Onigiri Miya - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

A/N: Bonjour dear readers! This one shot is dedicated to the hot chef Osamu Miya! P.S. This is my first time writing full smut, please bear with me đŸ« đŸ„Č P.P.S. This is my longest one yet! Enjoy!<3


Warnings: cursing, explicit sexual content, mentions of pregnancy at the end, flirting, kissing

Genre: fluff and a tablespoon of smut :3

Words: 10,378 (welp)

A/N: Bonjour Dear Readers! This One Shot Is Dedicated To The Hot Chef Osamu Miya! P.S. This Is My First

Onigiri Miya is the heart and soul of 26-year-old Osamu Miya.

He worked his ass off in culinary school, got his restaurant in the heart of Japan, and even received a Michelin star.

But something seems to be bothering the successful young chef recently, as his kitchen staff has noticed.

One of Osamu’s employees, Tanjiro, has noticed that the younger twin of the famous pro volleyball player Atsumu Miya has been kind of moody lately. Okay, scratch that.

Very moody lately.

Tanjiro is currently preparing a new order of salmon-filled onigiris when he hears the waitress Kanao come through the doors that are connected to the busy kitchen.

Kanao has a pissed look on her face and grumbles curses under her breath as she marches over to Tanjiro and stands next to him.

The short-haired blonde leans against the counter, her arms crossed against her chest and her frown lingering on her face, as she starts talking quietly to her friend and coworker.

“Gosh, Miya-sama has been so bitchy lately. It's not my fault the lady at table seven complained that the fish didn't taste fresh, even though I told her that we get fresh deliveries every single day. And then she has the nerve to demand to see the head chef!”

Tanjiro listens to her rambling, nodding along as he glances at her sometimes, putting the nori around the triangular onigiris for the finishing touches.

He puts the new order on a hot plate and places the new onigiri perfectly in position and adds a few Nasturtium flowers on the plate for presentation.

“I mean, you know what the boss can be like, especially on days when his brother pisses him off,” Tanjiro explains to her.

Kanao listens to his words and huffs in annoyance, crossing one foot over the other.

“But he’s been a lot worse for a couple of weeks now. I don’t think it has anything to do with his brother. He’s never been this pissy and rude for so long.”

Tanjiro thinks for a moment and states his theory.

“Maybe he is upset with the fact that a new ramen place opened up just across from Onigiri Miya. I mean, I went to Ninja Ramen last week with a friend of mine, and holy shit that was the best ramen I’ve ever had! Seems like the owner is doing well. She is a chef and she learned the art of making ramen noodles from THE Ivan Orkin. He is the best ramen chef in the world! Doesn’t surprise me that her ramen tastes amazing.” Tanjiro explains and hands Kanao the new plate of onigiri.

All of a sudden, an imaginary lightbulb pops up over Kanao’s head and she gasps loudly, making the poor black-haired cook jolt in surprise.

She quickly places the plate down and shakes Tanjiro by the shoulders, squealing in excitement.

“Tanji, that’s it! We’re gonna hook them up! Miya-sama needs to lose some steam anyway and what better than some hot, mind-blowing, steamy sex?!”

Bewildered, Tanjiro looks at her with wide eyes that scream ‘Are you insane?!’.

Pushing her back a little bit, he hesitantly replies.

“Okay, I am going to stop you right there. First, Miya-sama barely has time for dating anyway. Second, do you want to get fired? Because that’s how you get fired. Interfering with his personal life, that’s like death in seconds. Third, we don’t even know if she is married or in a serious relationship.”

Kanao scoffs at that, regaining some distance between them.

“I am willing to take the chance.” She wraps an arm around Tanjiro’s shoulders and points out to the kitchen ceiling.

“Can’t you see it, Tanjiro?”

“See what?”

“Our chance to be off on the weekends or earlier at dinner times because our boss is too busy screwing a certain someone from across the street?” Kanao wiggles her eyebrows up and down in a suggestive way.

Scrunching his nose in disgust, Tanjiro is about to shut down her idea, when a pissed-looking Osamu Miya bursts through the kitchen doors.

The sudden noise of aggressive slamming startles both Tanjiro and Kanoa, making them shrink in fear of their moody boss.

“Kanoa, get that freaking order out to table seven. NOW! Tanjiro, don’t just stand there! Get five more orders of onigiris ready, filled with tuna and spring onions! And why is the rice bowl less than half empty?! Gosh, I have to do everything around here.” Osamu marches over to the pots and starts a new batch of cooked rice.

The blonde waitress quickly glances at Tanjiro once more before grabbing the plate with food and making her way out of the kitchen.

The young cook watches Osamu, actually realizing that Kanoa’s idea of hooking his boss up with the owner across the street might not be so bad after all.

