Ninjago Bun Designs - Tumblr Posts

omg I finally I get to show you all my Redesigns and reworks , Sorry it took so long collage took all my emotional energy and I couldn't collect my thoughts to talk about my redesigns so yeah enough sad bun shit! Let's talk about the first of the first set I made ( poll winner results and second character will be revealed later)
So, nya
I always had ....mixed feelings about nya. Like I like the idea of her being "girl brother " but I don't feel like it's executed well in the show. And if I had to pin on why its because it alway felt to me like she's attached to the men in her life, she's Jay's girlfriend she's kai's sister. Nya didn't truly feel like her own being until she became a water spirt, hell I think her powers being water is also an extension of that because I bet it was chosen to pair with kai. Like if I was redoing the characters down to the core I would've given her metal as an element, like imagen how cool that will be!? ( I should draw that)
The redesign+retoolings I'm doing is not changing the basics of the characters, I'm just alternating and rewriting some parts of the characters.I'm not changing who nya is as a base I'm just reinterpting her.
Nya, they/she
So about my nya,
In this drawing I drew her og fit and her current look because I think they represent her the best (I did draw other nya forms, reblog if you're interested!)
Let's start with her og outfit. I started with giving her a more stylish version of thier Dora bowlcut with bleached inner layers. I wanted them to have a unisex feel to radiate that nice fem feel as well as utter power, slay vibes. I kept her minifig eyeliner cuz slay. I gave her this earing because I thought it suits her general aesthetic.
Ok next detail might go well or not with yall but I changed nya's phoenix to a filly sea horse. So I always felt it didn't match match her water powers, like it was fine when she was a samurai but it doesn't really match.
"But she didn't know she was the water element master before"
True, but she still uses it and aesthetically it boggles me especially because later on she turns into a sea horse looking sea snake. Take me changing it as morbid forshadowing.
Her outfit didn't change much just more details and white to make it more interesting.
Now post s7 nya,
God why did they giver her pixel's hair, its stupid one of our main characters doesn't have a unique hair piece. So I let her hair down with a big braid to let nya embrace their more feminine side also because pretty women. You can see in this drawing how nya's eye color changed, it actually didn't i did mention before that the ninjas eye colors aren't thier true eye colors (minus lloyd) but is their powers colors, when they lose thier power they show thier true eye color (show s9 lloyd style)
I changed nya's outfit to be more teal instead of grey and bright blue. Like why was she grey? She's water you guys. I made it teal to make her stand out from Jay's blues.
So yeah here is my nya retooling, what do yall think? I'm interested to know. And if you want to see my lore changes the stick around ~☆
If you want to draw the design, tag or @ me because I would die to see it!
Bun, out

Second character I did please welcome the one and only pixel!
Pixel, they/them
Now unlike cannon nya my feelings on pixel ain't complicated, I don't like her.
S3 is writen and we all can agree the romance was the worst part (sensi dilfmadon is the best part)
Pixel's biggest issue is that she never felt like a character to me she was just there getting on my nerves. She never shows up enough to stand out and when she does she blends in with white noise. Don't get me started on the wired situation where she left zane in s7 because the dismantled zane didn't respond? Then she disappeared for ages and came back like, u still luv me õwõ👉👈???
I felt nothing when she became samurai x because she almost did nothing with it so that's cool, not.
My rework:
I completely revamed thier design and pallet, in thier casual look her colours are a desaturated cyan with the green of thier eyes. I made them have this cyan to connect them closer to cyrus who's color I always perceived as cyan for some reason which brings me to my second reason to pick the colors, WHY IS SHE PURPLE DID WE FORGET THAT'S THE VILLAINS' COLOR????? It doesn't make sense to me.
Thier hair is changed from a ponytail to this half up half down hair that feels serious yet gentle, and because there us just too many ponytails in the show and I decided to keep skylor's.
Thier casual outfits is inspired by the asymmetry of thier cannon look but less...odd (like her tat is out for some reason)
It's now like business-y futuristic.
Thier samurai x look didn't change much, I changed the pallet to a cooler blue to make them match with zane and I dubed them samurai y to inform that they are now indeed the samurai and I made them smile :D
Lore here, I made them change over time from cold apathetic and having a hard time understanding some people's behaviour to still cold but far more happier with themselves as well as enjoying life and the chaotic family they have.
I do have some rewrite stuff I will do, including redesign the nindroids and thier relationship with zane but thats another story for another day.
Reblog if ya like and tell me watcha think
Bun, out
(Quick note when I use she i mean cannon pixel not my version of pixel, I want to point this out because I got a lil confused myself sometimes)

