Octatrio - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


Iniziamo dal principio, quando grim fa cadere la """cArBoNaRa""" di uno studente (di cui manco ricordo il dormitorio-)

La scena sarebbe questa:

Bully: YOU RASCAL! You just ruined my carbonara!

Mc: woah! Hold on!! Fist of all DO. NOTTACH MAI CIAILD!! second of all, tu chiami sta m***a carbonara?? Tesoro caro, TI HA APPENA FATTO UN FAVORE!!

E mi rifiuto di non credere che l'intera mensa non ti abbia guardato storto

SCOMMETTO QUELLO CHE VUOI MA PER RUGGIE SE UNA DIVINITÀ!! Quando MC sclera in dialetto la sente pure Leona che se la da a gambe con le mani sulle sue orecchie XD XD



Il momento in cui tirerai i nomi ai camerieri (Jade compreso, Floyd escluso) Azul bramerà non solo il il dormitorio, ma anche la tua voce così confidente ( punti bonus se sai il dialetto . . . Ma non lo ammetterà mai)


A vederti entrare nel su studio per fare il contratto, ha preso la palla al balzo

Eeeeeh già, oggi rompo un po' >:D




yo voglio sapere

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i dont usually post but this is the rare occurrence where I can dump about my boy, my love: FLOYD LEECH. Consider this the unofficial crashcourse to Floyd Leech likers. Or don't idk. warning for uh absolute word vomit and octatrio favoritism

1. His Dynamics (and by that I mean octatrio)

With Azul:

When Azul said the twins would probably leave him when he got ‘boring' in Chapter 3, I need us as a fanbase to collectively point at him and call him a BIG FAT LIARRRR. I know what I saw in chapter 3, and Floyd Leech—while not exactly a tactful person per se— CARES. Even when Floyd teases Azul and makes life harder for him, I’m pretty sure that’s just his love language. And!! Despite his teasing, Floyd really does have some respect for Azul’s magical strength as seen in the Beanfest event.

He goes through all the ‘boring’ stuff for Azul and Jade’s plots because he likes the fun results!! He calls them by their ACTUAL names. They’ve been together since like middle school, and someone as mercurial as Floyd hasn’t gotten sick of Azul? It means he definitely has a bigger attachment that he OR Azul would like to admit. They are besties that hate to admit it because of the NRC disease of Not Being Emotionally Vulnerable Ever ™

Like look at these drama queens they are having the time of their LIVES.

I Dont Usually Post But This Is The Rare Occurrence Where I Can Dump About My Boy, My Love: FLOYD LEECH.
I Dont Usually Post But This Is The Rare Occurrence Where I Can Dump About My Boy, My Love: FLOYD LEECH.

With Jade:

I mean, yeah, it would make sense these guys would be close as twins BUT their dynamic is so fun. Jade's more "polite" demeanor plays off of Floyd's chaos perfectly: giving the guise of a put-together brother always needing to reign in his twin's insanity. When really both of them are menaces to society.

Probably the best example is in the Glorious Masquerade event, where Floyd makes a tantrum after finding out Azul gets to go to Noble College. And Jade JOINS IN.

I Dont Usually Post But This Is The Rare Occurrence Where I Can Dump About My Boy, My Love: FLOYD LEECH.
I Dont Usually Post But This Is The Rare Occurrence Where I Can Dump About My Boy, My Love: FLOYD LEECH.

(credits to RoseAmber on YT for the screenshots: I hadn't fallen into my TWST fixation as hard with the event was out on the EN server o7)

And of course, it goes without saying that they make for a really scary team for Azul. God bless Miss Yana and the team behind the Octavinelle manga--they have my soul and then some.

I Dont Usually Post But This Is The Rare Occurrence Where I Can Dump About My Boy, My Love: FLOYD LEECH.

BUT THEY ARE ALSO GOOFY ASF and i love that for them

I Dont Usually Post But This Is The Rare Occurrence Where I Can Dump About My Boy, My Love: FLOYD LEECH.

2. His Character

And there is a LOT of it. So let's start with his design!

I Dont Usually Post But This Is The Rare Occurrence Where I Can Dump About My Boy, My Love: FLOYD LEECH.

(sorry about the long image </3) BUT you can definitely tell a lot about him with this official pic

for one: he's definitely relaxed. It's definitely in his pose: the hand holding the hat up, the other in his pocket, and in his posture. As opposed to say, Riddle who stands ramrod straight, this is NOT the image of a guy that cares too much about what people think of him. he has his own style and he flaunts it. He's had lines where he talks about his octopus inspired socks and his thing for fancy shoes-- he could not care LESS about his loose clothes either much to Azul's chagrin.

ALSO this is way less concrete but like...his face matches his voice wayyy too well. Credit to the VO: Nobuhiko Okamoto (fun fact also the voice of BAKUGO FROM MHA???) for his voice especially his laugh. Something about the way his eyes are droopy and his sharp teeth are shown in the image?? That's a silly guy, right there. And his laugh is just the right amount of weirdly endearing and creepy it is absolutely wonderful.

Now, in terms of personality...

We all get it. He's a menace. In his Ceremonial robes and Lab Wear SRs, he definitely shows his flip-floppy nature. In the former, he's fucking around at one of Kalim's parties and in the latter he is subject to one of Adeuces' fuck ups--and surprisingly doesn't hunt them for sport after (yay!). It's his thing.

