Isagi Yoichi - Tumblr Posts

ブルーロック — blue lock
headcanons : hcs 1 hcs 2 hcs 3
matching bracelets : meguru bachira
relax, love : anri teieri
staring problem : nagi seishiro
smile for the camera : hiori yo — ( coming soon )
train rides : rin itoshi — ( coming soon )
more to come!

© megururus march 26, 2023
relax love ¦ anri teieri
cw : this is a wlw oneshot so if ur for some reason uncomfortable with that then leave!! anri has no shirt on at some point, but nothing suggestive!! teeth rotting fluff!!
a/n : this is for my gf and future wife, anri bc i love her sm, and she doesn’t get enough love🫶🫶 this also basically a bday post but i’m not gonna label it as that since it’s not the focus of this one shot!!

( august 17 — 9:58pm )
you knew anri had usually worked quite late work days, doing god knows what for ego, and his blue lock project. her usual arrival time home was about 8:30 in the night, but right now she was nearing the one hour late mark.
you began to grow nervous, confused and worried as to why your girlfriend was not answering your texts nor your calls. you took one big, deep breathe, telling yourself that there could be many reasons as to why she is not home at the moment.
these reasons come as;
1. ego forced her to stay back and do extra paperwork.
2. ego forced her to stay back and do the stinky laundry for the stinky teenage boys.
3. she got into a car accident that has left her with no way of contacting her.
of course, you hope the last one was not true, and prayed it would be one of the first two options instead, which seemed more realistic.
you honestly were starting to think like an overbearing parent, but one thing you knew for sure was that you were not the overprotective kind of girlfriend, not at all. you were just very concerned at the moment, you know?
deciding you had enough waiting, you pushed yourself off the couch and towards the front door, hastily grabbing your keys and slipping on your outside slippers. the ones you would usually sport when going last minute grocery shopping with anri.
just as your hand reached for the doorknob, the door swung open, and in came a stumbling anri. you quickly held her up by her forearms, providing support so she could stand properly.
“anri, are you drunk?” you inquired, utter concern in your tone.
she looked up at you with a pout, blowing some strands of light brown, almost pink, hair that fell onto her face. “no i’m not drunk! it’s these damn heels, they’re squeezing my feet…my shoulders hurts, too…”
she kicked her feet, which resulted in her heels flying into a random place in the entryway.
you softly smiled at her, grabbing her hand and gently pulling her to the couch. you affably pushed her back onto the couch and visibly saw her stiffen.
“i’ll get that lotion you like and give you a massage, ‘kay?” you told her, though she quickly shook her head.
“it’s alright! you don’t need to do that for me,” she said as she was ready to get up from the couch, but you gave her a look. “or you can, fine!”
you quickly smiled and ran to the bathroom, grabbing her favorite lotion, ‘country ma’am cookies’ scent, and made your way back into the living room.
there sat anri in the same spot, back straight and stiff, while watching that random sitcom. she took notice of your presence and gave you a pointed look, clearly talking about the show.
“don’t even ask, it was the only thing on at this time,” you slightly frowned, then soon replaced it with a smile. “now, let me help you relax!”
your girlfriend sighed, and began to unbutton her pink top. she slid the shirt off her shoulders and tossed it to the ground, leaving her in her bra, making easy access to her shoulders and back.
you pumped some of the lotion onto your hand, rubbing it so it covered every inch of your palms and fingers.
“lie down for me, it’ll be more relaxing,” you softly instructed, to which she obliged to. she laid so that she was on her stomach, face squished onto the plush cushion.
you sat on her butt, giving you a more comfortable position to give your massage.
you placed your lotioned hands onto her shoulders, gently rubbing circles into the places that felt they needed it. when you got closer to her neck, you noticed she still wasn’t fully relaxed.
“anri,” you said, squeezing the spot where her neck and shoulders meet. “relax, love.”
it’s as if your words had a magical effect on her, since her body instantaneously eased. she looked much more calm and comfortable like this.
you continued working your palms and fingers over her neck, shoulders, upper/lower back, and a bit of her arms.
everytime your hands would knead a spot that felt good, anri would hum, her way of indicating that was a good spot and to continue.
it was quiet, nothing but skin rubbing and the sitcom was heard, though you had to ask your girlfriend a question. breaking the quiet room you asked, “so, why were you back so late? ego has you doing those boy’s laundry again?”
the girl below you breathily laughed, “no, thank god! but, he made me stay back to analyze some data about some of the players. looking at the same screen for so many hours strains my eyes.”
now it was your turn to laugh, you reached over to the bottle and pumped more lotion onto your palm. rubbing it in you spoke, “he needs to get off his ass and do his own work, and also stop eating those gross mayo ramen things.”
“i agree!”
another quiet atmosphere washed over you, something you both enjoyed and appreciated. you knew how much anri just wanted a break from work, she was very clearly worked to the bone, barely ever getting a vacation or a second to breathe.
you had hoped this small massage had released whatever physical stress she had in her body. swinging your leg off the other side of her body, you placed both feet on the ground, telling her you were done.
anri lifted herself with her arms, cracking her back after being in the same position for twenty minutes.
she moved to a sitting position and started to slip on her shirt that you had handed to her.
“so, how do you feel now?”
“wayyyy better, thank you, love,” anri said sweetly, dragging out her letters, then pulled you down to sit next to her.
you chuckled and placed a soft, chaste kiss to her lips.
“i’m glad!”