Poll results character rework, all of you choose a main character.....greeeeeeeeat
Yeah I ran into a wall because I like our mains as is they only ones I consider for a retool or redesign or both were wu and jay, and while wu would be more interesting to redue i decided not to go with him because I think he needs to be done when I have a clearer mind. So I went with Jay, big FUCKING MISTAKE
Like I want you to keep in mind
nya took 4 concept sketches, pixel took 3, JAY TOOK 10
I can't justify this
This just happened
I know i was tired and stressed but boy please let go at this point
*sigh *
I took a long break from this to clear my mind and one day it just....worked?
I ....can't anymore
Jay, he/him
I didn't change much about Jay in general, I made his blue darker to stand out from cannon Jay as well as give him vitiligo and show the roots to his dyed hair. I gave him a head band too because why not?
His retooling will show more once I do writing stuff but I gave him more of early seasons Jay personality trying to be cool, dumb, aggressive but i slaped him with perma " I have no thoughts in my head" face. This so modern jay can keep the dorky parts of the personality.
He has a different gi from nya because I was mindlessly sketching and I finally figured out what I wanted to do with jay, I felt too tired to change it so for until I have enough time to design all the ninjas new gis this will do. My mid course break is ending soon so my work may slow down but yeah pikablue.
Reblog if you like, tell me what you think
Bun, out

If you're new, hi I'm bun the oni dumpling. I am the number one garmadon enjoyer and this is my art account.
This is a post to intro to my reworks and or redesigns of ninjago characters. (And fan writing in the future eventually)
☆What is retooling/reworking?
-Its when I rewrite or adjust the character's lore and or personality, I don't change thier core concepts.
Example: I didn't change the core concept of nya being the water elemental but I reworked her to be more independent from jay.
☆What is redesigning?
-I just change how the characters look, they are still the same character just look different.
*Example: If I give kai white hair but he's still the same person
☆what if you change the core concept?
-That would be a rewrite and I don't usually do that for the usual cannon but might for au purposes.
Example: if I made dearth an actual elemental
☆When I say both rework and redesign I mean that: I adjust -the character's writing and redesign them to show how different they are
☆Redesigns for fun =/= Redesigns for plot, i will point out which is wich per drawing
☆From now I'll use these short cuts:
-Rework: RE-w
-Redesign: RE-d
-Rewriting: RE-wr
-Cannon design: CD
-My design/Bun design: BD #ninjago bun design
-An au of mine/Bun au:B-AU #ninjago bun au
☆RE-W [Rewrite]:
-S3 Rewrite, Wip
Wip-Posts: 《Art here》 《Art here》 《Art here》
☆Characters i have done so far (may update in the future):
-Nya, RE-w + RE-d 《Art here》 《Art here》
-Pixel, RE-w + RE-d 《Art here》 c...cowboy
-Jay, slight RE-w + RE-d 《Art here》
☆ AUs I have made:
- Metal nya, #ninjago metal nya 《Art here》 《Art here》 《Art here》
*Extension of the metal nya au, water dareth, #ninjago water dareth 《Art here》
- Revived morro (still in beta): 《Art here》
- Movie rewrite (still in progress) : 《Art/anouncment here》 《koko, garmadon and jay brief 》 《what about side/other characters? + dareth》
☆Redesigns for fun I did:
- Garmadon pre Island of darkness, 《Art here》
~If you want to request a character you wana see RE-w/d/wr you can! (Asks are open)
And if you want to draw my design tag and or @ me I would absolutely love to see them♡

I drew avatar jay version of my design. I don't have much time nowadays but I'm gana try to sketch random stuff. I can't doodle to save my life, my trumatized perfectionism child self can't let go of things lol. But yeah I'll try to balance my stuff together so I get to do this fun stuff. (Out here with the life update lol)
I appreciate your support on my last few posts thank you 🙏🌟🌟🌟
I'll get to the requests by the time I'm free probably on my weekend
Take care everyone!
Bun, out