But!!! There's other things!! :D

Among the rest of the Octavinelle trio, Floyd is probably the most acclimated to land life. Even more than Jade, despite his love for the mountains and mushrooms. Because Floyd has the unique trait of just fucking throwing himself at anything and everything the human world has to offer. We know from the Stargazing Event that Floyd has a thing for high-end shoes from a conversation he had with his (mafia??) father. Despite his initial boredom with fashion in general, it feels very 'Floyd' for him to be fixated on the one item that is intrinsic to living on land: shoes.

He's also canonically really good at cooking...when he wants to be. Like all other things in his life, he tends to be flippant with when he feels like making a meal. But damn when he DOES. For example, during Culinary Crucible Sebek admits that Floyd is very skilled in the kitchen. (If anybody has his CC card....and would like to share with the class his vignette....wink wink nudge nudge). And in the most recent event: Stitch's Tropical Turbulence in the EN server he's seen making a delicious meal for the crew that everyone can't help but compliment: even RIDDLE. He also says its best when you "just wing it" and throw stuff together: which makes sense for his taste for weird takoyaki flavors. Jade has said before that in the Coral Sea they just kind of eat shit raw--which makes it pretty impressive Floyd has such a knack for cooking as a land-dweller activity.

I think it's been said that generally merfolk have a bad time with flight--which extends to the Octatrio. I believe there's been vignettes that focus on Azul's struggles in P.E., though I'm not so sure about Jade. What I AM sure is that chibi Jade is constantly going through it in flight lessons so, I'll take that as gospel for now. But!!! Floyd has a fucking blast. It's definitely not like he's a prodigy or anything but, he thinks it's fun to keep trying ("Haha! I'm like, so bad at this!") Which honestly is why my headcanon is that he is the ONLY of the Octatrio to not be failing P.E.. This also extends to his involvement of the basketball club.


But, Floyd Leech does not care what you think is insane. Actually, maybe he does. Just so he can do it. To top it all off: he's good. He can be really good. Club Wear stuff hasn't come out yet in EN server but Floyd Leech can fucking DUNK. I've seen the art. I know what I saw.

His diligence can rival Azul's--he's just less consistent about it. I just think that's funny and pretty cool.

3. Him,,,,,,but like romantically


Sorry it took so long to get here, but I'm here now. Lemme absolutely YAP about what I love about him.

I have some feelings about how authors write him (THIS IS ALL OPINION I LOVE ALL FANFIC AUTHORS ESP OP U DESERVE A KISS ON THE FOREHEAD <3)

I dislike the yandere/overly possessive angle the twins get. I do. But, I get where that interpretation stems from: they're outwardly violent, intimidating, and are basically the fish mafia. Focusing on Floyd though: I love it when he's just....a guy in fics. When he is complaining about his childhood-best-friend-turned-boss who scolded him, or when he gets excited when his crush goes to his basketball games, or when he just wants to SQUEEZE the cute person in his class because he's got cuteness aggression. Fluff, I just like fluff.

OOO OOO FICS THAT LEAN INTO THE "Eels are Cowards" LINE. MY HEART AND SOUL. THEY HAVE IT. Gonna give Jade a big fat kiss for saying that line BC GOOD GOD.


I love where Floyd gets moments where he is caught off guard. Not even necessarily flustered. SHOUT OUT TO @cloudedgalaxies on Ao3 AND Tumblr for one of my FAVORITE interpretations of this.

I love it when Floyd doesn't know what to do when someone actively seeks him out. He's a moray--he's known to be feared by even the creatures of the deep. People at NRC know to be wary of him and his brother: he's basically a hitman for Azul for Seven's sake. But, for some reason, Yuu don't mind it. And I mean that in the sense to refer to the prefect and YOU. I love it when the reader puts up with his squeezes, his mood swings, and his eccentricities. Because for them, it isn't "putting up" with anybody: it's just them spending a good time with Floyd. And that's not a response Floyd expects. HE'S the one who is supposed to be unpredictable! Not you!

So he gets quieter. More reflective. Maybe even more angry. Whyyy???? Why do you do that? Your unpredictability robs Floyd of his control. He likes to toy with people for their reactions, but he is wholly unprepared for yours. And that makes him flail. In @cloudedgalaxies ' fic 'Benevolent Souls', Floyd gets angry with the reader. He can't understand their motivations and that bothers him in a way that he can't even understand completely. Love is foreign to him. The sea is cruel and cold sometimes, even though Floyd loves it it can crush your vulnerability. It really can.

I love it when fics make Floyd love. Even if he didn't think he could. I love it when fics show Floyd's softness that he didn't even know he had. I really do: because he throws himself into loving like he does everything else he thinks is worth it. I LOVE when he thinks love is worth it. He's intense, and wild, and unpredictable, and he's so silly. I love Floyd Leech. I do.



rules for entry !

1) reblog this post and list something you love about your favorite twisted wonderland character!! gush about them!! yearn!! PINE!! you can get as mushy as you want, we love to see it!! 2) understand that each prize will be a sfw piece, with no ocs or self inserts (since i dont know how well i'll be able to write them.) 3) understand that raffle entries will start june 16th and end june 30th. winners will be announced after the event ends on july 1st. prizes will be awarded as i complete them. 4) understand that absolutely no incestuous, pedophilic, or other "problematic" relationships will be accepted as a request. if you win and request something as such, your prize will be revoked and someone else will receive it.


prizes !

1st place . . . a 2000 word (minimum) x reader fic with any character(s), tropes, aus, relationship(s) you want. 2nd place . . . a 1000 word (minimum) x reader fic with any character(s), tropes, aus, relationship(s) you want. 3rd place . . . a 500 word (minimum) x reader drabble with any character(s), tropes, aus, relationship(s) you want.

if enough people apply, i will consider adding a 4th & 5th prize . . .

