40k God Emperor - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Hey kid

Wanna see a fruity god emperor?

No? Too bad.

He’s essentially this big bundle of hcs + a mini au I’ve been making (basically emps comes back and Girlyman gotta show his dad around the empire)

Hey Kid
Hey Kid

Emp: why aren’t these inquisitors looking me in the eyes? Robby: you’re 13 feet tall and your tits out. And you’ve been ‘dead’ for a millennia and a god.

He’s learning so much about the new world he hasn’t really gotten to interact with one to one

Hey Kid
Hey Kid

Emps: Goodness! What a stunning little society! So advanced for such a short time! Not even psykers yet! How amazing! Emps: surly you are aiding its growth and taking advantage of trade!

Hey Kid
Hey Kid

Commissar: we uh hate them- because they’re uh- different? Emps: why am I not shocked?

As an extra little treat + from a convo I had with some moots, he gets alien space pigs as new sons pets now

Hey Kid
Hey Kid
Hey Kid
Hey Kid

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7 months ago


More yassified Emps stuff

A more recent idea for his design? Tattoos!!!


He’s got his sons (prime) legions down his sides 🥰 bc he loves them— he’s just bonkers bad at saying it— and showing it— but shhhhhh his little goofy goobers and grandsons can be immortalized on him 4 Evers

Also more of Emps & his pets + a Robby cameo


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7 months ago

Showcasing these tags in a post of their own bc they’re so funny—

Showcasing These Tags In A Post Of Their Own Bc Theyre So Funny

(From @qcontinuumumum on this post right here)

I am in stitches-


Showcasing These Tags In A Post Of Their Own Bc Theyre So Funny

Oh hush you

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7 months ago

‘Emps gets yassfied’ master post

⭐️ synopsis ⭐️

The emperor has returned! Rejoice!! Follow the god emperor of mankind (and his sons) as they must tread the strange waters of his sudden (and very unexpected) return to full form and figure out the ins and outs of what this new revelation means for them and their world

✨ The story so far… ✨

✨the true story begins with a flash back-

✨dodging the question

✨the trouble with Patricide

✨they went where?!

✨ sibling bonding

✨what could they be up to?

✨ chaos shenanigans

✨ they what now?

✨ tale as old as time

✨ brotherly spat?

✨ on the way

⭐️ the side stuff ⭐️

✨ the true beginnings + initial post

✨design choices + father loving his pets

✨ Minecraft skeleton.mp4

✨ adventure brothers 🥰

✨ sad, Sad immortal old man

✨ owing them sons

✨ offended old skeleton

✨ answering some questions!

✨ fan art attacked 🥹🥹🥹

✨ silly Billies, now in color

✨ fan art two electric boogaloo (lazy has died)

✨ gods will be gods sigh

✨ wingman

✨ lil up date stuffs

✨ bunch o’ doodles

✨ chaos suggestions

✨ answering some questions 2

✨ custodes questions

✨ sad old man two

✨ visitor

✨ yeah…

✨ Magnus beans 🤨

✨ dissociation and custodes cuddles

⭐️ A little side story - Tzeentch ⭐️

✨ new friend?

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7 months ago

Some answers for @sleepyfan-blog :3

Also while I’m at it idrk how many questions anyone may have but feel free to ask away!!!! My inbox is always open :3 and I love love love yapping about this stuff 🫶

Some Answers For @sleepyfan-blog :3
Some Answers For @sleepyfan-blog :3

Hello hello yes yes :3!!!!! So I’ll have to tread lightly around some things as there are bits and bobs that are story beats later on but there are a few things I can answer now!

1). Emps brother :0?!?!?!

Emps is 100% human (or well- as human as an immortal perpetual can be anyway) while I do really like the theory I’ve seen floating around that emps could have become/trying to prevent from becoming a chaos god bc belief is a strong thing in the 40k universe this isn’t what is going on in this au ^^! While I can’t say too much, as I’m trying to decide if this will be discussed later in the story or if I’ll just make a little ‘lore corner’ about this sometime in the future, emps is connected to the other chaos gods in a way they (emps and the chaos gods) have decided to label as siblings but emps has some different stuff going on with his situation making him more of a sort of step brother to them :)!


The R&R adventures are real and do exist! They’re things that are indeed really happening & and emps isn’t just imagining it!

