Misadventures - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago


My tier list goes at follows:

Selfish Machines

A Flair For The Dramatic

The Jaws of Life


Collide With The Sky

I love all of the albums!!


This is purely my opinion!!



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1 year ago
Wednesday Bits: Misadventures In The Kitchen

Wednesday Bits: Misadventures in the Kitchen

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1 year ago
Wednesday Bits: Misadventures In The Kitchen

Wednesday Bits: Misadventures in the Kitchen

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9 months ago

ask game: The (Mis)Adventures of the (Not So) Heroic👀

Hi Lele!

Misadventures, as I tend to shorten it to, is my current active project! It's a 6 chapter crack-treated-seriously story that focuses on Ravio and Shadow having to team up and mount a rescue mission to save the Chain. Only trouble is, both of them are idiots and have no clue what they are doing. Many, many shenanigans ensue, the colours don't seem to understand that stupidity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results, Wild can't seem to pick an outfit, there's a train? And hang on a second, aren't we missing someone???

Currently working on the first chapter, so keep an eye out for that in the (hopefully) near future!

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4 years ago

Chris pulled Brad in the shot to balance things out. In reality, it was the only thing keeping Brad from falling over the Cliff. He was 6'4", hunky and just out of frame. Yum.

bradandchris - Brad and Chris

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4 years ago

Chris was 76% sure he put his singlet on correctly. No matter. It shan't be on long.

Zach Riley Sure Looks Ready To Wrestle. Question Is, Is He?

Zach Riley sure looks ready to wrestle. Question is, is he? 

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4 years ago
Looking In The Mirror, Chris Found His Nightmare Coming True. He Woke Up More Perfect Than The Day Before.

Looking in the mirror, Chris’ found his nightmare coming true. He woke up more perfect than the day before. Chris neared a panic. He needed to pull himself together, but wasn’t that part of the problem!? UGH! What was he doing?!?

That’s when Chris just stopped believing in winning all together. Like Santa Clause, it was fun to a point. Then it seemed cruel. Now, it just doesn’t really make sense. It was also really, really, REALLY expensive.

How was it you had to lie to make money to buy Christmas gifts AND to give them?!? NO THK U.

UGGGHHH. It was official. Winning, perfection and Santa Clause all sucked donkey butt. GREAT. Now what?

Maybe Brad would suck his butt? That would be nice.

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4 years ago

Looking back, Chris was looking forward. He was also looking good. Wait. Was the man in the mirror even him? The name on his underwear had more than four letters. He could count but couldn’t always read well. Chris never called himself illiterate. He wasn’t sick. His teachers were for passing him all the way through the 8th grade. Bloody hell.

Source : Thb671

Source : thb671

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2 years ago

Me: Is that an otter? Or a duck?

My sibling: That's a duck. ... Ayo, Quack Quack

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1 year ago

T'va Fass, Drow Monk: *Deciding to humor Volo the Bard about the battle at the Emerald Grove's Gate.*

Volo: I want ALL the details about the Goblins you saw!

T'va the (headcannoned as blind):

T'va Fass, Drow Monk: *Deciding To Humor Volo The Bard About The Battle At The Emerald Grove's Gate.*

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1 year ago

More headcannons with T'va Fass (She/They), my blind Monk Drow. ((Trying to be spoiler free))

#0: T'va has probably.. 9-12% vision at best. She can tell when the sun is out or if there is a torch, but the intensity is dull or dim for her. The best she can describe it is like seeing light through one's eyelid, just paler. They endured a burning injury to the face, and it damaged their sight. Unfortunately, she could not get healed immediately, so the healer could make her eyes look aesthetically okay, but there was nothing to do about the sight aside from adapt. T'va was considered cursed, just an inconvenient condition no one could cure- however, T'va obviously did not let that slow her down. She trained her mind and body to make sure she had the tools to survive, like all Drow, she would thrive in the darkness.

More Headcannons With T'va Fass (She/They), My Blind Monk Drow. ((Trying To Be Spoiler Free))
More Headcannons With T'va Fass (She/They), My Blind Monk Drow. ((Trying To Be Spoiler Free))

(Lets pretend the rose tattoo is an extention of Tva's scar)

#1: Astarion and T'va are already snarky besties in my mind. T'va can joke and be sarcastic with him, and he'd find her least mildly amusing.

#2: Gale and Astarion are often caught reading a book in camp. When the blind drow Monk hears the flip of the pages, she knows what the learned men are up and just tries to work up the courage to ask what they are reading out of pure curiosity. Astarion can come off as cold at times, which means he didn't want to be disturbed, and T'va will resist looking like a kicked puppy (because I personally have RSD lol) and back off. Then the vampire would roll his eyes and click his tongue slightly, realizing the situation; T'va obviously can't read for pleasure and was just curious, it was almost enough to inspire pity, which caused a little knot in Astarion's stomach. But Astarion is not one for performing literature or reading outloud, so he simply describes what all he had read so far as a summary.

Gale, on the other hand, loves to read outloud, or rather, he was rather accustomed to doing so with his familiar back in Waterdeep. It is sickeningly sweet how T'va sits on a pillow on Gale's rug as he reads something mundane like magical theory; T'va doesn't have to understand it initially, they just really like Gale's voice. It's soothing enough to sleep to and will find they rest better around Gale.

#3: The Blade of Frontiers! A delightful man to converse with, being the folk hero of the Sword Coast. Wyll may have found it a little awkward at first, being befriended by a drow who happened to be blind, but there was a kinship, even in partial sense. He did worry that T'va was a natural lie detector, given the sensitive hearing her heritage allowed her, and being friends with a vampire she had plenty of practice sifting through honeyed words and vagueness alike. But, T'va's genuine curiosity of his stories, he found endearing, especially when they requested stories that were peaceful, not necessarily bloody and violent like other fans would. Perhaps he will be more open in the future. (HA ha ha)

#4: Shadowheart had deep respect for T'va, given their condition, and treated them as normally as possible, out of respect for their unnatural loss of sight. Obviously she didn't think T'va was helpless, they had their own technique to carry them through a battle and naturally did not expect help; yet Shadowheart will be at the ready anyway with either council or her shield.

T'va Fass, Drow Monk: *Deciding to humor Volo the Bard about the battle at the Emerald Grove's Gate.*

Volo: I want ALL the details about the Goblins you saw!

T'va the (headcannoned as blind):

T'va Fass, Drow Monk: *Deciding To Humor Volo The Bard About The Battle At The Emerald Grove's Gate.*

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