One Piece Modern Au - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Watching Dressrosa and seeing Zoro watch Luffy's colosseum battle on the screen I was suddenly hit by the fact that in a Modern AU he'd probably be the most obnoxious kind of soccer fan.

You know the one that probably picks a new favorite team every match and is only a soccer fan when they are actively watching soccer. I can honestly just imagine him screaming at the screen and being all dramatic at the team talking about honor and shit. No actual practical knowledge of soccer though.

I just think he and Mihawk would just be the kind of people that like sport in a Modern AU they are athletes themselves but they also just like competition and adrenaline and so sports. Except Mihawk atleast attempts to possess a basic knowledge of the rules and plays of sports he watches while Zoro will watch a sport he's never heard of in his life, chooses a random dude that's "got guts" and root for them so wholeheartedly you'd think he's supported them all his life.

All this to say that goth family watches the World Cup as part of "family bonding time" and

-Mihawk is rooting for 3 separate countries, the 2 that his data says are statically most probably going to win and his home country cause he has some "patriotic pride". He watches intensely but never actually reacts to anything.

-Zoro is rooting for whichever team is playing against whatever team Mihawk is repping at the moment. He has no stakes in this longterm whatsoever exceot that he gets his fill of trolling Mihawk, sports adrenaline and on the rare occasion his team wins he gets to be a smug asshole to the man who raised him 😌. He screams at the T.V so much you'd think he had money on the line.

-Perona liked the idea of styling cute matching jerseys so much so that she forgot how much she hates watching sport. She is very bored and unhappy and hopes that somehow both of them lose. She judges the outfits (the jerseys) of different countries and their coaches on a scale that only she really understands but all must suffer through.

-Shanks is there because this is the only time Mihawk will hold his hand even though he is squeezing so hard his bones might be ground to dust. (the only indicator that Mihaw is affected at all by what is happening). He's bar hopper he's used to seeing random sports he doesn't understand played on green fields running in the background of his mild buzz to drunken fool binge. He's just glad to be included.

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6 months ago

So, I Watched Challengers and I am now very obsessed with Tennis AU Mishanks.

Because I think Mihawk is very Tashi coded and their whole relationship stinks of Art and Patrick, like what if your lover was also your greatest rival.

But also, and stay with me here, the hilarity that would between Mihawk's never had a day of media training ass and the hungry for even a scrap of a story Morgans magazine press.

Just imagine Mihawk's P.R team and Manager (Probably Buggy and Croc respectively) trying to put out the fires from the walking P.R nightmare that is one Dracule Mihawk? The shitstorm he would reign on all their heads when he announces that he thinks a newly limbless shanks is less of a player and he will never play him again.

Crocodile would have to resort to creating an entire crime syndicate to give Morgans more salacious news than Mihawk's latest pr fuckup. The only reason Buggy starts a circus is to distract the masses from his worst client. Mihawk gives not one single fuck.

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1 year ago
Cant Have Shit In Detroit.
Cant Have Shit In Detroit.

Cant have shit in Detroit.

Happy Birthday Luffy :) hope you enjoyed your cake

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