saxophone man.
the lost boys fandom needs to explain something to me because either this makes no sense to anyone or im just stupid as
but why, out of my many days of being a lost boys fan, why do so many people hate on the frog brothers??
most of their defences are "they killed the lost boys!!" and "the lost boys were just kids!!", and dont get me wrong, i love the lost boys they are all my wives, but the frog brothers are like.. what? 14-16???
and plus, idk what kind of lost boys they are watching but edgar killed one of the them, which was marko, and then they injured paul before he got taken out by nanook, dwayne was killed by sam, and david was killed by micheal, so why are they pinning it on the frog brothers???
whenever im on ao3 i feel like a mother defending her children in court for being framed
i think we should normalise putting the most randomest characters in our schools, like change their age and everything and just place them in our schools
like yes, i want to see paul always sitting in ie for never shutting up during lesson, i wanna see marko getting sent to reset for lobbing pens at dwayne across the classroom during science, i wanna see david getting stopped at the gate every morning for always coming in with trainers, no tie, his blazer in his bag and his shirt untucked
i want to see year 11 lost boys bullying year 7-8 frog brothers and sam before they all get booted out the school one by one because the frog brothers and sam kept telling the teachers about it
or like year 11 star picking year 3 laddie up from primary school with micheal, who had to bring sam, who had to bring the frog brothers
i could literally make 10 different posts about current school aus and never get bored
right guys i cant get my mind off of the lost boys current school au.
me and my bestmate have mate some other school au except for richtofen, dempsey, takeo and nikolai from cod zombies because she loves them and i know literaly nothing about them so i have prompts
i always imagine the boys having the WORST attendance ever, like the social services have threatened AND called to maxs house SO many times, and hes actually been fined twice becausw of the boys constantly skipping school
and even when they are in school, they are constantly wagging, like marko will post snaps of them all skipping in the disabled toilets or running away from slt and paul created some private story with the boys, star, micheal and othee kids from their classes called "wagging 😈" and almost everyone contributes to it, its like a little economy
the boys with vapes
the frog brothers also skip lesson sometimes, not as much as the boys, but social services have been called to their parents trailer like once or twice but their parents really dgaf and just wave them off
they dont post pictures of them skipping but they message and call sam ALL THE TIME, while hes IN lesson and hes had his phone taken off of him more times than he could count because of it ringing and buzzing in the middle of lesson
micheal came into the school halfway through year 10 and he was sat next to star in the first lesson which was maths, he freaked out and didnt talk to anyone and then since it was double maths between break, they went to break and came back and thats when he actually talked to star and became mates with her
then during lunch, star introduced him to the boys and he got into a little arguement with david and ran off for the rest of the day until the next where he actually hung out with them during lunch and break
and instead of the boys literally dying, its just them getting kicked out of the school for bullying everyone, especially alan, edgar, micheal and sam