Oh My God This Is So Cute - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Turbo (and maybe the twins) as race horses? I really like horses, so…

Turbo (and Maybe The Twins) As Race Horses? I Really Like Horses, So

The wir Universe getting crazzyyyyy

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9 years ago
Drawing The Deer Child Like Always

Drawing the deer child like always

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4 years ago

Dogs playing a game. Rules are a mystery

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1 year ago
Itsgamebro Requested Baby Pepbut Gettin Sang To Sleep By Pb And Here We Are

itsgamebro requested baby pepbut gettin sang to sleep by pb and here we are

very corny stuff here,

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2 years ago

Wedding HCs [Part 1]

Wedding headcanons for the lesser talked about ships bc they need more love and I will give it to them.

AquaOrca (Gang Orca x Aquamarina)

Lets ignore the fact that Jade tried to murder Gang Orca when she found out he was dating Aomi and only later came to terms with their relationship.

The wedding would be very beautiful with ocean inspired colors. Kugo's nieces would make all the decorations because they wanna help get ready for their new auntie.

For the dress, it would be inspired by Ariel's wedding dress but with more mermaid theme to it.

Wedding HCs [Part 1]

Aomi's anxiety rises to an all-time high because she wants the wedding to be perfect and what if she messes up? It's so bad to the point where her mothers literally had to ban any mention or talk of the wedding.

One of Kugo's nephews is the ring bearer and he gets to wear an adorable suit for it.

The day of the wedding, both of them are so excited to see each other and want to touch each other so bad but they can't because they aren't allowed to be near one another.

Jade sings a cover of one of Aomi's songs as she walks down the aisle. Everyone is in awe at how beautiful Aomi looks and even Kugo himself is brought to his knees at his wife.

Kugo has to pick up Aomi to kiss her bc he is tol and she is smol. Either way, it's a beautiful, romantic sight.

Also their rings are references to each other. Jade's has a killer whale on it and Kugo's has a clam shell bc he calls Aomi his Venus (and Venus emerged from the water in a literal clam shell).

Speaking of Venus, the cake is a parody of the birth of Venus but with Aomi. Needless to say, she's blown away by it.

AquaOrion (Orion x Aquanette)

*Aquanette belongs to @/aquajuilee

Contrary to what Sakana believed, Saizo wanted a small, intimate wedding with just friends and family. He don't have time for all the media bravado.

Ageha goes wedding dress shopping with Sakana to help her figure out what she wants. She ends up settling on a beautiful princess style dress with short sleeves.

Saizo is asking his younger brother Gen'ichiro all these questions about marriage and stuff because he got married before him and Saizo needs to be prepared for anything his role as a husband throws at him.

No particular theme but the color is indigo which looks great on the both of them.

They have the wedding at a nice place not too far from the seashore. As Saizo and Sakana kiss, a dolphin jumps up over them and it makes for an iconic wedding photo.

The cake is shaped like a seashell and is decorated with crystal candies.

DemoCat (Demoman x Black Cat)

This one goes out to @calciumcryptid

Akio wants to have a traditional Jewish wedding like his parents did and is trying to get Kuroneko on board with the idea.

As much as Kuroneko loves her baby, she's a) not religious at all/an atheist and b) feels like she'll be appropriating his religion. It's only when his mother and her have a Walter White "We're not done till I say we're done" type of convo that she agrees.

The experience is lowkey kinda harrowing for her because she never really saw herself getting married or anyone wanting to marry her (you can thank Goldeye for that) and now that it's actually happening, she feels all these emotions.

While everyone thought she was going to pick an extravagant wedding dress bc it's Kuroneko, she actually chose a rather simple looking one with black lace.

Either way, Akio thinks she looks absolutely beautiful.

Day of the wedding, Akio's mom gives Kuroneko a pair of hamsa hand earrings and a necklace with the same symbol. When asked what it meant, she was told it was a protective symbol in the Jewish faith.

Freaks out a little when she gets lifted up in the chairs by Akio's mother, his aunt, Suzy, and June at once.

StellaNox (Stellara x Nox)

Even before the wedding is announced, Taiyomi and Tsukimi already leaking shit to their friends and husbands like their name is TMZ.

Much like AquaOrion, both Umeji and Hoshimi wanted to their wedding to be private and intimate, especially with the presence of the Yonaga inner clan (though that'll be hard with the younger Sorakami sisters).

There's really nothing for them to worry about since they have experience with weddings.

Hokuto is the ring bearer and Hoshiyo is the flower girl. Meanwhile Kureko gets to be the "blessing boy" or he gets to bless Hoshimi's entrance into both the family and his life as his stepmother.

Hoshimi chooses to wear an elegant, dark blue wedding dress with stars embedded into it. It's different than her previous wedding dress, the one in which she married her first husband in.

They have the wedding in the afternoon and the party at night.

Umeji makes a toast to his new wife and makes a speech about how much he loves her and how she's lifted the darkness from his heart. For the first time in many years, people see Hoshimi become visibly flustered.

Taiyomi and Tsukimi take pictures of that and posts it to their social medias.

@floof-ghostie @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @blondephobicpercy

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3 years ago
When You Wanted To Redraw Your Own Stupid Two Ways To Treat Your Cleric Meme And Went A Little Too Far

when you wanted to redraw your own stupid “two ways to treat your cleric” meme and went a little too far

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8 months ago

Capyberries 🍓✨💖

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11 months ago
Baby April And Raph Playing
Baby April And Raph Playing

Baby April and Raph playing <3

When I was little, and we had first gotten our dog, it was recommended that we annoy him (so that when children inevitably yanked on an ear or something he didn't go for the throat). I IMMEDIATELY volunteered for the task, and would bother him constantly (mess with his ears, poke his teeth, etc).

This ^ is something we do as a byproduct of the training. I hook a finger around one of his teeth and he'd gently shake. It reminded me of Raph and April for some reason, so I drew it! :D

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5 months ago

I'd love to see an ObiDei drawing from you, if you wanted to do one! Your art is so awesome, it'd be really cool to see Deidara in your style! But no pressure to. Love your stuff! 💕❤️

Thank you so much! Actually i've been wanting to draw them for a long time! ++ After some occasions Obito often has nightmares (in au, where Obito is alive, he is haunted by the events of the war and a strong sense of guilt)

I'd Love To See An ObiDei Drawing From You, If You Wanted To Do One! Your Art Is So Awesome, It'd Be

drawing Obito until my hand falls off, day 13 (almost.( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ )

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rolling ik!!

(i've also uploaded this to youtube in case the tumblr player messes up ^^)

and i don't usually say this but if you see this please do reblog T-T this was a heck of a lot of work

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