© megururus august 19, 2022
blue lock ¦ headcanons
cw : none
a/n : just saying hi 🤭🤭

✧ shidou never shuts the hell up during movies. he stays asking unnecessary questions just to annoy you
“what’s the main characters name?” “what’s their mission?” “what’s this movie called again??”
✧ when holding hands, meguru likes to swing your arms back and forth
✧ chigiri gives the BEST and i mean THEEEE BEST massages ever. he gets really into the tissue and everything
✧ otoya was a ‘RAWR XD’ kid
✧ shidou was an animal leash backpack kid (so was i, it’s okay)
✧ chigiri has random leg twitches/jolts. he could be minding his own business and eating a bowl of cereal and then BAM! his leg just hit the damn table
✧ meguru raps beef flo mix easy no trouble ✗
✧ karasu will randomly start talking/narrating in an animal planet documenter voice
“and here we have a wild eita otoya mates…in his natural habitat of being a whore…”
✧ chigiri and rin have dimples AND SAE HAS ONE DIMPLE ON HIS LEFT CHEEK!
✧ reo likes his steak basically mooing on the plate still
✧ meguru buys fake glasses
✧ meguru makes sure that if you pinkie promise, you HAVE to connect thumbs or else it isn’t complete
✧ hiori, nagi, and niko are big vegetable haters

