Most Of These Blabbered Lore Bits Are Just Bc I Wanna Have Emps Carrying Around The Banana Guard Showing Them Little Things Crooning About - Tumblr Posts
how is yassified emps with his custodes?
Oh a very fun one! This kind of comes in layers
Very attached to them for sure!
They’re kind of the closest thing he’s ever really gotten for stability tbh, and he tends to cling to that pretty often, though not all Custodes are held in the exact same regard.
Most majority of his custodes it’s a very formal, mostly, connection. There is a sense of unspoken closeness but with a deeper understanding that outward expressions of that closeness are unlikely and rare if happen at all.
When you narrow it down to those who spend most of their time about holy Terra you get a bit lighter of a relationship and closer even If there’s still that silent understanding of formality to it. You do get to see Emps lowered walls a bit though if you’re lucky!
Now, more of his PERSONAL personal guard, like those who are around Emps next to 24/7? That’s where the fun begins. They really tend to get a lot more of that closeness and have that formality (varying but still) lower, you kind of range from standard custodes unspoken formal closeness, to being kind of his confidant and on occasions a care taker and sometimes little pup that gets scruffed and carried about (when Emps is especially broody and missing his sons-) to be shown memory lane amongst other things (it’s a bit rare for him to be so outwardly affectionate, normally you’ll just get given a nice meal or some old archeo-human gift emps either made or has kept around if he really likes you, but not unheard of-). They really just kind of get further exposed to the Emp-isms and little habits he feels more comfortable letting show when he’s not playing emperor of all man kind, see him much more as human than many other people get to.
Really all and all it entirely depends on the Custodes, the situations they wind up in and so on, lotta factors into emps lowering his walls even if only a little and to growing attached. You might be around emps as much as you can kind of squeeze out and he just never latch onto the personality or whatever, and you can have a Custodes around emps every so often and he just grow a soft spot for you. The inner machinations of his strange mind are an enigma