
Just giving my unsolicited opinion on stuff

24 posts

Magicalwitchbread - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

🚨This is not a drill, people🚨

Yuta is alive

We won 😌

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6 months ago

There is no way non-homophobic Nagireo deniers are real.

If you don't think Nagi and Reo are a thing, either you are homophobic and hate to see boys happy together or the reading comprehension devil has gotten to you.

I am going to pull panels directly from the manga (both the Blue lock manga and Episode Nagi manga) and I am going to escalate the gayness as I go.

1. Here, we have Reo realizing his feelings for Nagi and being vocal and completely clear about it.

A vertical panel that depicts half of Reo's face. He is smiling and his eyes seem full of love and surprise. He is also slightly blushing. Under his face with, black letters it reads, "I want this guy!!!"

2. Then, we have Reo calling Nagi his treasure and also being ridiculously possessive for no reason.

And also him openly admiting that he only has eyes for Nagi.

The panel is split in half. On the top, we see Reo smiling with his eyes wide open and saying, "That's because he's "my" treasure!" On the bottom half of the panel, we see the side of Nagi with a bored expression on his face.
The panel is split in two. On the top half, we see Reo with his tongue out and the meta-vision eyes. On the bottom half, we see Nagi looking directly at the "camera" with a slight shock. On the left side of the panel, it says "I only have eyes for Nagi" and it's clear that Reo is the one saying it.

3. Then we have Chigiri and his choice of words when talking about the relationship between Nagi and Reo (and also Reos reaction to them). Mind you, he has seen them together for just 90' and some spare moments here and there in the startum if we are being generous.

The picture contains two separate panels. One of these shows Chigiri looking downward and saying "Seems like he got rejected by Nagi, who he thought was just his pet dog." separated into two bubbles. The second panel shows the side of Reo's face wrinkled with anger.

4. Just Nagi openly admitting that him and Reo are partners. (Also, this happened twice, but there is a limit on pictures in a single post, so I am not putting it here.)

The panel just shows Nagi saying "I am not a slave. I am Reo's partner." separated into two bubbles.

5. We also have Reo thinking about how football was what got him and Nagi together. And since if it weren't for it, they wouldn't be a thing, he concludes that they should live together ( just the logical next step, you know). And they were roommates

On the right side, a panel of Nagi walking during after hours takes up more than half the image. This panel reads "I'm sure if it wasn't for soccer... he and I..." Then the space left on the left is divided into two panels. The one on the top shows Reo in the school uniform and says "...could never... be together..." The bottom panel shows Nagi picking up some mail. Beneath these three panels there is a fourth one with just text. It says "So let's live together, Nagi"

6. Then there is Reo straight up proposing to Nagi. Not even an exaggeration, he fell on one knee and held out his candy apple.

This is a picture with Reo on the left. He has fallen on one knee with his arms extended. One goes on the side, for balance, while the other one is in front of him holding a candied apple. On the right, we see Nagi standing straight with a blank expression and pointing at the candy apple in Reo's hand.


Reo's face when Nagi and he were being separated in the second stage.

This is a panel of Reo on the verge of tears.

And Reo's face when him and Nagi were just together in his room. This boy has nothing but love in his eyes. Find you someone who looks at you the way Reo looks at Nagi.

This is a panel of Reo looking at Nagi, who is out of frame. He is genuinely smiling and there is a certain twinkle in his eyes. His eyes are actually full of love.

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6 months ago

I am trying to watch Naruto, and this show has an egregious amount of filler. Now, I am still watching the original Naruto series that spaces it out terribly, but still, the ratio of cannon to filler is insane.

I want numbers to back up my complaining, so I did some math.

So, the original Naruto series has 220 episodes, 90 of which are filler.

Episodes 1-142 contain 13 filler episodes. 2 of them are standalone, while the other 11 make up 2 separate arcs. Episodes 143-219 are all filler. They contain 15 whole filler arcs.