I was serious about that nya metal au-
This is an au where nya's element is metal instead of water. I always wanted her to be a metal element since I was a little dough boy, her weapon potential is endless.
I don't know what will happen to karlof in this au, he could either be the water elemental or be a normal non-elmental guy and we get like a different elemental to replace him I'm not sure yet, this au was made at 3am after 3 lessons of college cut me some slack lol.
-Rough story:
I did think of how the reveal will go,
I thought (and got obsessed with the idea, and is why her designis s4 inspired) that nya's element will start showing around the finally of s3, by s4 when the ninja got thier invitations to chen's Island she was eves dropping and decied to follow them, she'd reveale her self later and will join the ninjas to find zane as her first appearance as the metal ninja.
For thier powers, giving her the same presentation as karlof (steel skin ish) would be out of place for the ninja's, so i gave her ferrokinesis and the ability to mold her metal into any weapon she desires with the drawback that is stressful on her body.
-Nya's gi here is like the ninja's s4 gi but more personalised for her with the character of metal, i pulled her hair into a ponytail honestly just because it's cute and to distinguish her from vanilla nya.
For the future
-I will explore these ideas more soon and hopefully I'll eventually figure out about the consequences of nya being the metal element (ex. s5 and s15 relay on nya being a water elemental) and will make a post about it. But for now I think this sets the basics for this au.
Have a good rest of your day and drink warm soup
Bun, out

More metal nya! Post s7 edition
Here is more of metal nya au sketches, this time some ideas of how shell look like post og era nya.
I mainly wanted to draw her outfit but I did try to come up with thier updated emblem because I love these buggers. I went with a bull because I liked the idea of her using her raw strength to run at people with her weapons lol, its also kinda of a reference for nya's hot headed tendency.
I'd like to think the main weapon they make is the blade bunggers she had as samurai x because they are really unique and so nya iconic.
Her hair is more roughed up version of her pre s7 hair but with dohickys? (She dose have more here). I gave her the hair clips because I thought it would make her hair look more interesting as well as to look like bull horns.
She has a tiny pouch on her arm so she can use them to mold her weapons to attack and take off some strain of off her.
Get a nice bowl of nachos, have a good day or night
Bun, out
Artstyle experimenting thing ft more nya because I can

If you just see some of my work you can see that my art style is so inconsistent and keeps changing, it's part artblock fuelled by imposter syndrome and wanting to find an effective and efficient artstlye to be able to draw without overthinking.
Here is a lineless style more similar to my first post then my pinned post, I do like the way this turned out but it's not efficient as a sketch style so I'll reserve it for big boy illustrations.
I drew a causal metal nya because why not? I went with this blue as a second color because well...I just liked it, i didn't think much about details while drawing this but I do think she looks cute which was the point.
Be gentle with your self, have a good day or night
Bun, out
Garmadon redesign 🥺

Quick note
Sorry this took long, I have work and I got sick so the art did kinda take a hit for it and the other request (I'll post by tomorrow hopefully). I do wana redo em in a better way when I get better.
Hey everyone one your favourite soup dumpling oni is here and I offer you today dilf man.
This was kinda fun to figure out since this is a redesign not a rework which is much more relaxing to do because there isn't much lore writing just me vibing with a billion Pinterest tabs lol.
So for this redesign I first thought of which garm I wanted to give my go at it and after some thought I wanted to do garm in his first oni drip or what I dubed pre Island of darkness.
I actually sketched a garma design like a year or 2 ago where I used alot of white on him so I brought that idea back.
I love white on garmadon (heh..) and I think we shouldn't default to just black for him, he's not truly evil after all (he is kinda emo so I get it lol) . I brighted up his purple to be closer to his cannon indigo.
His outfit is inspired by oni artwork I looked up as well as his actual outfit, but I gave him a boob top. You can't see his boobs now he he he! >:3
I changed his hair to match sesnsi garm as well as change his helmet to be more personal then boonga cave man. I also want to reiterate that garm can retract his horns and tail (so can lloyd), so yeah screw helmet logic. I'm not feeling the white gloves but tell me what you think
Rember to defend Garmadon's honor and eat nice food
Bun, out
your reworked designs are so cool <33 I was wondering how you would rework morro?