© megururus july 2, 2023
Blue lock hcs.
-Itoshi and Barou are obsessed with tea and not just tea, but the entire process that goes with it. Whether it’s traditional Japanese tea or teabags, they know something about it. Barou either tries to hide this obsession or he’s extremely proud about it and will literally break your face if you were to make fun of him for it. Itoshi’s a bit more suppressed with this obsession, he doesn’t like people thinking he has anything but soccer on his mind.
-Isagi loves dumplings, nobody knows why, but he just does.
-Reo loves giving Nagi piggy back rides and Nagi quietly enjoys these(pretty much canon tbh), the thing that Reo doesn’t love is the back ache that comes along with carrying someone practically your weight.
-Nagi went through a cosplayer phase.
-Kunigami loves kickboxing, it’s one of his favourite passions after soccer. He also loves working out, running and rugby(idk).
-Once Bachira confused a high five for a hug causing Rin to suffer an aneurysim. What can I say, the boy’s touch starved.
-Karasu Tabito is a manwhore. His highest record for hook-ups in one day is 6 and this was in the span of 2 hours. Think Barney Stinson without the inherent misogyny.
-Otoya is a gamer(idk).
-The only one apart from Rin who’s fluent in English in Blue Lock is Reo.
-Chigiri once tried straightening his hair, only to burn half of it off. He’s never even looked in the general direction of a straightener after that.
-Shidou has bitten through at least three of the muzzles Ego put on him in the punishment room. Ego is currently running low on muzzles. Donations are appreciated.
-Lastly, Anri is vegan. She’s also one of those peoples who feel bad about not donating enough, causing her to starve during her lunch hour on more than one occation.
Blue lock hcs part 2: Because I’m bored and don’t wanna study.
-Ego has a foot fetish.
-Anri having to take care of Ego constantly is one of the biggest reasons she no longer wants kids.
-Sae has never regretted anything as much as a he regrets giving Shidou his number.
-Bachira might never admit it, but he has on occasion jerked off to his monster(don’t @ me, I know what I said).
-Actually, never mind, he would admit it.
-Nagi owns a pair of......crocs(somehow this is the most embarrassing thing on this post).
-Isagi has two sides and anyone who’s read the entire manga knows this, he may seem like a chill guy on the outside, but on the inside if you dare get in the way of what he wants, he will literally rip you apart. Chapter 62 is simply just proof of this.
-Nagi forgot to tell his parents he was going to join Blue Lock. They genuinely believed their son had been kidnapped for a good two weeks or so until like Reo’s family called them and informed them of their son’s whereabouts. Either that or Nagi lives alone(idk it just makes sense in my head, even though he’s what sixteen, I forgot their ages).
-Kaiser....I have legit nothing to say about Kaiser.
-Noel Noah and dadbods go together. (But like he doesn’t have it right now, I’m just saying it was made for him, just the vibes you know).
-Now this isn’t a hc, but who else thought Reo was a redhead. Am I just really stupid, cause I went through like 140 chapters thinking he’s a redhead or something and then bam Reo fanart smacks me in the head.
Blue lock hcs part 3: I’m back on my bullshit.
Ego smokes weed. There is absolutely never a time where he is at least not a little bit high.
Anri has tried to literally get rid of it all to make him focus, but she quickly found out that the weed makes up for at least half of Ego’s braincells.
Kaiser’s first thought upon waking up everyday is “how I can ruin everything for everyone”.
Bachira plays Animal Crossing.
He tried introducing it to Isagi and Rin, but they lost interest because it wasn’t about soccer.
Shidou lies about his age to everyone. Sae thinks he’s eighteen, while Rin is still under the assumption that a fourteen year old almost beat him.
Kunigami is a Marvel stan. His fave is Thor.
Lavinho has a pierced belly. DON’T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME.
Aryuu runs a steady Chigiri hate club(mainly because he’s jealous of Chigiri’s luscious locks).
Blue lock characters and their opinion on Taylor Swift.
- Isagi: not a big overall fan, but likes some of her songs including ‘I knew you were trouble’(continues to side eye Rin as he listens to this).
- Bachira is a 1989 girlie, he loves both the classics and the more underrated ones. Tells people Taylor peaked with this album.
- Kunigami listens to Taylor Swift because he has younger siblings who listen to her. It’s like a form of auditory osmosis.
- Barou screams to ‘You belong with me’ as though it was written to be death metal.
- Rin is a folklore and evermore girlie and I will die on this hill.
- Chigiri likes Lover. Chigiri gets bullied for liking Lover(as all Lover stans do).
- Nagi is convinced he was reincarnated as Taylor Swift. Reo tries to explain to him that Taylor Swift isn’t dead, however once he hears Nagi’s perfect rendition of ‘Shake It Off’ even he shuts up.
- Reo was a Red girlie, now he’s obsessed with Reputation.
- Ego is an anti.
Blue lock characters favorite character(hear me out):
- Isagi: Bachira or Kunigami
- Bachira: Isagi obvi
- Barou: Himself
- Chigiri: Tells people no one(it’s Kunigami)
- Reo: His answer is specifically “NOT NAGI”
- Nagi: Doesn’t remember half the names. When people ask what about Reo, his answer is “Who?”. Cue to Reo crying in a corner somewhere.
- Rin: Tells people no one(it’s Isagi)
- Shidou: “Your mum”
- Ego: Weirdly enough it’s Hiori
- Anri: Says she doesn’t have favourites. She does and it’s Bachira(she thinks he’s adorable).
- Karasu: “Karasu”. Acts like that’s not his name.
- Otoya: Your mum part 2.

