Modern Paganism - Tumblr Posts
Friendly reminder that you are not obligated to worship the Gods as they were traditionally worshipped. Incorporating modern practices of ancient religions is just as valid. Remember that you can create a regime that caters to your schedule, health, and financial situation. They understand and appreciate the acknowledgment you are able to give.
My thoughts exactly.
When you imagine or draw the gods important to you, are they always attractive? Are any of the gods worthy your worship fat? Do they have a funny nose? Do they have wrinkles, stretchmarks or uneven teeth? Do your gods all looks like they could get work in hollywood, and why? Do you believe hotness is linked to being worthy of being loved and listened to? Do you think about why gods worshiped for a thousand years would accidentally look just like the current ideals of beauty?
Dua Seth, Who created the Storms!
Order, or justice. There will come a day you have to choose.
Seth, god of storms and chaos. This piece is on hold for a Patreon follower. To get early access and discounts please consider pledging!
Paganism is not Burger King. You cannot have everything YOUR WAY.
Paganism is not a buffet at a Chinese restaurant. You cannot mix and match, selecting 'one item from column A, one from column B, and with six you get egg roll'. Everything was organized a certain way for a reason. Change the system at your own risk.
I'm gonna be blunt here, anon - this is an incredibly ignorant take that reveals just how much you don't actually know about history and the development of religion.
First of all, what do you mean when you say paganism? Which cultures' traditions, and from what time period? Because all the various traditions out there that have been lumped under the "pagan" umbrella are not a monolith and never were. And furthermore, they evolved over time. A lot.
As for everything being "organized a certain way for a reason," there were in fact many reasons why things were the way they were. Very often, it was just politics. The gods of the ruling class were elevated to the highest status, the gods of political enemies marginalized or worse. When we're dealing with animistic worldviews, sometimes that reason is just that the gods are embodiments of local nature.
Also claiming that you can't "mix and match" is just hilarious in light of the fact that many ancient cultures just did that. (Seriously, go take a peek into the Greek Magical Papyri sometime.) Syncretism has always been happening, and it's always going to happen. Get used to it.
I heartily recommend that instead of regurgitating shit opinions from modern pagan authoritarians, go actually study some history and get the stick out of your ass.
The answer is excerpted from Eli Kittim’s book, “The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days,” pp. 246-247:
“Of all the famous teachers throughout history——Moses, Confucius, Buddha, and Muhammad——no one has ever made any claims of being divine. All these men admit to being either founders of a particular way of ‘being in the world’ or messengers of God. Only Christ makes mention of his preexisting divinity, which echoes the theophany of God’s name in Exodus 3.14: ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am’ (John 8.58). Moreover, Jesus says, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me’ (John 14.6). In the Revelation to John, Christ emphatically says, ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, . . . who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty’! (Rev. 1.8, cf. 1.1). In the final analysis, either Christ is who he claims to be, or he is the greatest hypocrite the world has ever known. You decide.”
That is the question we all have to grapple with in this life, and, in all probability, the one which we will ultimately be judged by . . .