Obey Me Reader - Tumblr Posts

tried to stay close but got lost in sexiness xDDD but stayed simple and forgot the damn nailpolish
Was too tired to make another om! Character sheet for my AU/rewrite so I instead gift you some doodles today :)
Here’s belphie and satan in my style, check my other posts if you want more info !

This brush is my life savior I swear
Dont use/trace/copy, its pure respect to my work :D
Also pick your favorite lmao :
Though they're doodles not character sheets
(its too difficult for me to make whole character sheets at the moment)
I'm mostly going to talk about belphie today!
But first here's the art :

These are just for fun but I thought you'd like them
Belphie is surprisingly one of the characters I like the least out of all of them
(would you be interested in a tier-list kinda thing to know if your options are similar to mine? I try to make content for everyone but obviously my favs are getting a bit more content I can't help it)
I was a firm belphie hater when I started the game because dude just lied to us and then proceeded to kill us and I really thought the game would promote that ''I'm dating the bad boy that insults and hurts me so I'm so cool'' kinda vibe (which is an horrifically toxic kind of trope/relationship, don't let the people you love hurt you)
When he got that ''redemption'' thingy I was real mad at it because it didn't make sense. I mean, he hates humans but just because we're his sister's grand-grand...grand-child suddenly he's cool with us and any human in the world like-
I think he deserved a redemption arc that made more sense like for example, Diavolo could still have put him in jail for a moment and our mc would go visit him so they can have discussions and he could slowly warm up to humans, it would have also gave more time to get the brother's reaction to belphie not actually being in the humain world, because we did get to see that they were shocked but I don't remember it being actually discussed with mc.
Now that I'm way further in both the og and nb games I think he's pretty sweet and I also love is malicious side when he and satan come up with dumb plans to annoy Lucifer
I just think that the way he was introduced was really creative but not handled well
And don't get me started on the time travel thing I will physically explode.
Now let's talk about my redesign!
So, you can't see it here but I made his skin a bit darker (I don't have a reason to do so, I just think it fits him well) I also gave him piercings (septum, labret and a single earing on his right ear) some freckles (beel will have some too) and a scar on his right eye:
I always thought that except for more diversity in the brothers appearance, his bangs had no reason to be. I also headcanon that even if Beelzebub protected him during war, he didn't left the battle unwounded, so that's why I chose to give him a scar (he can't see with his right eye anymore) he mostly covers it so people stop staring at it. He hates it because it's a reminder of loosing his sister for him. (Yippie! angst!🦀)
But yeah that's pretty much it! At least for now
Also here's a poll for the tier-list thingy:
Much love :D
Onyx Vesper
Okay. I've stayed inactive for too long so here are my personal (keyword : personal) thoughts on different obey me characters starting with the brothers (in this order) ->
Lucifer and Mammon || Leviathan and Satan || Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor
• My second favorite
I really like his design and personality (Except for the red themed part of his design I feel like it doesn't make sense but I've talked about it in my Lucifer redesign post so go check it out <3 )
I often find his reactions and his way of thinking interesting but what I like the most about him is that tired pathetic overworked single father energy he has going on.
What I do dislike about him is that the game pushes the ''sadistic'' side of his character way to much in his relationship with his brothers. Like. What? Why??!
I understand that his sadistic side can be attractive if aimed towards the player, but his brothers??
We know for a fact that he's overprotective of his brothers and that he may act very strict but loves them unconditionally. So : why the fuck does the game highlight the ''sadistic heartless older brother that bullies his siblings thought weird punishments for any mistake that they make'' trope, like it's the direct opposite of Lucifer's intention...
Plus tying his brothers up feels extremely wrong and is weirdly suggestive?
So yeah. But other than that I just want to make him a coffee and give his a soft kiss on his forehead :)
Petnames I give him : Star, Stardust, Lu/Luce/Luci, Avatar of gays (dw)
• I have mixed feelings about him
First of all, I LOVE his design. Dark skin + white hair as always been an amazing combination, he does not disappoint.
What I have mixed feelings about is his tsundere side. On one hand, it's pretty fucking adorable. Blushing pathetic men are amazing. Though once again, the game pushes that side of him far to much in my opinion like okay it's cute I agree but that's not the only interesting part of his personality pls give us other sides of him like yeah cool you ''don't even care if I get hurt or anything'' but I'm just here trying to stop your brothers from killing each other can you help please? Also the fact that his brothers always insult him is just there to be there cuz we know it hurts is feeling but we can't do anything about it other than insult him too or try to confort him like pls let me slap his siblings when they do that or give us a way to make it stop it's pissing me off.
They also don't make him show any remorse about his greed which feels very odd to me, like at the very least make him realize his mistakes or at least acknowledge the problems he caused. The idea that he can't stop himself from making the same mistakes over and over again because of his sin is good but make him a bit more self aware of it like he's not THAT dumb and I feel lile he does care. (especially when his mistakes ends up bothering and/or pissing off his brothers).
In conclusion, We know he has the biggest crush on us but don't make it his whole personality please, there's other very interesting parts of him that I didn't find explored anywhere and it's pretty disappointing.
Petnames : Mamms and Treasure
That's it for today, I'll post the next one as soon as my brain and motivation lets me!
Much love!
Lucifer and Diavolo with an ice Skater fem!Mc
A/n: Sorry to the anon who requested the Daemon smut because sadly it is not in my drafts anymore and idk how because I really don't do anything just read and stuff. So sorry and just enjoy.
Pairing: Lucifer × fem!mc, Diavolo × fem!mc

Lucifer would be interested on what you can do in the ring especially if you do competitions. If they had a team he would be the one to tell you to join them because of the 'program' he would end up saying.
Do wanna know how flexible you are but nah his pride not letting him ask.
Would be the person to record everything when you both have a perfectly good relationship and him not having work. Which is a big chance since he kinda did pled his loyalty to Diavolo.
I don't see him as a person who want to skate at all. Mostly he would use his work as an excuse or just tell you he us going to kill you instead. (Beel come get your twin he already succeeded.)
Trust me if he falls and you offer help prepare to get rejected because his pride hurted waaay too much because of that. Definitely you laughing at him in secret while telling Satan.
Would support you.....half of the tem but if your grades go down because of that. Then you won't be skating no time soon even when you stay with them. No skating till your death but he can make sure to tell your kids about you skating. But leave out the part when he force you to stop.

He'll be the one who wants to try it but Barbie said no 😭. So instead he would watch from afar when he get his paperwork done along with the rest of his duties. (Get your work done Dia!)
Wondering how flexible you are but don't wanna ask if it offends you in some type of way. Poor guy don't want to make you sad or anything. So he would instead write to you about it.
He do record tho! He wants to boast about how good his exchange student is. Probably going around all devildom and talking about you (positive!). Mostly talk about you to Lucifer even tho you both live in the same damn house.
I don't see him as a Skater because he about to be king and all so that is out of the equation. But if he do skate with you one day he is going to make mistakes/be bad at it. But you will help him.
Will let you join the team if you want he doesn't care I'd you don't or do. It is your choice and I don't see him as that type of King that would force you to do something you don't want to do.
If you have children or stay in the devildom he would tell your children everything about you skating. Down to how you win competitions to how you was the only best one on the team.