Blue Lock Characters in: Being Jealous
(Characters Inclu.: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Seishiro Nagi, Reo Mikage, Chigiri Hyoma)
Trying to get into the habit of posting more often, so have these headcanons. A Bit short but I hope you enjoy

Yoichi Isagi
-Somehow the worst one on this list
-He's likely to give the nastiest glare to whoever you're wasting your time with (of course when you arent looking)
-Post Blue lock Isagi is kinda the same, Just a lot less subtle. curses and maybe a fight or two if its Kaiser.
"That blonde asshole has no place talking to you, you're mine.."
-Don't be alarmed, he's unlikely to take his jealously out on you
-Unless you're teasing him on purpose, then he might get a bit agitated with you
- "My dear, I'm not too fond of how you let him touch you just then, please stop that."
-He's a two way street, either a sweetheart who tries to dodge around it or a straight maniac who will plot murdering whoever it is.
-Nothing to mistake, he isnt brainless, so theres always a chance he wont care
-He's mostly secure in your relationship with him but could use reassurance in times like that

Meguru Bachira
-Relatively tame for the most part
-If anything, he may get clingier
-He honestly doesnt even acknowledge the person youre talking to at first, he's too invested in you
"Oh, Baby! You busy today? I wanted to try this- hm? Oh, you're talking to someone...? Anyway, its this cool bakery I saw, we should try it!"
-If you aren't giving him your attention, that's when he'd get pouty
-He's a child at heart, naturally he's gonna get upset if you aren't paying him mind, no matter the reason
"Babyyyyyyy, gimme attention...! I dont care who youre talking to, love me!"
-Its cute so you usually give him his way and stop what youre doing
--> Little do you know, he does it on purpose because it always works
-Definitely a michevious little bumblebee

Seishiro Nagi
-Another rather tame one
-Hard to tell if he even cares with how lazy and laid back he is
-It usually never bothers him since he does trust you
"Hm? Your friend asked to hang out today? Sounds cool.."
-Like Bachira, he only cares when it cuts into your time with him, now its something of note for him
-How could you leave your boyfriend for some lame hangout? Playing Video games with him is much more important
"You want me to get off..? No...Not until you promise you'll stay and hang out with me..."
-Please just stay, he might actually cry if you leave (he wont, but it always gets you because you believe him)
->A 6'2" babi, why wouldnt you want to give him what he wants?
- Eventually he makes you forget why you were trying to leave in the first place

Reo Mikage
-Have you seen how he gets with Nagi? Safe to say he wont be very happy
-As mad as he'd be, I doubt he'll make sure you see that
-All smiles and grins when you look at him, what do you mean you swear you saw him scowl at the guy behind you? You're just seeing things love
"Dove, who's this? A..friend? Ah, well im sure we'll get along well, real well...."
-We all know how privledged he is, he would be appauled that you want time with anyone besides him, what could they give you that he cant?
-Granted, he wouldnt give it much thought at first but as you keep focus on this person, itll eat away at him more before he's pouting and begging for you to give him your undivided time
"C'mon Dove, how bout we go to that new cafe you were talking about, hm? No, im not trying to distract you, how could you say that..?"
(Thats definitely what hes doing)
-Eventually he'd bribe or sweet talk you into giving him what he wants
-"Dont ask about where that guy went, hes not important....Now lets go get some ice cream, yeah?"
-A tad creepy and overprotective but with all that money, who is to stop him?

