Mountain Excursion - Tumblr Posts

12 Gauge Semi-Automatic Shotguns has been found during our last mountains excursion. I really hate guns and most of all hunters, which come with it, as well.
The only good thing, if I could say, is that these kind of shotguns are a great firearm for unexperienced shooters. At any reasonable range, shotgun slugs make effective lethal wounds, due to their tremendous mass, reducing the length of time that the poor animal might suffer.
Best thing is that the hunting season is coming to an end.



... with all these traces/remains on the ground, we're definitely trespassing a Raven's territory. These guys are omnivorous, so they eat practically anything. If I wouldn't be known by them I wouldn't stay here much longer. The nesting season have just ended and they are extremely protective of their family.
Ravens have been shown to have the ability to visually recognize individual humans and to transmit information about "bad" humans, to their offspring by squawking. Which I can totally certified.
We've been feeding some of them for a while now and they have the habit to visit us in the morning to get some pork meat, liver, and sometimes chicken eggs which they just love.
By the way, this is my longest feather found of a Raven and will definitely be added to my collection. This feather is 15 inches long and makes me very happy.

Grande Vallée de Chertsey, Lanaudière, Québec, Canada.

Mountainous Parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

Many babies Wolverines have been seen in the Grand Valley this season. They are cute but extremely dangerous and powerful. Any kids or small pets, cats or dogs, shouldn't be left outside unattended.
There is a strong smell of wild animal surfing around here, I wouldn't be surprised to see one of them.
