Toh Amity Blight - Tumblr Posts

i think they would like to watch Sailor Moon
this is literally what happend u cant convince me othervise
Guys hear me out

They are friends


If abominations are made of different ingredients, I'm sure witches can add their blood

It could have been the worst night Amity had ever had..
Happy pride month!!

I’ve been on a line-less kick, so might actually draw the whole hexside squad like this! Til then, enjoy this sweet potato

A Place to Go
[The Owl House] Amity Blight x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.02k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Yelling, crying, general angst, Odalia being Odalia, and talk of an unsafe home environment.
[A/N]: Here's story 1/3 for Amity!
P.S. the reader / [Y/N] / you essentially replace Luz in the story. It doesn't change how anything plays out, I just figured I should mention it to explain the relationship.
“Amity, I don’t care about whatever it is you think is more important than your schoolwork, but this is unacceptable! You’re hardly trying anymore, for Titan’s sake. Are you trying to make me look bad?” Odalia sneered down at her youngest daughter, waving Amity’s report card in front of her face to show her recent grades. “Mom, I still have almost all A’s! I don’t see why that’s such a bad thing to you,” she hollered in return, glancing to the side to find Edric and Emira peering in anxiously from the doorway. “Almost isn’t good enough, dear. You know that. You’re doing so much worse than you ever have. I feel like you’re doing this intentionally,” came her mother’s retort.
Amity sighed and ran her hands down her face, already beginning to feel the anger boiling and bubbling up to the surface. “Mom, I’m not intentionally doing anything. I’ve just been…distracted is all.” Odalia scoffed and rolled her eyes. Her free hand came up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “So I’ve noticed.” Her mother then grumbled something underneath her breath, glancing back over the sheet of paper in her hand before handing it over to one of the Abominations that stood in place of a servant. “Ever since that human came to the Isles, it seems you’ve been distracted every day. Honestly, I don’t see what interests you so much about her. She’s beneath us, Amity. You know that.”
The twins winced at the statement, watching as their younger sister tensed up and visibly grew irritated. They glanced at each other, silently wondering how they could step in without escalating the situation even further. “How dare you talk about her that way?” Amity yelled in return, stepping forward. “You know nothing about her! She’s actually the one who’s been listening to me and making me genuinely happy!” Odalia’s eyebrow perked up as she thought for a moment. She hummed with a knowing smirk.
“Is that so? So she’s the one who has been distracting you from your responsibilities? I suppose your father and I will just have to do something about her in that case.”
Amity’s body froze, her blood running cold as she stammered. “Y-You wouldn’t. You can’t! She’s all I have!” “All you have? Amity, have you forgotten all I’ve done for you? I gave you a name, a title, a reason for others to fear you. I gave you power and status! You’d be nothing without me, and you know it. [Y/N] is nothing but a pest who needs to be squashed. If that’s what it takes for you to return to normal, then so be it.”
Trembling harshly, Amity stepped back and tangled her hands together in an attempt to steady them and ground herself. “But…I don’t want to be feared,” she whispered. “I-I don’t want to have power and status if it means I can only use it for something bad.” She swallowed the lump in her throat and sucked in a shuttered breath. “[Y/N] treats me with the respect you never have,” she started again after a moment of silence, finally looking back up to her mother to look her in the eye as she forced her confidence once more.
“[Y/N] is a better person than you’ll ever be.”
Odalia gasped at that, her features contorting as she grew infuriated with her youngest daughter’s attempt to fight back. “Amity, you have no right to speak to me that way. And how would you even know that? It’s not like she means anything to you.”
“She means everything to me! She’s my girlfriend!”
Her hands came up to clasp themselves over her mouth as she gasped. She didn’t want to tell her mother about her relationship with [Y/N]--she knew she’d be disowned for being involved with someone her mother saw as inferior. Had she ruined everything? What if she had to break up with her? She let her gaze drop down to the floor. If that’s what she had to do to make sure [Y/N] was safe, she would, but she knew how painful it would be. There had to be a way to avoid her getting hurt.
“Girlfriend? Oh, no, Amity. You’re mistaken. You can’t date someone so far beneath us. We’ll find you a new girlfriend–one who’s better suited to be with you.” Amity’s jaw clenched, her teeth grinding painfully against each other as her arms dropped back down to her side. “And how do you know who would be suited to be my girlfriend? You don’t know what I need.” Odalia faked a laugh. “Oh, but I do, dear. You need someone who will benefit your place in the world. Someone who will better our reputation.”
Finally, Amity lunged forward and snatched her report card from the servant, glancing over it before holding it back up to show her mother. “If your reputation is all you care about, and you don’t care about me being happy, then I don’t want any part of it.” In a swift movement, she tore the paper in two, then let it fall to the ground beneath her feet. Her eyes never left her mother’s, however, which narrowed. They stared at each other for a moment, the tension in the air growing thicker with each passing second.
At length, Odalia sighed and crossed her arms. “Very well. I can always find a better replacement. Feel free to stay here if you’d like, but don’t bother taking any pride in your little stunt. Either way, [Y/N] will be punished for ruining your future.” Amity growled in frustration. “She didn’t ruin my future, she is my future! All you do is cause problems! I hate that I have to live here with you! You’re the only reason I don’t enjoy having the name Blight,” she hollered as loudly as she could, then spinning around on her heel to turn and storm off.
After she made it to the front parlor, she heard her mother start to bicker again. She picked up her pace quickly before sprinting out the door. She had no plan on where to go–she had never tried to run away before. She knew it was only a matter of time before someone found her and forced her to go back to living at the Blight Manor–she knew that–but she just wanted to get away for enough time to clear her head.
Tears blurred her vision, making it almost impossible to see where she was going as they spilled from her eyes in thick masses. She wiped furiously at her eyes, sniffling and hiccuping. The late hour certainly wasn’t helping: the sun hadn’t quite set all the way yet, but with every passing minute, the world around her grew darker.
In an attempt to calm herself down, she thought of where she could go. Her first thought was her hideout at the library, though that idea was quickly shut down. She knew that was one of the first places her family would look.
There had to be somewhere else she could go.
There was no way she was going to run to Boscha’s house, or any of her old friends for that matter. None of them would comfort her the way she needed. Her family would also look there anyway, so there was no point. In the midst of her thinking and weeping, she had sent a text through her scroll at some point, though she couldn’t quite make out whatever it was she had typed.
After several minutes of running in a random direction, Amity came to a halt, huffing and panting heavily as she hunched over to rest her hands on her knees. Her eyes closed, already growing weary from the tears that had barely dried while streaking against her face. Where could she go?
Where would her mother not look for a while?
Where could she go to feel understood and safe?
Her eyes shot open after a moment, her mind screaming at her feet to start moving again. She managed to pace herself in a light jog, eventually realizing it wouldn’t get her where she needed to be for a long while. She brought her hands up to cup the sides of her mouth as she hollered out. “Ghost! I need a ride,” she called out. Her palisman took a moment, but finally made it. Amity summoned her staff and quickly hopped on, flying off as quickly as possible.
She didn’t know how she hadn’t thought of it immediately: The Owl House was definitely a place she could go to whenever she needed, and unless her siblings ratted her out for it, Odalia would never think to even check that place for a while. She’d have at least a few days to recollect herself.
Another round of sniffles sounded from her as she mumbled where she wanted to go to Ghost, who flew even faster in that direction. It had only taken a few minutes for them to make it, though it felt like hours had passed to Amity. She hopped off of her staff and managed to run to the door, ignoring Hooty’s greetings and heading inside. Eda and King both asked what was going on, though all Amity could hear was ringing. Her body felt like it was going to collapse at any moment, and all she wanted to do was hold [Y/N] before that happened.
Racing up the stairs, Amity stumbled hurriedly to [Y/N]’s bedroom door, shoving it open and struggling to catch her balance as her eyes searched the room frantically. She sighed once her gaze met [Y/N]’s. A choked sob quickly forced its way through her lips as she walked forward and fell into the girl’s embrace. There were so many things on her mind that she wanted to talk about, but none of them came out coherently.
[Y/N] gently shushed her and told her to take her time. “Just breathe for me right now, okay?” Amity nodded and sniffled, squeezing [Y/N] in return as she struggled to steady her breath again. The feeling of her girlfriend’s arms around her torso was the only thing keeping her grounded to reality. That, and the sound of [Y/N] whispering soft words of reassurance beside her ear while she rocked her back and forth in a soothing manner.
Eventually, Amity managed to calm herself enough to start talking about what had happened. [Y/N] listened intently as she ranted, only speaking here and there to show that she was listening. After a good half hour of speaking, Amity crumbled into herself once the two of them sat on the bed. “I-I just don’t understand why her name is more important to her than her actual children. Why does she think her reputation matters more than me?”
[Y/N] could feel her heart shattering at her words. She pulled Amity into another hug. “I…I don’t know, Amity. I really don’t. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: every child deserves a parent who will love them and keep only their best interest in mind, but not every parent deserves a child, especially if they aren’t willing to put in the effort it takes to help them feel loved.” She leaned back to look Amity in the eye. Her hands came up to gently cup her face, and she could feel her heart throbbing again as the girl in front of her could only close her eyes and lean into the touch.
“You deserve so much more, Amity. You deserve everything you want. I hope one day your mom realizes that.” Amity hiccuped and began to cry again. Her head lowered, allowing her to bury her face in her hands. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry again.” Gently, [Y/N] lifted Amity’s head and moved her hands. She cupped her face once more before letting the pads of her thumbs stroke her face to wipe her tears away.
Another sniffle came from Amity before she opened her eyes. She glanced up at [Y/N] and smiled weakly. “No, it’s not you. I just…you have no idea how badly I’ve needed to hear someone who isn’t my family say that. Thank you.”
The two shared a smile. After a moment or two, [Y/N] leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to Amity’s forehead before speaking. “You look exhausted. Why don’t we get some sleep? There’ll be plenty of time to figure things out in the morning, okay?” A small nod was her response. The two of them then shuffled around for a bit to get the room more comfortable. The lights were turned off, and multiple blankets and pillows were brought in to provide a larger sense of comfort.
They laid down on the floor, bundling up underneath the blankets and facing one another. [Y/N] grabbed ahold of Amity’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, whispering a few more words before letting her eyes flutter shut. Several moments passed, but Amity was struggling to fall asleep peacefully. Every time her eyes closed, she thought of what would possibly happen to [Y/N] if her mother ever got ahold of her.
After gathering a small amount of courage, she scooted forward towards [Y/N] and rested her head against the girl’s chest. [Y/N] tensed at the feeling, looking down at her. She never asked why she moved closer, almost instantly understanding what was happening. Amity finally managed to fall asleep after focusing on the sound of her girlfriend’s heart beating behind her ribs. She counted the beating until she crashed. Considering all that had happened that night, she managed to have a relatively decent dream, her mind finally processing that she was safe at the Owl House.
She wished she could call this place her home instead of Blight Manor.
Maybe she could talk to [Y/N] about it when they woke up. She knew her girlfriend would be on board with her living there for the time being, but she would also need to make sure that Eda and King would be okay with it as well.
She’d have to wait until she woke up the next morning.

