Noah Puckerman - Tumblr Posts
My glee comfort head canons-
(only season one and two members ((I didn’t add Lauren mainly because she doesn’t stick around for long, sorry )))
I’ve tried to put in things that I think suit their character in my eyes, feel free to add thoughts/ criticisms. I just thought how cute it would be to have a scene where someone in glee is having problems (not club related) and comes to the whole club, and we just see how everyone would individually help. They all have their own part in my head, so ive tried not to double up too much but some might do different things for the same reasons (e.g. to make them laugh or give advice).
Kurt- a good listening ear and will be happy to let them rant to him for hours, very understanding
Mike- does silly dance moves/physical comedy to distract them/make them laugh
Mercedes- talks them up and very good at finding peoples strengths, will make them feel more self-assured in decisions/their feelings. Also a self-confidence boost can never hurt :D
Artie- happy to slander anyone who makes them sad to make them laugh, or bitch about something if they need to rant. Supportive of how they feel
Brittany- can usually find a story (most likely Lord Tubbington related) to try and relate, usually resulting in making everyone laugh or cheering them up
Puck- happy to beat up/intimidate anyone who hurts them or ‘saw’ any ‘hot chicks’ to help the cause (mainly used for academic problems e.g. upping grades)
Quinn- Has a lot of self soothing rituals to help calm them down, also generally just tries to keep them calm e.g. stroking their hair or telling them things are going to be okay. This one is only cos I think she probably had to learn to self soothe and manage her moods after the pregnancy and because of her homelife.
Rachel- will offer practical advice/solutions and to help with said advice if needed due to being very proactive. Will also help make a progress plan if the problem is long lasting
Finn- can give a thoroughly good pep talk, which while is not always intellectually strong, never fails to lift their spirits and boost confidence
Tina- empathetic, will very easily put herself in their shoes and understand their situation
Santana- Gives very good practical (and impractical) advice, some of which will make them laugh, some of which might actually be helpful, also very loyal so will help puck to beat someone up if necessary
Sam- will do bad impressions to cheer them up, happy to go with the group and help Santana and Puck beat someone up or help out
Blaine- used to be on the Dalton debate team so is very good at seeing another side to an argument, so can help them work things out with relationship/ friendship/ family etc issues, otherwise will be the person making sure they’ve got everything ie: tissues, a glass of water... (basically he's just constantly on his feet)
I think basically everyone is okay with physical contact (obviously some more than others) so they’re all quite good at physical comfort so they take it in turns to physically soothe depending on who’s closest/doing the least.

Thankyou for reading! :D

What was in my head during Special the entire time I had the three boys swing by Santana’s.

"You can't change the past, but you can let go and start your future."

I just don’t get it Blaine can attempt sexually assault people , Santana can tear down people unprovoked, Rachel can send a girl to a crack house for being more talented than her, Sue can date rape a guy for blackmail.
But its Kurt who deserves to have every single insecurity he has thrown into his face by someone he'd grown to trust and love because he tried to look out for her after w he fucking watched his ex date a man who threatened to kill him after sexually assaulting him.
Puck can exploit Quinn’s insecurities and get her drunk to fuck her, and yet Kurt doing a little match-making so he can spend time simply hanging out with Finn is creepy.Great.

the warblers during Bad
glee covers where rachel berry lurks in the shadows without any vocals, chef’s kiss
Going through a Glee phase and this has got to be the most accurate thing I’ve ever seen oml 🤣

Saw this and had to steal it for my own fandom lol