Nagrada The Twister - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

I was tagged, thought it was sweet and decided to do it... Hope it goes well!

*Calls in every bitty that isn’t directly to be bought out of the shop*

Bitty Questions

These are just some fun questions for people to get to know your bitties!

+Who was your first bitty?

*Three Lamia Bitties show up as on the count of three both pose with the one with the shinest purple scales puts his hand on his chest with stars sparkling around them, the one with the fuzziest coat and red pattern crosses his arms and the golden-fanged larger lamia immediately dabs the hell out of his entrance* 


Zalman: … -The sssssssstubborn Coral. 

*Magnar made a face at Arach behind his back as Zalman chuckled slightly* 

They’ve become better with each other while taking care of the hatchlingsssssss believe it or not.

+Who is the shortest and tallest of your bitties?

Coffee: E-Erm… If we were going by adoptables in g-general that would be me... 

*The bara raised a hand before lifting up the happily chirping and grumbling Dietyrus Pele whom he had been giving love and affection with the Harbinger Bitty Leti on his shoulder with Horror* 

But Zalman and Nagarada the b-biggest otherwise.

*Said Twister Nagarada waves from beside Coffee, still wearing his duct tape blue ribbon* 

Nagarada: And for the smallest? That would have to be Geist. 

*A Ghoulrus Bitty peeks from Murder’s hood before shying in as Murder and Toriel chuckle in care for the bitty*

+Any of your bitties need special attention? (Physical or mental)

Toriel: Yes. Killer needs to be near Nightmare a lot or one of us that sibling bonded with him or else there would be dusting...

Murder can’t be left alone with the other Sans bitties too long or he gets agitated, Horror needs to be constantly fed or he would be experiencing starvation symptoms very quickly, Arach and Magnar need to be constantly validated- which they are through the baby bitties- Geist needs low light and little attention to himself, Pele needed the lower half of the shop child-proofed so things don’t fall on him and squish him... And I believe that’s it unless you want to go into our deeper traumas then most everyone here needs the help ^^

+Which bitty/bitties have most in common with you?

Dotchi: All of them have something in common with me someway or another, I would say though I relate to Toriel and Zalman the most at the moment, trying to be helpful, comforting and kind of quiet, though there have been times in my life I was most like Nightmare and Murder, in a dark place seeking validation and help- something that has been coming back more and more unfortunately- and when I was very little I was a lot like Brand the Centaurus and like Arach bursting with energy and life, wanting praise and adoration from a lot of people, but yeah. the only one that I haven't really been is Pele, I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone mistake me for a god and worship me. 

*She laughs*

+Any babybones or kid bitties?


*The Mamba stated bluntly while all other eyes went to the Horror Bitty, who merely stared blankly back* 

Horror: Deme and I haven't even mated yet, we’ll get there, don’t put your clothes in a twist.

*Leti snorted beside him*

+Who’s the most independent?

*There was a silence in the room as they all looked to each other before Zalman, Toriel, Brand and Nagrada raised their hands* 

Nagrada: We’re usually taking care of the others, so while we would rather be with everyone else we’re the most independent.

+Now who’s the most clingy towards you?

*Magnar, Arach and Zalman wave their hands while slithering onto the Heartsona that had been pulled into Coffee’s arms with Pele happily resting on top already with Nagrada*

Dotchi: These six are pretty clingy, not that I mind that much, it makes me feel pretty good actually!

+Any bitties get jealous for your attention?

Zalman: Arach and Magnar are bad.... Better since Hatchlings came. 

*Zalman asserted*

Leti: The seem to really fight for each other’s attention more than they do for the Mortal. 

*Leti pointedly looks at Murder, Toriel, Nightmare, Horror, Killer and Geist* 

+Do they all get along pretty well?

Nightmare: Yeah we seem to find a way to be a cohesive unit. Somehow.

+If there are some bitties who fight sometimes/often, who are they?

*Everyone looks pointedly at Killer before Arach and Magnar*

Killer: … i got better. 

Magnar: And Ssssssso did Ara and I. No fighting in front of hatchlingssssss. 

