I Should Be Studying - Tumblr Posts
should i be studying for my state exams: yes probably
am i instead studying the history of dream smp: also yes
Greek Gods/Goddesses as memes my friends send me

Hera @ Hephaestus:









...study what the heck is an oblique projection.
For a whole day and probably night...
...and even then I will not understand it.
(please help me)
Do I have an assignment and a test due tomorrow? Yes. Do I ALSO have a project due on Tuesday and it counts for a fuck ton of my grade? Yes. AM I STILL GONNA SCROLL THROUGH TUMBLR?! BITCH YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!
Y'all I just started studying for my English exam which is tomorrow haha lmao. I'm so gonna fail this thing, I suck at Shakespeare stuff.
I'm supposed to be studying!
I just posted but them ten notes have me hype. I have a small piece from the story I want to share. As a thank you for the ten notes and two follows. Enjoy!
His focus was completely on her lips, though it occasionally would dip down to her chest every time she breathed. Caution still filled his bones. A month ago, Dove would never entertain him like this. A month ago, she would rather bathe in acid than let his hands caress her brown skin. A month ago, his caged bird would not be leaning in closer to peck his cheek.
And yet.
Now, in the closet of their shared room-
That's it. Have a great day!
Birds of a Feather
Remember when I said this blog was supposed to be a junkyard for a story I'm writing? Yea, that's what this is. In the first draft of my story, I wrote a lot of cute shit that can be cut and posted here.
Background: This takes place in the early days of team seven when they were given D ranked missions.
Rating: PG/E for Everyone
Warnings: None, its cute fluffy shit.
Kakashi sat again in another tree, supposedly watching over his gaggle of genin tracking the lost bird of a lord. Sasuke looked as interested as the jonin did. Sakura looked the most determined out of them all and Naruto looked, well-
“Sakura get them off of me, PLEASE!”
“Idiot! I told you not to put bird food all over you. Now you have to deal with those birds yourself.”
“Both you idiots, stop making a ruckus. You’ll scare away the stupid bird we're looking for.” The Uchiha simply didn’t miss an opportunity to say something harsh. Teamwork, children, Kakashi internally shouted. It hasn’t been long since they did the bell test but it's apparent the lesson has faded to the back of their minds. Out the corner of his single visible eye, the jonin saw a bird that fits the description. It seemed interested in Naruto’s ingenious bird-food jacket.
If the other two stopped berating him they might notice the objective right above their knucklehead teammate. Kakashi gave the team walkie-talkies to communicate with each other, but where was the learning experience if he found the bird for them. Was it an excuse to continue reading in his tree while his students were distracted? Perhaps.
“I don't even remember what the stupid bird looks like!”
“Naruto, it's bright yellow with a blue belly. Do you seriously not remember?” Sakura shouted, the walkie-talkie null and void if they continued using this form of communication. Sasuke only huffed and headed further away from his team, and the bird they needed to find. The Uchiha couldn’t believe this was his first mission. So simple a pack of dogs could do it and yet his team has been out in the woods for the past half-day. The feudal lord comes back home tomorrow and the genin couldn't handle a failed mission on his file. His brother, the traitor, never had a failed mission. Anything Itachi can do, I can too!
“I found it! I found it! Look, Sakura! Aren't I amazing?” Naruto’s loud voice echoed through the foliage. He better have it, because he just scared every bird in a ten-kilometer radius.
Kakashi peeked down to where his students all met where Naruto stood when he claimed he found the bird. Even from his distance, the jonin knew it was all wrong.
“NARUTO!” Sakura couldn’t resist and kicked the blonde boy 3 meters back.
“That bird is blue with a yellow belly. You are such a loser.”
“And… that's not what the lord’s bird looks like?”
“IDIOT!” We’ll be here for a while, might as well get comfortable. While his team continued to scare all living creatures away, Kakashi slightly relaxed his form before turning to the next page.
where can i find someone like him?

Had this immense urge to draw them over the week so finally did!!!
(Tali created by @clockeyedtoy , Tobin created by @necroromantics )
I just love their designs guys wtf

"You are my sunshine," their breath hitched, tongue going numb as another scream shattered the air.
"My only—"
What came next?
"You make me—"
Their cheeks were wet. What right did they have to cry? They weren't the one bleeding. They were the one singing a lullaby so they wouldn't hear—
The scream was louder this time, higher pitched with agony. They didn't know what could cause that kind of pain.