This means that 40,9% of the original Naruto series is made up of filler episodes. (90/220≈0,409*100=40,9%)

Now, the Naruto: Shippuden series has 500 episodes, and 203 of them are filler.

I have to acknowledge, though, that they are better spread out.

This means that 40,6% of the Naruto: Shippuden series is filler episodes. (203/500=0,406*100=40,6%)

Episodes 1-100 contain 25 filler episodes, all of which are parts of arcs. Episodes 101-200 have 43 filler episodes, and 2 of them are standalone episodes. Episodes 201-300 contain 40 filler episodes, and 5 are not a part of arcs. Episodes 301-400 have 45 filler episodes, including 5 standalone episodes. Episodes 401-500 have 50 filler episodes, and just 2 of them stand alone.

If we put all those number together, we get that all of the animated Naruto content comes out to 720 episodes and that 293 of them are filler.

So 40,69% out of all the animated Naruto content is filler. (293/720≈0,4069*100=40,69%)

And just for good measure, we can compare it to both the other "Big 3" members.

One piece as of today has 1118 episodes, out of which only 96 are filler. So only 8,5% of it is filler episodes. (96/1118≈0,085*100=8,5%)

Bleach today stands at 366 episodes, and 165 of them are filler episodes. So a staggering 45% of Bleach is filler. (165/366≈0,450*100=45%)

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6 months ago

Did Gege fumble the end of the fight? Maybe a little bit.

But can we just let this be Disney kaisen? We have absolutely suffered enough as a fan base.

Just let Yuji and Yuta make it out alive, and I will be satisfied (not really).

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6 months ago

Thank you Gege 🙇🏻‍♀️

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7 months ago

The Satosugu and Itafushi parallels are getting a little too good.

First, Satosugu's bodies are being used as weapon after their death, not allowing them to just rest.

And now Itafushi's bodies are being used by Sukuna to do terrible things.

Second, Geto suddenly fought back against Kenjaku when Gojo asked him if he was okay getting used.

And now Yuji says to Megumi that he would be alone without him, and Megumi ,even after the soul bath, deploys his shadow technique to fight Sukuna.

What makes me hope they will have a happy ending is an "anti parallel"

Gojo always said that he can only save the people who want to be saved.

On the other hand, Yuji is constantly saying he will save Megumi (no matter what).

Satosugu did not communicate, so Itafushi will.

Please don't let the anits win Gege.

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7 months ago

Rewatching Avatar the last Airbender and realized just how justifiably angry katara was.

She was angry he mother died.

She was angry her father left them to fight in a war.

She was angry that her contributions to the tribe were not appreciated.

She was angry she was the only water bender left in her tribe.

She was angry she had to teach herself water bending.

She was angry that a little boy immediately picked up what took her years to master.

She was angry that she had to travel across the world to get a bending master who would dismiss her.

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7 months ago

Someone tried convincing me that Yuji can talk no jutsu Sukuna in his domain for jujutsu kaisen to have a "happy" ending.

I wish bro, I wish.

But then you have this panel...

Someone Tried Convincing Me That Yuji Can Talk No Jutsu Sukuna In His Domain For Jujutsu Kaisen To Have

No hope.

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7 months ago

Fuck all them Yuji doubters.

Wuji Himtadori, my man is probably the best new gen Mc (very biased) (just let me have this)

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8 months ago

Just finished watching Yuri on ice, and I am sure someone has already addressed this, but I wanna talk about it.

So, the music that Victor chooses to choreograph for Yurio and Yuri is "On love:Agape" and "On love:Eros" respectively.

Both Agape and Eros are greek words, and as a Greek, I feel as though the definition we are given does not do them justice.


We are told that agape is "unconditional love", but in Greek, agape literally means love.

The meaning the greeks give to agape is "A feeling of liking affection or friendship as well as its expression in words or actions"

Its etymology is even more interesting. The majority of researchers agree that it has two parts: 1st, the adverb "ἄγαν" which means "a lot of" 2nd, the theme "-πω" which means "protect/conserve" So etymologically agape is the overwhelming need to protect something that one sincerely cares about.