+Any picky eaters?

Horror: ya kiddin’ us kid? other than killer here who wants the tears of his enemies mixed inta his food we all ain’t picky. 

+Do any of them sleep with you?

Murder: Toriel, Nightmare, Killer and I live in a place together and Horror is constantly off with his future mate but the rest of them do.

Coffee: I have my own room, as does Geist so he isn’t overwhelmed, the rest stay with her unless I steal her for a night.

+Who’s the most spoiled?

*Everyone looks around before pointing to Pele, Arach, Magnar and Coffee, Pele, Arach and Magnar being happily pampered in Coffee’s arms by the two of them*

Toriel: We don’t mind it though, Pele, Arach and Magnar were labeled as pretty high-care for affection when Dotchi got them.

And it’s not as if she ignores us, she just spoils the four of them most, when the shop’s not up and running Zalman is always treated well, as are the rest of us to our needs, we handle it like any other big family can!

*She beamed in pride*

+Do any of them have mates?

Horror: i gotta for the future named Deme, and if murder gets off his ass he’ll get tori too. 

*He then looks to the others* 

coffee and Dotchi are mated and Arach, Magnar and Zalman are basically parents to the baby bitties dunno about the others though, they still need ta be properly introduced to the shop, might find someone there.

+Have any of them not warmed up to you yet?

Dotchi: Nagrada, Leti, Geist and Brand need to spend a little more time with us, but they’re basically brand new and they’re already settling in nice, Pele’s the only one who’s down with the love we’re all giving him right off the bat, though Brand is pretty receptive I have to say.

+Who’s the newest addition to your family?

*Everyone points up*

Tag!: Argh... Um... You guys can just do it if you guys want, I ain’t gonna force anyone into doing this, go ahead- I would love to see what you guys do! :D

Bitty Questions

These are just some fun questions for people to get to know your bitties!

+Who was your first bitty?

+Who is the shortest and tallest of your bitties?

+Any of your bitties need special attention? (Physical or mental)

+Which bitty/bitties have most in common with you?

+Any babybones or kid bitties?

+Who’s the most independent?

+Now who’s the most clingy towards you?

+Any bitties get jealous for your attention?

+Do they all get along pretty well?

+If there are some bitties who fight sometimes/often, who are they?

+Any picky eaters?

+Do any of them sleep with you?

+Who’s the most spoiled?

+Do any of them have mates?

+Have any of them not warmed up to you yet?

+Who’s the newest addition to your family?

Tag: @sirpumpkinlumps @nsfwalphatalelioness @chrysalis-the-centaur-queen @roseclaw123 @unseensilver @selkiesbittybonanza @noragamilover01

Feel free to do this if you’d like~!

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5 years ago

Zalman the Peaceful Papa

(Based on this post by @vex-bittys, yeah, it doesn’t take much to make me want to write something :3) 

Rating: G

Characters: Zalman the Chain, Nagrada the Twister from @selkiesbittybonanza and both Graves the Wyrm and Tacet the Maple from @dumplingsspookysweeties with a small mention of the Nocturne and Lumous Lamias from @tails-and-scales (Only a mention because they aren’t fully adopted yet)

Warnings: Babybones Fluff, by now all the Lamias are parents to the baby bones, if I give any inaccuracies to your lamia bittybones Vex, Selkie or Dumpling, please let me know, don’t want to bug you guys with inaccuracies.

If you guys want to skip lamia introductions and head straight to the story (However little there is) go to the next ~~~~~~~


Zalman had been a part of everything since the beginning. 

He was there to keep the peace between Magnar the Coral and Arach the Mamba, he was there when Toriel, Nightmare, Murder, Killer and Horror showed up and a whole bitty shop sprouted from that, more additions to the shop being quite delightful. 

He was always a very responsible lamia, even when he had plenty of times where he merely flopped onto the heartsona Dotchi and fell asleep or took some time to enjoy outside he was always close by and made sure that everyone was safe, anyone that was an irreparable threat was to be eaten or have Magnar and Arach sicked on them.

