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guide to living entry xi.

dear darling,
today i feel as though i failed myself. i started the day on a wobbly foot; my morning did not directly adhere to my anticipated schedule.
while i steadied myself into a somewhat rhythmic pattern, i ultimately relinquished my power around mid-afternoon.
i consequently feel the same guilt that plagued me just two days ago; my irrational brain fearfully anticipates a sequence of detrimental events, but i convince myself to stand my ground.
i am strong. i am capable.
and so i sign off, with the pledge to make tomorrow a better day.
guide to living mantra xii.

i know my worth. i respect my boundaries.
"i stand my ground."

guide to living entry xii.

dear darling,
today proved particularly trying as yesterday's difficult sequence continues to haunt my psyche.
every hour i remind myself why i began this journey -- how i want to heal and not hurt. how i want every day to represent a step in the positive direction. how i want to eliminate the need of continually allotting remedial days to follow my worse "episodes" -- i work towards lessening the frequency and impact of my troubles.
i choose to emerge with a clean mind and soul.
guide to living entry xiii.

dear darling,
this week has poured. every other day i feel as if i am surmounting an obstacle only for the next to ring in a greater difficulty. today i feel bogged down with unfortunate news.
my life has felt unlike my own as i grapple with control. even the parts over which i usually preside with an iron fist have slackened in my grip -- i dedicate myself to a recovery day tomorrow.
for now i muster all the energy and self-love in my reserves.
to a better tomorrow.
guide to living entry xiv.

dear darling,
do you recall the unfortunate news from yesterday? the situation has worsened, to my great dismay.
my "day of relaxation" was for naught as my mind is overburdened with despair. i urge myself out of this dreary psychological state -- i must exert great self discipline and respect over the next period as i navigate these unfriendly waters.
i cannot bring myself to reflect too deeply at this moment.
and so i sign off in hopes of a better tomorrow.
guide to living entry xv.

dear darling,
today is a better day. armed with discipline and self-derived motivation i go about my waking hours with greater calamity and self-assurance.
i create and stick to productive plans. i cater to my personal wellbeing while not disregarding the eudaimonia of those around me; i remain true to my values and morals through my every action.
i behave in a way of which i am proud. although i cannot fully control the future, i control my present.
guide to living entry xvi.

dear darling,
i soldier on another day.
with this new dawn i devote myself to self reflection. i oftentimes jump into decisions out of practice -- such behavior prompts issues when such "practice" proves negative. i thus aim to end my personal cycles of needless suffering by enforcing greater self understanding.
before i act i will pause and think: why am i acting this way? are my to-be actions productive? thoughtful? or only furthering anxiety?
i will alter/maintain course accordingly and continue to soldier on.
in intentional manifestation of a better tomorrow.
guide to living entry xvii.

dear darling,
i feel weighed down without relief as i navigate these troubled passageways. my brain fogs with tangled fuzzies as i struggle to persevere. an anxious cloud nestles below my ears and settles onto my shoulders.
i shall overcome. i know this much. but i find myself in sluggish anticipation of my motivation's arrival -- i need to practice the self discipline that will kickstart my revival.
my soul feels unanchored and i must provide my own tether.
guide to living entry xviii.

dear darling,
oh my weary days. every hour brings a seemingly insurmountable obstacle.
even journaling saps my energy as i guiltily anticipate the airing of my self discipline or lack thereof. I dedicate myself to my well being.
i dedicate myself to my well being i dedicate myself to my well being.
i do not put my wellbeing in jeopardy.
guide to living entry xix.

dear darling,
while today was a rather melancholic day, i am proud to report that i soldiered on and ultimately overcame.
i write to you with haste -- i do not have much time to reflect at the moment -- but i write to you with a less heavy heart than yesterday.
and for that i am grateful.
to another better day.
guide to living entry xx.

