Demogorgon - Tumblr Posts
Stranger Things/Marvel Crossover
Mike: Thor
Eleven: Bruce
Nancy: Natasha
Steve: Steve
Johnathon: Maria Hill
Will: Clint
Demogorgon: Loki
Brenner: Ross
Hopper: Fury
Lucas: Tony
Max: Pepper
Dustin: Scott Lang/ Tchalla/ Sam
Barb: coulson
If you're doing spooky seasonal requests, then how about your fave movie/show monsters?

Ok so I was going to do way more, but since this is already a month old, I didn't want to... drag on with it.
All Tagged in order:
Lipstick Stains

Billy Hargrove x Harrington FemReader
Summary: There has been some new gossip floating through Hawkins High. The gossip being that Billy has a lipstick stain that just so happens to match a certain girl's iconic shade.
You were a Harrington. You had a certain standing that you had to keep cause of the expectations of your parents. One of those expectations were not making out with Billy Hargrove in his car in the back of the school parking lot during lunch. But your parents were never home so you didn't really give a damn.
"Billy we have to go back into the school at some point." You said releasing your lips from his. As you tried to pull back he pulled you in for another quick kiss.
"Oh come on, we don't have to." He smirked to you.
"Listen Mr. Bad Boy, I know you don't like school but I have a test." You said to him. He gave you a small pout at your response to which you just laughed at him. "You also messed up my lipstick." You said as you flipped the visor down to use the mirror to reapply your dark red lipstick.
"That's not the only thing I can mess up." He joked. You just gave him the look, he knew the look. It didn't need a name.
"Well Hargrove I have to get going." You brought yourself close to kiss his neck then up to the apple of his freckled cheeks. You collected you things to go back into the school before the bell. Before you shut the door you look back at Billy to see the two kiss marks that you left on him. You just smiled at him.
"Love ya, see you later." You said then shut the door to go to the school.
Billy continued with his day like usual. Thinking that nothing would go out of the ordinary. He knew he was hot shit so people were staring at him as perusal but he didn't know what they were staring at. In each class he had stares his way, to which he had to tell some off for looking too long.
"Nice job man." Tommy Hagan laughed as he patted his back. Billy was just confused about what he was talking about but he continued as nothing was wrong. The bell rang through the halls to signal that the school day was over. Billy made his way to the doors top the parking lot to leave when he saw a certain Steve Harrington staring him down from his locker.
"You got a problem Harrington?" He asked.
"Yeah, not with you though." Steve replied slamming his locker shut to go find a certain sister of his. Billy didn't know that, he was just confused and thought nothing of it. He finally was able to make it to his Camaro to wait for Max. Students around him were still looking at him. Some girls looking in distaste, not at him but at the kiss marks on his cheeks. Some guys were just laugh in congrats to him. Billy just wanted to get the hell out and get Max home so he can go see his girlfriend. Billy looked over to see a certain red head making her way over to his car.
"Get in shit-bird, I got places to be." He said as he got in the drivers seat while Max got in the passenger seat. She just stared at him, more than she would usually. Which is not at all. Billy glanced at her a few times.
"What?" He asked annoyed with her staring.
"What's on your face?" She asked. Billy was confused until he thought back to lunch. He grabbed his sun visor to look himself in the mirror to see the two kiss marks on him. Just as he thought, one on his cheek and the other on his neck. He just laughed what he was looking at.
"Well that explains a Lot." He sighed starting his car to drive away.
Later that day Billy was able to make it to the Harrington house hold. Instead of parking down the street, he parked in the driveway. Instead of climbing through the window of his girlfriends bedroom, he simply knocked the front door of her house. Which, unfortunately, the other Harrington answered. He and Steve just stared at one another for a moment.
"What are you doing here?"
"I think you know why exactly I'm here, or you don't."
"I do know why you're here." Steve stated sternly.
"Then tell me, why am I here?" Billy gabbed at him with a smirk playing on his face.
"Can you guys stop having a dick measuring contest for once." Your voice was heard in a very much over it tone. "Get out of here Steve."
"But-" You stopped him from continuing.
"Eh, I don't wanna hear any more then I already have. You're being a Buttface." You sassed at him. "Now I would like to talk to my boyfriend."
Steve just rolled his eyes and sighed. Walking away from his enemy and his sister in the same door way. You turn your head back to Billy with a grin on your face.
"So what are you doing here, handsome."
"Well, I am here to see my girlfriend that I have to have a small chat about." His voice going a slight octave lower. Something that you loved.
"And what do you have to chat about?" You stilled teased at him.
"Well I made out with this gorgeous woman at lunch, and after I thought my day would go by like usual. But I had people staring at me all day. I didn't know why until I looked into the mirror to find that the exact pretty girl I was kissing left some marks on me." He explained to you. "Now I am at said pretty girls house to get a reason why she did that."
"Well I think she just wanted to have a bit of fun with you, if you ask me."
"Well as much as I love that, I think I would love to have some fun with her right now."
"Well you'er gonna have to wait on that, handsome." You said." Big Bro ain't to happy with me, I've been getting an ear full for the past hour."
"I can wait." He reassured. "I will always wait for you, gorgeous." You just smiled at him and dragged him into your house.
"Is he staying long?" Steve's distant voice was heard.
"Shut up Steve." You yelled out to him. "Like I said, ear full all day."
You and Billy just laughed at the situation. But at least you both can enjoy each others company in the end.
I hope y'all enjoyed this. Sorry if it is short. I know I haven't been to active, writing wise, lately. I'm trying to get through school right now.
I will try to get more out for Boots and Trumpets, and Practically Magic later.
Thank you for reading.
Shot In The Dark
Steve Harrington x Original Female Character
Summary:Claire Douglas is new to Hawkins, leaving her hometown in Ohio after the death of her uncle. She just wanted a fresh start, away from the tragedy of her life. However, when a little boy goes missing and her new friend Barbara disappears, she is forced into a world that she had no business being in. Throw in a boy who started out as the worst person, and a group of kids including her next-door neighbor, trying to save the world, her life couldn't get any more hectic.
Character Analysis
Face Claim: Madison Mclaughlin as Claire Douglas

