Oc Fluff - Tumblr Posts
I wanted to start sharing some writing here, so here we go :]
Shooting Stars (Are Prettier from Afar) 💫
Two vampyres meet on a starlit night.
(this one's got lesbians)
It was a moonlit night, radiant and unending. To those close enough to appreciate it, it was wondrous. It created an otherworldly web of luster as it landed on the branches surrounding her. And as she perched high upon the canopy, she basked in the radiance of its comforting glow.
Nights like this were an escape. To be in these branches, watching the world pass by below, was as close to the stars as one could get, she thought. It was said that if you were to fly upwards, high into that expanse of the sky, you could reach them, and as such you would reach eternity. Star didn't believe those stories. But still, as she basked in the starlight, she enjoyed their company. She enjoyed the idea that their people of centuries long past were still up there, still watching over them. And if she could choose to believe it, why shouldn't she?
She needed that hope now more than ever. She tried to see it where she could, but sometimes it was hard to come by. She wondered if this was one of those nights, if her brain would choose to simply shut off rather than find it.
It had been a difficult night. She could use some peace and quiet.
Apparently, fate couldn't let that happen.
A flittering came from above, the familiar swoosh of someone landing above her, the creak of the branches under the new weight. She started, and looked up at the newcomer.
"Hey there," the girl said with a grin. She was small, unassuming.
Star blinked, tense. "..Hey."
"Mind if I sit here?"
Yes, Star thought. "Not at all," she said, instead. There was only a moment of silence between them before it was broken.
"Whatcha looking at?" the girl said. Star was starting to regret her actions.
"I'm just looking at the stars."
"What for?" The girl asked, unblinkingly.
"They're... nice?" Star hoped she looked less confused than she felt. The girl continued to stare at her. Star averted her gaze.
"You're.. Midge, right? One of the bloodeaters?" Star said, an uneasy tone slipping into her voice. Though she hadn't meant it to, Midge clearly didn't miss it. She grinned in response.
"Don't worry, I don't bite. Unless you want me to," Midge said, red eyes glittering.
Star flushed. "Ah- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything," Star laughed, a nervous lilt to her voice.
"Don't sweat it," Midge assured her. Though her fangs may have looked threatening with another face, Star found them surprisingly endearing. "At least now I know I still got it." Got what? Star wanted to ask. Instead, she just nodded, trying her best to look sympathetic.
Midge tilted her head for a moment, a funny look in her eyes. "...You've never talked to someone outside your tribe, have you?"
Star winced. "Is it that obvious?"
Midge shrugged in response. "I dunno. I could just be wicked perceptive. Pretty unlucky for you, huh?"
"I don't know how anyone does this," Star muttered. Midge shrugged again. Helpful, Star thought. "They just started letting me go out on my own, but I still feel like I'm not ready.."
"Really? I've been going out on my own forever. Guess that's just a fruity thing."
"What?" Star frowned.
"Fruity? Do you not call yourselves that?"
"No," Star said. Either way, it wasn't what she had been asking. "The other thing. What do you mean?"
"Huh? I've been going out on my own forever? Doesn't get much more complicated than that," Midge shrugged.
"I thought that your tribe did it the same. That's what they always told us," Star probed, pushing aside her frustration.
Midge giggled, to Star's dismay. "Why'd you think that? We can defend ourselves, y'know. You guys are just different," she offered. "Though, I'm surprised. I thought they told you that we all go out at night hunting you down-"
"They do not!" Star protested, face red.
"Right, so that reaction to seeing me was completely and entirely unrelated to any previous information?" Midge raised a brow.
Star winced. "Well... maybe not completely.."
"Told ya. You should listen to me more. I'm usually right about these things."
"You're quite a joy to have around, aren't you?" Star muttered.
Midge hopped down to her level. "Well, I can talk about something else, if you'd prefer. What was your thing? Cloud-watching?"
"Stargazing? It's.. night?"
Midge shrugged. "Pi-taya pit-aya. Come on, tell me about it. Walk me through your process, will you?"
Star frowned, thinking. "Well, there's not really a "process." I just look at them..." she trailed off at Midge's unimpressed expression. "What?"
"Well, it's just... You gotta put some zeal in it," she said, gesturing as if trying to demonstrate exactly how to 'put some zeal in it.' "I thought you were passionate about this."
"I never said that. And if you don't like my description, you can always leave."