Combining the two can put the entire meaning of agape into words, but I think that authentic agape can not be verbalized.


When Victor explains the musical choices he made, he says that eros is "sexual attraction". But I find it a little bit shallow.

The greeks say that eros is "A carnal attraction of one person to another along with intense desire or love and excessive devotion"

Etymology-wise, eros is derived from the ancient Greek verb "ἔραμαι/ἐράω-ἐρῶ" which in modern Greek means "λαχταρώ/ποθώ". Both the verbs translate to "crave" the latter being more intense.

Eros was also the name of the God of love and sex, son of Aphrodite , godess of beauty. Consequently, making Eros something devine and flawlessly beautiful.

Putting all this information together, eros goes far deeper than just sexual attraction and is a gift from the Gods of Olympus.

Sincerely, a Greek who felt a tad bit underrepresented

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8 months ago

Reading the last jujutsu kaisen chapter, I came to a mildly horrifying realization.

If Yuta wins in Gojos body, then Gojo is Gojo Satoru because he is the strongest.

But if he loses, then he is the strongest because he's Gojo Satoru.

Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you are the strongest?

~In the wise words of Geto Suguru~

Truthfully, Yuta winning is the best option here. It will probably prevent more unnecessary deaths that don't do anything to deepen the plot anymore, for one.

But beyond that, this outcome will also make Gojo's characters come full circle. It will furthen the narrative that he is a monster and a weapon carefully carved out by the jujutsu society. It will also solidify the fact that the only one who saw beyond that was Suguru.

Plus, it will make a bomb ass story for Yuta to tell to literally anyone.

Honestly, though, him losing would have to end up in everyone, but Sukuna dying (sorry Yuji*) and the modern dark ages of sorcery beginning.

Truly, there would be no point in ending the manga like that, in my opinion.

*Now about Yuji, that boy has been though he'll and back, and of course, I don't want him to die, and yes, I have seen how much he has developed in the manga. But him beating Sukuna while Yuta, the generation's protégé in the body of the strongest sorcerer of the modern era, loses to me kinda looks like an ass-pull that will be excused because the boy has not had an ounce of plot armor throughout the entire series.

And that holds true only and only if Yuta loses to Sukuna. If literally anything else happens, I will probably not believe this either.

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8 months ago

So you're telling me that Sukuna found love worthless and rejected it because he didn't need anyone else to satisfy him.

My take from that is satisfaction=love.

And Gojo has said to Suguru that the only one who could satisfy him was him.

But they are not in love.

Yeah okay 👍🏻

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8 months ago

I need a gay show that hits the same as the queer-baiting ones.

Recs are welcome 🙏🏻

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8 months ago

Just finished Full-metal alchemist:Brotherhood and apart from the great writing and character development, I particularly liked the way the homonculus in the bottle died.

I truly enjoy the trope in which the villain is afraid of death more than anything and does anything to prevent it, and ultimate ends up dying a humiliating death.

The first book series I read as a kid was Harry Potter, and it has influenced the way I consume media.

*Ahem fuck J.K.Rowling ahem*

He devoted centuries to artificially creating humans , making a whole new nation, and creating a transmutasion circle that covered the entirety of it. Did not give a fuck about all the innocent lives that would be lost if his plan worked. He knew all the consequences since he did the same thing on a smaller scale in the past (no benefit of the doubt). Not to mention everything he put Hohenheim through since they were made invincible together.

Also, the whole operation relied on people performing a forbidden type of transmutasion that was simply undoable and already involed dead people to begin with.

Let's not forget that the goal of the plan was to absorb the literal God. So much for removing Greed and Envy from himself.

So, the image of him being beaten to death by a literal 15 year old was just perfect.

Imagine your purpose in life just being to live more, disregarding everyone and everything around you, just for Ed, who had been alive for roughly 15 years to beat you to death with his bare hands, while the military, that you are supposed to control, cheers him on.

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8 months ago


the jujutsu kaisen community, thanks you for your service 🙇🏻‍♀️

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8 months ago

Personal vent?