Mood board

Dr. Brenner survived the demogorgon and is in hiding.
There's no doubt that he's coming back.
People think the Demogorgon ate Dr. Brenner
It turns out they were just bros.
In the Starcourt Mall, Dr. Brenner is running the Papa Gino's as a front operation but in the back with the pizza stones and manager's office he's got surveillance equipment.
He hired a Demogorgon as a delivery driver and he's not very good at it, those pizzas never arrive 30 minutes or less. He also tends to eat the customers and drag them to the Upside Down.
Brenner only pays the Demogorgon around $3.35/hr and the Demogorgon retaliates in the further eating of customers.
In Scoops Ahoy, Steve Harrington becomes suspicious of the fact that a large Demogorgon wearing a paper hat keeps strolling in and out of Papa Gino's. One day the Demogorgon approaches Steve and devours a soft serve ice cream cone, cotton candy flavored.
In season 3 we're probably going to find out the Demogorgons and Mind Flayer are actually theological demons of some sort.
I'm wondering if the Demogorgon and Mind Flayer's fear of fire is a possible reflection of Brenner's own fear of fire. I wonder why he's afraid of it and what happened to him.
What in the hell is with this new theory about Dr. Brenner being transformed into the demogorgon on Reddit? Just stop it, it’s just stupid and you’re all grasping at straws. These theories for season 4 are going to be twice as stupid as the ones for season 3.
You're all going with this "Brenner is the Demogorgon" thing, aren't you? 😭

King Steve.
Commissions are O P E N! ♥
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this is probably funny to only me but
why'd i think it was Will and the Demogorgon for a solid few minutes

For many of years I had this tradition of drawing Wirt and the beast once a year to see how much I have improved, then depression hit in 2023 and couldn't continue, but it left so really amazing art in the process

Stranger Things - 01x08:
The Upside Down 📺
Creepmas (6/7)
I feel like I always apologise for my contributions to society, and it’s no different here. Cuz this is just more shit from my brain.

Mind Flayer; “but you haven’t,,, eaten them,,, yet??”
The entity, an omnipotent being who managed to lose Nancy, Steve, and the Demogorgon; “uhhhh, well, you see, just cuz I’m not eating now, doesn’t mean the food isn’t mine. So bugger off.”
Is there official lore explaining what happens in the entity’s realm when ST left? Like, did Steve, Nancy and the Demogorgon win and beat the entity? Or did they all die and go to that place where all the survivors and killers will eventually end up?
Regardless, I think this is a funny concept. Though, the entity would without a doubt win in a fight against the mindflayer.
Stranger Things × tier chart