"Yeah, but that wouldn't be any fun, would it? Ooh, I can see just see the passion burning in your eyes," Midge drawled. "Come on, try again. But make it interesting this time. I can only take so much. Tell me what you see. Not just what's there, what you see."
Star rolled her eyes, but looked up at the sky again. "I see.. stars."
"Good start," Midge remarked. Star ignored her.
"There's.. the wings of Ptera, up to the left of the moon. Those two lines curving away from it, you see? And- and her mouth to the right of it - those little dots are her children. Um, it's complicated." Midge nodded sagely, tilting her head. "And there.. that's where our village's founder lies, right at the tip of that pine tree, you see? She watches over us, and if she meets the precipice of our village's tower, she promises a bountiful harvest." Midge motioned for her to go on as Star glanced at her.
"And.. during the night - these bright nights like this - the leaves look silver in the moonlight. It's like they become the light itself, reaching out, all shadows erased by its glow. It's almost ethereal. And being among these branches makes me feel like.. I'm above it all. Like the mundaneness of life slips away, and for a moment there's just you and the whole forest breathing. It's so quiet that you can almost hear it, if you listen. The sound of the trees swallowing the wind, rustling with the breeze. Every gust is like another breath of life into the forest. Sometimes I stay out here until sunup, just staring at that lake in the distance. It's.. a good vantage point, because when the moon reaches its peak, the water shimmers like the whole lake is turning to moonlight." Her voice had become quiet. And when she spoke again, she sounded almost mournful.
"And... when the sky turns pink, it almost looks like the whole world is rising. Like there was no one else in the world but you, everything left untouched until that moment. And the whole forest holds its breath. But then everything starts breathing again, and the world keeps turning without you."
Star shrugged. "I know that's silly, but-"
"I think it's beautiful," Midge said. Star blinked at her, surprised.
"Yeah! It's like you've got your own little world up here. I mean, I never really looked at it that way, but you make it sound.. well, otherworldly." She smiled, and Star found herself smiling back.
"Thanks. I think you'd be the only one who thinks that," Star muttered.
"They must be dumbasses, then."
"Midge! You can't.. say that," Star muttered.
"Fine, then they're just jealous! You've got something special, and it's all yours. Not your fault they can't see it."
"...Thanks." Star considered her. "And.. it's yours too now, if you want it."
Midge blinked. "Really? Are you sure about that? I thought it was your special place." She said, like it was a joke, though there was an uncharacteristic waver to her voice- from what Star had seen, at least.
Star shrugged. "I.. wouldn't mind letting you in."
Midge looked at her, as if for the first time. "Well. That's good to know."
Star nodded.
"...Thanks for the offer, by the way."
Star smiled, a crinkle of amusement at the corners of her eyes. "Don't sweat it."
More days like this. - Fluff

Summary: Marc and Luka watching a sunset. friends to lovers??? more like crushing but idk FLUFF
Warnings: not proofread!!! basically none, if you have any writing tips please tell me also these are my ocs
wordcount: 216
I can't believe this
I can't believe Marc's dad let him drive his car knowing how strict his dad can be. But more importantly I can't believe me and Marc are alone together but here we are, sitting on the beach watching the sunset sitting in the comfortable silence as the light breeze flows past us.
I turn my head towards him at the sudden eruptions of laughter wondering what's so funny. "Don't you remember when me and baylie threw you in that pool for her birthday." he managed to say through giggles.
I hate that day because I can't swim so struggling to get up was not my favorite. I start playfully smacking his arm "Don't bring that up." hitting him with a little more force now. "Ow!" he yelled getting up so he could get away from me.
He may be stronger but I am definitely faster catching up to him in an instant pulling him down to the sand rustling until he's pinning me to the sand after a quick glance he lays down beside me "I wish every days like this." My unresponsiveness causes and glanced to be thrown my way nodding to reassure him I'm listening.
As we watch the sunset I can't help wanting this day to never end.

Felix my oc
He's really shy so often hides behind his friends when meeting new people
LOVES when someone plays with his hair. tips his head back so you can play with his hair
Always feels like the weight of the world is on his shoulders ( ´•︵•` )
Can't handle conflict he's just really sensitive. Will try to stop his friends from BREAKING EACH OTHERS NECKS but then gets yelled at and replays that in his head for hours even if the conflict is solved making him want to cry :<
Loves listening to music by himself on a train or at a café or something
The KING of being alone and locked in his room all day
CAT PERSON ALL THE WAY, dogs scare him ;-;
My ocs when you want attention: bsf edition

I might make a part two. Wyatt's is angsty??? Warnings: swearing and I think that's it, tell me if there's more.