“Alright, that’s all for today. Remember there’s an extra credit assignment that’ll be due next week if anyone chooses to do it.” After the teacher made final announcements for the day, the students in class began to pack their things back up. Amity smiled at the thought of going home. She gathered her belongings and waited patiently for the bell to go off. Her eyes shut as her palm supported the weight of her head, propping her arm up against the table as she remained in her seat.
“Hey, Amity! Think you could help us with the extra credit this weekend?” Skara suddenly quipped, making Amity jump and look over at her as she and Boscha made their way over. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she smiled. “Ah, no, sorry. I’m not gonna do it this time. I just want to stay home and relax for a while.” Boscha’s eyebrows raised before a look of confusion crossed her face. “You aren’t doing the extra credit?”
Amity’s eyes squinted a bit at her. “Why? Is that such a bad thing?” Her tone came across a little more aggressive than she intended, but she didn’t have a visible reaction to it. Boscha shrugged. “No, I just don’t remember the last time you skipped doing anything for extra credit. Can’t blame you though,” she waved her hand with an exasperated expression. “The assignments are always boring anyway.” Amity only hummed, not contributing to the conversation any further.
Finally, the bell screamed throughout each class, echoing down the hallways. Amity beamed brightly and stood up, ignoring the surprised and confused glances from the others as she rushed out the door.
She made her way out the main doors of Hexide, summoning Ghost at her side before flying off to the Owl House. She landed relatively swiftly before jogging inside, finding that [Y/N] had already made it home before her and set up her phone to binge watch the shows she had been begging Amity to try watching for weeks. Amity smiled wider and laughed, gently discarding her school supplies before joining her girlfriend on the sofa.
They bundled up together under the blankets that had been set out, snuggling against each other before [Y/N] started the show. Amity grinned as [Y/N] laughed at a joke here and there, sighing contentedly as she leaned further against her girlfriend. She didn’t entirely understand what was happening in the show–and she definitely didn’t get any of the references made–but she was enjoying it anyway.
Something about the way [Y/N] held her and talked so passionately about what was playing on her phone made Amity feel safe and wouldn’t let her stop smiling. She had never felt this happy at the Manor. And although she knew she wouldn’t be able to stay here forever, she was glad her mother agreed to let her live there until the Day of Unity, though she didn’t appreciate the way she had explained why she was allowing it.
She ignored that though, and instead found herself falling even more in love with [Y/N] than ever before. Being able to spend every day together meant they could do everything together: go on dates, walk around town, crack bad jokes about what had been happening at school. Eda treated her like her mother never did, always making sure she was taken care of and keeping her best interests in mind. And King, although it wasn’t much of a surprise, became like a younger sibling to Amity. Anytime she was feeling upset and [Y/N] wasn’t there to make her smile, King found a way to make her laugh.
She loved every part of it, and she loved [Y/N], the girl who saved her from her lowest point in life and welcomed her into her new home with loving arms.

