Gay Ocs - Tumblr Posts

Desde que escuche la canción quise hacer un animatic con Judas, el cual es uno de mis OC's favoritos a pesar de haber nacido como un extra.

Según yo, July va de salir de una relación toxica o dañina por lo cual para Judas y su vida (no se si se puede llamar vida) amorosa quedan muy bien y similares, especialmente porque lo logro superar.

No vean la anatomía, lo hice en un día sin boceto , planeación o auto conservación. ---------------------------------- Since I heard the song I wanted to do an animatic with Judas, which is one of my favorite OC's despite being born as an extra.

According to me, July is about coming out of a toxic or harmful relationship, which is why for Judas and his love life (I don't know if it can be called life) is very similar especially because he manage to overcome it.

Don't look at the anatomy, I did it in a day without sketch, planning or self-preservation.

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El Demonio Lune Rouge (luna Roja O El Demonio Sangriento U Otros Nombres De Ese Estilo) Y Su Humano Preferido
El Demonio Lune Rouge (luna Roja O El Demonio Sangriento U Otros Nombres De Ese Estilo) Y Su Humano Preferido
El Demonio Lune Rouge (luna Roja O El Demonio Sangriento U Otros Nombres De Ese Estilo) Y Su Humano Preferido
El Demonio Lune Rouge (luna Roja O El Demonio Sangriento U Otros Nombres De Ese Estilo) Y Su Humano Preferido

El demonio Lune Rouge (luna roja o el demonio sangriento u otros nombres de ese estilo) y su humano preferido Le Petit Chaperon rouge (la caperucita roja) a través del tiempo, sus vidas inmortales y el romance.

Esto se basa en una historia de ficción de los cuentos de hadas alterados


The demon Lune Rouge (red moon or the bloody demon or other names of that style) and their favorite human Le Petit Chaperon rouge (the little red riding hood) through time, their immortal lives and romance.

This is based on a fictional story from altered fairy tales

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7 months ago

I got a new marker+pencil brush pack on Clip Studio downloaded so I went and made this guy using it. I'm gonna call him Trev and I'm for sure going to make him a staple OC for this blog

The TV isn't his actual head but I like to think he's very shy and antisocial and the TV box mask just gives him a major confidence boost

I Got A New Marker+pencil Brush Pack On Clip Studio Downloaded So I Went And Made This Guy Using It.

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9 months ago

LBGTQ+ facts about my Ocs.

1 - My OC Keith Rogers is Pansexual, He is also known for asking people’s Pronouns first as a Habit because he doesn’t want to be that One guy who gets called out for calling them the wrong thing.

2 - Marcus Smith is Gay, He is from a Religious Christian family but they support him and stuff like that.

3 - Ashly Airwright is Trans (MTF) She is a Racecar driver and has gotten lots of awards since then.

4 - Ayumi is Still questioning if she is Bi or not since she has a thing towards girls, She is also a Pop Singer from Japan who has a disliking of Police officers and the corrupt system that we live in.

So yeah! Those were my Facts about my LBGTQ Ocs! I hope you all have a good day and stuff like that! HAPPY SUMMER!

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1 year ago

🏳️‍🌈Pride Month OC Art Challenge🏳️‍🌈

Day 1 - Gay

Pride Month OC Art Challenge

[Oc's Dusk and Gory.]

[designs made by @flairya your designs are beautiful, and again, thank you for letting me use them!💜]

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8 months ago


For context, ChocoBytes is that old due to him being a god like entity that started off as a normal human but through deals with souls gain enough power to be able to teleport through universes and gain more power, and after trillions of years and some occasional partner, he created his own universe, after watching from afar with Puga, they decided to walk amongst the mortals and have a good time, then after some time ChocoBytes met Micheal and they later got together (will later maybe post their whole backstory in detail later, idk >:3)

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1 year ago
These Are My Little Gays. Kane *Kyloo* Young (Red Hair) And Travis H. Jasper (Blond). I Love Them. They

These are my little gays. Kane *Kyloo* Young (Red hair) and Travis H. Jasper (Blond). I love them. They were the first characters I made with the intention of them being gay. Which was big for little christian me.

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1 year ago

Get in the water

Audio: Morgan Cale on TikTok

Characters: Soul and Ghost from Exernia (ocs)

This is my first finished video I made with procreate dream! Rating: 5/10. It’s kinda ass right now but I trust it’ll get better with updates.

Context under break :)

Soul was the god of emotion, sex, fertility, water, etc. Most of her roles involved mortals, but she felt she didn’t have a great grasp of their cultures. So, in order to fix that, she disguised herself as a celestial elemental (basically an angel but mortal [species post coming soon]) and traveled down to Exernia. While on the beach, she found a dying woman, bleeding out from a large cut in her eye. Soul saved the woman, who introduced herself as Ghost, a human pirate. In exchange for saving her life, Ghost showed Souls the wonders of humanity. They also had sex that accidentally made Ghost immortal but that’s not important rn. When Soul decided it was time to return to the god’s realm, her and Ghost got into a big fight that ended up with Ghost insulting the gods. Soul is very touchy when it comes to her family, being she only has her brother left after The War™️. So she gets pissed, accidentally tries to drown Ghost (which doesn’t work cause she’s immortal now), and escapes back to the god’s realm.

Old art of them cause why not:

Get In The Water
Get In The Water
Get In The Water

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1 year ago

❤️Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️

Happy Valentines Day!

The bounty hunters make their debut!

In order we have Piano Keys, Beetle, and Javy Dohns! Them and their story were/are being written by me and my friend @x-eightball and they’re very dear to our hearts. They were based off of that one tumblr post way back when about how a cowboy, a samurai, and a pirate could have hypothetically met because their time periods over lapped a little. We took the idea and ran with it, so now we have a trio of disaster queers trying to simultaneously dodge the multiple governments that are after them and their mental issues.

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1 year ago

Made him 8 years ago.

Robbert Lemarchand (he/him)

MY MEAN GAY ARO. Ma baby here deliver Vendetta vibes... boy gots fleuma, ya feel me? He loves gintonic with squeeze of Lemon. He sure talk slowly and easy, with a little slang here and there. His voice is deep and soft... rarely smile and always appears to be bored to death.

He is the man of buzzness of the group. One of the Seven originals that protect Mirabilis (world created by me).

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3 years ago
Some Old Oc's; I've Mentioned Them Here Before. Their Names Are Lavender And Cherry. They're Queer Criminal

Some old oc's; I've mentioned them here before. Their names are Lavender and Cherry. They're queer criminal villains. I don't know if I'll ever finish this story. Its plot is one big clusterfuck and edgy as hell, but I still love it.

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11 months ago


mysterybooks-world - Mysterious stories
If You Have A Bad Day Have Strawberry Yurei :3

If you have a bad day have Strawberry Yurei :3

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