When skies are—
You never know—
There was a knife on the table, three feet from their hand.
What they had done, the way the horrible truth of it oozed out of their soul; it felt kind of like bleeding.
It felt like screaming under water.
It felt like dying.
If it was their fault, did it matter if it killed them, too?
There was a knife, three feet from their hand.
Their lover screamed again, vocal cords running raw.
Had there even been a choice? Yes, yes, always yes, but had there really?
Their hands were shaking. For some reason, the sight of them trembling drew a sob from their chest.
"Sunshine," they mumbled, but whatever words came after that were lost in their mouth.
There was a knife three feet from their hand.
The next time their lover screamed it cut off so abruptly they wondered if they had gone deaf. If their brain had simply turned off, stolen every sound in the air for protection.
Their lover didn't scream again.
There was a knife in their hand.
"They're alive," they whispered. "They're alive they're alive they're alive."
Say it enough and you believe it.
There was a knife in their hand.
The villain laughed.
Their hand clenched around the hilt.
If they saved their lover, their lover wouldn't forgive them. They knew that. How could they—the person they loved the most, the one person they trusted, had lured them in for the villain.
If their lover was dead—well.
There was a knife in their hand.
The villain was laughing.
And they were going to make sure the villain died painfully.
Maybe by the end of it, they would have something to actually cry about.
Their lover whimpered, a horrible wretched sound. It sounded like hope. It sounded like ‘I’m still here.’
They had a knife in their hand.
And they knew how to use it.
So they did.
Lost & Found (Dog Hybrid Male Reader x Jung Hoseok)
Today Your owner Hobi was going to take you to the park. You were excited because you can finally see your friend Jungguk! "Baby! Come on. I have to put your hardness and tag on!" Hobi yelled from the entrance holding the new pretty hardness you had chosen when Hobi took you out. " M'kay! coming!" You yelled back, looking in your playroom that had your toys. You were looking for the tugging rope and ball.
You were busy looking for those two that you didn't hear your owner Hobi walking. He was smiling and lean on the doorway, crossing both his arm and legs and with a slight tap on the door, you were scared. You yelped and looked back at your lovely owner with sad eyes. Tiny whine cries escaped your throat, and your eyes watery. " Hobi." You said both of your fluffy, bouncy ears pressed against your skull, and the once fluffy curl tail rested between your leg.
"Oh, baby, what wrong?" Hoseok asked, rushing out of his previews pose and held you close as you sniffed his calming natural scent. " I can't find my ball and tug rope, Hobi." Hoseok's heart broke as your word reach his ears. His angel was hurting, and even if it was such a silly situation, his heartache for his baby. "Ah, puppy, did you check our room? You usually leave your things to scatter around, but I think I saw a red ball in our room and the rope. I am sure I saw it on the kitchen table." The owner's soft voice and the calming scent was everything you need to calm down and look up at him. Hoseok wipes away the tears that had form from the slight panic of losing your ball and rope.
Hoseok scooped you in his arm and carried you, bouncing you with every step he took toward the room you two shared. Hoseok pecked your nose, and you licked his cheek in response. Hoseok scans the room carefully. His eyes landed on a bright red ball on the dresser's counter and picked it up. Your ears and tail perked up as you saw your favorite toy and hugged it when Hoseok hand it to you.
"One down and one more to go!" Hoseok said, seeing his puppy's excitement made his heart swell with love. The fact that he can see his baby smile over a simple toy got him giddy. Hoseok walked out of the room with you on his arm, holding your ball. At the kitchen, he looked toward the table, a bunch of paper's scattered around. Hoseok had to remind himself to clean up the mountain of paper and organize them again. He shifted some forms around and saw an ivory color thick rope and pulled it.
Your eyes sparkled with joy as Hoseok handed you your other toy. " And we got all your toys now, let get you in that pretty hardness!" Your tail wagged furiously and nodded with a big smile. Hoseok put you down when you got to the entrance of the door and clip your hardness and clip on the tags too." My pretty boy." Hoseok pecks your lips, and you whined when he pulled away. "Not now. Jimin is waiting with Jungguk. Jungguk has been complaining about you not being there yet."
Hoseok clips your leash on the hardness, which is required when you are not in a no leash required area. You started tugging on when Hoseok put on the leash. "Hobi~ let's go. I wanna play!" You yelped and howled as your owner started to laugh and locked the door, and started walking. When you got to the large gated area, a hybrid park Hobi unclip your leash and let you go as you saw Jungguk.