Crown of Flowers
[The Owl House] Amity Blight x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.02k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, but nothing too serious.
[A/N]: Story 2/3 for Amity--one more to go. I'll write for Boscha next, as promised.
A soft chuckle of amusement slipped past Amity’s lips, her free hand coming up to cover them out of surprise. “What?” She questioned as her steps faltered from the increasing volume of her laughter as she replayed the statement in her mind. [Y/N]’s face flushed as she shared a smile. “Oh, I guess by that reaction I’m wrong.” Her finger gently tapped at her cheek before she looked down in embarrassment. “You really thought people said “break a leg” to actors because every play has a cast?” Again, Amity’s laughter grew in volume, adding to [Y/N]’s flustered expression and making the girl’s face turn an even brighter shade of red.
She playfully nudged Amity’s arm as she failed to bite back her own snicker. “It’s not my fault! Someone seriously told me that’s why people say that, okay?” Her gaze dropped down as she thought for a moment. “Although, now that I think about it, they probably just wanted to see how gullible I am. Guess I fell for it after all.” The two continued to laugh together as they sauntered through the field of grass, which now reached their knees.
A few minutes into walking forward led to a parting of the soft, green blades, revealing an opening of flat, neatly trimmed grass littered with multicolored flowers. [Y/N]’s eyes lit up at the sight of them, though she didn’t move towards them until the two decided they should set up their picnic there. She unfolded the blanket that she had tucked away in the crease of her elbow and let it flutter in the air for a moment before tugging the corners down to flatten it out on the ground. As Amity placed the carefully woven basket down and began to pull a few wrapped items out from it, [Y/N] moved to pick a few of the fully bloomed flowers nearby.
Lavender strands of hair twirled against Amity’s features and framed her face as she turned her head to find where [Y/N] had gone. An eyebrow raised, and she tilted her head to the side with a curious grin. “What’re you doing?” She asked, picking up one of the sandwiches and unwrapping it. She took a small bite out of one of the corners and hummed slightly at the flavor. “Oh, I just wanted to see if I still remember how to make a flower crown,” [Y/N] replied after a moment. She turned at length with a handful of wildflowers and lilies–the only ones that had fully grown in the area so far.
“Flower crown? What’s that?” Before the [h/c] girl could answer, Amity chuckled to herself and crossed her legs as she sat down. “Never mind. How do you make them?” [Y/N] drifted over and sat across from Amity, whose face turned pink at the realization of how close they were sitting to one another. “Well, it’s been a really long time since I’ve made one,” came her reply. A fond smile graced [Y/N]’s lips as she sorted the flowers out by color in front of her.
She plucked a few up from the fabric of the blanket beneath her and lightly bent the stems to test their flexibility. “My older cousin and I used to make them all the time when we were little.” Amity beamed at her and leaned forward to watch, wrapping her food back up and letting it settle on top of her lap. “Why’d you stop?” [Y/N] shrugged gently and let her smile drop. “After she got married–she’s much older than you and I–we stopped spending time together. We still talked here and there, but we never really saw each other in person. I guess I could’ve kept making them on my own, but…it just didn’t seem as special, you know?”
Amity’s gaze softened at seeing how upset she seemed. Without thinking it all the way through, her free hand came up and gently cupped one of [Y/N]’s. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was why. I get the feeling I shouldn’t have asked about it.” “No, no, it’s okay, I promise. Those memories make me happy. And it’s not like she and I hate each other or anything. We just fell apart.”
The air, now filled with silence, fell uncomfortably upon their shoulders. Just as Amity parted her lips to ask if she was okay, [Y/N] cleared her throat and began to toy with the stems, weaving the flowers together almost effortlessly. “I think I remember how to do it,” she spoke softly. Her eyes flickered back up to Amity’s, prompting the girl to blush again and lean back, letting her hand drop down onto the blanket next to her.
“Want me to make you one?” Now surprised, Amity turned to her fully. “What?” [Y/N] smiled with a small hum and picked up another flower to add to the already growing chain. “Do you want me to make you a flower crown? I think it would look good on you.” If the question alone wasn’t enough to make the lavender-haired girl’s face turn a darker shade of red, the compliment at the end certainly was. It made her breath hitch temporarily in her throat. She coughed to stop herself from choking and covered her mouth with a fist to hide the sound of her gulping down her sheepishness.
“O-Oh, you don’t have to. It’s really up to you,” was all she could mutter out. The offer was small, she knew that, but it still had her heart hammering against her ribs and pounding in her ears.
She had met [Y/N] only a few months prior in school. Being the only human known to live on the Boiling Isles, [Y/N] immediately caught her interest. Not only because of the fact her ears were round and she was attending a school founded on magic without the ability to do so, but also because of how kind and carefree the girl appeared to be. She even seemed to be kind to the cruelest people around–always trying to hear them out to understand their point of view.
Before she knew it, Amity had fallen for her.
They hadn’t even had a proper conversation by the time she realized her feelings.
She kept her emotions hidden, of course, as was her mother’s expectations for all three of her children. Once she grew closer to [Y/N], Gus, and rekindled her previous friendship with Willow, however, it was evident that she wouldn’t be able to hide how she felt forever. One way or another, she’d have to confess. If she didn’t, she’d lose her mind worrying about whether or not someone else would come along and win [Y/N]’s heart over instead. On more than one occasion, she thought about asking Willow or Gus what to do, but she knew they’d probably find a way to let [Y/N] know of her feelings before she was ready. That was something she wasn’t willing to risk.
If she was going to confess to the girl of her dreams, she wanted to do it on her own terms. And if that meant waiting for the right time, then so be it. She would wait a million years if that’s what it took. Her plan so far was to ask her to Grom, and then hopefully confess either during or after the event. Despite how her mother would react, Amity knew she’d be proud to have [Y/N] on her arm. She always boasted about how amazing she was anyway–if they were to ever have something more, being able to call [Y/N] her own would leave her feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.
It wasn’t just how [Y/N] treated others that made Amity fall so hard–it was also how selfless she seemed to be. She made Amity feel more loved than she ever had before. Anytime she felt down, whether it be over something that happened at home or at school, [Y/N] was always there to comfort her. Before the day ended, she’d have her crying from laughter rather than sorrow or pain, and she preferred those tears far more.
“Amity? Hello? Are you in there?”
Blinking from surprise, Amity snapped out of her trance, not realizing until then that she had been staring directly at [Y/N] without responding to her. She quickly averted her gaze, looking down at her hands as they picked at each other in her lap. “Sorry! I just–my mind wandered. I didn’t mean to stop listening.”
[Y/N] giggled at her words, forcing a smile to tug at the corners of her lips. “It’s alright, I do that all the time. I understand completely.” Finally, after a few moments, Amity lifted her head to make eye contact again. “So, uh…what were you asking me?” “Oh! I was just wondering if flower crowns are a thing on the Isles. You seemed really surprised when I mentioned them earlier.” [Y/N] glanced down at the crown she had made so far, which was now partially finished. “Well, okay, maybe not surprised, but confused.”
Amity thought for a second, trying to wrack her brain for any memory of them. “If they are a thing here, I haven’t ever seen or heard of one before. Then again, most of the plants here can be deadly in one way or another. It wouldn’t surprise me if people know of them, but are just too hesitant to make one.” A nervous expression creased [Y/N]’s features as her hands froze. She glanced at the flowers between her fingers.
“Uh, these aren’t going to kill me, are they?” Amity giggled and studied the petals of the ones that had been picked. “No, they shouldn’t. The plants that are dangerous–to us witches, anyway–are over towards the wilderness. Most of these are domesticated. A lot of people in the Plant Coven actually plant them to add to the scenery. Willow might’ve even helped at some point.”
A breath of relief escaped [Y/N], who then smiled and continued to work with the flowers in her hold. “Oh, thank goodness. I was worried I’d end up with some kind of rash or pus pockets. Again.” Amity laughed heartily and scooted forward. “No, you’ll be fine. If not, Emira can help treat pretty much everything.” They shared a grin. Silence fell between them again, though it was far more comforting this time. Amity silently watched [Y/N] work, admiring how deftly her fingers wove the thin stems together.
Several minutes later, a small, “aha!” sounded from [Y/N], who then held the crown up delicately. “I guess I do remember after all. Not bad, especially considering how long it’s been since I last made one.” She turned it in her hands before her eyes glanced back up at Amity, who smiled awkwardly. “Want me to put it on for you?” Again, her face turned a shade of crimson. The tips of her fingers curled into the fabric of her shirt and hooked around the hem to grip on. “Oh, I-I–suppose so.”
As [Y/N] lifted the crown up slightly higher, Amity dipped her head down far enough to reach. She shuddered almost unnoticeably at the feeling of the feathery petals grazing the top of her head before planting themselves around the crown of her head. “There we go.” At that, she lifted her head up again, tightening her grasp on her shirt as [Y/N] squealed and pulled out her phone.
“I was right! It looks so pretty on you!” Amity felt her head grow woozy from the amount of times she had grown flustered. She couldn’t have prevented the wide smile that graced her lips if she tried. “Mind if I take a picture? This whole scenery right here,” [Y/N] started, her hand coming up and making a circular motion to refer to what she saw in front of her, “is absolutely perfect.”
Apparently, [Y/N] hadn’t realized what her comment had really meant–or at least how it had come across to Amity. She seemed utterly confused when Amity was left rendered speechless. “Are you okay? There wasn’t something in that sandwich, was there?” After dragging both hands down her face and taking a deep breath, Amity managed to squeak out a small, “no, I’m fine,” before readjusting how she was sitting. “Is a picture okay? It’s fine if you say no,” [Y/N] reassured.
All Amity could do in her sheepish state was nod and give a thumbs up. Another smile crossed [Y/N]’s features as she tapped on her camera icon and held up her phone. She tilted the device a few times to find the perfect angle before pausing and snapping a quick photo. Her arms dropped down, and the pad of her thumb clicked on the most recent photo taken, allowing her to see what she had just captured. Her face burned brightly–almost reaching the same shade of red as Amity’s.
“Oh, wow,” she whispered.
Amity’s attention snapped to her again, her head perking up. “Is something wrong? Was there something on my face?” Absentmindedly, she swiped at her mouth, hoping there hadn’t been anything from the food left there. [Y/N] shook her head lightly, unable to tear her eyes away from her screen. “Was my hair doing something weird?” Again, a small shake of the head was her response. “Then what’s wrong?”
[Y/N] finally forced herself to clear her throat and speak. “Nothing’s wrong. I just, um…it’s not important, really. I was right though: you’re really pretty.” They gawked at each other in silence, both faces bright. Eventually, [Y/N]’s eyes snapped to the basket beside Amity. “So,” she started, mentally slapping herself when her voice cracked and shook. “What did you pack to eat?” Amity jumped at the sudden question. “Huh?” She turned around to look at the basket, which she had forgotten about entirely. “Oh, I just–I packed some–just some sandwiches and f-fruit.”
She picked out a random pair of the two and handed them over, unable to make even a split second of eye contact. “Thanks.”
Uneasily, [Y/N] unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite out of it. Neither of the girls knew what to say, although an idea came to mind when Amity finally let her hand lift up to feel the crown of flowers on her head. “So, do you think you could teach me how to make one of these?” [Y/N] hummed in confusion as she looked up. A small smile finally took place on her lips again. She swallowed her food and wiped her mouth before speaking. “Oh, yeah, of course I can. What kind of flowers do you want to use?”

