Moon Jellyfish - Tumblr Posts

Озеро Медуз — озеро в архипелаге Скалистые острова (Палау). Озеро расположено на востоке острова Эйл-Малк, в более чем 20 км к юго-востоку от Корора. Этот естественный слабо-солёный водоем имеет глубину до 50 метров и размеры всего 460 м на 160 м, он сообщается с расположенным примерно в 200 метрах Тихим океаном через трещины и поры в горной породе.
Озеро Медуз разделено на два слоя — бескислородный и с большим содержанием кислорода. Первый, нижний слой (приблизительно от глубины 15 метров и до дна) обладает высокой концентрацией аммиака и фосфатов, чем опасен для дайверов, которые могут получить отравление через кожу. В этом слое живут только бактерии. Зато другой слой, насыщенный кислородом (примерно до глубины 15 м), населяют разнообразные микроорганизмы, несколько видов рыб и веслоногих ракообразных и, конечно же, медузы.
Образованное движением земной коры более 12 000 лет назад озеро известно своей обособленной популяцией двух видов сцифоидных — золотая медуза (Mastigias papua) и лунная медуза (Aurelia). За время, проведенное вдали от моря, живущие здесь золотисто-оранжевые медузы эволюционировали и утратили свою способность жалить. Весь день они следуют за солнцем, перемещаясь по глади озера, а к ночи опускаются на дно, где подпитываются водорослями. Лунные медузы питаются веслоногими ракообразными, для чего ночью поднимаются на поверхность озера. Считается,что общая численность медуз, обитающих в этом необычном озере, достигает двух миллионов особей. Количество медуз так велико, что их массу легко можно заметить, даже находясь в самолете. Золотая медуза имеет огромное численное превосходство над лунной.
Кроме того, в озере Медуз не разрешено нырять с аквалангом. Воздушные пузырьки, которые образуются во время дыхания аквалангиста, попадают под купол медузы и могут привести к ее гибели. По этим причинам в озере плавают только в верхнем слое воды, используя ласты и маску. Погружение в воды этого медузового озера – удивительная возможность попасть в иной мир, оказавшись в самом центре гипнотического танца медуз.
Jellyfish Lake is a lake in the Rocky Islands archipelago (Palau). The lake is located on the east of Eil Malk Island, more than 20 km southeast of Koror. This natural, slightly saline body of water is up to 50 meters deep and measures just 460 m by 160 m, connecting to the Pacific Ocean about 200 meters away through cracks and pores in the rock.
Jellyfish Lake is divided into two layers: anoxic and highly oxygenated. The first, lower layer (from approximately a depth of 15 meters to the bottom) has a high concentration of ammonia and phosphates, which is dangerous for divers, who can become poisoned through the skin. Only bacteria live in this layer. But another layer, saturated with oxygen (to about a depth of 15 m), is inhabited by a variety of microorganisms, several species of fish and copepods and, of course, jellyfish.
Formed by the movement of the earth's crust over 12,000 years ago, the lake is known for its distinct population of two scyphoid species - the golden jellyfish (Mastigias papua) and the moon jellyfish (Aurelia). During their time away from the sea, the golden-orange jellyfish that live here have evolved and lost their ability to sting. All day they follow the sun, moving along the surface of the lake, and by night they sink to the bottom, where they feed on algae. Moon jellyfish feed on copepods, for which they rise to the surface of the lake at night. It is believed that the total number of jellyfish living in this unusual lake reaches two million individuals. The number of jellyfish is so large that their mass can be easily noticed even while on an airplane. The golden jellyfish has a huge numerical superiority over the lunar jellyfish.
Additionally, scuba diving is not allowed in Jellyfish Lake. Air bubbles that form during the scuba diver's breathing fall under the dome of the jellyfish and can lead to its death.For these reasons, people swim in the lake only in the upper layer of water, using fins and a mask. Diving into the waters of this jellyfish lake is an amazing opportunity to enter another world, finding yourself in the very center of the hypnotic dance of jellyfish.
Источник: //, // /foto/ 46069-pooshchritelnaya-premiya-v-kategorii-krasota-prirody-2021-ozero-meduz-avtor-khenli-spajers,// /all_about _water/?p=14456,, //topwonders .ru / palau/ozero-meduz-na-palau.html,,//www.,/ /360article / jellyfish-lake-palau/,/
hi h.. i drew a moon jelly