I really liked Spider-Man:Across the spiderverse, but a particular scene stuck with me.

The scene in which Miles is being chased around Nueva York and Peter B., talking about his daughter Mayday, tells him;

You are the reason I had her, okay? I thought that if I did a decent job raising her, there was a chance she was gonna turn out like you. And that got me excited because you are a wonderful person, and I like being around you.

A person I admire in my personal life has already told me that he would like his daughter to turn out like me.

So basically,I have been told that I am a good example for younger children. And that parents would like to have their children be like me.

But no one ever told me they actually like me.

Now, I don't expect the exact words of Peter B. but it would be nice to know if I am liked or even likable as a person.

Spiderman kinda got me questioning my character integrity haha

Can't wait for the next one, though.

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8 months ago

Am I the only one who is happy Zutara did not happen?

Like I get where it's coming from. Katara is a complex female lead, and Zuko is also a complex character with the greatest redemption ark.

But these are exactly what makes me not understand it.

Zuko was a prince born to the fire nation, who had waged war on the rest of the world and literally wiped out an entire people. He was fully ready to continue that war, but he was banished. Even in exile, he continued to follow the fire nation's beliefs and chasing the avatar, the only person who could stop them.

Now I don't expect him to wake up one day and turn his world view around for no reason, and I understand that he is a teen. But he was not alone in that journey. He had uncle Iroh, who tried guiding him through that time to help him grow.

And eventually, he did. He managed to see behind the propaganda that he was fed as a child. He managed to see the pain his country had inflicted on people. He managed to understand he was wrong. So, he got his amazing redemption.

But none of these things can undo the damage he had caused. And that becomes crystal clear in the scene in which he meets Suki in prison. She reminds he that she knows him cause he burned down her village. And he is just awkward because he knows he can't deny it, he can't fix it, he can't do anything to make it better. Even breaking her out of prison would not be an equivalent exchange.

Another person that the actions of the fire nation greatly impacted is Katara. She lost her mother to the war. She saw her mother give herself up, and she knew she did it to protect her. She grew up without a parent and without a bending master because of the fire nation. Yes, he did help her "avenge" her mother. But that was the least he could do after his people took her and countless others away.

Also, keep in mind that Katara offered to try to heal Zuko's scar with the water from the oasis, which later literally revived Aang, in Ba Sing Se. And right after, he betrayed them to follow Azula.

So apart from hunting them the entire show, he also betrayed them and was the only reason they lost that fight, because Katara was cooking Azula, and as long as she had won, Aang would have been alright.

Also, yes, I understand that people can change, but the fact that he is the decendant of three generations of war criminals and was clearly planning to do the same is not helping his case.

All the said, I do not expect the complex female lead to fall head over heels and trauma bond with the first hot enemy that appears on screen.

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9 months ago

Satosugu's bodies being mutilated in different but equally sad and disgusting ways is an insane parallel.

Suguru died to his best friend's hand while fighting for his ideals, which in my books is a heroic death. Then Kenjaku violated his body to make him fight in a war. Yes, he was a cult leader and a murderer but he wοas still a person. The only one who didn't fail to see him as such was Gojo. In his own eyes, his actions were justified. In the world's eyes, he was just a cold, blooded mass murderer. In Satrous eyes, he was just Suguru. But neither as a good nor a bad person was he allowed a peaceful passing.

Satoru, on the other hand, died to Sukuna fighting to protect everyone. Shoko and Yuta made the decision that he was not to quit fighting yet. He grew up and developed as a weapon. The jujutsu society only viewed him as a weapon, not an actual person. Suguru was the one who recognized that he was an individual with a personality and interests and preferences. So for him, to not die and instead be used as a weapon for the benefit of others was only natural. In spite of all his efforts and contributions, he did not deserve a humane death, apparently.

The strongest are not allowed to rest. Not together. Not in even death.

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9 months ago

261 fucking hurt.