Several weeks had passed since [Y/N] taught Amity how to make a flower crown. Over those weeks, she had been working any chance she could to perfect her ability to make them. After school, before and after dinner, during lunch, every weekend, she’d find a decent amount of flowers and make a crown of them. Each time she started a new one, she’d refer to what she had done with the previous one, studying how the stems wrapped around one another and figuring out how to make it better.
And yet, somehow, she also managed to keep her grades up and go to every showcase her parents had planned for her father’s inventions. She was exhausted all the time, but she was fueled by her determination to make things perfect. During the days she spent working on improving the flower crown, she also planned the best way to confess how she felt to [Y/N], who was unaware of all that she was doing. She studied plant language with Willow’s help, and found the right flowers to use for her confession.
Finally, after weaving yet another flower crown together after school one evening, Amity held it up and smiled widely. She knew this was the one she wanted to use for the occasion. Carefully, she used part of her magic to summon a protective bubble around it before gently tucking it away in her closet to make sure Edric and Emira wouldn’t snoop around and find it. She didn’t want to ruin any part of her plan, and although she was on much better terms with her older siblings, she still didn’t want to risk anything.
The only two people who knew of Amity’s plans were Willow and Gus, who were both sworn to secrecy. She waited until it was only a day or two before she carried it out, already noticing that the two of her friends were acting strangely around [Y/N], squirming with excitement and struggling not to blurt out what was going to happen.
She fell asleep that night without struggle, the fatigue from the past several weeks finally catching up to her. She was anxious about things, sure, but she knew she’d have to be well rested in order for things to go according to plan, so she focused on the positive instead.