He never expected to be a Father, but when the first babybones smiled to him his heart went to them, and it was the same with his brothers, the three of them taking them in, and it was three months into raising the first batch of babies that he was called ‘Papa’, his SOUL filled with joy and he immediately held the baby Simba-style and let everyone know of this joyous occasion, promptly dodging Arach whom wanted him to handle the tiny beings with more care than that. 

With that more lamias soon arrived in the shop- adding to the growing caretakers among others: 

First with Nagrada, the full-sized Twister being able to probably carry the whole of the babies on his back and tail as he took care of the babies whenever Magnar needed time alone in his treasure nest, the Coral needing his space at times, and the babies always took time in their day to crash into his swimming pool and give him much hugs and affection. 

There was also a Lumos and a Nocturne whom was still being traded with by Sai and Dotchi, but were still very promising.

Finally thus far there was Graves the Wyrm that was brought in for the Horrors and Teeth to take care of was stolen frequently by the baby bitties, tiny Horrors and Teeth always poking around in his ribcage for any food while tiny little Toris enjoyed his purring very much, so it wasn’t very often that there wasn’t purring coming from the babybones room whenever the Wyrm was there in the waking hours of the adoption center. 

Still, nothing could sway the Baby-bones from their core three parents seeing as Nagrada still had to man the desk being the biggest ‘bitty’ in the shop (though stowaways to his pool were very frequent) and Graves was still a very prevalent part of the Horror and Teeth Pantry. 


When Zalman’s birthday came around he found himself receiving a jacket from all the babies, with small stitches that upon close inspection was words of love from all of them, you could tell that the jacket was once dirt brown but now it was patterned with so many colors to differentiate who was speaking that you could only tell if you looked on the inside of said jacket, and even that wasn’t enough unless you looked at where his spine was. 

He adored it, casting aside the one he was wearing to wear that one, finding the fur lining the hood was sprinkled in with shiny silver hearts courtesy of the Queenies and Classic Toriels whom giggled when he looked to them. It was very warm the threads sown in made it harder to tear, it was perfect, though he had to ruffle the collar to try and unstick the hearts.

He was very happy with this, receiving other presents from adult bitties and other caretakers alike, a party being thrown with music he enjoyed until evening. 

It was there he made his way for outside on his nightly patrol when he got a tug on his tail, looking back to see a tiny Murder, whom took advantage of him stopping to teleport into his hoodie, the little Murder’s head popped out of the collar right under the Chain’s jaw, “ hi papa.” He called with a small yawn

The Chain lets out a huff in amusement while the Murder doesn't move from being snuggled in his spot, “ Come on little one, ‘m just gonna check around the house with Nagrada and Tacet, i’ll be right back.” He grinned not really minding as long as they wouldn’t care being jostled with him climbing around the outside of the center. 

“ no.” The Murder probably got his stubbornness from his Dad Magnar as Zalman stuffed his hands in his pockets, using them to support the baby bitty inside as he met with Nagrada and Tacet with the little Murder giving them a sound in acknowledgement before dozing off, the Twister having the same thing as he gestured to his pockets to show three Toriel types, a Raggedy, a Mumcher and a Toriel snoozing there before his hood which had a Dream, a Nightmare, a Teeth bitty and a Queenie, Tacet not having a baby bitty but he was seen off by the affectionate Dietyrus Pele while his Harbinger was asleep as the three of them split up to check on the area as always, arriving back to be smothered in warm and comforting bitty piles. 

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5 years ago

Nagrada the Prized...?

As promised, this was made for Nagrada, the Twister from @selkiesbittybonanza. 

Along with Zalman, Magnar and Arach from @vex-bittys

I wanted to make a fic for Magnar but Nagrada’s towered over me to the point I had to ask this and make a fic for my Prized Twister, those boys need some love!