The two canine hybrids collided with a hug and fell, playfully biting and growling at each other. The other linked up, greeting with a hug and smiles. " Thank you for agreeing to bring (M/N). Jungguk has been so hyper these days that not even playing in the backyard drains him. Hoseok and Jimin laughed " Don't worry, Min. (M/N) despite being a (Medium/Small) breed. He likes to play with the large breed since he has you his little complex. I try to remind him that (Medium/Small) breed are beautiful and unique, but he still had those thoughts from his old owner." Hoseok sighed sadly, sitting on the bench with Jimin. Jimin and Hoseok conversed about various things while the two-hybrid rolled around, tugging the rope in their mouths.
Growling and tugging, both hybrids looked at each other " I'll win this game." The rope in your mouth muffles your words. " Pff, You think that you can over power me," Jungguk replied, tugging with full force, but you hang on the rope for dear life.
After hours of playing, running, and of course, water breaks, You were lying on Hoseok's lap curl up your face on the nook of his neck, inhaling his scent. You were so sleepy that your head was bobbing up and down and your eyes fluttering. "Aww, my baby is tired. We should be heading home. I need to shower this puppy and get him some food." Hoseok stood up with you in arms and looked at Jimin with a smile.
" I guess Kookie had fun," Hoseok said, and Jimin laughed as both saw a sleepy Jungguk sitting on the ground also bobbing his head. " I am sure he did. I dont think he'll have much energy to fight a shower. Plus, I won't have a whine Kookie trying rough house with Jin's cat Yoongi." Jimin said, petting Jungguks head.
Hoseok carried You while you slept, and Jimin had to pull a sleepy Jungguk toward the parking lot. The owner said their goodbyes and separated toward their respective vehicles. Hoseok unlocked the car and placed you in the back seat, where there was a special car seat for (Medium/Small) light wheight hybrids.
He kissed your forehead and petted you placing a small pillow on your head and closing the door. Hoseok got in the driver seat and set back to their cozy home.
Inside the house, Hoseok turns the light on and lock the front door. He took off his shoes and your and quietly shuffled toward the bathroom. Stripping you from the sweaty clothes and sitting you on the toilet. " Baby, can you hold yourself? I need to get you a towel." Hoseok asked, petting your head, but you whined and did a small grabby hand toward him, making him sigh and picked you up with a smile. " My needy pup."
Hoseok left the bathroom to pick up your towel, one of his shirts, and your undies. One back at the bathroom, he started to wash your bother with warm water, avoiding wetting your head. When he finished, he wrapped you up in a fluffy towel and dried you quickly, dressing you up. Hoseok grabbed the sweat-absorbent for hair and fur for hybrid and sprayed your head and using the towel to remove and residue. He finished brushing your teeth and placed you on the bed. " Baby, you want to eat something quick?" He kissed your cheeks, and you unconsciously started to lick him back, a habit he grew to love from you.
You responded with a whine and looked away. Hoseok sighed a small ok going to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed. You were so happy to have Hobi as your owner. He cared for you and loved you and never degraded you. You felt the bed shift with a heavyweight on it Hoseok scent filled in your nose, and you moved closer to him. " Wove you, Hobi. Thank you for helping me today find my toys." You mumbled and licked his neck, nipping at it sleepy.
"I love you too, baby. Anything you lose, I'll always be there to help you find it like a lost and found storage." Hoseok whispered and held you close, kissing you a goodnight kiss.
A/N: Whoop Whoop New One shot Hope you guys like it
Person A dies single (they could have dated a few times if you want) and never have met their true love yet but fate has other plans even after death, instead of going to heaven or hell, Person A was sent to Person B's home (You could decide on what their lifestyle is). For a while Person A wonders why he's there. Then one day at some accident (You could decide the accident) they were able to keep Person B safe. It turns out Fate sent you there to be your soul mate's guardian angel.
Someone please recommend me some good new fics about bakudeku... I haven't found any good reads lately😣
So We Meet Again?
The bed sheets rustled as Izuku swung his legs at the edge of the bed as he sat up. He groaned quietly, not wanting to wake up the other person on the bed. They didn’t need to wake up. It was better that way or else they’ll get clingier if they do.