After classes the next day, [Y/N] waltzed to her locker and waved to a few of her classmates as they headed out the main entrance. She tickled the surface of said locker and quickly placed her books from the day into the large mouth, freezing once she spotted a folded sheet of paper tucked away in the corner. She pulled it from the small space and unfolded it after retrieving her arm before the mouth of the locker could shut on her. With piqued interest, she read the note. She blushed lightly once she recognized Amity’s pristine handwriting.
Please meet me in the flower field we usually go to after school. I have something really important I need to talk to you about.
She felt her fingers gripping the paper tightly, quickly loosening said grip before she could accidentally tear it. “She wants to talk to me about something?” She asked herself softly. A quick glance around the hallway let her know that no one had heard her. With a newfound excitement, she pocketed the letter and began jogging towards the exit and all the way toward where Eda usually picked her up. On time for once, Eda flew down quickly on Owlbert and greeted her.
“Hey, kiddo. Miss Bossy Boots told me I needed to take you out to that field by the Titan’s skull, and that I needed to make it quick. I was gonna just tell her no, but she offered to pay, and you know I’m not gonna turn down some easy money. Hop on.”
[Y/N] smiled at Eda’s nickname for Amity and chuckled at her comment about the payment. She hopped onto the staff and watched as Eda motioned for Owlbert to take off. The two of them flew through the air towards the same flower field she had made a flower crown for Amity over a month prior. About halfway there, Eda turned her head to talk. “So, do you know why she wants you there so quickly? She refused to fill me in on anything. Said I was gonna blab about it when I picked you up.”
“No, I have no idea what’s going on. She left a note for me before you got me though.” Carefully, [Y/N] plucked the sheet of paper out from her pocket and held it tight enough not to fly away with the high winds. Eda’s eyes seemed to sparkle, her eyebrows raising as she smirked knowingly. “Ah, I see,” was all she said. She turned back around and managed to get Owlbert to fly a bit faster to their destination.
After what felt like forever to [Y/N], they landed down in the center of the field. Eda gave her a small hug after she got off of the staff, then turned to face Amity and gave her a thumbs up before flying off again, giving the two girls privacy. Amity waited a moment, watching Eda fly further until she couldn’t be seen before letting her gaze drop down to [Y/N], who stared back at her expectantly.
She walked closer to the [h/c] girl with a sheepish smile. “Hey,” she mumbled out loud enough to hear. [Y/N] grinned back, her energy now matching Amity’s. “Hi,” she uttered back. They both glanced down at their own feet, unsure of what to say, before [Y/N] finally lifted up her hand to show the note that had been left in her locker. “You wanted to talk to me about something?” She questioned. Amity’s face flushed even more and she nodded. “Yeah, I figured now was the best time to do it. I didn’t want to wait any longer.” Barely noticing it, [Y/N] glanced at Amity’s arms, which were tucked behind her back as if they were hiding something. “What’s that?” She asked.
“You’ll see in a moment. It’s a surprise.”
[Y/N] cocked an eyebrow before nodding. “Okay…” She stepped a little closer, folding the letter again and tucking it away in the same pocket as before. “So, what did you want to talk to me about?” Amity sucked in a deep breath, cleared her throat, and forced herself to finally gaze into [Y/N]’s eyes, which were creased slightly with concern.
Her heart fluttered in her chest. She internally swooned at how kind [Y/N]’s steady glare was, even as the two of them struggled to maintain their composure. “Well,” she started, her voice breaking. She cleared her throat again out of embarrassment before trying again. “Well, I wanted to kind of…confess something to you.” The gears seemed to visibly turn in [Y/N]’s head at her words before a look of recognition and understanding crossed her features.
“Oh,” was all she could say. Amity inhaled as she repeated the words she had been rehearsing in her mind for days. She hoped her voice would remain steady enough to help [Y/N] understand that she wasn’t hesitant, just shy. This was the first time she had ever confessed to someone. She had read about it plenty of times in all of the stories she would read, but she had never even pictured herself carrying out a confession of her own until now.
She had never needed to gather so much courage before–this was all so new to her. Her mind raced with every possibility of how this could go wrong, every way she could be rejected by the one person who seemed to genuinely love and care for her. She just kept telling herself that she had to keep her composure long enough for this moment, and that if it went well, she wouldn’t have to do so much for a while.
“I’m not really sure how to transition into the whole speech I had planned in a smooth way, so I’m just gonna say what I’ve had on my mind for so long now. Ever since you came here, you’ve caught my interest. From the moment I saw you laughing and making friends so easily with everyone around you, I envied you. At least, I thought I did. Looking back on it now, I think I envied those you befriended–and I envied them because I wanted you to look at me and laugh with me the way you did with them. You’re so kind, and understanding, and patient, and so many other things I can’t even begin to describe.
“You make me feel like I’m deserving of every good thing that happens to me, all except you because you’re too good for me. You’re too good for this world. Sure, it seems like the human realm is far more cruel than the Isles, but no matter what happens, you always face everything with a sense of determination I’ve never seen in anyone before. You always seem to know what to say. I can’t even begin to imagine how many people you’ve helped without knowing. There’s always this…look in your eyes when you talk to someone. It’s one I can’t really describe, but I always love seeing it there.
“What I’m really trying to say is that I love you, [Y/N]. I know it may seem sudden, especially considering you’ve only been here for a little under a year, but it’s how I feel. And I thought for a while that maybe this feeling was something temporary, but now I can tell it’s not. You’re my everything, [Y/N]. I love everything about you, and I don’t want to picture my life without you in it, even if we’re just friends. After you showed me how to make those flower crowns, I haven’t been able to stop making them on my own.
“I wanted to make one for you, but I wanted it to be perfect, so…” Finally, her hands surfaced in front of her to reveal a flower crown made of daisies, apple blossoms, and red carnations. [Y/N]’s hands folded together and planted themselves to cover her mouth as she teared up, recognizing the meaning behind each flower.
The daisies a symbol of truly loving someone close,
The apple blossoms a way to say “I prefer you before all,”
And the red carnations a declaration of the presenter’s heart aching for who receives them.
A small whimper managed to escape her quivering lips, barely managing to tear her eyes away from the flowers to look Amity in the eye once more.
“I-I made this for you. I had Willow help me pick out the best ones and study the flower language. If you feel the same way, it would mean the world to me if you wore it. If not, I can…take it back home with me, and we can just–pretend this never happened. Whatever it takes to have you in my life, I’ll do it.” She sucked in a breath shakily and willed her hands to steady themselves as she continued to hold out the crown.
Sheepishly, she glanced at her feet for a moment before returning her gaze to meet [Y/N]’s. She gasped softly upon seeing the tears that pricked her eyes. Her build of confidence faltered at the sight, though she was interrupted before she could even get her words out. “I-I don’t even know what to say,” [Y/N] whispered softly, almost inaudibly. “Amity, I’d be proud to be your girlfriend. I’ll absolutely accept the crown.”
Amity’s eyebrows raised in surprise, a soft red dusting her cheeks. “Really?” She questioned after a moment of processing the words. “Of course.” With that, a smile wider than ever before cracked across her lips. She stepped forward and gently placed the flower crown on [Y/N]’s head once the girl leaned down far enough for her to. Once she was sure it was secure there, she stepped back to gaze at her lovingly. “You look beautiful,” she complimented with pure admiration. An idea presented itself in the front of her mind. She summoned her scroll and found her camera app. “Mind if I get a picture? I figured we could have matching wallpapers that way,” she suggested, still unable to wipe the grin from her face.
“Of course I don’t mind,” [Y/N] replied with a giggle. Proudly, Amity snapped a quick photo before opening her settings and selecting it as her wallpaper. She returned to her home screen and stared at the photo, not realizing how absolutely smitten she looked. Again, [Y/N] laughed softly, earning Amity’s attention. “So, that’s the reason you wanted to learn how to make these so badly, huh?”
Amity joined in with her own laughter and nodded. “You could say that, yeah. I also just like hearing you talk about things you’re passionate about. I like seeing the look in your eyes.” Her golden eyes flickered up to the crown of flowers adorning her girlfriend’s head. Her heart swelled at the realization she could now officially call [Y/N] her girlfriend. “And I really like seeing the flowers like this. You look amazing.”
It was [Y/N]’s turn to blush at the compliment. She rubbed the back of her neck shyly and grinned. “Thank you. You do too, but then again, you always do.” Amity couldn’t help the chuckle that sounded from her. “No way. Not as good as you always do.”
The two beamed at each other warmly–lovingly. After a moment or two, Amity held out her hand for [Y/N] to take. When she did, she led her over to a blanket set up in the same spot as last time, accompanied by a small woven basket filled with treats and a few drinks, which she set out once they sat down together. They chatted about things that had happened throughout the day, laughing at jokes they shared. Hours passed by, and by the time they were finished with their food, the sun had already begun to set. Stars made themselves known in the sky, illuminating the ground below until the moon rose and outshone all of them.
Amity motioned for the two of them to lie down, and once they were comfortable, they gazed up at the sky. Neither of them could wipe the lovestruck smiles from their faces. Every time they spoke, they’d glance at each other, and their smiles would widen again.
Finally, as the conversation died down and the sounds of the smaller wildlife grew to fill the silence, Amity’s hand hesitantly lowered itself down to interlock her fingers with [Y/N]’s. She finally let out a breath of fresh air at the feeling of [Y/N] gently squeezing her hand in her own. Her head turned far enough to let her silently study the vibrant flowers still resting atop her head. Her gaze softened even further. She wondered what kind of flowers she’d use when she made a crown for their first proper date. Maybe they could make one for each other to match.