4th & 5th place . . . a 300 word (minimum) x reader drabble with any character(s), tropes, aus, relationship(s) you want.


if you have any questions, please let me know in the comments <3

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9 months ago
I Went On YouTube At 2AM, Saw The Video, And Made This. I Have No Idea Why.
I Went On YouTube At 2AM, Saw The Video, And Made This. I Have No Idea Why.

I went on YouTube at 2AM, saw the video, and made this. I have no idea why.

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9 months ago
Some Octatrio Sketches From A Couple-ish Months Ago.
Some Octatrio Sketches From A Couple-ish Months Ago.
Some Octatrio Sketches From A Couple-ish Months Ago.

Some Octatrio sketches from a couple-ish months ago.

It almost felt as though they each possessed me, when I sketched each of them out. Azul's was very clean, with thinner, more precise lines, Jade's felt very stiff, with sharp lines and a more ominous, almost violent look, by comparison, and Floyd's was smooth, no overthinking, just throwing down the lines, which were thicker than I would normally make them.

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6 months ago
R-right That Time When Jade And I Messed Up Big Time And Azul He

“R-right… that time… When Jade and I messed up big time and Azul… he…”

Prior to this scene, Grim reminds Floyd that the twins were once outsmarted—that despite their best efforts in securing Ramshackle for Azul in Book 3, they still failed him. And they never fail him.

The implication, then, is that the twins believe their failure ultimately caused Azul to Overblot.

It’s a surprisingly painful memory.

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1 year ago
Drew The Octatrio In That One Scene In Poor Unfortunate Souls
Drew The Octatrio In That One Scene In Poor Unfortunate Souls

drew the octatrio in that one scene in poor unfortunate souls 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶

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2 years ago

Octatrio: we fear nothing-

PSL!Reader: Azul, Nii-Sans.

Azul: we fear Jade and Floyd's younger sibling-

Jade: Indeed-

Floyd: yup-

Photographic sibling!Leech reader.

I just thought of this and thought........ why not just............ yeah.

PSL!reader was accepted into college because PSL!reader was all alone they skipped a grade.

PSL!reader can read a book in seconds and manages to memorize it.

PSL!reader is useful for spying on others, no detail is wrong. Azul will make use of that ...only if PSL!reader wants to.

PSL!reader has memorized senior-level magic but is still practicing it.

PSL!reader has Azul's contracts and passcode.

PSL!reader hates Floyd (affectionate) and looks up to Jade.

PSL!reader always gets bothered to help Azul and their brothers at work.

PSL!reader can memorize anything that they see or hear happen each day with very clear detail, yes, even the days they want to forget.

PSL!reader just wants to be alone but always gets bothered for help. From both Azul and the twins.

PSL!reader who Azul is pretty scared of them...

Feel free to ask more about this concept for other characters, idk LMAo

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11 months ago

Most bosses: Yes, these are my left and right hands. They’re quite good at what they do, though they know the costs of failure…

Azul: These are my emotional support eels and they’re the most capable and amazing merfolk ever. If you say anything bad about them I’ll cry and then let them kill you. If you try to hurt them I’ll just straight up murder you. I mean - they are my. Employees. And we have. A mutual understanding. Yes. I’m not crying shut up-

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11 months ago

Azul and the Tweels showing up to the Scarabia dorm like

Azul And The Tweels Showing Up To The Scarabia Dorm Like

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11 months ago
Ur Too Big To Be Spying On Anyone ....(^_^)
Ur Too Big To Be Spying On Anyone ....(^_^)
Ur Too Big To Be Spying On Anyone ....(^_^)

ur too big to be spying on anyone ....(^_^)

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2 years ago


Synopsis: The octotrio don't really take kindly to having their alone time with you interrupted.

Characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech , Floyd Leech x GN! Reader

Tags: Suggestive because oh wow that's a lot of kissing, Azul forms a Crowley hate club, Crewel being an overprotective dad in Jade's part, Floyd annoys you (lovingly)

Word Count: 2k+ | 💌Masterlist



Azul seldom had days off; he was usually dedicated to his office, checking work and finalizing deeds he'd made over the week. Like now, he's busier than ever, especially with the holiday season approaching. You usually would've helped him out if it weren't for Crowley…

The headmaster, ever so generous and kind, was making you run errands for him more than usual. Both of you were so swamped with work that you hadn't seen one other in weeks.

Deciding to take things into their own hands, Jade and Floyd approached you, trying to garner your pity by telling you how 'pathetic' and 'antsy' their boss had gotten during your absence. Floyd amped up the theatrical performance by throwing himself over your shoulder and sobbing crocodile tears over the 'inhumane work conditions' he's been put through. (Azul made him work 10 minutes longer).

To the eel's delight, their terrible acting actually worked and it convinced you to check up on your poor unfortunate little octopus.

You entered Azul's office, carrying a platter of pastries and tea. He was slouched against his chair, reading paperwork in a position that was bound to strain his neck and back.

"Oh, Angelfish?" As you set the tray on a coffee table, Azul stands to greet you. You don't miss how his face lights up when you walk towards him.

"How are you?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his waist while his hands reach up to cup your cheeks. The leather of gloves felt cool against your skin and you sighed happily, closing your eyes.

"Busy, as usual…" Azul muttered and let you guide him to one of the couches in his office. He plopped down onto the chair and groaned in exhaustion, sinking into the velvet plush cushions. "If I have to read another one of those pathetic deals from these Savanaclaw students, I think I'm gonna have a stroke."

Azul's eyes bore into yours, his lips curling into a bitter frown. "It's been nearly a month since we last saw each other…"

"I know. Crowley's been making me work my ass off these days." You smiled apologetically, moving in to press a fleeting kiss against his temple. Azul grumbled, his eyes briefly glancing over the pile of deals atop his desk. There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he looked up at you.

