Multi Shipping - Tumblr Posts
Calling out denki kinnies
I've noticed that most if not all Denki kinnies are multi shippers and poly ( or poly ally and have poly ships). Especially for Denki.
my theory is that this is because we Denki kinnies feel he deserves love ( because we don't get enough our selfs)
This information was brought to you from a multi shipper, Denki kinnie, who the only people i don't ship Denki with are illegal's ships ( or borderline illegal) and mineta.

I feel a lot better now, got to write, draw and just socialize in general. Anyways, art dump. I changed their designs (at least for my au) since I wasn't satisfied.
Talking about Lunter
Someone has definitely talked about this before, but here’s my take on it.
I will say, that I’m a Lumity shipper. I see Luz and Hunter as siblings. But, I can definitely see why the ship exist, and why other people would ship it.
I’m not gonna lie, when Luz got up to Hunter’s face, I really did think they were gonna kiss, which kinda spooked me a little. 😂
But anyways, shipping is supposed to be fun. Threatening people for not shipping something that you ship is not fun.
Ship whatever you want! As long as you’re not shipping a minor with and adult, or a canon gay character with someone of the opposite gender. I guess it’d be okay if the creator was okay with it? I don’t believe Dana said it was okay to ship Amity with a guy, cause she’s a lesbian. So, don’t ship Amity with a boy, and don’t ship Edric with a girl.
There are creators that are okay with shipping characters even with canon sexualities, such as Vivziepop. She might be okay with whoever you ship with her characters, but, Dana isn’t Vivziepop, and she might not be cool with that.
Luz is a bisexual character, shipping her with Hunter doesn’t erase the bi representation like shipping Amity, a lesbian, with any male character would.
Of course, Hunter doesn’t have a canon sexuality, from what I know at least.
If he canonically isn’t attracted to girls, then there would be a big problem for this ship. But for now, there’s no real big problem.
I was also thinking about something. While I do love found family troupes, I feel like if Hunter was a girl, and supposed to be part of Luz’s found family, than most people wouldn’t be so rude about Luz being shipped with Hunter, but since Hunter’s a guy, almost everyone is being rude about this ship!
If you ship Lumity that’s fine! You just see Luz and Hunter as siblings, that’s okay!
If you ship Lunter, there’s nothing wrong with that! You just don’t see them as siblings, and that’s okay! Some people just don’t see other people’s visions and that’s fine!
If you’re a poly shipper and ship Lumiter that’s okay as well, as long as Amity and Hunter are just dating Luz, and Amity and Hunter aren’t dating.
If you’re a multishipper, that’s also awesome! If you like to ship Lunter separately from Lumity and/or Huntric, Whatever you might ship, that’s okay.
As long as you’re not being a jerk about what you ship, then it is okay.
Lumity shippers, don’t attack Lunter shippers. Lunter shippers, don’t attack Lumity shippers. Just shake hands and just agree that you both have opinions and you don’t have to agree with each other.
Everyone has opinions, and as much as it sucks sometimes, it’s the truth.
And people shouldn’t be being a huge asshole to people just because they like something that you don’t.
I think that’s all I have to say. Please, have a good day/night. These are all my opinions, I don’t care if you disagree with me or not, because you have opinions too, and I respect that.
EDIT: I forgot to say, also, not liking Lunter isn’t biphobic either.
EDIT 2: Also, if you’re homophobic and that’s why you ship Lunter and not Lumity. Why the hell? Are you even watching the show? And homophobia isn’t an opinion.
EDIT 3: Please unfollow me or just block me if you can’t respect people’s opinions on ships. Okay NOW I’m going to sleep.
EDIT 4: Sorry, another thing, Luz being 14 and Hunter being 16, it’s not really a big age difference. Steven and Connie from Steven Universe have those same ages and literally no one has a problem with that? 2 years isn’t that bad, that’s all I’m saying.
EDIT 5: And unless Hunter gets canonically adopted by Luz’s family, then just let the Lunter shippers have fun. If they do become canon adopted siblings, then there would be a problem with this ship.
EDIT 6: People don’t have to ship something just because it’s canon.
EDIT 7: I do realize now that all of this doesn’t really sound how I wanted it to, I was trying to sound as supportive as I could with these ships, but at the time that I was typing all of this down, I was really tired, once I got on Tumblr, I jut copy and pasted it all without really reading what I typed in. And then added a lot of unnecessary things (just like this). I will say, that I am not an adult. I’m 15, so….yeah, I understand that the things I say are really off and not exactly what you want to hear. (Or need to hear) It’s actually far from it. I’m not good at wording things or even talking about certain things sometimes, I actually suck at it a lot. I tried to sound respectful and chill, I guess? But yeah, I’m not so good at doing that. I apologize for how odd this all sounds. It is pretty late, so I’m just going to stop now. Please have a good day/night.
(Yes, I’m aware of how stupid I sound.)
EDIT 8: I Didn’t want to add more than there already was, but, no, you guys are right, Dana didn’t confirm Edric being gay, I thought I saw it, but I literally cannot find a tweet from Dana saying that.