[The Owl House] Amity Blight x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.05k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: Mentions of overworking, but that's pretty much it.
[A/N]: Story 3/3 for Amity! I'll be writing for Boscha next.
At the time I’ve finished this and proofread it before scheduling, we’re at 110 followers, so I just wanted to quickly say thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy my content as much as I enjoy creating it.
An occasional strained grunt filled the small space in between the idle chatter of citizens and workers. Lilith turned from her conversation with Steve, her gaze landing over to the source of the grunting. Amity, just a few feet away, was tugging at a rope in an attempt to lift a large wall skillfully tied to the other end. She seemed to struggle too much for a moment, but before anyone could step in to help her, her hand lifted enough for her to cast a spell circle and summon an Abomination. Two much larger hands joined hers on the rope and gave a hefty tug, finally allowing the wall to lift with ease. Once it was set in place, Amity sighed in relief, shrugging and rolling her shoulders back to ease the already growing tension.
She stared up at the work that had been done so far: three of four walls had been lifted, two of which were set in place against their designated pillars. Just one more left to go, then the Construction Coven would finish it off by tidying the design for the roof and building it on their shift. Hands on her hips, Amity smiled. They certainly had made a good amount of progress on the newest sets of households for those who’d had their previous home destroyed during the Collector’s reign of terror and Belos’s eventual defeat.
Thinking of all of the citizens who would once again be able to call somewhere home brought an even wider grin to her lips. Her mind wandered back to her own home–which she shared with her girlfriend [Y/N]. The mere thought of the girl made Amity feel warm and relaxed. She wished she was home with her in that moment. She knew, however, that she had to play her part in the reconstruction of the Isles. It had been months since she had been able to convince herself to take a day off. She was upset by it, but her guilt for not helping the others certainly combatted those feelings. It was a battle everyday about whether or not she should just stay home.
A quick yelp unwillingly slipped past her lips as a hand dropped onto her shoulder and squeezed. She turned, startled, but settled again when she saw her former mentor Lilith standing there. Her eyebrows were creased in concern. “Amity, you look exhausted. Why don’t you take a break for today? We’ve got it from here.” Amity smiled softly up at her and waved it off, gently lifting Lilith’s hand from her shoulder and letting it drop back down to her side. “No, it’s alright. I can keep working.” A frown crossed the Clawthorne’s features.
“I understand that you feel as though you have to help out all day everyday, but I can assure you it’s alright to take breaks here and there. I haven’t seen this many bags under your eyes since your mother had you competing for grades and status in school.” Again, Amity waved, this time shaking her head. “I promise I’m good to work like this. I feel guilty anytime I take a break anyway. I’d much rather be here.”
“You’d rather be here than at home with [Y/N]?”
Now silent, Amity glanced down at her feet and let her gloved fingertips scratch lightly at the back of her neck. “Well, no, but–” “Then go spend time with her. I’m sure she misses you. I mean, you’re gone so much. Please just take the rest of the week off, alright? No one will be upset with you for it. They’ll understand. And besides, you’ve done plenty already. It’s not as if you haven’t been efficient in your work.” The younger woman seemed unsure at the mention of taking the week off. It had been so long since she had taken even half of a day as a break–and that alone had her guilt eating away at her conscience–how would she survive an entire week?
“I couldn’t,” came her reply after a moment.
“Amity, at this point, it’s not a question anymore. It’s a request–an order. Not only am I worried about how little time you spend at home, I’m also worried about your health. When’s the last time you sat down to eat a proper meal and just relax?”
Amity wracked her brain to find the example, though she couldn’t, and ultimately sighed. “I guess you’re right. I’ll take tomorrow off, but could I at least finish up my work here for the day?” Lilith’s glare sharpened. “Only if you take the rest of the week off. Not just tomorrow. Deal?” Another sigh of defeat. She truly didn’t want to feel as though she was letting these people down. “Deal.”

The rest of the day had gone by rather quickly, much to Amity’s dismay. She wasn’t looking forward to the rest of the week. She felt as though she constantly had to be helping out in some way, always searching for approval and praise. After all that had happened, she thought she had moved past feeling like she needed to prove herself for merely existing, but it was hard to break a habit she had been in her entire life. It seemed to be getting better though–at least, when it didn’t come to reconstruction.
As everyone wrapped up for the night and began to disperse towards their own homes, Amity found herself fastening her tool belt more sluggishly than normal. Her eyebrow raised at this, though her silent question of, “why is it so hard to move?” was answered as she yawned. After wiping her watery eyes from the yawn, she grumbled under her breath about feeling horrible. Just as she turned to head home with her staff underneath her, Lilith called out to her. “Amity, remember to take the rest of the week off! If I find you working somewhere aside from home, I’ll be sure to tell [Y/N], and you know she won’t let you leave until you rest.”
Amity nodded and waved in acknowledgment before signaling for Ghost to float up and head home.

By the time she made it home, Amity was almost too fatigued to even make it up to the doorstep. She managed to force herself to push the door open and shut before trudging to her shared bedroom. The moment she stepped into the room, she smiled at the sight of [Y/N] curled up against the headboard, huddled in between pillows and under blankets as she silently read her book.
She looked up at Amity once she heard the doorknob twist, a wide smirk gracing her lips. “You’re home. How was work?” At the mention of what had made her so tired, Amity groaned and walked forward, collapsing onto the bed and murmuring something unintelligible into the pillow. A small chuckle made her turn her head. “What’d you say?” “I said good but tiring. Lilith–you remember her, right? My old mentor? She’s pretty much my boss for our projects, and she told me I had to take the rest of the week off.”
“Why do you seem upset about that? I mean, we’d be able to spend more time together.” “Yeah, I know. Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to spend time with you, you know I do. I just feel guilty for not being able to help them out at the same time, you know?” [Y/N] nodded softly before letting out a small sigh. She shuffled in her spot on the bed, and when Amity looked up to see what she was doing, she found her huddled up further in the blankets, already reading to distract herself again.
With a bit more effort than she thought she’d need, Amity picked herself up into a sitting position. She then shifted over to lean against [Y/N]’s shoulder and rest her head against it. “What’s wrong?” She questioned gently as she peered up at her. “Nothing’s wrong,” was the only response. Amity wouldn’t accept that, however. She nudged at her shoulder until they made eye contact again. “C’mon, you can tell me. Is it because of me? I won’t be upset.”
It took a few moments before [Y/N] finally answered, visibly hesitating. “It’s not necessarily because of you. I know you, Amity, and you know me. We’re both the same when it comes to wanting to help people. I just wish you would spend more time with me here instead–I want to help them out as much as possible too, don’t get me wrong, but it’s better to take breaks. If you’re exhausted all the time, then you won’t have the energy to keep working everyday. I’m really starting to worry that one day I’ll be called to one of the sites because you’ve collapsed.”
Amity’s heart ached at the thought of [Y/N] being so concerned for her. She knew she was likely overworking herself the same way she used to during school, but she had never really paid attention to how long she was away from the house for that work. [Y/N] had offered to help out more often as well a while back so she and Amity could alternate during shifts and not work for too long. She had denied the suggestion, but now, as she looked at the way her girlfriend’s eyebrows furrowed upward together while her eyes glinted with an accompanying distress, she regretted it.
Maybe Lilith was right–maybe spending so much time at work was doing more harm than good. Surely, after spending over ten to twelve hours a day doing near-constant labor, she was too fatigued to actually be helping out all that much. She thought she was doing most of the work, but looking back on it, the others did come in after her shift to correct some of the things she had messed up. And those errors were growing more and more frequent.
With a small sigh, she nodded and shifted up further to let her face burrow into the crook of [Y/N]’s neck. “I know. I’m really sorry. I had no idea I was concerning you that much. I’ll listen to Lilith and take the rest of the week off, but I’ll also start reminding myself to take more breaks and spend more time here at home with you, okay?”
At this, [Y/N] looked up at her again, having turned away to stare mindlessly at the thin pages of her book to avoid eye contact. “You promise?” Amity smiled and nodded reassuringly. She lifted her arm and let it wrap around the smaller girl’s shoulders, allowing her to pull her closer for a hug. “I promise.”

A few hours had passed since Amity made her promise, and she was finding it harder and harder to stay awake with each passing second. She had slumped down further into the sheets, eventually letting her head fall to rest partially against [Y/N]’s hip and thigh as she continued to sit up and read her book. She glanced up, occasionally managing to read a few words off of the pages of the story. The feeling of [Y/N]’s fingertips lightly scratching at her scalp in a soothing manner, combined with the comforting motion of those same fingers raking through her lavender locks, finally lulled her into a deep sleep after a while.
Moments later, at the sound of soft snoring, [Y/N] pulled her attention away from her book and glanced down at Amity. She beamed warmly at the sight and sighed. Her free hand left the book long enough to slip her bookmark from its place on her nightstand and tuck it in between the pages before letting the cover fall shut. As silently as she could, [Y/N] placed her book to the side–essentially replacing where the bookmark was just a moment ago–tugged the small cord on the lamp to turn it off, then wriggled her way beneath the sheets. She turned over onto her side and pulled Amity into her chest.
Her lips made contact with the top of Amity’s head in the form of a gentle kiss. “Night, Amity,” she slurred out softly as her eyes fluttered shut. She was dragged into slumber as well shortly after.