Yuta, even though he knows what he is doing, is turned into a weapon. Which is the very thing Satoru was trying to prevent. He knows what the power and the loneliness that comes with is feels like, and he would rather die that let his students experience it.

But they have no choice, Yuta understands that. He is the only one who does. He understands what will happen if Sukuna is not defeated. He understands that as of right now, their abilities even combined are not enough to kill him. He understands that he is the only one close enough to Satoru's level to try and fill in his shoes. He understands that he should be the one to step up and no one else because only he knows what being a weapon feels like, and he does not want anyone to experience that.

Is this classified as a fourth wall break? Because Yuta knows jujutsu kaisen is not like the other Shonen and that they can not defeat Sukuna with the power of friendship.

And then there is Gojo "if i can not be wanted, i will be needed, and if i can not be needed, let me be used until there's nothing left of me" Satoru. Even in death, he is jujutsu society's weapon. His body is not allowed to rest with his soul. Another tragic parallel with Suguru life.

Also, Suguru's quote "Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you are the strongest?" hits way harder when you realize that he was the only one to ever question the jujutsu society opinion on Satoru's status. He was the only person to not see or treat him as a weapon because he was his best friend.

The worst part is Shoko seeing her friends' souls dying and their bodies being abused while alone and having people heavily dependent on her.

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10 months ago

Gege had no fucking right to do chosoyuki so dirty.

Yuki grew up pretty okay as far as we know.

But Choso carried his entire world, his brothers. He felt responsible as the oldest to protect them in this wicked world they ended up in. And he saw them get fucking murdered. So, as anyone would, he tried to avenge them. And then found out that the man who killed them is actually his brother as well. Because Gege Kenjaku is a sick man with sick thoughts (kendrick ate).

As if the initial shock was not enough, he now has a new brother who almost died by his hand. And on top of that he is assigned a new mission in which he must protect Tengen from his sick fucking father. But that is when he meets Yuki.

And that is where the story should have ended, but no. Kenjacku kills Yuki and curse!Choso dies as well. And there comes the limbo.

The dead meet in a bar. Yuki seems satisfied with the life she lived and regret free. And then there's Choso. Feeling like he betrayed his brothers since he could not protect or unite them.

And then life gives him a second chance, and now we have human!Choso. Who also fucking dies. And he could not protect his only brother once again. I'm not even gonna talk about his conversation with Yuji.

The only positive thing that came from this tragedy is that Chosoyuki now lives in their heavenly house in my mind.

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10 months ago

Can we please talk about this scene?

Can We Please Talk About This Scene?
Can We Please Talk About This Scene?

Kenjaku is a curse user who has been taking over bodies for presumably thousands of years. And he clearly states that no one has ever escaped his control or even reacted for that matter.

And then comes Satosugu.

All the information provided to me by the six eyes tells me you're Suguru Geto, but my heart and soul know otherwise.

Satoru has killed his best friend, and yet he stands in front of him in the flesh, we'll at least his body.

Once Satoru figures out, it is infact just his body he tries talking to the soul. To the soul of a person he killed by himself. To the soul of a person with whom he once shared his. He tried pressing the buttons he knew would hurt the person Suguru once was.

And out of nowhere, Geto reacted. Some piece of him was petty enough still in there.

So Satoru, just before being sealed, sees something rise from the dead. He sees a part of his best friend and an opportunity to have him alive again.

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11 months ago

Can we talk about Shoko please?

She went to school alongside not one but two special grade sorcerers, so it is almost expected that she will be overlooked, at least academically.

And she is. They are all sent on missions together, and she is their last line of defense, but against death. So she is basically a doctor, not a fighter like the others. That is backed up by her ability to use reversed cursed technique on others, which neither Satoru nor Suguru could do, even on themselves. Yet, she is not even close to being appreciated enough by her team or her teachers.

Gojo and Geto were also way closer to each other due to the baggage that comes with their power than with Shoko. So she is overlooked friendship wise as well.

She is not excluded by any means, but she does not have access to the emotional support Satosugu provide to each other. Which one could argue is a good thing for her.