Chigiri Hyoma
The most tame on this list, and by a rather large margin too
-This pretty boy knows you'll eventually give him your attention, nothing to worry about
-If anything, he encourages you to allocate your time doing what you want and speaking to who you wish
-That can change if the person is too touchy with you, however
"Pretty sure they asked you to take your hands off, keep them to yourself."
-He trusts you entirely, its the people you hang around that can overstep and agitate him
-Hence why he's almost always hanging out with you, your friends are his friends right? What better way to show them that you're happily taken then to bring your sweet, beautiful redhead with you?
"Going out sweetheart? Mind if i tag along? I mean only if you don't mind."
-Truly a man who knows his worth, but it would help if you told your especially pushy friends to mind their manners when he's around
-A few of them have actually attempted moves on him once or twice
-We stan a Pretty King 👑

Yeah, My boyfriend's Pretty Cool~♫
`> Blue Lock Boys as Boyfriends
(Char. Included: Yoichi Isagi, Rin Itoshi, Chigiri Hyoma, Meguru Bachira, Reo Mikage, Sae Itoshi)
-You all seemed to like my last one, so ill try and post more blue lock content ^^. The format might be weird so you'll have to scroll, ill attempt to fix it, forgive me

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Love on me ♡ ↓ ♫ ⁹⁹⁹⁺ ︙
1:20 ———●—————— 2:30

Isagi Yoichi
!Isagi Yoichi who always, always, always, gives you a kiss before he goes anywhere, even if its just to the kitchen because he’ll be damned if he leaves the room without making sure you know he loves you
!Isagi Yoichi who buys the most thoughtful gifts regardless of how often you spoke on it, just glance at it for too long and the next day it's in your room with a cute bow. He wont ever admit it if you ask but wont stop smiling when he sees you with the gift he picked out
In reverse, !Isagi Yoichi who nearly cries receiving a handmade gift from you because he’s not used to something so thoughtful and carefully crafted just for him. He’ll wear it if its clothes or hang it up/ put it on a shelf, proudly stating how much your kindness is appreciated
!Isagi Yoichi who practices for days confessing to you in the mirror and still sputtering over his words when he sees you, his blush rising as he struggles to babble out his adoration for you, he nearly passed out when you gave him a soft smile and accepted

Rin Itoshi
!Rin Itoshi who spends hours at a time picking out that one flavor of your candy you said you didn't quite like from any he buys, safe to say he’s pleased seeing your face when you don't see any in your batch
!Rin Itoshi who loves horror and adores how you turn away from any jumpscares as he playfully berates you for claiming you could handle it, regardless he’ll still open his arms wordlessly and let you cuddle into him….and no the movie isn't an excuse to get closer to you without having to ask, that’d be silly
!Rin Itoshi who hates being touched but melts under yours after a grueling day of practice, snuggling into your bosom as you softly coo at him, the exhaustion siphoning any strength to rebuttal you as he flutters his eyes closed, just happy to have you to come home to
!Rin Itoshi who will watch the same shows with you for the millionth time if it means you’ll look at him as warmly as you always do, beaming that he wants to spend time with you. He’ll definitely fit room in to complain that it’s boring watching the same thing over and over, but he has to admit that your taste in film is rather impeccable

Chigiri Hyoma
#Chigiri Hyoma with a crazy long skin + hair care routine and Convinces Forces you to join in on, claiming it's simply to help fix your hygiene but he just really likes spending time with you. The talks you have as you get ready for bed have become his routine, he must have his S/o with him as he combs through his hair. If you’re a bit busy? He simply waits until you get there and won't begin until you are
#Chigiri Hyoma who gets mistaken for your girlfriend at least once a week and either politely corrects them or just flat out pretends he is. It’s gotten to the point where even some of your closest friends thought he was a girl for the longest time, even though they recently found out he was in fact a he they still refer to him as “Y/n’s Girlfriend.” It's become a long running joke at his expense for a while.
#Chigiri Hyoma who falls for you all over again when you help him tend to his leg. Whether it's bringing fresh bandages or buying him a moisturizer/ cream you think will be helpful. It means a lot that you go out of your way to do something regardless of how small it seems. He has in fact caught you watching him as he does his usual routine for it and might speak up to tease you for staring
#Chigiri Hyoma, who doesn't believe in going to bed angry, right or wrong, refuses to let either of you go to bed without resolving the issue. He’d hate for something bad to happen with the last thing he said to you, something he said out of anger. He has pride but will always forsake it if it means you two go to sleep in good spirits

