Mollymauk - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
sits up
grabs ur shoulders
Mollymauk is an ENTP
Taliesin Jaffe is playn an ENTP
chellerrific replied to your post:
sits up grabs ur shoulders Mollymauk is an ENTP…
DEF one of the two accept no substitutes please share the rest of your thoughts because i may or may not have already been thinking about this (your surprised face)
“I’ve never seen a group of people more in need of a good time in my life” - opening line of ENTP trying to sell you Fun, because there is no hotter commodity.
The ‘patronize’ pun he pulls on Beau is 100% xNTx wordplay. Also Tal’s saying on talks that Molly doesn’t like Beau because she’s kinda apathetic-sarcastic (which is of course SUPER hypocritical, and also very ENTP)
Again, an ESTP would have -actual charisma -an actual fashion sense (that COAT)
The most bothered Molly got was when People were Stupid. “oh dear, we’ve been found out, our VERY CLEVER plot to destroy our OWN SHOW with a zombie has been discovered, whatever shall we do.” I think an ESTP would be far more pissed about the “going to prison” part (YOU’LL NEVER TAEK MAH FREEDOM), whereas the ENTP would be WAY more pissed that people are making such an OBVIOUS, BORing assUMPtion.

So the clever jeweler did as the king requested, a piece that could bring him joy in his darkest moments and great sadness in his happiest. It was but a single ring, inscribed with the words, “This too, shall pass.”
One of my favorite fables, who’s chief line seemingly fit Molly’s worldview perfectly. There is joy in sadness and sadness in joy when you always remember that this too, shall pass.
I think I’ve finally hit acceptance yall, so I wanted to draw that damn coat right, just one last time.

Recently started Critical Role and I’m absolutely in love with Mollymauk. I sure hope nothing bad happens to him.
Whipped this one up super quickly, I’d like to do some more Molly stuff and give him the outfit he deserves because I know the details would take up a day alone

Welcome to Wildemount!
Where it all began.

The adventure begins.
I drew myself a phone wallpaper and thought I’d share with you guys <3

... and still no sign of Mollymauk Tealeaf.

The breakdown of all 100 references is up!
And also have some still shots of the whole thing inside and outside cause I’m excited and feel the need to scream about it.
Click me!

Was watching Critical Role during finals and had to make fan art (WIP)

Here's that Molly animatic I've been working on <3 !! I thought that this song fit him a little too well so I had to do something with it :)
[Here's the Youtube link for anyone that wants to watch it there]

thumbnail posting for Ant <3
Fjord's Dream Questions
Ok so maybe someone's brought this up already but I just wanted to talk about the parties answers to "Do you ever have that dream where you see a face looking back and it isn't yours?" We got two no's from Caleb and Jester, and Beau and Yasha elected to abstain. But Molly and Nott gave firm yes's. Molly is maybe having dreams relating to his past. Relating to who he was before. I think the dreams probably came up right at the beginning, maybe not long after he stopped his mantra of "Empty." I think Molly might be having dreams of recovering memories, but not his old memories, because I think whoever was in his body before is different than the one now. He wholeheartedly affirmed having dreams like this and I get such feels. I think these are really like nightmares to Molly, being someone else. It might fuel his desire to wrap himself in self identifying marks, to make sure he doesn't match old Molly. In terms of Nott this obviously has to do with her mention of wanting Caleb to change her. And rather than seeing the same face and being someone else, it's more like she see her face and it isn't hers. She doesn't identify with it, the outward appearance isn't her and so her dreams are trapped in a body that she doesn't want. Whereas Molly (I think) is an entirely different person in these dreams, but he still claims his body as his own.
My pansexual god shines as a pan gender god. Long may he reign!

Campaign 2 Episode 24:
Mollymauk ‘Gender: Pan??’ Tealeaf
Spoilers for critical role

I was sitting around thinking, which is most of what I've been doing since 3 am, that we could use a tribute tag for Molly. I was thinking long may he reign would be fitting for our purple god who loves to pretend to be royalty. He's our king and he deserves something fitting. If there's are other suggestions or thoughts feel free to chime in.

A little something I made a while ago :) Don’t worry! I will make sure to tag this with spoiler warnings, and when I posted it on insta I had a warning slide before it. I think you can distinctly tell where I used the reference and where I didn’t, haha!
shout out to tieflings, especially tiefling clerics, y'all got my heart on a hook and won't let me go and honestly... dont rlly wanna be let go !!!