The sun’s morning light poked its way through the partially shut blinds and gently blanketed the room in a comforting glow. [Y/N] stirred once it reached her eyes, squinting and murmuring to herself as she managed to pry her eyes open and look around. With a yawn, she looked down to find Amity still tucked away against her chest. She smiled, getting caught in a daze at how she looked in the lighting. After the long hours of the week, the bags under the youngest Blight’s eyes were very visible, though she still looked managed to look so beautiful in her peaceful slumber.
[Y/N] leaned down far enough to press a small kiss to her forehead before she slipped her arms out from around her and snuck out of the bed and into the kitchen. There, she quickly prepared Amity’s favorite breakfast and placed it on one of the table trays they had gotten recently so they could eat in bed without worrying about crumbs. She crept back into the bedroom, set the tray down on Amity’s nightstand, got dressed for the day, and headed out, sending a message to Lilith in the process.
By the time Amity finally woke back up, mainly due to the lack of warmth and the smell of her favorite dish, [Y/N] had been gone for a while. She sat up in bed and looked around, confused. Quickly, she pulled out her scroll and messaged [Y/N], asking where she was. Soon enough, she got a reply, which explained she was taking care of a few of Amity’s daily chores so she didn’t have to worry about them that day, as well as letting Lilith and the crew know she would get a few things done throughout the week so they both didn’t completely disappear in the meantime.
Amity couldn’t help but smile widely at the message. [Y/N] knew she was feeling guilty for not being able to constantly help out, and that she also felt guilty for not spending more time together, so she was trying to find a way to compromise and make both of them work.
She turned over to the tray and lifted it. She set it on the mattress to rest over her lap and dug in, clicking over on her scroll for a bit to find a good video or movie to watch at the same time. Working for so long the previous day had built up her appetite, and she hadn’t eaten before she practically passed out the night before, meaning her stomach was roaring from hunger. She scarfed down the dish quicker than she meant to and slipped out from under the covers after picking the tray up. She brought it out to the kitchen, and while headed there, she noticed that the entire house–save for the bedroom, which hadn’t been cleaned in order to not wake Amity up–was spotless.
A sigh passed from her lips as she grinned. She rinsed her plate and glass and placed them in the sink, as well as her fork, and wiped off the bedside tray before folding it and tucking it away again in the pantry. “I’ll have to find a good way to thank her. Maybe I could make some kind of bot that could take care of the cleaning for her,” she mumbled to herself out loud. At the thought of this, she headed out to her laboratory and clicked on the light.
Her molten golden eyes shimmered as she noticed that her entire workspace had also been polished and reorganized. All of the discarded bolts and mixed puddles of Abomination slime had been wiped from the floor, every tool was in its designated spot, and every countertop was completely spotless. How long had it taken [Y/N] to do all of this? She thought back to her food, and within a few moments of reflection, realized that she had been asleep far longer than she thought. Her food had been cold when she ate it, but she must’ve been too hungry to notice.
Her hand moved back and slipped her scroll from her pocket once more. She sent another message off to [Y/N], asking what time she had left the room that morning. She made a mental note of the current time after her eyes flickered up to the digital clock at the top of her screen. Her response was quick. “I think I left around 4:30 AM. Why?” It was nearly 2:00 PM when the message was sent. Amity sighed and smiled again. “Just wondering. Thank you for cleaning everything.”
She sauntered over to her chair in front of the desk space she usually used to sketch out blueprints and got to work once she was seated. She’d find a way to repay [Y/N] for helping her out so much. If her idea worked out, she realized she could also design one similar to help clean the construction sites when she was back to work later on.
Picking up a pencil from its original spot in a small cup on the corner of the desk, she pulled out a sheet of sketching paper and began scribbling down different designs and the pieces that would be required for each part. It didn’t take long for her to get lost in her work.

“Thanks so much, Matt! I’ll make sure Amity gets them,” [Y/N] called out with a smile and a wave, a basket full of baked goods tucked away in her arm. Matt waved back. “No problem! It’s from the whole crew, as a way to thank the two of you for all you’ve done!”
[Y/N]’s smile grew wider at this, and she nodded as she headed back to the house. She yawned, exhausted from both the work throughout the day and the early hour she had chosen to wake up at. On the way, she ran into Lilith, who recognized her immediately and turned from the conversation she was having with her sister. Eda turned as well, grinning. “Ah, if it isn’t Miss Bossy Boots’s girlfriend! Lily told me about what happened yesterday. Is she finally resting up?”
A nod and a chuckle was her response. “Yeah, she’s at home. She’s awake and she’s eaten, but there isn’t much to do at the house except–” She froze, her realization kicking in. A groan erupted from her before she could realize it, and she ran her free hand down her face. “What’s wrong, kiddo?” “Well, I completely forgot to lock up her lab, so she’s probably still working, just not out here. I gotta get back and make sure she’s resting.”
Lilith stepped forward and squeezed [Y/N]’s shoulder with a smile. “Thank you for looking after her. I’ve been worried for a while now.” Her eyes flickered down to the basket, and her grin widened. “I see Matt gave you our appreciation basket. Make sure to eat them fairly soon. They don’t spoil quickly, but they’re best when they’re fresh. I’m sure Amity will appreciate it as much as you because, well, it is for both of you, after all.”
[Y/N] nodded again. “Thank you for everything, Lilith. Could you let the crew know that Amity and I want to thank them as well?” “Of course.” Eda grinned and stepped forward. “Why don’t you get home now and make sure she isn’t wasting away like her pops in that lab?” She cackled as Lilith elbowed her gently in the arm. “Edalyn, please.”
“Ah, I’m just messing with her. Seriously though, make sure she actually rests. "Working hard is important, but feeling good is important too," to quote a show Hunter got Hooty hooked on.” [Y/N] smiled and nodded once again before turning on her heel to continue heading home. She waved to the Clawthorne sisters.
Once she finally made it, she unlocked the door with a bit of a struggle, and headed inside. “Amity?” She called out, placing the basket of goods on the kitchen table as she wandered to her shared bedroom. She peeked in, but it wasn’t necessarily a surprise to find that Amity wasn’t in there. She sighed, then headed to the entrance of the lab, where she finally spotted the lavender-headed woman already crafting something new on her experiment table.
Even behind the dark purple-shaded lenses of her goggles, Amity could see the door swing open to reveal her girlfriend standing there, completely exasperated. She lifted her goggles and planted them up on her head to see her clearly. With a smile and a wave, she greeted her. “Hey, welcome home. How was your day?” [Y/N] stepped in once being acknowledged. “It was good, but why are you in here working? You’re supposed to be relaxing.”
“Well, inventing stuff helps me relax. And besides, this machine I’m making will actually help both of us relax more often–if it works properly, that is.” Now curious, [Y/N] stepped closer, peering over at what was being built. “What is it supposed to do?”
Amity smiled, happy to talk about her current work in progress. “It’s a cleaning bot. It’ll help us clean up around the house and the lab. If it works the way I want it to, then I was thinking I could help cut down the amount of time we spend at the worksites by making one specifically for construction cleanup.” [Y/N] cringed at a memory that she triggered. “Amity, I don’t know…don’t you remember what happened last time you tried to do something like this?” “Oh, believe me, I remember that. I remember the broken plates and frames–""--and chairs.” “And chairs, yes, but that’s why I’m going to set up a small practice area to test it out in. And I won’t use anything fragile.
“I promise I won’t try it out in the house until it’s perfected.” [Y/N] sighed, already anxious, but she smiled at how enthusiastic Amity was at her newest idea. She stepped closer again and pulled the taller woman into a tight hug, which was returned just as eagerly. “I’m proud of you, Amity.” At this, Amity couldn’t help but tear up just a little bit as she pressed a small kiss to the top of [Y/N]’s head.
“I’m proud of you too.”
After leaning away from the hug, [Y/N] grabbed Amity’s hand and led her out of the lab and into the kitchen, receiving very little resistance. She revealed the basket still resting on the table, pulling the small cloth on the top off to reveal the rest of the baked goods.
Amity tilted her head, confused. “What’s all of this for?” [Y/N] beamed up at her and picked a random treat out. “The construction crew, including Lilith, wanted to thank you and I both for all the work we’ve done recently–especially you.”
She grew warm at the thought of all of her work being appreciated, grinning uncontrollably as she plucked one of her favorites from the small woven basket. She unwrapped it and turned it in her hold before biting down into it, humming at the flavor. “It’s amazing. Hopefully my bot will be a good enough way to thank them for it.” [Y/N] nodded and bit into her own snack. “Maybe, but remember: this is to thank you for everything you’ve already done.”
“I know,” Amity started. “I’m excited to see them all again next week, even though I plan to spend less than half of the amount of time there.” At the sound of this statement, [Y/N]’s head perked up, her glee evident on her features. “Well, I’m excited to spend that time with you.” Amity smiled down at her and pulled her closer. “You know what else I’m excited for?”
“I’m excited to eat all of these treats.” [Y/N] laughed at that, prompting Amity’s smirk to grow. The smaller woman stood on her toes to press a small kiss to Amity's cheek, already thinking of ways to spend time together during the next several days.
“So am I.”

