Neurodivergent Characters - Tumblr Posts
Me: This is archangel Raphael Reader: Ok :) Me: He has sassy sense of humour Reader: Nice :) Me: He is dysgraphic Reader: Great :) Me: He is gay and dating an masc presenting non-binary person Reader: Super :) Me: He has PTSD Reader: Oh Me: He is working against his Father (God) because because of Him his son was murdered Reader: What– Me: He is manipulative Reader: Wait– Me: He is addicted to weed and feeling weak because he can't get over his addiction Reader: Please stop Me: He is still grieving his son's and his nation's deaths Reader: WHAT ARE YOU DOING, PLEASE STOP Me: He tried to commit a suicide Reader: * sobbing* Me: :)
I headcannon Mike Wheeler as autistic (because we share the exact same strain) and I have a theory regarding Season 5. Many autistic people, including myself, have a warped sense of inherent danger. We will throw ourselves into dangerous situations not fully understanding the risks involved. It’s a dangerous situation, sure, but not so dangerous we should avoid it. Mike also has this problem, what with him diving head-first into every fight. He wants desperately to be a hero, to prove his worth and might as a person—to be remembered. If that means doing something stupid like getting himself killed, then that’s what it takes. It’s heartbreaking, but that’s the world he lives in. Hopper, Eleven, Will, they’ve all sacrificed their lives in some capacity to save the world, now it’s his turn.
Eddie touched on this concept with his “Don’t try to be heroes, not today. There is no shame in running,” but Mike doesn’t see it that way. In his mind, those who run are cowards, afraid to face their fears and fight for what they believe in. Has Mike been a bit cowardly these past two seasons by avoiding his feelings for Will? Yes, absolutely. But that’s his arc. Mike has to understand his actions, why he’s hiding, and the serious danger everyone is in. He has to face the music. Where does this lack of inherent danger come in? Glad you asked.
We all know Mike wants to be a hero. He wants to go down in history as someone good, someone who put others before themselves and saves the world. The Brave Knight, The Paladin. Paladins swear an oath of bravery and loyalty, vowing to avenge any threat that dares harm their allegiance (Byler anyone?). Something will threaten to harm/kill Will in Season 5, and Mike will have none of it. They’re not doing this again. Thus, Mike will throw himself in front of Vecna/Demogorgon/Brenner, etc. to protect Will, not fully comprehending the danger of the situation. He’ll be a hero. Unfortunately, this risky act will most likely cost him his life (temporarily). He doesn’t have to die. He’s the heart.
Lucas says, in the Season 4 hospital, that Max’s heart stopped for over a minute, but it miraculously started again. She is alive. El’s love for her conquered death itself. If we go on the “Will Has Powers” theory, then his love for Mike will conquer death and revive him. Mike only needs to be presumed dead, to be out long enough for Will and El to feel the effects of his death and consider joining Vecna. Because without their HEART, they’d fall apart. Both of them.
Back to what Eddie said, there really is no shame in running. Will doesn’t need Mike to do some egregious, knightly act of sacrifice to prove his love for him. His love is already enough. Will loves Mike for EXACTLY WHO HE IS. He always has, and THAT is the real heart of this story. Mike is not a hero because of what he does, but because of who he is. The way he loves, the way he stands up for what he believes in, the way he treasures his friends and protects them. The way he makes Will feel safe just by being there. That’s what Will fell in love with, not some fantastical DnD character that never actually existed.
Like Mike said in Season 2, “this isn’t DnD, this is real life.” DnD characters are fun, and it’s exciting to dream about slaying dragons or exploding orcs with your Magic Missiles, but that’s not real. It’s a game and it will end. Hit Points don’t magically restore you after a Long Rest and Healing Potions don’t deal 2d4+2 Healing. Actions have consequences and danger is real, even if your brain tells you it’s not. Paladins, Clerics, Bards, Rangers, they’re not real people. But Mike Wheeler is (in this context) and Mike Wheeler is enough. He is so enough. It’s time he wakes up and realizes he doesn’t have to be the Hero, slay the dragon, and make everything better, because it was NEVER HIS FAULT. Bad things happen and, sometimes, we can’t fix them. All we can do is stand beside our partner, hold their hand, and fight along with them—to remind them they are never alone. That, in and of itself, is truly heroic.

I posted my AO3 fic on Wattpad if anyone is interested. It doesn't keep the double space between paragraphs so it looks flatter than AO3, but you have Studio Ghibli GIFs for each chapter.
Plus, I feel like Wattpad is one of the most accessible sites since AO3 is so complex.
Both will be uptated at the same time.
Trigger warnings at beginning of every chapter and tldr at the end.
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rock Lee/Reader, Rock Lee/Original Character(s), Hatake Kakashi & Reader, Hatake Kakashi & Original Character(s), Hatake Kakashi & Kakashi’s Ninken Characters: Reader, Original Non-Binary Character, Rock Lee, Hatake Kakashi, Hatake Kakashi’s Ninken, Maito Gai | Might Guy, Pakkun (Naruto) Additional Tags: Autistic Reader, Reader with OSDD, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Slice of Life, touch starvation, Reader is a past sex slave, Reader is a Child, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Yeah the topics are kinda heavy, Mostly mentions and innuendos, Nothing explicit, No Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Suggested sequestration, only at the beginning, Triggering subjects will mostly be just mentions and some sex talk, Trans Hatake Kakashi, He’s casually trans, Genderfluid character in future chapters, Some characters have darker skin than in canon, Black kids wanna be ninjas too Series: Part 1 of Cameleon / Color wheel Summary:
Oh boy. When it started like that, Kakashi was ready for everything. From ‘My tentacles tickled me!’ to ‘My ankles are going bald!’, he didn’t look up from his book or even move from his comfortable spot on the couch. “Hm?”
“I need cuddles!” the excited kid almost yelled, their eyes flowing between different colors.
He opened his arms and let the kid cuddle up on him, a dog or two also coming in the embrace.
He was safe. They were safe. And they both were happy.
-Slice of life about an ex sex slave getting better and growing up. -Trigger warnings at begining of every chapter with tldr at the end.
Also posted on Wattpad where you get Studio Ghibli GIFs with each chapter.

Updated my AO3/Wattpad fic.
For some reason I have around 200 reads on AO3 and about 20 on Wattpad. Is it because my art isn't that pretty?
Pakkun gets summoned in the middle of a forest by an exhausted and nonchalant Kakashi with a sleeping child on his lap.
No you're not Ableist, they are.
Infantilizing Autistic people (Making them "cinnamon rolls") is ableist because it doesn't treat them like people.
This is a problem in way WAY too many Fandoms, including you-know-who!

the "cinnamonroll 🥺"ification of autistic charaters is RANCID. undertale papyrus is autism coded and literally everyone is like "omg soft baby boy my cinnamon roll 🥺🥺🥺" SHUT UP!!! HE HAS EMOTIONS!!! HE CAN BE ANGRY!!!!!!!! and then yellow guy has it too HE ISNT JUST DUMB AND INNOCENT HE LITERALLY PULLED OUT A CHAINSAW AND STARTED CUTTING THE OTHER TWO UP. then theres the people who start doing that to gerbo.. hes a SPIDER. hes an ACTUAL GREEN SPIDER. he had a plan to get bugbo out so obviously he can be smart so everyone shut up because i have autism and doing this to characters i relate to is making me ableist (/j) okay out of my angry era peace and love 💖💖💖