Nonbinary Characters - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Jjk opinions/headcannons (regarding ig common mischaracterizations imo) that I think would start fights but I already chose this hill to die on so here they are

-Fushiguro is a Cat Person. Not like he would wear cat ears on his headphones, but isn't a dog person.

Megumi loves his dogs, his first shikigami that were with him since he was a child, but he loves animals in general - - and these dogs are shikigami. His incantation doesn't last forever. They aren't loud and attention seeking and smelly all the time.

I think that if a dog approaches him he would pat it and want to be alone after 20 seconds. He isn't one for the breath or the slobber or the noise.

I think he calls out his demon dogs the most because it requires the least cursed energy and is convenient. They can track scents, guide, eat curses, etc. It isn't necessarily bc they're his favorite, and dogs certainly aren't his favorite of natural animals.

Cats though?? Fushiguro is skeptical, quiet, and calm... Until his sense of boundaries is crossed, and then he'll go all out fighting. I could defend my answer forever but dude is cat energy and I respect him for it.

-Choso is nonbinary. Idk what exactly, maybe a demiboy, maybe he wouldn't prioritize finding a label. I think he would come across that word by accident and say "oh! That's me!" and point to himself and even feel a bit proud of the discovery, and excited to share something so inherent to his identity with Yuuji.

I also can only see Choso dating nonbinary people, but no one in particular. I rly don't care for ships with him, I think we need to let Choso build platonic friendships before thrusting romantic bs onto him.

However I do..... I want to see Choso and Geto kiss. Obv not in canon, I don't see that working out. Satosugu forever but in another time, Gojo/Sukuna and Choso/Geto would be so sweet. I think they'd understand each other so well, or at the least be besties who can match each others' energy.

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7 months ago

So I had a fun ship idea of a peacock and a pigeon falling in love, so I thought I’d post the idea here to see if anyone enjoys it.

Pigeon x peacock first meeting. The pigeon is wandering the streets of New York when they see a large group of people gathering around a lost peacock. The peacock had escaped its enclosure at the local zoo, and is now also wandering the streets of New York. The peacock sees the pigeon through the crowd, and moves past the crowd to approach the pigeon. The peacock then puffs out its feathers, and the pigeon is incredibly confused especially when the crowd of people start freaking out. Soon the zoo worker come and get the peacock to bring it back to the zoo, but the peacock keeps escaping the zoo and finding its way back to the pigeon.

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7 months ago

Here’s another peacock x pigeon idea because if I don’t keep posting about them no one can see it.

After the pigeon and the peacock meet the love story between the two starts to build a fan base as more and more people around New York realize how often these two birds spend time with each other. They've become a sort of tourist trap as many people walk through the streets of New York in hopes of seeing the love birds, and taking photos of them. This also helps the zoo employees find the peacock easily as it can't go more than 24 hours without being spotted, and filmed by people walking around. The peacock is painfully aware of its popularity while the pigeon is blissfully unaware that it's being shipped with the peacock. Their internet fame has gotten to the point the zoo has started to make marketable plushies of the the peacock and pigeon, along with other merch.

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7 months ago

Here are some pigeon and peacock interactions.

Peacock: (gives pigeon flowers)

Pigeon: omg, I love flowers (proceeds to eat said flowers)

Pigeon: (has a crush on the peacock, but thinks the peacock is way out of their league)

Peacock: (thinks their dating)

Pigeon: (gives little trinkets to the peacock as gifts)

Peacock: (has at least one of the trinkets with them at all times)

Peacock: do you think we're soulmates in every universe?

Pigeon: what is a soulmate?

They are in fact soulmates in every universe


Peacock: oblivious pigeons who don't know when I'm flirting with them


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7 months ago

More on the world of the pigeon and the peacock.

Because the pigeon and peacock are practically celebrities due to everyone loving their love story, a lot of their fans leave offerings outside of the zoo for the peacock to give to the pigeon. It's like the Chicago rat hole, but it's for two gay birds. Every time the peacock escapes, they go to this shrine, and pick out a present for the pigeon. The offerings range from flowers, to shiny things, to plushies, etc. There are even social media accounts dedicated to showing what the peacock picks out for the pigeon, and the peacock giving the pigeon the gifts. It's become this big thing to brag about if the peacock picks your offering to give to the pigeon.

