annegirl13 - Miss Anne’s Place
Miss Anne’s Place

This is my main blog. I do have a few side blogs for my writing and crafting (and my cat). Originally, this was a sims 2 blog, but now I post about reading and just about anything I’m thinking. I hope you’ll join me! I’m going to try to be more consistent in 2023.

1429 posts



I don’t remember who all tagged me.  I think it was a couple of people.  I’m not tagging anyone, but if you want to take the questions and answer them yourself, go for it!

Name: Anne

Nicknames: Anne, Annegirl, Miss Anne, Teacher, Hey Lady...(I assume there are some more unflattering nicknames floating around the school I work at, but I haven’t heard them.  There are kids there who don’t like me much, though.  I make them do their work.  I know!  I’m so mean!)

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Height: 5′ 8″

Favorite fruit: clementines or strawberries

Favorite season: spring

Favorite book series: the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling 

Favorite flower: Lilies

Favorite scent: The salted caramel tea I’ve been drinking lately smells amazing!

Favorite color: Purple and blue (mostly purple)

Favorite animal: cats

Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Tea, tea, tea, tea.  

Average sleep hours: 7-8 hours, unless the cat decides that 2 am is a great time to be awake, and then I’m up.  (I’m not good at going back to sleep when I’ve been woken up.)

Cat or dog person? cat

Favorite fictional characters: Neville Longbottom (my computer is named after him), Belle (my favorite Disney princess)

Number of blankets you sleep with: one, but with a couple others at the foot of the bed if I need them

Dream trip: Can I go to Hogwarts?  I think I want to go to Hogwarts...(Seriously, though, I don’t know...)

Blog created: 2012, I think?  2013? I don’t remember...

Number of followers: a bit over 350, I believe

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More Posts from Annegirl13

8 years ago
Herb And I Go Out On Dates Too, Like I Said. Weve Been Out To Dinner, Karaoke, Even Just To The Park.
Herb And I Go Out On Dates Too, Like I Said. Weve Been Out To Dinner, Karaoke, Even Just To The Park.
Herb And I Go Out On Dates Too, Like I Said. Weve Been Out To Dinner, Karaoke, Even Just To The Park.
Herb And I Go Out On Dates Too, Like I Said. Weve Been Out To Dinner, Karaoke, Even Just To The Park.

Herb and I go out on dates too, like I said.  We’ve been out to dinner, karaoke, even just to the park.  I’ve never felt so close to another Sim.  Herb is funny and sweet...I haven’t told him yet, but I’m in love with him. 

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8 years ago

I miss doing prompts like these. Send me a prompt and a TS2 premade and I'll see what I can come up with!

Drabble List

So I just finished posting the last of the previous volley of drabbles so I decided to come up with a new prompt list. It’s mostly a hodge-podge of stuff from my own brain or inspired by songs or different shows and stuff but there are some from other prompt lists so, if anyone wants me to give credit, drop me a message and I’ll be sure to do so.

“If you had asked me to stay, I would’ve.”

“You’re too good for this world.”

“Could you be happy, here, with me?”

“How long do we have?”

“Do you think we’re bad people?”

“How did we become this?”

“I can hardly stand myself.”

“Go to hell.”

“I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I’m going to take care of you.”

“There was a time before all of this.”

“No one will ever believe us.”

“Don’t come near me or I swear I’ll kill you.”

“My hobby is making fun of you when you talk.”

“I used to do a lot of things.”

“It doesn’t matter. You’ve moved on and I have to be okay with that.”

“Do you wish things had happened differently?”

“Don’t you dare look him in the eye.”

“I’ll be here as long as it takes.”

“We were never meant to fight on our own.”

“Something’s clearly wrong.”

“There’s nothing I can do anymore.”

“This is going to hurt.”

“I don’t need to be the hero tonight.”

“Am I ever going to see you again?”

“We always have a choice.”

“You’re holding back.”

“I don’t want to feel like this tomorrow.”

“Is that a threat?”

“If you don’t like this world then change it.”

“Are you kidding me? We’re not fine!”

“You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.”

“Keep your eyes on me.”

“You can lie to yourself but don’t lie to me.”

“I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing.”

“If you make one more stupid pun, I will literally stab you.”

“I wasn’t going to mention it.”

“I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.”

“I’m here for you.”

“What are you so happy about?”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it!”

“You’re putting words in my mouth!”

“We have to stick together.”

“We’ll get through this. I promise.”

“Don’t leave me behind.”

“What are you looking at?”

“How did you find me?”

“Who did this to you?”

“I don’t want to be alone right now.”

“I have to tell you something.”

“I need more time.”

“You deserve better than me.”

“This isn’t fair!”

“If you kill them, you’d better kill me too, because otherwise I’m going to kill you.”

“Please don’t shut me out.”

“You are my best friend in the whole world, okay?”

“Don’t you dare die on me!”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You’re out of your damn mind.”

“No one can hurt me like you can.”

“You are my sunshine.”

“This is all my fault.”

“Please, don’t cry.”

“Maybe I can’t fix you but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.”

“You should see this.”

“You make me feel invincible.”

“I’ll keep you safe.”

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“Let’s do something crazy.”

“We are not going to steal someone’s dog.”

“Do you trust me?”

“You don’t get to pick and choose. You’re stuck with me.”

“You know I’m gonna win, right?”

“Don’t underestimate what a person can do to protect those they care about.”

“I didn’t mean what I said.”

“Do you ever follow directions?”

8 years ago
One Day Soon Ill Tell Herb How I Feel And, Well, Well See What Happens After That. In The Meantime, I
One Day Soon Ill Tell Herb How I Feel And, Well, Well See What Happens After That. In The Meantime, I
One Day Soon Ill Tell Herb How I Feel And, Well, Well See What Happens After That. In The Meantime, I
One Day Soon Ill Tell Herb How I Feel And, Well, Well See What Happens After That. In The Meantime, I

One day soon I’ll tell Herb how I feel and, well, we’ll see what happens after that.  In the meantime, I have my shop and my garden to tend to. I promise I’ll let you guys know the minute anything important happens.  

I miss you both so much.  Please write back and tell me all the news from Riverblossom Hills.  

Your loving daughter,


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8 years ago


I need to make one of those fancy Replies banners one of these days...Replies for @beaella9, @penig, and @didilysims below the cut.

This is making me want to play TS2 so badly :)

Do it!  TS2 is so much fun! :) I love it!

penig replied to your photoset “Previously, at the Delarosa household… Florence moved into her...”

Herb is a great name for a florist's husband.

Isn’t it?  I love it!  And he’s in the Garden Club! The other guy I was considering for her was named Basil, which is also a pretty good name for a florist’s husband.  

didilysims replied to your post “Letters to the Editor”

Oh wow, this is so cool and unexpected! Thanks for doing this, and yay supporters of Malcolm!

didilysims replied to your post “Letters to the Editor”

Are they written by characters we know, by the way? I have some guesses.... ;)

You are so welcome. :D  Thanks for the idea. I honestly would not have thought of it otherwise. Some of the letters are written by characters you know.  I’d love to hear your guesses, if you don’t mind sharing.  :)

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