"Angelfish. You know I can easily fix that problem for you, no?" Azul spoke lowly, adjusting his gloves with a dark look on his face. Immediately, you shook your head. "No making deals with Crowley."

"Alright, no deals…but say the word and I'll gladly take care of it." Azul muttered, crossing his arms and pushing his glasses up. You chuckled and bent forward to peck his lips in thanks.

However, it seems that Azul missed you more than you thought. You should've known that someone as greedy as Azul wasn't going to be satiated by a small kiss like that. Before you could back away his hand clasped over your waist, pulling you back in. Gasping, you slid into his lap and he immediately fused his lips against yours.

"Stay." He mouths against your lips as both his hands move to grip your waist. Azul kisses you again and again, only giving you a few seconds to recover. Feeling lightheaded, you pulled away trying to catch your breath.

"Azu-" Before you could even get a word out, he kisses you again, this time with more passion. The ferocity of it all causes your head to spin as your hands become entangled in his white hair. It was almost as if he hadn't kissed you in ages, as if it was his first time seeing you in years. His tongue darts across your bottom lip, prompting you to part your lips.

"Knock Knock." Floyd's voice echoed through the closed door, and Azul jolted. He pulled away from you, his gaze moving to the tweels who were most likely standing behind the door.

"Oi Azul, there's some guy out there lookin' for ya. He's calling you 'Mr Ashengrotto'. What a weirdo."

"Floyd. Doesn't saying 'knock knock' defeat the purpose of knocking?" Jade's muffled voice spoke.

"Didn't ask. Don't care."

You watch Azul glare at the door, cursing under his breath, clearly irritated that his private time with you had been disturbed. He considered just directing the client to return another day. However, it seems that you've decided to make that decision for him.

"You heard them." Pulling him up, you fixed the collar to his uniform and combed his hair back into place. Teasingly, you ran your thumb over his lips.

"Don't keep them waiting, Mr Ashengrotto."



Wiping the table down, you made sure to get every small spec of dust off of the metal surface. It was late at night and you were helping Jade close the lounge up for his shift.

You were concentrated and hard at work, determined to finish the job properly. Jade, on the other hand, found himself marvelling at the unusual sight of you in his dorm's uniform.

Azul had given you an Octavinelle dorm uniform that was tailored and custom-made specifically for you.But of course, nothing ever came for free when it involved the capitalist octopus.

It was intended to be used for promotional purposes. You were Ramshackle's prefect and the magicless human trapped in a mage school, it's no question that you had a lot of attention thrown your way. It was only natural that his boss would exploit such popularity.

Such a stark difference from your normal outfit. You were usually seen wearing the school uniform issued specially for your shabby dorm, paired with the expensive high-end designer fur coat Crewel gifted you.

To put it short, you appeared much more lovely than usual.

So, was it really his fault when he drew you behind the bar and began kissing you silly? Oh darling pearl, of course not.

"Jade-" You gasp against his lips when his weight starts to push on you. Your back collides with one of the stools, leaving you with little choice but to settle down atop the bar counter.

He swiftly hoists you up over the table, allowing you to sit snugly as you wrap your legs around his hips; he does all this without ever pulling his lips away.

“J-Jade we have a job to finish." You panted but Jade had no intention to stop. He steps back to assess your reaction, a sadistic grin spread across his face.

The eel was gentle when he manoeuvred you to lay down against the table, but the look and gleam in his eyes said otherwise.

"Oya, I fear something much more interesting has taken my attention." He nips at your lips, recapturing them with hardly a second to breathe between each one, his hands sliding up your hips to hold you in place.

"How could I not indulge myself when the most exquisite shining pearl is within my grasp?" Jade whispers.

The merman starts pulling his gloves off and loosening his tie. He returned for another open-mouthed kiss. It seemed as though he just couldn't get enough of you. Every breathy kiss he drew from you felt like waves pulling him under, luring him to continue and drown himself in your love again and again.

Sadly, all wonderful things must come to an end.

"Leech. Hands off my pup." You nearly slipped off the counter when you heard a familiar stern voice call out for you. You spun around, gasping, to discover Crewel standing by the door. His face distorted into an unsightly sneer as he peered at Jade.

"Pup. I believe you forgot but we have a shopping appointment today." Embarrassed, you quickly bowed your head and kept your head down. Why. Why on earth couldn't the ground just swallow you whole right now?

All suave and smooth, Jade took a step back and picked you up. Yelping, you held onto his biceps, head spinning from the sudden movement. Jade merely chuckled and lowered you back down onto the ground.

Crewel storms up to you, your fur coat in hand. He drapes the coat over your torso, fussing over your unkempt appearance. The man turns to throw Jade another scathing look, silently cursing the eel under his breath.

Despite your embarrassed and mortified state, Jade crouches down and whispers to you. "I'll get back to you later, my pearl."



Huffing, you stormed out of the classroom with a towering eel hot on your trail. Before you could even round the corner, Floyd threw his arms over your shoulders and leaned his entire body against yours.

"Floyd! Get off! I'm still upset at you after that stunt you performed earlier!" You grumbled, your knees wobbling from trying to withstand his weight.

Floyd doesn't say anything and just slithers his arm around your waist, his teeth affectionately nibbling the exposed flesh of your neck. His annoyingly handsome face was plastered with a smug smile. He knew he was a menace, and he was proud of it.