‘I can’t believe I am actually into this crazy idea.’

After the crazy dinner rush, it is finally closing time.

The exhausted employees are leaving through the front door after finishing their duties for the night.

Kanao wraps her scarf around her neck and waits near the entrance for Tanjiro.

As she scrolls through Instagram, she hears him making his way toward her from the kitchen, finally changing into his normal clothes.

“Night Miya-sama, see you tomorrow.” Still counting the money from the register, Osamu doesn’t even look at his workers as he mumbles out a quiet ‘Night’ that Tanjiro barely hears.

The two of them leave the restaurant, walking down the dark sidewalk to the train station together.

Tanjiro shoves his hands into his warm jacket before he decides to speak up.

“So, tell me about this crazy plan of yours.”

Kanao gives him a mischievous grin and rubs her gloved hands together and leans in a little bit too much for Tanjiro’s liking.

“I knew you were going to be with me on this!”

~ Three days later ~

Okay. Today is the day. The day when Kanao and Tanjiro try to hook up their boss with the chef from across the street.

On the way home three days ago, they decided that they split up their tasks. Kanao is going to (stalk) research the owner of Ninja Ramen and Tanjiro is keeping Osamu a little bit longer than necessary at the restaurant.

The waitress found out that the owner of Ninja Ramen across the street is called (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and she is the same age as Osamu.

The best news? She is single!

Thanks to a little girl-to-girl-talk, she managed to convince the beauty from across to visit Osamu after dinner hours.

Usually, Tanjiro is the one that counts the leftovers of ingredients in the fridge but since you are coming over, he involuntarily decides not to do it, so Osamu has to stay a little bit longer than necessary.

It's now 20:57 and Tanjiro and Kanao are getting more anxious by the second. Especially Tanjiro. You are supposed to arrive in less than five minutes and Tanjiro swears he is about to pass out any second now from the stress.

Osamu is busy cleaning up the kitchen and counting the fillings and rice for the list of upcoming orders.

Not knowing he has been set up for a blind date, the owner of Onigiri Miya is deeply focused, as he writes down the number of vegetables in the fridge.

‘Gosh, I feel so shitty for letting Miya-sama do the extra work! Kanao’s plan better be working or else I am going to get fired!’ Rambling in his thoughts, Tanjiro quickly walks over to Kanao, who is wiping down the tables.

“Hey, Kana, what did you tell (Y/N) again?” He looks at her nervously, while keeping an eye out that Osamu doesn't hear them.

Breathing out a heavy sigh, she replies.

“For the last time Tanji, she is coming over at 21:00 and I told her to look pretty because our owner wants to get to know her.” She sprays the table a few more times with disinfectant and lets it dry.

Tanjiro gulps nervously and hisses at her quietly.

“If we get fired because of you, you owe me VIP seats to the next MSBY Jackals game!”

Kanao scoffs at that demand but agrees nonetheless.

The sound of the door chime rings, interrupting the two young adults.

Tanjiro’s eyes widen at the sight before him. She’s drop-dead gorgeous. The perfect body of a goddess and an aura that shines brighter than a thousand suns.

Your eyes are taking in the embellishments and the cozy atmosphere of Onigiri Miya.

An inquisitive look decorates your beautiful face with a smile so captivating, that even the worst days can turn rain into sunshine.

Your shoes echo a little bit on the dark gray tiles and your pretty eyes land on two young adults that look quite happy to see you.

Stepping forward you begin to introduce yourself in a shy voice.

“Hello, my name is (Y/L/N) (Y/N), the owner and head chef of Ninja Ramen. I was supposed to meet someone here. Osamu Miya, I think? Is he still around?”

Tanjiro and Kanao don’t say anything for a few seconds until the blond-haired girl finally opens her mouth.

“Oh my gosh
 Yeah! Yes, he is still around. Miya-sama is currently cleaning up in the back but he will be right out! Just sit wherever you like, my friend and I were just leaving anyway!”

You gaze at them confusedly, eyes following their backward steps, as the giddy blonde shoves the black-haired guy through the entrance doors.

With one last wave, Kanao exits the restaurant and tugs a bewildered Tanjiro down the path.

‘What a weird duo’, you think to yourself as you turn back around.

You have to admit though, it is a nice place. The whole restaurant is furnished with black square tables and cushioned chairs stacked upon them. The aroma of lemon and a slight amount of disinfectant fills in your nose, strangely comforting you because this tells you that the owner is sticking to the hygiene rules of a restaurant.

Awards about ‘BEST ONIGIRI IN JAPAN’ and framed TripAdvisor recommendations are hanging on the black walls, along with some YELP reviews from people whose names you don’t recognize.