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7 months ago

More of the pigeon and peacock story, but I’m introducing the antagonist, the sparrow.

The sparrow is an outdoor bird, like the pigeon, who saw a poster on the streets of New York of the peacock. Because the pigeon and the peacock are basically celebrities at this point, they've become the mascots for the zoo, so the zoo has posters of the two as advertisements. The sparrow sees one of these posters, and immediately falls for the peacock, so they set out to try and find the peacock. One day they spot the peacock, who just escaped the zoo yet again, and is on the look for the pigeon, but the sparrow tries to get their attention. The sparrow jumps in front of the peacock, and gives them a shiny rock, but the peacock is unimpressed because they just spotted the pigeon. As the peacock runs off to interact with the pigeon, the sparrow plots to start sabotaging their relationship, so that they can be with the peacock instead.

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7 months ago

Here are some of the sparrows attempts at romancing the peacock.

The sparrow comes up with an idea to impress the peacock by acting like the pigeon, so one day they do things like digging through a trash can like the pigeon does, but they accidentally fall in. Before they can get out, a trash man collects the trash, and the sparrow is thrown into a garbage truck, and taken to a land fill. It takes the sparrow a week to get back.

Some time after the trash incident the sparrow decided to visit the peacock at the zoo, but one of the zoo employees mistakes the sparrow as an animal that escaped their enclosure, and brings them back to the bird enclosure which is separate from the peacocks enclosure. They end up being trapped in a zoo enclosure for a month before they finally break out.

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6 months ago

I’m sorry for not posting for a few days, but I’m back with some more of the sparrows shenanigans.

While the peacock and the pigeon are on a date the peacock makes the pigeon a flower crown. The sparrow sees this, and decides to wake a nearby bee hive, so the bees will swarm the pigeon because of the flowers, but as they shake the hive the bees get angry, and attack the sparrow instead. So the sparrow ends up running around in the background of the cute flower date while trying to escape the bees, and neither the pigeon or peacock seem to notice.

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6 months ago

This is how the pigeon and the sparrow meet each other.

The sparrow is taking a break from their schemes to look for food when they run into the pigeon. The pigeon sees that the sparrow is looking for food, and invites the sparrow to come with them. The pigeon leads the reluctant sparrow somewhere to a park bench that an old lady is sitting at while she feeds the birds bread, and so the two birds eat together. The sparrow feels a little awkward as they eat bread with the same bird they were plotting to destroy the previous day, but then the sparrow comes up with the idea to befriend the pigeon so they can ruin their relationship with the peacock from the inside.

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6 months ago

Another pigeon and sparrow interaction + and new character.

The pigeon and the sparrow are walking around the streets of New York, and unknown to the pigeon, the sparrow is looking for any bird they think would be a good match for the pigeon. Their plan is to get the pigeon to fall for someone new, so that they can have the peacock, and when they see a woodpecker in a nearby tree looking at the two, they think their the perfect candidate. The sparrow points out the woodpecker to the pigeon, and lists all the good qualities they see in the woodpecker, but the pigeon takes this as the sparrow having a crush on the woodpecker. The next day the pigeon tells the peacock about the sparrows "crush" on the woodpecker, and suggests that they try to get the two birds together. So the sparrow is trying to get the woodpecker and the pigeon together, while the pigeon tries to get the woodpecker and the sparrow together, and it’s unclear who the woodpecker actually likes.

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5 months ago

I haven’t updated the pigeon and peacock story in a while, so here’s a pigeon, peacock, sparrow, and woodpecker double date.

The pigeon and the peacock plan a double date with the sparrow and the woodpecker, so that they can pair the two up, but the sparrow plans to get the pigeon and the woodpecker together instead. They all have a picnic, and the whole day is spent with the pigeon and the peacock trying to set up cute scenes with the sparrow and the woodpecker like the woodpecker feeding something to the sparrow, but the sparrow always says that the woodpecker should give the food to the pigeon instead. The sparrow then tries to get closer to the peacock while the pigeon and woodpecker are distracted. Meanwhile the woodpecker is just happy to be there, and despite being aware of everyone's schemes, they just ignore it, and have a good time anyway.

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