Mooooooooo lil ol bean
So a morro he definitely took the biggest hit because of my sickness so I'll have to elaborate with drawings as time goes on.
The concept of reworking morro is a bit harder than I hoped, because my reworks do effect how the story is written and all my ideas are too ambitious for the fact I'm in midterms. So I reworked morro's fate, if you want a more of "rework so deep that it rewrites s5" then I'll do it in summer break, so yeah stay toon.
(Also yes this is a lmk inspired style, I shouldn't draw sick omg lol)
-how is he back?
Tbh I am not sure tho I know i want him to be brought around dotd but the how is hard to pin point, I like to think of an idea close to "something went wrong as morro was retuning " which caused him to for a lack of a better term to glitch and turn human. He's not fully human ticnicly, morro is in a real reborn human body yes but his glitch caused him to keep some of the goust-nes. The goust remnant show in his goust eye, to show that the new human body and his undead soul are at unity.
-How is he? Where will he go?
He obviously would be confused and scared, I don't believe he would be in the monastery for a long while. I feel he would be in what I call "his tree house" where he trys to clear his mind. He's not isolated just needs time to prosses his emotions. I don't think more will be an official ninja member but more of an ally like dareth.
I like to imagine the gang to call morro because he has mad connections and dirt on people, and morro uses this to be the lovely smug grimlin that he is.
-How does the goust eye works?
Morro can swap between the human form and the goust form, the goust form has the ablity of gousts. Invisibleity, phasing and possesing. He isn't weak to water though, kinda. If morro gets hit with water in his goust form he'll be forced into his human for and can't go goust for about 12 hours.
Morro can go goust as he pleases but it dose tire him out.
-Dose he still have wind?
Yes he still does, still the same
- Design:
I do wana adjust it but let's talk about my ideas. I gave morro a gi that doesn't really match the ninjas or the sensei-s but still feel similar in a way, again like dearth. I plopped up mo's emblem on his gi and I tried to make it look more goat-dragon to separate him from ninjago Western dragon aesthetic but to make his emblem feel more personal. (I love the emblems can you tell?)
This is au category technicaly but I think it's a really fun idea to write, morro is such a great character i miss him and I'll never forget his biggest contribution to the fandom
The monster amv (your welcome for the nestolga)
Spooky scary skeleton, and give morro momos
Bun, out

Here they are! Big iron on thier hip! (Metamorphicly, it's obviously in their arms)
This was so much gadam fun to do I loved every second of it and designing pix in cowboy fix had no right being this amusing.
I did go hard on the purple for this design because, although thier main color is cyan and lime green now I still love the purple on them. The earrings are so neat I love them. I was going to go with more of a robin Miss all Sunday vibre originally but I decided to do more of a denim style, the influence is still thier in spirit. I don't know if it shows well but pix's hair is in low pigtails mushed together to look like a star.
I don't know what I'll do next but yeah that was fun I should do more post where I let y'all decide.
Be fruit, do crime
Bun, out

I don't really have a reason for why I drew skylor, I was looking through my sketches and I found one of her so I updated it.
No thought
Just squish on a Monday
I Don't know how to end this post, bologna
Bun, out

I don't have much free time but when I do I try to develop my style. The full size drawings are getting close to reaching a level I don't mind but yeah this isn't that convenient. (From a time pov, this took an hour and some)
Fellow artists, anyone can recommend videos about stylization? Or an artist you like
Thats all for today, spiky haired nya is based
Bun, gose to bed

《Part 1/5》 《Next part--->》
Oh my god this is my white whale **MUFFLED SCREAMING**
Before I get to it my dreamzzz and dragon rise post is not going to be here anytime soon, I don't have time to keep adjusting my scripts so I'll wait until my semester is done.
So *clap*
I originally wanted to make a post with a ref of sorts of the ninjas adjusted gi-s (my designs that is), it's almost a month later and I have pages and pages of unfinished wonky sketches.
In a wired way I think the og nya post i made may have fueled my imposter syndrome because I liked that drawing and I couldn't capture that charm again.
I did set my beef bun ass down and did something anything regardless of how I felt about it, because if I don't I'll just trap myself in purgatory. so I came up with these.
I don't mean to be a sad over steamed bun I just like to share my process and struggle to make sense of the stress ey?
These designs aren't the most complex I just drew what felt apeeling like a pintrest board, it was fun to put the guys in things that we're generic hoodies.
Remember to not stress yourself out, eat EGG
Bun, out

《<---prevous part》 《Part 2/5》 《Next part--->》
We all put cole in sleeveless shirts and while I'm as guilty I wanted to challenge myself to put him in something else, I made his secondary color yellow because I'm sorry I hate the orange on him. Brown, grey and yellow are superior and while I haven't tried that NRG pink yet I think it sounds amazing.
What is love,baby DON'T hurt me