‘Tobio Kageyama, Keiji Akaashi, Tetsurƍ Kuroo,
 none of these names ring a bell’, you wonder yourself as you spot the light coming from two doors, that you assume is the kitchen.

With careful steps you begin to walk towards it, one hand slowly pushing the door open.

As your eyes adjust to the bright light you spot someone, who has his back turned towards you. Taking in his appearance, the sight of the man in front of you is almost taking your breath away. His whole outfit is black. Black All-Star sneakers, along with black jeans and a back shirt so fitting, that you can define some of his back muscles. A black cap turned backward sits on top of his head and you can make out a chibi version of an onigiri.

Gosh, your mouth almost feels like it’s about to drool at any moment. His deep voice, however, interrupts your staring.

“Tanjiro, why are you still here? I thought you went ho-“, Osamu interrupts his sentence, when he turns around and spots you.

His wide metallic eyes take in your form, quite shocked but also astounded by the sight of the jaw-dropping woman in his shop.

He tries to open his mouth but no words manage to come out.

You are a bit flustered by his reaction but still, introduce yourself to him.

“I-I am sorry for barging in like this, but one of your workers, the small short-haired blond one said I could find you here. M-My name is (Y/L/N) (Y/N), I am the owner and head chef of ‘Ninja Ramen’. It’s nice to meet you.” You bow down a little bit as you greet him.

Osamu finally snaps out of his trance and is now able to answer you properly.

“Oh, you mean Kanao. U-Uhm
 I-I don’t want to sound rude, but what are yer doin’ here?” The young chef stutters out, like a middle schooler talking to his crush.

Sensing his nervousness, you give him a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry I am not here to rob you or anything but Kanao said you wanted to meet me. So here I am.”

Rubbing your hands together sheepishly in front of you, you're waiting for his response.

The former Opposite Hitter furrows his face in confusion, tilting his head to the ground as he tries to remember anything he might have said to his staff members.

“I apologize for any mix-up but I don’t recall sayin’ anythin’ to my staff about meeting ya.”

Now you are even more confused than the man standing across from you.

“That’s strange because, from Kanao’s version, you sounded pretty desperate. Using words like ‘too shy to talk to me’, and ‘wanting to stare deeply into my eyes the whole night until the sun rises’ and I also remember her saying that you think I have a ‘smoking-hot body of a Goddess’.” You cheekily smile at him, crossing your arms across your chest as you walk around a little bit.

Osamu makes a choked sound and his eyes widen in shock. You also notice his cheeks redden with embarrassment and his reaction is making you laugh.

“Relax, relax. The last part was made up by me. I couldn’t help myself.” You chuckle a little bit and gosh just the sound of your laugh is making weird things happen to his heart.

All of a sudden it beats a lot faster. He can feel a spread of warmth in his chest and it’s hard to breathe as well, almost like he ran a marathon for 10 miles without stopping.

You glance at the stack of rice on the counter, along with a notepad and a pen. The door of the fridge is open and your eyes wander over the perfectly stacked vegetables, meat, fish, and eggs.

“Do you need any help?” You ask him while side-eyeing him.

Osamu thinks for a few seconds, before shrugging and agreeing.


The two of you spent some time together, with you counting the ingredients remaining in the fridge and him writing everything down.

During your counting, you ask him a couple of questions. What made him want to go to culinary school, where he learned how to make onigiri, his favorite food, and even some stories about his time as a teenager in high school.

“So you have a twin? My deepest condolences.” You laugh at the story about how Osamu almost drowned Atsumu at the beach because he drew a dick on Osamu’s back with sunscreen, while he was sleeping and just trying to get a tan.

Osamu laughs along with you, sitting down on one of the two chairs he grabbed from the dining room earlier.

“Yeah, ‘m surprised ya dunno him. He always brags ‘bout bein’ the best athlete and Setter in all of freakin’ Japan. He can be a real piece of shit sometimes, grabbin’ the chance once in a while to come here after a training session for sum’ free food. If he knew ya didn’t know him, he’d be flabbergasted. Wouldn’t hurt his massive ego though once in a while.”

“Haha, I’ll make sure to drop by then and try not to acknowledge his existence.” You wipe away a tear from laughing so much.

After calming down a little bit, Osamu leans his head against his hand, while having his elbow on the counter.

You mimic his actions, putting one leg over the other.

Deciding to be bold, you even surprise yourself by saying this.

“Hey, uhm. I really enjoyed my time with you tonight but I should go home now. I have to be at my restaurant tomorrow morning at seven to catch the delivery guy. I was hoping to get your number because I want to stay in contact with you.” You gaze at him with shy eyes and a blush across your cheeks.