Meguru Bachira
#Meguru Bachira who loves surprise hugs; he will always sneak up on you and jump at you, smothering you with affection and kisses with giddy. That applies to Surprise Kisses, handholding, and a few Ass grabs That one got him in trouble .He would definitely love it if you did it back, so don’t be shy, the spontaneity of it makes him excited
#Meguru Bachira who is only calm in the shower, but only with you in it with him. Nothing perverse in this case, he just enjoys the intimacy of it all. It's a perfect way to wind down after a long day as the day comes to a close. However, he’s not above a bit of a water fight if you’re up for it
#Meguru Bachira who is the best at reassurance no matter the reason. Bad grade on a test? That's okay, you tried your best so lets get Ice cream ‘kay? Feeling insecure? Impossible when you’re the most beautiful person i've ever seen, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just a straight ray of sunshine, how could you even hope to stay sad with this sweetheart there to lift your spirits?
#Meguru Bachira who embodies a golden Retriever, especially with you. He’ll always follow you around and fill the silence if it gets too quiet for his tastes, occupying it with whatever comes to mind first, ranging from what he had for breakfast this morning to the cool moves he did in practice yesterday afternoon to complimenting your outfit. As soon as he sees you, he has to approach and squeeze the affection into you. He loves your praise, please give him praise all the time. Tell him he’s doing a good job, you’ll swear you can see his tail wagging

Reo Mikage
$Reo Mikage who’s love language is gift giving and acts of service. He doesn't trust his mouth to convey his feelings so he lets his actions speak for him. Perhaps you’ll find more of that snack you liked in the fridge after days he comes over, perhaps a couple dollars more in your account than you remember. He wants you to know he loves you and what better way than spending his money on you?
$Reo Mikage who doesn't understand why you don't expect expensive gifts and even actively requests him against it. Why shouldn't he spend his money on the most important person in his world? Why don't you just tell him you hate him and want to leave? You have to explain that sometimes simplicity is better and you’d accept any gift as long as it's with thought and good intention
$Reo Mikage who borders on less than healthy tendencies seeing you with anyone he doesn’t approve of, almost like a parent policing over their kids life. He’s quick to rid of anyone he feels has a chance of taking you from him, even if it means telling a slight untruth to you so you wont worry. Of course he’d never do that to your friend sweetheart, they matter to you so of course they matter to him. They just happen to be taking a rather extensive Permanent Vacation across the world; no harm done ^^
$Reo Mikage who would love it if you and Nagi got along. His treasure and his beloved being friends is everything he could ask for. Let’s not worry about why he’s slowly bringing more of Nagi’s things into your house and sends you two places together alone, he just wants you to get along, thats all. It’ll make it easier when he brings up you all being a couple……Hm? No you didnt hear me talking to myself hun, just lost in a thought nothing to fear.
(I believe in Slightly Deranged!Reo, no elaboration)

Sae Itoshi
$Sae Itoshi who is a bit of an asshole, but he decently tries to tone down for your sake, considering there’s no reason to treat you with contempt. You will have to tell him when he goes too far because he has a habit of nitpicking to the point of simply being mean.
$Sae Itoshi who hates those born in Japan but hates it just a bit less if you tell him you have lineage from there. Its hard to look at that face and hold bitterness in his heart, you squeeze it right out of it with the hold you have. He can’t say it, he can hardly even show it but god forbid someone points it out, they’ll have a very long and ruthless spat from him.
$Sae Itoshi who needs you to teach him everything because he’s filled his head with so much soccer so theres no room for anything else. You’re surprised seeing how many basic things he doesnt know how to do. It doesn’t help that his pride is too big for his body so he’ll end up getting it wrong 13,000 times before he even considers the idea of asking you to help. He might begrudgingly let you help if you ask but will immidiently lie if you tease.
$Sae who changes his favorite season, every season. When you’re in that adorable knitted sweater, he swears its the Fall. However that cute swimsuit you have will have him questioning if he ever had a favorite. He cant help but lean to Winter as you stuff your hand in his jacket, intertwining them with his as he tells you off for not bringing your own. He’s so happy that he put all of yours in the wash today
Property of ©ashton-sano; Don't post my content on any other platform without credit; much love^^