Malca-bear “speaking” to emps is mostly just him coping with the loss of malcador in his own private means bc he’s a big freak man who’s emotions and coping methods are whacked to the warp and back (/affe)

And yes UwU he does have bears of all his sons (+malcador) in various states at various times(most of his 21 son-bears are fine! What little damage they may get from an upset emps is very quickly repaired at his— sobbing— request,two of them however he has sealed away in a place even his most trusted of individuals don’t know of.) The last panel for ‘the chaos reveal’ is mostly just a fun little eye catcher thing but I wouldn’t put it past an extremely overwhelmed emps to rip it to shreds and then go sobbing to his custodes to pretty please fix his bear (the custodes are the only ones allowed to know about the teddies) and sobbing and crying until he was fixed, at which point he would profusely apologize to the little bear. I think for most of his sons (loyalist) who were lost to the heresy he hasn’t touched since and they sit in pristine condition on a shelf kept sparkling clean with likely custode upkeep set to a higher standard then the emperor allows for himself, his rebellious sons got a bit of scolding and then subsequent apologize they received the same treatment of tenderly being put up and tended to. His ‘still remaining son’ bears definitely are also kept in very good condition don’t get me wrong, he just has less qualms with cuddling them or having little make believe sessions that big E might find very embarrassing if I plastered all over got all to see 👀🤭🤭🤭🤭

Some Answers For @sleepyfan-blog :3
Some Answers For @sleepyfan-blog :3
Some Answers For @sleepyfan-blog :3

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6 months ago

‘Emps gets yassfied’ master post

⭐️ synopsis ⭐️

The emperor has returned! Rejoice!! Follow the god emperor of mankind (and his sons) as they must tread the strange waters of his sudden (and very unexpected) return to full form and figure out the ins and outs of what this new revelation means for them and their world

✨ The story so far… ✨

✨the true story begins with a flash back-

✨dodging the question

✨the trouble with Patricide

✨they went where?!

✨ sibling bonding

✨what could they be up to?

✨ chaos shenanigans

✨ they what now?

⭐️ the side stuff ⭐️

✨ the true beginnings + initial post

✨design choices + father loving his pets

✨ Minecraft skeleton.mp4

✨ adventure brothers 🥰

✨ sad, Sad immortal old man

✨ owing them sons

✨ offended old skeleton

✨ answering some questions!

✨ fan art attacked 🥹🥹🥹

✨ silly Billies, now in color

✨ fan art two electric boogaloo (lazy has died)

✨ gods will be gods sigh

✨ wingman

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6 months ago

how is yassified emps with his custodes?

Oh a very fun one! This kind of comes in layers

Very attached to them for sure!

They’re kind of the closest thing he’s ever really gotten for stability tbh, and he tends to cling to that pretty often, though not all Custodes are held in the exact same regard.

Most majority of his custodes it’s a very formal, mostly, connection. There is a sense of unspoken closeness but with a deeper understanding that outward expressions of that closeness are unlikely and rare if happen at all.

When you narrow it down to those who spend most of their time about holy Terra you get a bit lighter of a relationship and closer even If there’s still that silent understanding of formality to it. You do get to see Emps lowered walls a bit though if you’re lucky!

Now, more of his PERSONAL personal guard, like those who are around Emps next to 24/7? That’s where the fun begins. They really tend to get a lot more of that closeness and have that formality (varying but still) lower, you kind of range from standard custodes unspoken formal closeness, to being kind of his confidant and on occasions a care taker and sometimes little pup that gets scruffed and carried about (when Emps is especially broody and missing his sons-) to be shown memory lane amongst other things (it’s a bit rare for him to be so outwardly affectionate, normally you’ll just get given a nice meal or some old archeo-human gift emps either made or has kept around if he really likes you, but not unheard of-). They really just kind of get further exposed to the Emp-isms and little habits he feels more comfortable letting show when he’s not playing emperor of all man kind, see him much more as human than many other people get to.

Really all and all it entirely depends on the Custodes, the situations they wind up in and so on, lotta factors into emps lowering his walls even if only a little and to growing attached. You might be around emps as much as you can kind of squeeze out and he just never latch onto the personality or whatever, and you can have a Custodes around emps every so often and he just grow a soft spot for you. The inner machinations of his strange mind are an enigma

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