Rating: T 

Warnings: Attempted Kidnapping, some Violence, Over-abundance of Fluff and Parental Feelings 


Nagrada never expected to become a parental figure before. Sure he had taken care of rubber duckies before, but such itty-bitty babies were different, always sneaking into his pool behind the desk, swimming around or clinging to the pool noodles Dotchi had bought for him, or to the many more duckies she had gotten for him, particularly gooey bitties staying on the duckies and watching others splash around as Nagrada carefully would scrub at the tiny ones when it was bath time, or come out of one of his pools and spend time with the babies in their room when Zalman, Magnar or Arach never needed a break. 

He may man the front desk but so did others, and there was nothing quite like the feeling of falling asleep in a bitty pile, even if he was so large that it was more like a giant being piled on by tiny little beings.

But Zalman was Papa, Magnar was Dad and Arach was Mama, and Arach was not sharing any of the female titles. 

So a near adult Mumcher had taken the time out of her day to find out the Croatian word for Dad, seeing as his name was Croatian for Prize. 

Then they had something for him: Tata. 

There would have been so much backlash with that, and there was with a few adults, but Zalman did some damage control and soon baby bitties were happily using it as both a way of calling Nagrada their father and a way of saying goodbye, visitors being waved goodbye with joyful ‘TTFN: Ta-ta for Now!’.

Nagrada was actually very happy with development, playing with the children was a joy, he loved them from the bottom his soul, and woe betide anyone who decided to harm the babies, if they could even get past the Venemous and overprotective Magnar and Arach, Zalman having no fear in choking anyone either for them, no matter how angry or bratty a child may be sometimes, they were theirs to raise for future adopters and that was a line drawn clear in the sand for anyone who even bothered to open their eyes. 

But sometimes things happened. 

Zalman needed a recharge night with his Soulbonded Owner, staying with Dotchi for the night, Arach was on Orb Patrol again that night and Magnar had the Raggedy-Mumcher Orb the main three adopted in his hiding place and was frequently going back to check on it before finally passing out in his nest of treasures with the Orb, and because Magnar was supposed to be with him they never called Graves from the Horror Pantry, letting him stay with those he was initially brought for, not that Nagrada blamed Magnar, the Coral could sleep where he wanted, he could handle time with the kids, it was a big enough group and some of the kids were mature enough that arguments were dealt with and they wore each other out when he wasn’t contributing. 

It was in the dark of the night he heard something outside. 

It wasn’t unusual for someone to be out patrolling, but usually bitties were either asleep at this time or in the attic watching the stars if they couldn’t, and with Nightmares and Dreams running rampant creating fantastical things in dreams that in itself was rare. 

He looked to the circle of bitties that he had formed within his coils as he slowly slid from around them, making his way into the shadows, taking a look around the bitty shop, taking quick checks around the windows before slowly deciding it must have been his imagination. 

Even if it wasn't he had children to take care of, any threats that came to him would be dealt with. 

As if to compliment that thought there was a thud and he found himself slithering as fast as a flash, seeing the window was pried open with a dark figure slinking in, reaching to the slumbering children and picking up a Queenie which jostled the little one awake, fear immediately crossing her face as she was about to cry out only for the unknown being to cover her scream with his thumb, which only led her to biting him, but considering how small she was it wasn’t very effective, a grin sliding across his face as he opened a sack beside him.

However before he got too far he was wrapped within the merciless coils of a very angry parent, Nagrada’s tail wrapping around kidnapper’s wrist and swiftly breaking it, causing him to let go of the Queenie, only for her to be caught in the waiting hands of the Prized Twister who had made sure she was safe as she stared with wide eyes at him and the would-be kidnapper.

“ Tata...” She started bawling her eyes out, awakening the other baby bitties as they watched the man struggling as his consciousness was being squeezed out of him, Murders, Horrors and Nightmares buzzing in delight as they watched the unknown assailant drop in their parent’s hold, Teeth bitties covering their eyes with the Dreams, Toriels holding their friends and each other in fear as Nagrada cradled the sobbing baby bitty, apologizing to her as she merely held his shirt as tightly as she could, refusing to let go as the commotion caused others to arrive. 

A few days later his pool was absolutely covered in multiple colors of duct tape ribbons, one in particular covered with golden stars and a thank you to him on one side for their beloved TTFN, Nagrada.

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