Professor Trein's lectures were absurdly long, and you can imagine how bored the eel gets during his classes. The issue is that he's decided to turn you into his new source of entertainment. He kept poking you with a pencil, handing you tiny messages on crumpled notebook paper, and kicking you with his foot. The eel had even sneakily placed his hand on your thigh at one point, drawing patterns and words with his fingertips while pretending to listen to the lecture.

You squirmed and tried to shake your way out of his grasp. Your lover snorted at your pitiful escape attempts and tightened his grip on you.

"Neh~ Shrimpy, this hallway isn't my vibe at all. Let's go somewhere else!" Floyd pulls you into an empty classroom, kicking the door shut. He pushed you against a desk, slamming his hands on either side of you.

All of a sudden, his mood changes. The eel leans down to murmur into your ear, his breathy voice sending shivers up and down your spine.

“That class was so boringg. I can't help it that shrimpy's squirming is much more entertaining~” Floyd laughs, nudging his head against your cheek.

That little nudge was all that it took to get you to lower your guard, allowing him to strike and press his lips on yours.

Floyd's hands raked themselves up your back, his thumb rubbing circles onto the nape of your neck. He gave you one final kiss while grinning before stepping back to give you some room to breathe.

“Hm~? I thought you were still mad at me.” Floyd says as you lean in to chase his lips. You clicked your tongue and grabbed his collar, pulling him close to your face. This time, you take the lead and Floyd eagerly follows suit with a giddy smile on his face.

The loving moment between you two lasts for a few minutes before the door to the classroom slams open.

"Floyd! I've been calling your phone for the last hour!" Both Azul and Jade appeared. Azul looked as if he just ran a marathon, his flushed skin having a faint red tint to it. Jade was as composed as ever and stood behind the octoboss, sending you and his brother a knowing look.

“So what?” Floyd blinks, indifferent to Azul's anger. He just truly doesn’t find anything wrong about skipping his job and showering you with some love and affection.

"What do you mean 'so what'!? You promised me you would take the morning shift! We agreed on this!" Azul scolded, banging his fist against the door. But with his face twisted up like he'd just swallowed a lemon, it was hard to take him seriously.

"I don't want to gooo…" Floyd wailed as he sat down with you on the floor. He collapsed on the ground and drew you into his arms, ignoring Azul's shouts. You cuddled against him, sighing, for there was no way out.

This was your fate.


Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!

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1 year ago

Hewo i took one look at your blog and jesus i fell in love with your works.

Octotrio plus riddle with sea bunny yuu/mc/reader?

Ive only seen fic with sea bunny yuu lmao

I hope you have a good day!

Oh my gosh! Thank you for the kind words! But also I LOVE SEA BUNNYS! Like look at them!!

Hewo I Took One Look At Your Blog And Jesus I Fell In Love With Your Works.

They are so fricken cute and small!!! Apparently they are quite dangerous too if you’re not careful. They absorb and reuse toxins from the sponges and jellyfish that they eat!


You were a rather small sea slug mer, about 3 feet from the tips of your “ears” to your little gills. With your lower half being covered in the small white tendrils that mimicked a furry animal, your little tail gills waving behind you. Other than your sea slug lower half you also had 2 small sensors on your head that also seemed to mimic a surface creatures ears. You were always coddled growing up. Others treating you like a child but you didn’t mind since you liked being cute and getting to eat what you wanted. If someone ever tried to eat you they would get a bit of a shock and feel how poisonous you would be if they tried it.

When you got your legs it was a difficult transition for you. You are also small in this form, about 4’6. Once you got used to walking you found great joy in skipping and jumping around similar to a bunny. You also somehow were quite the small rodent magnet. Jumping mice, squirrels and rabbits all loved to be around you. You had dark speckles all over your body similar to your tendril covered body. Your little ears still sprouted from your head, many mistook you for a rabbit beastfolk due to this. You didn’t mind since they weren’t sensitive to hearing, but to smells!


Azul: found you rather cute and of course tried to monopolize that. You poor naive and cute little thing, he's happy to provide protection from the cruel cruel world, just sign here~ Actually felt bad when you signed with a bright smile full of innocence. made sure you were given the easier tables and simpler jobs. Somewhat became addicted to your sweet smile when he complimented your work. Knew you were a merfolk since you had the telltale innocence of one on the surface. After his overblot, he was so surprised that you forgave him so easily. that despite what he did that you were able to smile at him like always. oh no, he's in love. If you still wanted to work at the lounge he's happy to give you discounts and even adds special sponge or jellyfish dishes just for you to enjoy.

When he first saw your merform he froze and just stared at you. on the inside, he's squealing like a high school girl. When you eventually snap him out of is staring he will quietly compliment you and excuse himself, practically running out of the area. Really wants to try and pet your little tendrils since they look so soft. wonders if you would still smile at him like always even in his merform. he's down so bad.

Jade: Didn't pay you much mind at first unless you were in the dorm of course. Thought you were a rabbit beast-folk, but noticed how your "ears" didn't seem to react to loud sounds, even experimenting with some loud spells above you to see if you would flinch. So now he was interested. If not for hearing what are those interesting appendages for?~ Made a bet with Floyd on what it could be. Only found out when he noticed your ears following your food along with your eyes when he placed it in front of you. Retrieved yout drink to see if they would do the same yet they didn't, how fascinating ~ figured out that it was your way of smelling the air eventually. Enjoyed making you do little dances that weren't required but he vaguely hinted at such an idea so when you did a small careful spin to give people their food jade cant help but chuckle.