dear darling,
today i surrendered to whimsical glee. while i understand that such trivial pleasures will not aid my longterm growth i relished in their milestone marking.
i have mentally scheduled myself for the next few weeks as i plan to build healthy habits; while complying with such productive plans proves easier said than done, i know that the short term discipline will help cultivate long term motivation and pride.
please give me strength.
guide to living entry xxi.

dear darling,
tomorrow marks the beginning of the newest phase of my reset era. i am intentionally removing aspects of my current routine that do not serve me as i progress towards a more fulfilling lifestyle.
while the road has not been without potholes thus far i anticipate a few more bumps in the future -- i must practice discipline as i hold myself to the standards which will build the healthier habits.
please send me strength.
guide to living entry xxii.

dear darling,
i have successfully entered the next phase of my revitalization era. today i have achieved many small goals -- although some of my allotted tasks spill over into tomorrow's agenda i am confident that i will accomplish them.
i dedicate myself to maintaining a clear mindset over the next few weeks as i turn healthy habits into productive routine.
give me strength.
guide to living entry xxiii.

dear darling,
today has born fruit. my dedication has prevailed and i advance towards my goals.
in moments of mental weakness i remind myself of my objectives. i allow pride of my progress to flow through my veins. i anticipate the pride of accomplishment.
i breathe in and out and remind myself why i feel.

a note
hello darlings!
please leave any requests for a specific mantra or tip in my asks.
your comments, likes, and reblogs never fail to make my day.
you are always welcome here.
guide to living entry xxiv.

dear darling,
i thrive even in my stressful atmosphere as i exert self-discipline. over the past few days i have never felt better. accomplished, motivated, happy.
while nerves and sadness peak in every few hours my self-induced motivation has helped usher these negative sentiments away. i feel more in control than i have since months past.
i picture myself achieving my goals and work towards that mental image.
please give me strength.
guide to living entry xxv.

dear darling,
i continue to plod towards my goals even as the journey tires me. forging a more productive routine proves cumbersome but i persist.
cultivating such habits will bring my soul peace. even now, the endeavor alone generates peace in my mind. i know i am doing whatever i can to reach my goals. i know i exist in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.
please give me strength to continue my self-healing.
guide to living entry xxvi.

dear darling,
i continue to overcome my daily struggles and build habits worth keeping. i take time to reflect upon my decisions at regular intervals.
i understand the significance of maintaining my health as as an important season of my life begins. i do not wish to get bogged down in avoidable sorrows -- i need every ounce of my attention available.
please give me the strength to continue healing.
guide to living tip iii.

how to implement satisfying substitutions
uplifting balance and inspirational discipline.
i dedicate this tip to all you darlings in search of a rewarding lifestyle.
<3 visualize. what is your dream lifestyle? in this desired life, how do you feel? how do you act?
<3 reflect. which habits do you already have that align with your goals? take note -- do not alter these helpful routines. in which behavior do you currently partake that contradicts your dream lifestyle? take note -- you will work to change these habits.
<3 brainstorm. in what ways can you meaningfully enact change in your current routine? how have you organized your life until now? have you been passive or purposeful?
<3 set intentions that mix journey with destination. "i devote myself to [insert substitution] to [insert lifestyle goal]." understand that you will experience setbacks along your path of self-improvement. know that you can and will overcome these obstacles -- enjoy the adventure.
<3 begin. there is no time better than the present. discipline will aid you immensely as you traverse these newly charted territories. incorporate positive affirmations on good days and worse days. create routine.
the best substitutions are realistic, gradual, and deliberate. want to [insert activity that requires certain clothing] more? set the specific outfit by your dresser the night before. wish to consume [insert drink/food] more/less? reserve a visible spot in the pantry or the counter/make the product less conspicuous or remove entirely.
your mind and body are powerful because of you. you dictate your path. you have the power.
a note ii.
hello darlings,
i will be less active over the next month. amidst this scheduled disruption my inbox is, as always, at your disposal.
request a specific mantra, tip, or simply send a little note...
in the meantime, enjoy my most recent tip.
remember, you are always welcome here.
<3 <3 <3