Jellyfish mermen! ଳ♡ଳ
In order (from left to right, top to bottom):
ଳ Lune the moon jellyfish (aurelia aurita)
ଳ Nocti the mauve stinger (pelagia noctiluca)
ଳ Areli the lion's mane (cyanea capillata)
ଳ Tori the crystal jellyfish (aequorea victoria)
ଳ Roseaureo the purple-striped sea nettle (chrysaora colorata)
ଳ Fei the black sea nettle (chrysaora achlyos)
(more about each merman under the cut!)
ଳ Lune the moon jellyfish (aurelia aurita)
Lune is a sweetheart who loves taking care of cute little animals, like sea slugs. He prefers being with jellies and small slugs than with fellow merfolk, but he knows how to socialize when needed! All he wants is a simple life with those he holds dear to him.
ଳ Nocti the mauve stinger (pelagia noctiluca)
Nocti is an eccentric jelly. As pretty as he may be regarded by other merfolk, he spends his days enthusiastically learning about humans and collecting all sorts of trinkets that fall from the surface! He hopes that someday he'd find a human lover.
ଳ Areli the lion's mane (cyanea capillata)
Areli is a strong, lion-hearted merman with a kind soul. His tattoos are the mark of manhood in his tribe, as he had gotten them in his younger coming of age days. He is currently proving himself worthy to lead their tribe someday!
ଳ Tori the crystal jellyfish (aequorea victoria)
Tori is the parental figure of the protagonists' group. He often shows no other feelings aside soft-spoken ones out of joy for his fellow mermen, or ones out of concern for them. This is why everyone, even Areli, gets worried if he shows even a hint of frustration in his tone.
ଳ Roseaureo the purple-striped sea nettle (chrysaora colorata)
Roseaureo is an online celebrity of sorts in the ocean networking sites of sea creatures. He keeps up with the latest trends, but he is also very reserved with his personal life. His followers admire him for this integrity and entertaining content.
ଳ Fei the black sea nettle (chrysaora achlyos)
Fei belongs to a bloom of elegant merfolk in the upper class of seaciety. Sly and brutally frank, this merman couldn't care less about merfolks he considers shallow! He isn't the most affectionate merman, but his honesty is reliable.


Moon jellyfish, the Deep Aquarium.

this needs more attention
(i love jellyfish)
jellyfish stimboard!!

i take requests!!

Aurelia aurita; Moon Jellyfish
Learn more about the Moon Jellyfish here.
(image reference)

🪼 Jellyfish Day 2023 ! 🪼
+ happy jellyfish day ! i hope you enjoy this drawing of Luna . ~ 💤🌱
🪼timelapse :

trying so hard to get back into drawing.... first real thing since october... so here is moonlit, who i have already posted here once and on toyhouse

Mermay #23 - Moon Jellyfish Mer Right on track today. Starting sketching this one up last night around midnight and all finished today. Yaay~ XD It feels good to be caught up and not have like 4-5 of these hanging over me XD Soo yeah. I got inspired looking at jellyfish and other jellyfish mers peeps have done via google images and decided to draw one myself! I really liked how some people made the top jelly bit a hat and some people did both hat and bottom half so I figured why not? Now she’s kind of a... double jelly thing but I dunno I’m kinda satisfied with how it came out. XD

Fish-uary Day 12 and 13: Little Fish (Moon Jelly) and Big Fish (Pacific Sea Nettle)
I know, I know, jellyfish aren't fish, I simply wanted an excuse to draw some fashion. That's why Moon and Sea Nettle aren't merfolk.

Aquarium Visit
Trying to get better at digital art. Feel free to critique and give advice.

Aurelia aurita or Moon Jellyfish
Moon Jellyfish live approximately for 1 year. However, the polyps can wait around 25 years for the best conditions before continuing through their life cycle

David Doubilet. Moon jellies in Raja Ampat, Indonesia (2007).
Moon jellies are my absolute favorite 😍

In case you need it today, here’s the link to our Moon Jelly Cam 💙