Stumbled on you in your mer form in the dorm one day, you were happily munching on one of the poisonous sponges in the aquarium. Jade quickly grabbed you, thinking you were going to get yourself sick. You had to explain what you could do since Jade didn't mess with smaller creatures as much as larger ones. warns you to not eat the aquarium fauna and just ask if you wanted a snack, he's got many mushrooms for you to nibble on. Might join you in the water and coo at how small and defenseless you are compared to him. But you just smile and sink back to the ocean floor happily hopping around a coral reef with some fish. You confuse and amuse him with your cutesy attitude, but it's endearing and he quite enjoyed how you believe so much of what he says. Easy to mess with, but he would never go too far. As fun as breaking your innocence would be he just can't seem to find any reason to do so.

Floyd: SEA BUNNY!! Oh Floyd loves picking up and tossing around the little sea bunnies if he ever stumbled upon them. Likes to poke and prod at your little sensors asking if they hear or do anything interesting. He likes how you like to play jumping games. You’re just so cute like a little kid! And you’re small like one too! He lifts you off of your feet so often. He also likes to squeeze you but you didn’t mind since you didn’t really have bones in your last form and we’re incredibly flexible and squishy in this form. Can’t even stay mad around you for long since he just finds you so cute. If he’s in a bad mood people just send you his way.

He pestered asked you so much to see your little mer form! He had never seen a sea bunny mer! Whether you show him or he stumbles on you in your mer form the result is the same. Lots of excited squealing and squeezing. He pokes even more at all your little spots and plays with your tail gills. He raven teaches you to hop in a way along the sea floor. You both laugh a lot and have fun around a reef. The fish happily cleaning your tendrils and Floyd chasing any fish nearby. You’re too cute to ever get bored of! So floyd will drag you to the pools more often since he wants to play leap frog on the ocean floor. He doesn’t mind that you’re a bit slow.

With special guest

Riddle: the way you hoped from place to place doing as you please was very endearing to riddle. Your smaller stature and the way you gravitated to heartslabul and it’s many creature he can t help but smile. Ensures you are safe with the animals and following the rules, but thanks to your childish nature you’ve ere able to help riddle relax on his rules a bit. Even got him to jump around and laugh with you. You became a close friend and he likes to envision himself like the queen and you as his right hand rabbit.also found the way your “ears” would lean toward the kitchen whenever trey was baking.

when you first shyly showed him your mer form he was astonished that one, you weren’t a beast-folk like he though you were, and two, you were even smaller like this! He thanked you for your trust and for showing him this form. He did make a small comment on how soft your little tendrils looked. You both had a pond side tea party before something inevitably went wrong in the dorm. He looks forward to seeing your adorable small form happily munching on strawberries soon.

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1 year ago

I can't help but think that the Leech brothers must have had the same behavior with Azul when he was a child.

It must have been fun for them to touch Azul like he was a stress ball.🤭

I Can't Help But Think That The Leech Brothers Must Have Had The Same Behavior With Azul When He Was
I Can't Help But Think That The Leech Brothers Must Have Had The Same Behavior With Azul When He Was
I Can't Help But Think That The Leech Brothers Must Have Had The Same Behavior With Azul When He Was

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1 year ago

Tangled in Wonderland - Tall, Tall Tales

author note: Eeeeek this is very, very late! A lot of stuff has happened and yada yada but I’m here and I’m sorry! I’m still going to continue with this and I hope I can get back on track with writing this because I’m really enjoying this event! This instalment follows on directly from the Scarabia one, I hope you all enjoy!

characters: Floyd Leech x GN!Reader


Oh no.

Your whole body froze up in an instant at the sound of that familiar, unhinged voice. Clearly, fate had decided you hadn’t gone through enough punishment today and decided to add a little bit more spice to your day. And by spice, it meant perhaps one of the most chaotic entities you have ever met. You looked around wildly, trying to spot him as quickly as you could so you could run. He was right on the path leading up to the Hall of Mirrors, roguish grin on his face as he waved both his arms at you. Your only choice was to go back inside and escape through one of the mirrors.

“Stay away from me, Leech!” You snapped, not even bothering with your usual faux attempt to be cordial as you turned on your heel, bolting towards the mirrors. If you could just get through the Heartlabyul mirror, you’d be—

“Aha~! Got you.” Breathed a husky voice right by your ear, suddenly tugged straight off your feet and into the air by the lanky arms that coiled around your midsection, your back flush against his chest.

“Shrimpy is so mean, callin’ me by just my last name! Even when I’ve gone through all the effort to give you a lil nickname too!” Floyd mourned, swinging you around the Hall of Mirrors, your legs swinging perilously out in front of you whilst you clutched onto his arms for dear life and let out a small, undignified scream. “Aah, maybe you thought I was Jade? Because I was really far away? Then maybe I can forgive you, Shrimpy…” His sharp teeth were uncomfortable close to your ear as he let out a little laugh, “or maybe I can just keep spinnin’ you around!”

Floyd picked up the speed of his spinning, his manic laughter drowning out your screams and for a moment, you thought this might be how it all ended… But then you remembered, the Leech twins thrive off of fear in their victims, so you sucked it up and started hitting him on his arms to get his attention. If your legs ended up breaking one of the mirrors, you’d never hear the end of it from Crowley…

“P-put me down, Floyd! I am not a toy!” You cried out, and thankfully your repeated hitting of his arms managed to get his attention, for he finally slowed to a stop. The world spun around you, making you semi-grateful for his arms around your waist. They were the only thing holding you up, at this point.

“Eh? Are you sure you’re not a toy? Azul said somethin’ real interesting the other day…”

Uh oh.

“Did he now…” You remarked, feigning disinterest as best as you could as your vision finally began to right itself again.