✮⋆˙ ʙᴏʏꜱ ᴡʜᴏ ꜱᴍɪʟᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴇʏᴇᴄᴏɴᴛᴀᴄᴛ

You watching and caressing them all day with your sight wasn't something you could easily leave out of your daily routine; and most of your friend did notice this. Asking why are you staring into the void, but in reality your pretty eyes was fixated on him. After some time you couldn't care less about hiding it, doing it even if you're face to face with him until he started to catch you staring. Turning his head over into your direction and a small smile forming on his lip. Smug smirk displaying on his face, his attention all over you, even if there's something important in the conversation others are sharing next to you. He wouldn't take off his eyes off of you until you're the one breaking eyecontact. Nothing much, only long and sensual starings filled with expressions between friends..

jjk: gojo, geto, yuji;
hsr: sampo, aventurine, jing yuan, luocha, caelus, dr ratio;
genshin: ayato, baizhu, childe, cyno, kazuha, wriothesley, aether, heizou, kaeya;
bllk: meguru, yoichi, hyoma, reo, ryusei;
tokrev: mikey, draken, chifuyu, baji, hamna, ran, mitsuya;
haikyu: daichi, sugawara, nishinoya, yamaguchi, kuroo, oikawa, bokuto, osamu, atsumu;
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (#1)
Isagi to Kaiser: sometimes I really wanna tear your throat out and hang it on my wall as a trophy
Shidou and Kaiser simultaneously: Oooo kinky
Rin: wtf is wrong with you people
Sae: you'll get use to it eventually
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (#2)
Bachira: if someone proposes to Isagi without my permission they're going to die
Rin slowly hiding the ring he just bought: agreed
Aryu: After we put them through excruciatingly glam torcher that is
Rin starting to sweat nervously: mhmm don't forget that part...
Sae noticing his brothers nervousness: and banning them from participating in any soccer game, ever
Rin slowly backing out of the room: yep, totally..
Kaiser strutting into the room: guess who just got engaged to the one and only Isagi Yoichi you losers
Rin, mumbling: rest in pieces you brave fool
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (#4)
Isagi who has just been woken up: F**K you, f**k your mum, f**K your mother's mum and every other mum that has mummed!
Bachira tearing up: but you said to wake you up at 9am
Isagi realising who woke him: oh my goodness, not you darling, I was talking about Kaiser, I would never curse your lineage of mums
Kaiser standing at the door: fuck your mum's too ig
Isagi grinning: Ikr they're a**h***s
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (#5)
Nagi: anyone want some weed, Reo ordered too much
Isagi: hell yeah! Gimme
Nagi who just gave Isagi and Reo a bag of weed for free: it's $20 an ounce btw
Rin mumbling while getting the money: you fcking rip-off
Shidou: I told you guys he was an ass
Sae: you say that everyone's an ass
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (#6)
Isagi: what's love to you guys?
Rin: a waste of fkn time
Bluelock: mood
Isagi: Rin, my love, please move out of my way in the next match
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (7)
Shidou, Karasu, Kaiser & Bachira at 2:30am: Know what to do every time you have a horrible day, I'll eat that sausage all day like it-
Rin, Barou & Isagi slamming their doors open: SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP ALREADY
Otoya putting on 'Welcome to the internet': now for the outro ;)
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (8)
Chigiri & Aryu putting on a silk bonnet before they go to bed:
Isagi : y'know you guys are putting stuff on your head that came out of a worms ass
Shidou: yall know what else came out of an ass-
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (9)
Isagi, through gritted teeth: your brother and daddy issues are showing Rin
Rin who's staring him down in the middle of the field: I hope you die before you reach nationals
Isagi gasping: you did not just go there-
Bachira: omg he just went there
Kaiser: would the both of you stop flirting already and get on with the match, Shidous going to get blue balls
Incorrect Bluelock Scenarios (10)
*Isagi choking Kaiser out after he made a perverted comment*
Kaiser: hel..p me-
Sae who was just walking by: you're on your own you perverted blueberry
Ness: ooo can I have a turn? Ive been practicing :)