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Spending my day off making curry and watching @torontofc's first ever home #mlscupplayoffs match on @tsn_official from #YYC. #ComeOnYouReds #TorontoTilIDie #MLS #tfclive #Chefapprenticelife #ChefApprenticesDayOff
THE REDS KEEP MARCHING ON ALL THE WAY TO VICTORY #TorontoTilIDie #ComeOnYouReds #mlscupplayoffs #MLS #TFClive #ChefApprenticesDayOff #yyc #yyz #TFC @torontofc @mls
How do you make a night when @torontofc wins its first #MLSCupPlayoffs game? Why, beef rendang of course. Babied a pot of this while watching #TFC make history. So delicious, and so, so sweet. (Also, rendant holds a special place in my heart, as it was the dish that got me onto @masterchefcda. Long story.) #ChefApprenticeLife #ChefApprenticeAtHome #ChefApprenticesDayOff #JohnnysDayOff #HomeCooking #yyc #yycfood #tfclive
I can't stop celebrating my beloved @torontofc's first appearance in the #MLSCup! Ten years ago on May 12, 2007 I watched as Dichio score in the 24th minute, and I've been hooked ever since. Nigel Reed's call of that goal still ring in my ears every time I think of it. And the seat cushions. Oh, the rain of cushions! But since that day It's been a long, hard slog filled with more heartbreak and disappointment than joys (covering the quarterfinal win over the @lagalaxy in the 2012 @concacaf Champions League knockout phase for @sbnation's Waking the Red is one) -- but tonight shows that pain and sorrow is finally paying dividends. Bigly! Tonight I'm enjoying yet another lovely glass of #Prosecco, but I'm hoping many more are still to come after December 10th when I celebrate #TFC lift the trophy! 十年前嘅五月十二日下午時候,我係電視中見証歷史,昨晚我再次見歷史係我嘅眼前實現。 十年前係狄奇歐射入多倫多FC首個入球,十年後係同一個球會邁向MLS終決賽嘅新疆界。 係十年之內成為一個身在卡城嘅「勇等」,都算係一個好大唳失落嘉年華,多苦少樂。 不過昨晚我睇到TFC由首回三比二反敗為勝滿地河七比五,係我短短人生中最開心的一刻。 如果TFC係十二月十日可以打贏西雅圖捧MLS杯,十年嘅心痛會一剎那一筆勾消。我嘅TFC捧杯黃金夢,可否成真?我真心真意希望呢個夢想可以成真。 #ComeOnYouReds! #TorontoTilIDie! #MLS #tfclive #mlscupplayoffs #MLScup2016 #yyc
A day 10 years in the making. This original #YYC-based @torontofc supporter is ready to see the Reds finally win the #MLSCup. I've cried so many tears over the last decade, but have met so many folks whom now I call friends. Distance may separate us, but to use a Shakespearean analogy: tonight on what is our St. Crispin's Day, my spirit (no matter where my body shall rest) will be at BMO Field in #Toronto. When the supporters jump, my spirit jumps with them. When the supporters cheer, my spirit cheers with them. When the supporters celebrate, my spirit will celebrate with them. Bring it home, TFC. I believe. #TorontoTilIDie! #ComeOnYouReds! #TFCLive #MLS #MLSCupPlayoffs #torontofc #6ix #416 #403