You can call me J.B. // 21 // He/Him // Creating moodboards when I'm in the mood // Just a strange guy who's into "stranger" things hehe :) pfp: @luckysarts
42 posts
Jett-blvck - Enjoy What's Here

Happy 4th of July!!
(But also the 5th anniversary of Stranger Things Season 3)
deniable-masterpiece liked this · 7 months ago
luminousdark28 liked this · 8 months ago
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Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (Part 2) π
Creepmas (3/7)
Meanwhile at school #13
Virgo: That was the weirdest thing I've seen today-
Sagittarius: *heavily breathing evilly* WeLL TodAY HaS JuSt BEgUn!!!
Monster Prom MBTI
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Amira: ENFP
Vicky: ESFJ
Miranda: ENFJ
Damien: ENTJ
Scott: ENTP
Liam: INTP
Polly: ESFP
Vera: ESTJ
Valerie: ISTP
Calculester: INFP
Narrator: INTJ
Slayer: ESTP
Dahlia: ISFJ
Overwatch Academy Alignment Chart
Jock: Reinhardt
Jock goth: Hanzo
Jock nerd: Junkrat
Jock prep: Soldier:76
Goth: Roadhog
Goth nerd: Sombra
Goth prep: Widowmaker
Goth jock: Reaper
Nerd: Mei
Nerd prep: D.Va
Nerd jock: Mccree
Nerd goth: Genji
Prep: Lucio
Prep jock: Tracer
Prep goth: Ashe
Prep nerd: Mercy

Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (Part 1) π―
Creepmas (2/7)