And then Gojo unlocks his potential. So, the entire power dynamic shifts. Him and Geto aren't on the same level anymore, which leads to Shoko being ranked even lower. And then Suguru deconstructs the concept of power. So he needs to be stopped, and Gojo loses his closest friend. But Shoko is also there, losing her friend. And then Suguru is killed. Even though Satoru was the one who did it, Shoko was the one furthest away from both her friends at that moment.

And since Gojo deals with it all on his own, enemy's manage to get him sealed. But the thing is, he doesn't have to. Shoko is still there. She can,inadequately, fill Suguru's place to avoid further distraction. But Gojo does not let her.

And then Gojo dies. So, she is now physically alone the same way she has been emotional forever now. But she is actually alone.

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11 months ago

The way the relationship between Gojo and Geto has developed and ultimately fallen apart has been living my head a lot longer than it should.

Two ridiculously powerful for their age sorcerers brought up together. Both fully aware of their power since adults had made them shoulder the weight of their world from a young age. The key, though, was them being together.

We are the strongest.

But Suguru had his world view shattered. The fall out began when Satoru was "awakened" , that's obvious. But the realization that they were no longer the strongest together was one he could not bear. He was basically left behind and now the power he had taken for granted for so long was no longer enough. So he begun contemplating the very concept of "power".

Through his looking inward, he concluded that the issue with the power system is the weak at the very bottom of the food chain. Because they were the ones needing protection from the stronger by the strongest. They were the ones putting all of the pressure on them both. So he wanted to rid the world, his world, of what in his eyes was destroying it. And even though he still was powerful, he knew the only one powerful enough to wipe out all the people he deemed worth dying was Gojo.

He was also painfully aware that he ,unfortunately, would never possess such power. The "we" in "We are the strongest" had become "he". So, having made peace with him self, he questioned Satoru about his respective person.

Are you Gojo Satoru because you are the strongest, or are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru?

In other words, he asked the man who he had deemed his best friend for years, if the immense power that he possessed now defined him. Or if it was himself that had managed to harness the power passed down to him and make it his own, but really his own.

That was the last stroke for Gojo. He could not handle the fact that he and his best friend had grown so far apart due the power imbalance that he was unable to answer that on his own, and that he just turned his back and walk away right after such a question regarding his character.

His initial reaction was to strike him with his newfound power , purple, which is ironic considering that Suguru's physical death would have been caused by the same thing as his emotional one. But thankfully, he did not.

When Satoru returned to Jujutsu high after coming face to face with Suguru he was introduced to his future. Instead of being treated like a sixteen year old who just lost his best friend, he was seen as a man who just let a criminal roam free.

From then on, he would shoulder the expectations of the world on his own. Forever. And the first thought he had was whether he was strong enough to manage that.

The first person he looked for to reassure him was his teacher, who did. But no reassurance would be enough now, since he was the strongest. That's when he was met with the loneliness that comes with power like his.

But all that was the endstage of Gojos breakdown. It begun way earlier, the first ever time he was defeated. He was a cocky sixteen year old who did know what losing was. He, after all, was a special grade sorcerer. But in one of the many missions assigned to him and Suguru, things went south.

He faced a terrorist group and a huge religious organization with no issue. And the he came face to face with a non sorcerer, who beat him to the verge of death. Even though that was his path to unlock his full potential, it was not an ideal situation, because it led to Suguru also getting siriusly injured but also them failing the mission.

When he went to retrieve the body of the person he was supposed to have protected, he was met with a room of people clapping at his failure. Him not being enough was something worth clapping for for some. That's the moment he realized firsthand that the world would be against him for the rest of his life. But what he didn't know was that everything would get even worst.

Years passed after their separation before they came face to face again. Both now mature adults with virtually children of their own. But sadly, Gojo was forced to put an end to his ex best friend's life on December 24th, 2018.

His physical body, though, was taken over by Kenjaku. Who having teamed up with Sukuna manged to end Gojos life on a day he picked himself.

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