Omg, I love them so much, I didn’t think I could love them even more, but like, this episode made them even more adorable than before!

I just wanna see her happy like this forever, she deserves it. 💜
Can someone ACTUALLY turn this into a fanfic? I’ll read it!
i’m sure someone has thought of this before but hear me out.
imagine if Anne, Sasha, Marcy & Plantars(for some reason) got zapped to the Boiling Isles instead of back to Earth like intended. BUT THE TWIST IS: it’s after all the events of The Owl House have ended. Like Belos is defeated, the coven system was reworked, lumity figured their shit out, etc. etc. and it’s almost like a TOH sequel, but focused on the Amphibia characters. bonus if the TOH beta designs are used. Seems like AU material to me
..just consider: Luz & Anne mentor/apprentice dynamic.....CONSIDER.
Dear Evan Hansen/Dear Luz Noceda AU
I think most fandoms have a DEH AU, right? I’ve seen quite a few of them. If there’s not a DEH AU for TOH, who do you think is who? This is just what I have so far.
Evan - Luz
Connor - Hunter
Zoe - Amity
Jared - Boscha?
Alana - Willow and/or Gus?
Heidi - Camila
Cynthia -
Larry -
I’m not entirely sure who would be Cynthia and Larry.
If you don’t mind, please reblog this post and put down in the tags who you think would be who?
Talking about Lunter
Someone has definitely talked about this before, but here’s my take on it.
I will say, that I’m a Lumity shipper. I see Luz and Hunter as siblings. But, I can definitely see why the ship exist, and why other people would ship it.
I’m not gonna lie, when Luz got up to Hunter’s face, I really did think they were gonna kiss, which kinda spooked me a little. 😂
But anyways, shipping is supposed to be fun. Threatening people for not shipping something that you ship is not fun.
Ship whatever you want! As long as you’re not shipping a minor with and adult, or a canon gay character with someone of the opposite gender. I guess it’d be okay if the creator was okay with it? I don’t believe Dana said it was okay to ship Amity with a guy, cause she’s a lesbian. So, don’t ship Amity with a boy, and don’t ship Edric with a girl.
There are creators that are okay with shipping characters even with canon sexualities, such as Vivziepop. She might be okay with whoever you ship with her characters, but, Dana isn’t Vivziepop, and she might not be cool with that.
Luz is a bisexual character, shipping her with Hunter doesn’t erase the bi representation like shipping Amity, a lesbian, with any male character would.
Of course, Hunter doesn’t have a canon sexuality, from what I know at least.
If he canonically isn’t attracted to girls, then there would be a big problem for this ship. But for now, there’s no real big problem.
I was also thinking about something. While I do love found family troupes, I feel like if Hunter was a girl, and supposed to be part of Luz’s found family, than most people wouldn’t be so rude about Luz being shipped with Hunter, but since Hunter’s a guy, almost everyone is being rude about this ship!
If you ship Lumity that’s fine! You just see Luz and Hunter as siblings, that’s okay!
If you ship Lunter, there’s nothing wrong with that! You just don’t see them as siblings, and that’s okay! Some people just don’t see other people’s visions and that’s fine!
If you’re a poly shipper and ship Lumiter that’s okay as well, as long as Amity and Hunter are just dating Luz, and Amity and Hunter aren’t dating.
If you’re a multishipper, that’s also awesome! If you like to ship Lunter separately from Lumity and/or Huntric, Whatever you might ship, that’s okay.
As long as you’re not being a jerk about what you ship, then it is okay.
Lumity shippers, don’t attack Lunter shippers. Lunter shippers, don’t attack Lumity shippers. Just shake hands and just agree that you both have opinions and you don’t have to agree with each other.
Everyone has opinions, and as much as it sucks sometimes, it’s the truth.
And people shouldn’t be being a huge asshole to people just because they like something that you don’t.
I think that’s all I have to say. Please, have a good day/night. These are all my opinions, I don’t care if you disagree with me or not, because you have opinions too, and I respect that.
EDIT: I forgot to say, also, not liking Lunter isn’t biphobic either.
EDIT 2: Also, if you’re homophobic and that’s why you ship Lunter and not Lumity. Why the hell? Are you even watching the show? And homophobia isn’t an opinion.
EDIT 3: Please unfollow me or just block me if you can’t respect people’s opinions on ships. Okay NOW I’m going to sleep.
EDIT 4: Sorry, another thing, Luz being 14 and Hunter being 16, it’s not really a big age difference. Steven and Connie from Steven Universe have those same ages and literally no one has a problem with that? 2 years isn’t that bad, that’s all I’m saying.
EDIT 5: And unless Hunter gets canonically adopted by Luz’s family, then just let the Lunter shippers have fun. If they do become canon adopted siblings, then there would be a problem with this ship.
EDIT 6: People don’t have to ship something just because it’s canon.
EDIT 7: I do realize now that all of this doesn’t really sound how I wanted it to, I was trying to sound as supportive as I could with these ships, but at the time that I was typing all of this down, I was really tired, once I got on Tumblr, I jut copy and pasted it all without really reading what I typed in. And then added a lot of unnecessary things (just like this). I will say, that I am not an adult. I’m 15, so….yeah, I understand that the things I say are really off and not exactly what you want to hear. (Or need to hear) It’s actually far from it. I’m not good at wording things or even talking about certain things sometimes, I actually suck at it a lot. I tried to sound respectful and chill, I guess? But yeah, I’m not so good at doing that. I apologize for how odd this all sounds. It is pretty late, so I’m just going to stop now. Please have a good day/night.
(Yes, I’m aware of how stupid I sound.)
EDIT 8: I Didn’t want to add more than there already was, but, no, you guys are right, Dana didn’t confirm Edric being gay, I thought I saw it, but I literally cannot find a tweet from Dana saying that.