“Mhmmm~” Floyd mused against your ear, and you just knew this couldn’t be good, “he said you know things. Things that you should have no way of knowing. Kinda like one of those magic 8 ball things.” Floyd continued, before his mouth split into a broad, terrifying grin. “Maybe if I shake you a little, you’ll tell me all sorts of things too.”

“Floyd, don’t—”

It was too late. You clung to Floyd’s arms as he began to shake you erratically, like you were a chocolate bar stuck in a vending machine. Your head collided with his shoulder multiple times, not hard enough to hurt but definitely jarring in its own way as the world once again became dizzying. Floyd seemed to be enjoying himself, his mocking laughter filling the small hall as he watched your rattled expression.

“Oh magic Shrimpy ball, oh magic Shrimpy ball,” he chanted as he continued to shake you, finally beginning to slow down as he leaned in to whisper in your ear, “why did you walk out of the Scarabia mirror just a moment ago?”

Ah, of course he saw that.

With as much strength as you could muster in your dizzy state, you threw an elbow back into his chest, feeling some satisfaction when you heard him let out a small ‘oof’. “That’s none of your business,” you grumbled, your lips turned downwards in distaste. “and that isn’t even how a magic 8 ball works! You’re supposed to ask the question first and then shake it… Don’t start shaking me again!” You quickly warned as a follow up, turning your head to give Floyd a glare. He just gave you that little frustrating grin right back.

“It’s not my fault Shrimpy, I have all this pent-up energy ‘cause you’ve been avoiding me. I’ve missed you.” As if to punctuate his words, he started to squeeze you, and you found yourself once again whacking his arms to get him to release you.

“Floyd! There is no need—” You gasped out, feeling some of your joints cracking harmlessly from the pressure but a tightness building near your ribs that promised pain if he didn’t stop soon. You gasped out a breath when he finally eased up his hold, but very nearly choked when you realised he was waltzing right towards the Octavinelle mirror.

“Floyd, put me down!”

“Nah, Shrimpy, don’t feel like it. Let’s hang out!” Floyd responded in his usual lackadaisical manner, stepping through the Octavinelle dormitory mirror without pause. It was odd, feeling the usually surreal feeling of a bubble forming around you as you floated towards the dorm, but on top of that, Floyd was still holding you, back flush against his chest with your legs dangling in front of you. You can’t imagine how ridiculous it looked.

Floyd walked you straight into the Mostro Lounge without a care in the world, heading straight for one of the unoccupied booths.

“Oya,” you heard another terribly familiar voice as you passed the bar, “I see you have acquired a valuable customer, Floyd. Please enjoy your stay.” Jade hummed with a short bow, not even bothering to hide his toothy grin as he observed your plight. You didn’t even get a chance to scowl before Floyd was bundling you into a booth, none too gently either.

“What? You told me to put you down.” Floyd drawled when you shot him a glare, sitting opposite you and spreading himself out on the available space. He leaned his elbows onto the table, propping his head up with one palm as he stared straight at you.

“Ne, Shrimpy… Why don’t you tell me what you said to Azul the other week to make him come back all shaken up?” Floyd hummed, his smile seeming playful, but you could already see the predatory glint in his eye.

You narrowed your eyes slightly, unsure of what Floyd’s motive was here.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You responded demurely, keeping tight lipped. Floyd’s smile widened, sharp teeth on full display as he leaned forward. “Don’t be like that, Shrimpy! You should have seen it, it was hilarious!” Floyd cackled thumping his hand on the table in front of them, “he came rushin’ back to the Lounge, all pale faced and jumpy, and then locked himself in the VIP room.”

A cocktail glass filled with a blue liquid and decorated with a star shaped garnish was elegantly placed in front of you. A similar glass was placed in front of Floyd. “Yes, Azul was very startled when he returned to the Lounge the other week. We were very worried.” Jade confirmed, folding his hands in front of him, faux concern colouring his tone, but the amusement shone through his close eyed smile.

“I didn’t order this.” You responded dryly, as Floyd already pulled his straw to his mouth and took a gulp from his drink. “Aww just try it Shrimpy, it’s my own recipe! It’s good, see!” He stuck his tongue out, revealing his stained bright blue tongue. You pushed your glass away from you. Yeah, you definitely weren’t going to be trying that.

“I’m positively hurt, prefect. I mixed that with care, just for you.” Jade hummed, his eyebrows down turning in a look of fake hurt. You ignored him.

“We could hear Azul muttering to himself in the VIP room. ‘Who are they’, ‘how do they know that’. He got so mad when we used Jade’s key to unlock the door. You should have seen his face, Ahaa~”

“You spied on your own friend? You guys are ruthless.” You commented casually, and Floyd only grinned at you wider, Jade’s expression not changing from his solemn one.

“The VIP room was quite the mess, too. Papers all over the floor. Azul wouldn’t even let me help him clean it all up, it must have taken him hours.” Jade added, his smile looking more and more devious by the minute.

“So tell us what you did, Shrimpy.” Floyd prodded.

“Yes tell us, prefect.” Jade coaxed.

Both of the Leech twins stared you down, razor sharp smiles on their faces as they attempted to intimidate you into revealing what happened between you and Azul in the library that day. You were starting to see now why Azul insisted on referring to them as just colleagues.

You were in a bit of a bind here. You expected the stunt you pulled on Azul to have some backlash, and you really didn’t want to make the Leech twins anymore interested in you than they already were. And for whatever reason, Azul hadn’t divulged what you had said to him to Jade and Floyd, who were his closest confidants. Or, this was some sort of elaborate ruse that they had strategized to wheedle the information out of you. Either way, you thought you should probably tread with caution here…

… But Azul had been bothering you again lately…

You leaned back into your seat, looking sheepishly away from them both and staring at the smooth pearlescent surface of the table. “I don’t know guys, it’s kind of… Embarrassing…” You muttered. You caught Jade and Floyd sharing a look between each other before they leaned in closer, like sharks tasting blood.