There he was writing a song while playing a guitar, trying to find a good melody, becoming frustrated with the way it was sounding, and too focused on what he was doing to realize you were behind him he feels like he finally got in until hands wrap around his back your hands around his back " I want hugs." You say pulling him a little closer to you but holding on way tighter.
He feels quite annoyed so he moves your hands away continuing to make the melody. You know your best friend wasn't much of a fan of touch but at least he gave you hugs. You feel a pout start forming on your lips because of his previous actions. You're slightly confused if you've done something for him to be acting like this.
Wyatt sneaks a glance at you and realizes you're upset. He decides to put his guitar down in order to focus on you."Y'know I'm working on something right now." He says clearly not giving a shit about how you feel right now moving his gaze from you to the guitar.
Right now, you can't believe your friend's words, making you want to turn your head away from his direction. "A song nobody's going to hear." you murmur. Wyatt looked at you pissed. "If you have something to say you can say it to my face!" He yelled as he stood up pushing his guitar to the ground. "You know what, fuck you Wyatt!" you shout, storming off and wondering why you came in the first place.
Jeremiah rarely focuses but today he was focused on an art piece he was making as he getting into the art grove he hears your footsteps coming towards him. "Hey Jer." You shyly say not knowing how to word this. "Hey y/n i'm making an art piece wanna see it!" He says motioning you to come closer hoping you'll like his art.
You slowly drag your feet across the ground it's not like you don't wanna look at it, but you want hugs and are unsure how to express your desire. Jeremiah observes your body language, smiles flattering.
"If you don't wanna see it, that's OK, you don't have to." He murmurs, turning back to his work. "I do want to see it but can we also cuddle after?" You say getting quieter at the end, anxiously waiting for him to reply. "O...Oh umm...uh...sure!" He stutters and fiddles with his hands in an attempt to form words. You take a step closer so you can see his painting.
"Ok, Picasso!" you say hyping up his painting. It was probably the best one he has ever done. He sends you a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes as he hugs you tight. He buries his face in your stomach. "I love you so much." he mumbles still holding you tight like he won't ever let go. " I love you too." you reply hugging him back just as tight. Engulfed in each other's presence.
My ocs kisses with you would be like

Genre: Fluff, Established Relationship
Pairing: Ot7
Word count:325
Warnings: Profanity and Making out? If there is more let me know!
Reblogs are appreciated!

Quinn isn't really a kisser so y'know they're really in love if they kiss you
They would give you a peck but would miss your lips and yall would
probably bump heads.😶
They would honestly feel so embarrassed but you kiss their worries away <3
bro is feeling all giddy and starts begging for more
Idek Hayden ain't kissing nobody
BUT if she did she HAS to initiate it or you're getting no kisses🫶
Gives you a quick sweet kiss
And smiling right after
he's not a physical person so getting his kisses are kinda rare
But this man's kisses are always filled with passion and love
Bro can never stop at one though he's PULLING you back for more🫥
But once bro stops wait another 2 months until he kisses you again👍
Kisses is literally his love language he loves kissing you🥰
He's kissing all over your face grinning after each one
His ass is cuddling tight to you and not letting go
He kisses you at least 4 times a week
His ass has been DYING to be loved and kissed
His first and last time playing spin the bottle someone landed on him and
asked to spin again🥲
He still thinks about that so his ass ain't initiating shit
So when you lean in he's VERY hesitant to lean in to
cups your face right after giggling
She be kissing people all the TIME so you're getting a lot kisses🫰
Her kisses are quite passionate also
Her lips trail your face
She loves giving hickeys on your neck
Giving kisses all over your body 💗
He loves giving you forehead kisses more than anything else
He just thinks is so cute🥰
But when his kissing you on the lips it's more of making out but🤷
His kisses can range from heated to just a loving kiss
He LOVES the type of kisses that leave you breathless
A Sanctuary of Air
a/n: An introduction to four of my main original characters. Yes, I'll be willing to take requests to write more about a specific one and/or all four of them. I can also write reader inserts :)
c/w: A bit of a rushed ending.