It’s way more annoying that way. Especially if they start to think that something is happening between them. Trust him, he has experienced one before. One of the few times Izuku overslept and they woke up earlier than him, going flirty all over again. It would be easier if they’re one of those people who understand what a one night stand is.
Izuku stood up, quietly padding through the room searching for his shirt and pants. The greenette heard the sheets rustled once more while he was zipping up his fly.
His eyes landed on the figure on the bed, her head raised, eyes barely open to see her cat like eyes.
“Are you going now?” She asked while she rubbed her eye.
“Yeah…” He answered immediately –sounding indifferent and without sparing her a single glance-, praying inn his head that she doesn’t beg about staying or stuff like that, it’ll be a huge pain in the ass, while he picked up his shirt and put it on.
Where did he I leave my jacket again? He thought as he started to make his way to the door.
“Will I see you again?” she asked when Izuku was at the door way –hopefulness in her tone. Izuku stopped in his tracks freezing.
He slowly looked back with a blank, empty look on his face. “I doubt that’ll happen, sweetheart.” He said, dismissively.
This was nothing more other than a one night stand. He doesn’t even remember her name. He never asked nor did they. He doesn’t expect anything more, they shouldn’t be expecting more either.
“Bye.” He said before continuing to get out of the room, not bothering to listen to whatever she said as he walked out of the room.
Loud music filled his ears as he downed another glass of whiskey. He knows he’ll be hung over the next day but he didn’t care. He’s used to that already.
Izuku already forgot what being sober felt like by now with the amount of alcohol he’s been drinking lately. Why, you asked? To forget shit called reality.
He put down the glass, gesturing to the bartender and good friend of his –Shinso- to give him another one.
The purple haired man, visibly sagged as he sighed in disappointment. He didn’t care.
Izuku is used to making people disappointed, to the point that he himself is disappointed with himself.
“Do you even remember how many drinks you’ve had already?” Shinso asked as he poured another drink.
Izuku scoffed, rolling his eyes. Are we doing this again? “What do you think?”
Shinso sighed once more. “Of course, you didn’t.” He shook his head.
“is he here yet?” izuku asked changing the subject.
“Who exactly?”
“Tsukauchi.” Izuku said as he had another sip on his drink.
“I don’t think-“ Shinso cut himself off as his tired eyes landed on a familiar figure crossing the crowd of people in the club. “Look who’s here.” Shinso crossed his arms as he pointed to the man with his chin. Izuku turned his head.
Tsukauchi wore a trench coat over his suit and a fedora, big mistake if you’re going to a place like this, filled with sweaty people partying to their hearts content.
“Tsukauchi,” Izuku said, his voice starting to become slurry, actually it has been since a while ago, Shinso just didn’t mind it, more like he’s too used to it to point it out at this point. “It isn’t like you to come to our ‘meetings’ late like this.” He said as Tsukauchi sat to the stool next to him, taking off his hat, a drop of sweat dripping down his forehead.
“Sorry, there has been a bit of delay because I still waited for a few people.” He said as he gestured Shinso to give him a glass of water.
“What?” Izuku frowned, his tone going low and dark. The greenette preferred to not get involved with a lot of people, he only sees people who he knows is essential for his work and that’s it. No more, no less. Besides if a lot of people knew about his job then it would ruin the point of going under cover in the first place right?
“I know that you don’t like meeting people, Midoriya. But I assure you that they are essential to the case.”
“Oh really now?” Izuku said sarcastically, rolling his eyes then took another large drink from the glass nearly emptying the glass. “Usually, I would be the judge of that.”
“Please, trust me on this one,” Tsukauchi insisted, eyes filled with determination and hopefulness for Izuku to give whoever he brought with him a chance to work with him. “They are both heroes and are very reliable people. I have also made them swore to never disclose anything about anything that is related to you.”
Green orbs went darker as he stared down his reflection on the glass.
Promises are always meant to be broken. And Izuku don’t trust anyone, nor look up to anyone, nor have faith in anyone, nor believe in anyone.
Not even himself.
The greenette downed the rest of his drink, glass dropping heavily on the counter, hopefully not heavy enough that it cracked the glass or else he’s gonna get an earful from Shinso later on.
“So where are these trustworthy people you’re talking about?” He said, not actually wanting to hear an answer, he just wants to get his report over with and go drink some more before he goes home and crash at his bed –that is if no one coerces him to… have some fun tonight (or something that’ll keep him distracted for a little while longer..)