“Ne, it’s okay, you can tell us, Shrimpy…”

“It might make you feel better to get it off your chest, prefect…”

Hook, line and sinker.

You glanced up at them, the both of them leaning in uncomfortably close but you masked your distaste by rubbing your arm, as if you were feeling flustered by just thinking about the situation. “Well, um…” You began, pausing for dramatic effect, Floyd leaning in closer in anticipation and Jade nodding gently, as if the comfort you for the difficult story you were about to tell.

“Azul had been visiting me in the library after classes for a few days… We were getting along really well… It was, well… It was nice to have a friend. It’s hard sometimes, being the odd one out…” You sighed softly, really hamming it up for them. They were eating it up, leaning closer as you continued, “but Azul never made me feel like that. He was always so kind, so welcoming.” You smiled for a moment, before you face dropped and your lips pressed together into a tight line. “But then…” You hesitated again, your expression creasing into a distressed frown.

“Did something happen, prefect?”

“Yeah, yeah! Tell us Shrimpy!”

“Well… One day suddenly, he… Asked me on a date… But…” You started, but then you covered your face with your hands and shook your head, “oh I can’t say it, it’s just so… So humiliating!” You cried out, your voice muffled by your hands. Floyd and Jade were watching with rapt attention, Jade not even able to hide his obvious enjoyment at both your perceived distress and the opportunity to get some dirt on Azul, whereas Floyd hadn’t been hiding his excitement in the first place.

“But what, Shrimpy?”

“Please prefect, if you tell us, perhaps we can put your mind at ease…”

Slowly, you uncovered your hands from your face, to see the eager faces of the Leech twins nodding at you encouragingly. You leaned in close, and they followed suit, all three of you huddled together in the booth almost conspiratorially. You looked around nervously, before you continued in a hushed whisper.

“I had to turn him down… He got a little upset, understandably. He couldn’t see why I didn’t like him, why I wouldn’t give him a chance…” Floyd and Jade shared a discreet look at that, because that definitely sounded like the Azul they knew. “I tried to comfort him, to tell him that I thought he was a great guy and it was me not him but he just wouldn’t listen! So I had to tell him the truth…” You winced, wringing your hands together. If Floyd and Jade leaned any closer, you’d all be bumping heads together.

“The truth, prefect?”

“Ne, you can tell us, Shrimpy…”

You swallowed, before looking up at them with your best puppy dog eyes. “Okay, please don’t say anything but… … …”

“… I’m allergic to octopus…”

The table fell silent. Floyd and Jade stared at you, motionless, as you peeked up bashfully at them. Then suddenly, Floyd was roaring with laughter, his loud cackle making several of the customers in the Lounge jump in surprise. His hand thumped the table several times, knocking over his drink and sending the bright blue juice spilling all over the shiny white surface and onto the tile below. Jade effortlessly sidestepped before the mess could hit his shoes, but his shoulders were visibly shaking as his hand tried to hide his laughter

“Oh prefect… I’m so pffft… Ahem… I’m so sorry to hear that.” Jade attempted, hand still propped to his chin as he tried to compose himself, rather unsuccessfully screamed with laughter beside him.

“What is going on here?!”

A voice hissed through the Lounge, but the twins didn’t even flinch. If anything, it just sent Floyd into fresh peals of laughter, flopping down on the booth seat as he held his stomach.

Azul stood a few feet away, obviously brought out by the commotion and chaos that was currently happening in your booth. His eyes widened when he saw you sitting there, but he quickly schooled his face again, a detail that Jade caught, making him unable to resist his own toothy grin.

“Jade, you are supposed to be managing the bar. And Floyd, stop that racket right now and get changed. Your shift started thirty minutes ago! And clean up that mess!” Azul ordered with a stern expression, before his eyes landed on you, his lips pursing together, “and I would appreciate it if you didn’t disturb them when they are working, prefect.”

You held your hands up defensively as you started to shimmy out of the booth. “Actually, I was just leaving.”

Your words breathed some life back into Floyd, who’d finally recovered from his laughing fit to sit up and climb out of the booth himself, a rapturous smile on his face. “I’ll walk Shrimpy to the door~!” He announced, throwing a heavy arm around your shoulders before you could rebuff him.

“Floyd! You’re supposed to be—”

“I’m terribly sorry for my negligence, Azul. I was just trying to comfort our dear customer over their recent romantic distress.” Jade chimed in, and the only way you would be able to describe the grin on his face was feral. Floyd began cackling again, using Jade’s distraction of Azul as an opportunity to whisk you away and get out of work at the same time.

You pondered whether you should feel bad for setting up Azul for at least a week’s worth of ribbing from the Leech twins as Floyd steered you towards the Octavinelle mirror, but then you remembered he put an anemone on your cat. And Ace and Deuce. Suddenly, your shoulders felt a lot lighter. Well, they would, if Floyd’s lanky arm wasn’t still around them.

Floyd kept his arm around you right until you reached the exit of the Octavinelle dorm, but you chalked it up to him being on a good mood high because of what you’d just told him and Jade. But just as you were about to duck out from under his arm, you felt his hot breath against your ear for the second time that day.

“Ne, Shrimpy. Are you allergic to eel too?”

Before you could even react, you were getting sucked up into one of those magical bubbles again as it began carrying you towards the Octavinelle mirror, your expression bewildered as you stared back at Floyd, who sent you off with a cheeky grin.

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