《<---prevous part》 《Part 3/5》 《Next part--->》
I can't justify myself, I just think it's neet
Don't got much to say for the other post so uh I guess I say something random
I don't tend to draw zane in the titanium form because I'm not a fan the design tbh, I don't hate it I just wish it was less...can-y. Bro looks like a can of peach, open his head up just see fruit lol
Gata love frost boy, DO you like your veggies cold?
Bun, out

《<---prevous part》 《Part 4/5》 《Next part--->》
I really wanted to put lloyd in something cute and dorky, because I see him like dat (before the end of joy called s8....)
The tiger was random honestly, I just matched a silly Japanese shirt I found. Iz a cute and i like it
Wait is he wearing jeaggings?
ICECREAM, he probably eats vanilla with a scope of pistachio
Bun out

《<---prevous part》 《Part 5/5》
The dinosaur was fun to design, I wish I added more details to the design
A part of me wanted to put him in an egg outfit, do you want to see that? Lol
Man I love deviled EGG, I should get one
Bun, out

You got an idea (redesign or Au) you want to see? I'm your oni
☆Please note it may take me some time to get to a request, art is hard and I am indeed a college kid
☆Here is my rework and redesign explanation update thing: click here
☆The nya art work, it's linked in the one on top too: click here
I ment to post this a while ago I just forgor
Have a soup day, good bun

If you're new, hi I'm bun the oni dumpling. I am the number one garmadon enjoyer and this is my art account.
This is a post to intro to my reworks and or redesigns of ninjago characters. (And fan writing in the future eventually)
☆What is retooling/reworking?
-Its when I rewrite or adjust the character's lore and or personality, I don't change thier core concepts.
Example: I didn't change the core concept of nya being the water elemental but I reworked her to be more independent from jay.
☆What is redesigning?
-I just change how the characters look, they are still the same character just look different.
*Example: If I give kai white hair but he's still the same person
☆what if you change the core concept?
-That would be a rewrite and I don't usually do that for the usual cannon but might for au purposes.
Example: if I made dearth an actual elemental
☆When I say both rework and redesign I mean that: I adjust -the character's writing and redesign them to show how different they are
☆Redesigns for fun =/= Redesigns for plot, i will point out which is wich per drawing
☆From now I'll use these short cuts:
-Rework: RE-w
-Redesign: RE-d
-Rewriting: RE-wr
-Cannon design: CD
-My design/Bun design: BD #ninjago bun design
-An au of mine/Bun au:B-AU #ninjago bun au
☆Characters i have done so far (may update in the future):
-Nya, RE-w + RE-d 《Art here》 《Art here》
-Pixel, RE-w + RE-d 《Art here》 c...cowboy
-Jay, slight RE-w + RE-d 《Art here》
☆ AUs I have made:
- Metal nya, #ninjago metal nya 《Art here》 《Art here》 《Art here》
- Revived morro (still in beta): 《Art here》
☆Redesigns for fun I did:
- Garmadon pre Island of darkness, 《Art here》
~If you want to request a character you wana see RE-w/d/wr you can! (Asks are open)
And if you want to draw my design tag and or @ me I would absolutely love to see them♡

I've been thinking about about how metal nya kinda breaks season 5 and 15
Don't know metal nya? Hi I am bun and here are the posts of metal nya for you to catch up
My hash: #ninjago metal nya
First drawing: 《Art here》
Second drawing: 《Art here》
Casual: 《Art here》
To kinda illustrate what I mean, in s5 nya has the arc of knowing that she's the next water master and using the water to defeat the gousts because they're weak to water.
Metal nya breaks:
-nya's power is metal not water, we don't have a way to defeat the goust like the finally
-nya's learning arc is none existent, in this au nya gets thier power around end of s3 and beginning of s4. And because they are more comfortable with metal then water they got the hang of it much quickly.
-the entirety of season of s15 is broken beyond belief
This is not to take in consideration of karlof's fate
And I've been thinking about what I can do about this because I'm thinking of writing a fic about it but I can't solve this issue so ama take it to you guys nya's biggest fans to help me with what you want to see from this au.
FYI changeing the water themeing of s15 is not an option, I love the concept of that season and I love bentho
Have a good day or night, hydrate or die
Bun, drowned