“I think they’re still having a hard time-“ Tsukauchi cut himself off as he turned around to look at the partying crowd behind them only to see the pair of heroes he came her e with. “Oh there they are.”
Izuku sighed as he turned his head again to face whoever hero the man came with. Hopefully it wasn’t one of the famous ones, like Lemilllion or Hawks –as good as meeting them he absolutely cannot meet them, at least not like this anyway, despite being like this Izuku is still the same hero fanboy somewhere in that heart of his.
Just not as much as before.
Especially when he burned every single one of those notebooks before high school…
There was no point keeping them anymore…
There was no point in keeping his hope of being hero alive anymore…
With empty, despaired eyes he looked at two spiky heads (one ash blond, another is crimson red) forced their way through the crowd.
Izuku’s eyes narrowed his eyes, feeling a sense of familiarity. He felt like he’s seen those before. He should know those. Maybe he should stop on the drinks right now, cause his brain seems to have started to stop functioning.
“Goddamn, old man, don’t fucking leave us in the goddamn crowd like that.”
Izuku really, really needs to stop drinking ‘cause now he’s hallucinating a nightmare when he’s wide awake.
The greenette’s eyes widened as the pair of heroes finally passed the last row of people, now gracing Izuku to see who they really are.
And boy he didn’t expect him to be here.
“Come on, bro. Don’t be like that,” The red head –Kirishima Eijiro a.k.a. Red Riot- reprimanded the blond. “Sorry about that Tsukauchi.” Eijiro said with an apologetic look on behalf of the blond since he knows he won’t be apologizing anytime soon.
“It’s fine, and forgive me for that, Bakugo.”
Somebody please fucking pinch him. He is definitely passed out drunk somewhere in his home now that he’s dreaming. Is it even a dream? It’s more like a damn nightmare.
The blond huffed “Yeah, yeah, just don’t-“ Katsuki cut off his own words as his red eyes landed on Izuku’s green ones.
Both of them speechless and eyes wide open.
Silence came to the group, Tsukauchi, Kirishima, and Shinso (yes he’s still there, he made it a task for himself to be the greenette’s bodyguard, mostly to make sure the greenette to not do anything stupid) confused to the sudden awkward, heavy air that came over them.
“Deku…” Katsuki said a bit breathless from the shock and the horror creeping up to him at the sight of Izuku before him right now.
“Kacchan…” Izuku called out softly, masking his irritation with a blank look on his face.
Are you sure he isn’t in some dream/nightmare (he isn’t sure what to make of the situation right now) right now?
[sorry if the plot is all over the place hahahahhahah]

oh oh incoming regulus edit (someone stop me this is going to be sad)
sometimes i decide to actually pay attention and listen to some lyrics for the hundredth time and realize how PERFECT they are (i’ll go back to therapy soon i promise)
this too
obsessed with this fuckin' song grrrr make more The 28th. Make more!!!
As he entered the dark waters, Regulus knew something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
Those waters did not welcome him. They rejected him. A shiver went down his spine. A warning.
He needed to get out of here. Quickly. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
That was when something grabbed his ankle. A hand. He screamed. And he screamed. More and more hands grabbed him. His feet. His legs. His clothes. His arms.
He couldn’t see. All was darkness. He couldn’t breathe. All was darkness.
He fought it. He tried to. But he couldn’t. Those things were too many. He was too weak.
He wanted to scream, but all that came out of his mouth were bubbles.
Where was the surface? Up? Down? Right? Left? Was there any surface?
He couldn’t die this way. He couldn’t. Not when there were so many things he wanted to do. He thought he’d made his peace with death. Apparently, no.
Will they ever know? Will they ever know that I didn’t betray them? That I would have given the world to them? Will they ever forgive me?
As his vision blurred and the last remnants of oxygen in his lungs left his mouth, Regulus thought of all the things he wished he’d done.
I should have told Dorcas, Pandora, Evan and Barty that they were the best friends I could’ve ever asked for, that without them I would have been lost, that I always looked forward to hanging out with them. I should have told Sirius I loved him, that I didn’t really resent him for leaving, that I only stayed behind because one of us had to, and because I was too weak to be like him. I should have told James that he was the only one who made me smile, that thinking of him was the only thing that kept me going as I knew I was heading towards my death. I wish I’d told them how they meant the world to me. But they’ll never know. They never will.