My Chem - Tumblr Posts
happy birthday to Michael James Way!!!!
i don't have anything clever to say, i just love that guy :]

Day 2: Your Favorite My Chemical Romance Song
It was really close between this, "Hang 'Em High", and "It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Deathwish," but I think this ultimately wins for me. This is, in my opinion, one of Gerard's best performances from any album, I absolutely love the intro, it's just so amazing. Really underrated song!

Day 3: The MCR Song With Your Favorite Lyrics
This one might come up a few times, but we'll have to see. I don't have a particular reason why the lyrics are so great to me, I just really like them :3

old logo, ive never seen anyone talk about this idk if its common knowledge
Was busy the past couple days, but we're finally back!

Day 12: An MCR Song You Wish Had A Music Video
It was between this and "Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back" but I figured that I've used that song so much that I should change it up! Honestly as a whole I just wish that more Danger Days songs got music videos. I heard at some point that the original plan was to make a music video for each song, but they didn't have the budget to make that happen. I'm not sure if that's true, but if it is then that's honestly sad because I would've loved that.
Day 13: The MCR Song With The Most Meaning To You
This song is basically just saying, "fuck you, I'm gonna be the version of me that makes me happiest and I don't care what you think about it" and I love that. Like I was gonna share some specific lyrics that really stand out to me, but honestly just from 1:38 (the start of the second verse) onwards, all the lyrics are great. I honestly forgot about how good this song was until I saw this prompt. Absolutely fantastic song.

Day 14: The Best MCR Song To Hear Live
So I've never been to an MCR concert, but I'm just guessing this song would be amazing, especially getting to hear everyone singing "I am not afraid to keep on living! I am not afraid to walk this world alone!" They're most likely going to play a few songs not from "The Black Parade" at WWWY, so I kinda hope that after they play Teenagers they play the other songs so they can end on Famous Last Words.
he said no pickles
Love pictures where Frank looks like he's hiding behind Gerard while they confront a bully on the playground that was mean to him.

Party Poison inspired makeup

Val Velocity / reverse revenge-era Frank Iero makeup
Look at this story an AI made about ratman Gerard Way
Once upon a time there was a man made of rats. He was not actually a man, he was just a bunch of rats in a trench coat. He liked to sing, so he made a band and started screaming at people. Now he can't take it anymore, two decades later. He must release the rats. He must free the rats. He must fight the war for his sanity. Not even he can understand why this is happening. It's not even his fault. No one was planning to be a non-man wearing a trench coat who sings to rats. Two decades later? Now it's the only way to stop being a rat. In two decades he only has two options. Option one: Find a new name, Option two: Make his own music and possibly get it taken down. Or three: Read this. It all began with his lover, who was a very beautiful rat in an incredibly short skirt. She liked many things. One of them was rats, so she became an instructor of rats. There were many lessons. One of the most important ones was to sing about them. One day a man asked if he could sing for him, which she did gladly. He was famous, he was a success. Then he looked like a rat. He sang "Rats," a song made for rats, about how rats have their dreams. A few other songs were made about him, but none were as famous as "Rats," for the rats at least. Now he sings it alone, it's still not his fault, but he really can't stand it anymore. If he goes to the studio to sing again, everyone will laugh and whisper about how he used to sing "Rats." Now he needs to stop singing it and release the rats. He does not sing alone, as a matter of fact. He is doing it as a band, with rats, because he loves singing with them. They all like rats, they sing together a lot, so it's more like a band than just him. They have different jobs for the different instruments, they are almost all good and play some instruments well. They are talented. People know them, and love them, but most importantly, they are his friends. They love him too, it's an unspoken bond, and it keeps them happy. But after all those years, the whole of his life, it will probably only be a matter of time before someone finds out about the songs. He could simply keep them in, but he doesn't want to. He can't live with the memories anymore. He can't live with his memories. He must free the rats. He must free the rats. He must fight the war for his sanity. He is not the only one singing "Rats." It's not even the only song made about them, there's more. "Rats, You've got no friends," "The way a rat smells," and, most importantly, "I'm a rat," a song that no one else knows except rats, maybe cats too, or possibly people who see rats too late at night. Perhaps he can convince his friends to sing it with him, they are good singers. But he won't sing alone. It has been two decades and they have been together for so long. They are too important. They are his family. He loves them. Not all songs are made about rats. There are songs about rats and people, and maybe even people in a rat suit. There are songs about everything, but some are best for rats. Rat songs are best made from scratch, by rats who know exactly what they want to say. "Rat Ballads" are his favorite. But he can't write songs, not even Rat Ballads. He doesn't have the talent. The only way he can save them is to sing them. To be a singer, he must break out of his shell, sing his songs, break through the layers of his brain, and go free the rats. And now he must find the ending. It is the end of his journey, and the end of his song. Two decades ago he must have sung the end. It may have been his first, and he may not remember. Maybe he's crazy. Maybe he's just a genius who couldn't live his life in the open. Maybe he is lying. Maybe he is a shapeshifter. Maybe he is hiding out, becoming a rat because he can't be anything else anymore.
mikey way makes bread tumblr explodes

Autistic by birth. My Chemical Romance fan by the grace of God.
You Know You’re Obsessed With Bands When...
- You’re counting down the days to a band member’s birthday
- You’ve read more bandom ship fanfiction than you care to admit
- You have an album on your camera roll literally called “Emo Trinity Memes”
- You constantly check the web for anything new
- The last three concerts you went to were all by the same band
Feel free to add any more :)

what's the worst that I can say?
things are better if I stay
so long and goodnight
so long and goodnight
unholyverse part 2 is just 53,830 words of live mikey way reaction
Part 1 of my favorite Gerard outfits ;w;

i need him biblically horrendously stupidly embarrassingly disgustingly terrifyingly badly

🎀pretty handsome awkward🎀