w/c: 900
┊ ┊
Whispers echo through the forest, the giggling of faeries, and the creaks of ents that still to be sat upon by weary travelers--offering their slow guidance to those in need... A breeze passes through the forest; a constant, never-ending occurrence. Brush and thicket cover the land between trees while a romantic dirt path runs through the forest. The sun peeks through leaves to stain the dirt path in a light, summery glow throughout the year's seasons. There is a fork in the path closer to the center of the green, yet strikingly iridescent woodland. To the left, the path continued on, leading away from the direct center of the forest, leaving the rest to travelers' imaginations. There is a large white arbor standing over the opening of the path leading to the right, the path leads to another white structure: A gazebo, proudly standing in the direct center of the forest. The path bringing travelers to the gazebo was visually underused, plants reclaimed the path towards the gazebo, almost hiding it from view. However, the clearing the gazebo stands in remains clear of plants growing towards it. It is as if the plants themselves respect the meaning behind the structure at the center of their trees.
If the path to the gazebo were to be stepped upon, the plants would react accordingly.
If it is someone of poor morals and unruly stature, the plants grow slowly, thickening the path to the sacred area. Menacingly, fog rolls into the path, obscuring vision to the beautiful sight just out of a traveler's reach. To those travelers, they can feel how close they are to a sanctuary not meant for them, knowing grace and light are just out of reach is a kind of torture almost none deserve to feel. Those travelers either find themselves stuck in the brush and are unable to escape their wretched minds, or they find it in themselves to understand the gazebo would not accept their presence and they leave.
To others, the path is not so wretched and torturous.
If the traveler is of good intentions and a pure heart--no matter how wounded that heart is--the plants open. The sun shines only slightly brighter to allow a heavenly glow to be cast upon the scene before them. The grass around the gazebo sways slightly with the breeze, encouraging travelers to forget their worries and strife. An encouraging, yet light, gush of wind pushes good-hearted travelers to find their way into the gazebo. The rustling of leaves quiets, but not to a stop, while travelers sit down in the white wooden gazebo. The seats, floor, and roof are covered in a darker stained wood. A sense of peace and calm surrounds the sacred center of the forest. It seems as if the nature around the travelers who are blessed with this area wants to encourage the traveler to stay on the correct path. And if the traveler wishes, but only if they know how, they can call on the element who reigns over this sacred temple.
If that traveler finds their way to this gazebo and wishes upon the guidance of the air, the element would reveal themselves.
Starting with the youngest and going up to the oldest, Aither appears. The wind rushes past his figure, almost too fast to see how his feet and legs arrive first, climbing up to his hips and waist, his arms appearing with his torso and chest. Finally, his head, accompanied with his long white hair, comes into view. A small smile, which can be mistaken for a flirtatious smirk, rests on the expression of the blindfolded man.
In similar fashions, Aiths arrives, then comes Aithen, followed by the oldest: Aithi. Aiths expression remains a wide, child-like smile. Aithen, remaining as bothered as usual by the calling on him, lets his face fall into his usual glare, deep orange eyes scanning the figure who calls upon the siblings. Lastly, Aithi, the only female, remains stoic.
The siblings all had one thing in common: their striking and free white hair.
The traveler is able to choose who they get guidance from, or simply who they wish to talk with. The presence of the materialized elements can be overwhelming, so when the four come into view, they sit a respectable distance away from the traveler while they choose. In the circumstance that the traveler wishes to speak with the four in their entirety, they all remain, wanting only to make the life of the traveler happier and easier.
Though, each season of air has their own personality, traits they wish to share with some but not others, and they all have their own views. To become close to one season does not mean becoming close to each one. Lastly, it's noticeable that each respective season wears two rings on their fingers. One golden, pure and enchanting. One onyx, dark and alluring. Both of those rings rest on the air's left ring fingers. Perhaps, it's a choice, perhaps there's a reason.
When the traveler has finished their time in the sanctuary of air, the beings of the sanctuary let themselves dissipate, glad to have been helpful.
Leaving the gazebo, the sense of peace and calm can linger, though the path as the traveler leaves becomes reclaimed by the plants. They're a welcoming force, but they serve to protect the dedicated and holy land.
May I request some wonderful art from you? Your OC Blanche making some chocolate cake? Asking as an ace myself 🤍
HWAAAA— OMGOMGOMG FOOKIN YES!!! OC ART LETS GOOOOOO!!! (੭ु˶˭̵̴⃙⃚⃘᷄ᗢ˭̴̵⃙⃚⃘᷅˶)੭ु⁾⁾~💜
Eat up, my fellow aces! ♤
Free Art Requests: CLOSED