Osamu’s heart drops in his stomach at the thought of you leaving. But his joy quickly comes back as you want to exchange numbers with him. He could almost scream out of happiness.

A lovely woman like you is actually interested in him. Not his twin Atsumu, the famous pro volleyball player.


Osamu Miya!

Grabbing his phone from his back pocket he opens the contact app and hands you his phone.

Your fingers brush his very faintly but it almost feels like electricity going through your veins.

Typing in your number, you hand him his phone back.

You get up from your chair and help Osamu put the chairs back into the dining room.

Pushing a loose strand behind your ear, you briefly make eye contact with him and thank him for the enjoyable night.

With one last smile and a polite bow, you exit his shop and walk down the path toward your apartment which is only a few minutes away.

‘Damn. She really is something. And she really does have a smoking hot body of a goddess.’ Osamu cogitates while locking up.

As he walks home, Osamu isn’t recalling any memory of ever talking about you to his staff. Shrugging it off, he decides to interrogate Tanjiro and Kanao tomorrow when he sees them.

After reaching the door of his apartment 15 minutes later, he unlocks his door and enters inside.

While he takes off his shoes, he grabs his phone from his back pocket and opens up his messenger app, pondering what he should say.

Typing in a message, he re-reads it before sending it to you.

Just freshly coming out of the shower you hear a notification sound coming from your phone.

Drying your hair off with a towel, you pick up your phone and smile widely at the message that Osamu has sent you.

‘Had a wonderful time with you tonight. What do you say about havin’ dinner with me at my place next Saturday? :)’

Osamu is brushing his teeth when his phone vibrates with a notification from you.

His heart skips a beat when he reads your reply.

‘Me 2! And I would love that! I can’t wait to learn more about you and to be able to taste the food made personally by THE Osamu Miya <3.’

Smiling like idiots, both of you head to bed that night, excitement bubbling in your stomachs, looking forward to seeing each other again in 7 days.

~ The next day ~

The next morning, when Tanjiro walks down his usual path towards Onigiri Miya, an unsettling feeling sets in his stomach because he doesn’t know what happened between you and his boss last night.

He prays to the Gods and every other supernatural power in the heavens that Osamu had a good time last night and Tanjiro hopes that he still gets to keep his job that pays his bills.

Kanao had texted him earlier in the morning, saying she didn’t feel good for work today. But Tanjiro knows it’s some bullshit excuse so she doesn’t have to face Osamu like Tanjiro does.

With a sweaty hand, he pushes open the entrance door and hears the bell chime above the door.

‘Deep breaths Tanjiro.‘

The young cook walks with heavy footsteps inside, immediately noticing a whistling tune coming from the counter.

As soon as Osamu hears the jingle of the bell, he stops whistling and looks up to see who has entered.

With a smile, he greets his employee with a chirpy `Good morning’ and Tanjiro can feel himself breathing out a sigh of relief. So the blind date did go well. Mumbling a quiet ‘Good morning’ back he hurries into the kitchen.

Tanjiro enters the kitchen and gets changed quickly into his cooking uniform. He ties his apron behind his back and gets started to cook the rice in the huge rice cooker.

The sound of the kitchen doors opening rings in his ears and he can hear footsteps slowly approaching him.

The black-haired adolescent gulps nervously and he can feel Osamu‘s presence, as he now chops the vegetables on the wooden board.

The 6‘2“ head chef leans against the counter and crosses his arms against his chest as he looks at Tanjiro.

Tanjiro focuses on his chopping so he doesn’t accidentally cut himself.

”So, Tanjiro.“ Osamu starts.

The sound of his boss’ voice makes Tanjiro freeze, the sharp knife stopping its actions.

“There was a woman in my shop last night after closing hours. She said some interestin’ things. Like for example how ‚desperate‘ I was to meet her accordin‘ to a certain blond-haired employee of mine and me thinkin‘ how she has a smokin‘ hot body. She looked awfully familiar, let’s say, I dunno, maybe like the owner of ‚Ninja Ramen‘? Ya wouldn’t know anythin‘ bout that would ya?“ Osamu awaits his answer and keeps his gaze locked on him.

Still frozen in fear, Tanjiro is not able to answer him. He promised not to rat out Kanao, but then again Kanao left poor Tanjiro alone with Osamu today.

“Tanjiro?“ Osamu asks with a firmer voice.

Okay, Tanjiro can’t take the pressure anymore and he breaks.

“Okay okay, I give up! Yes, it was Kanao’s plan for you to meet up (Y/L/N)-sama but I swear, I tried to change her mind about it! I am so sorry, please don’t fire me!” Tanjiro frantically says as he bows down deeply, to apologize for his and Kanao’s behavior for interfering with his personal life.

Tanjiro stays in this position, still not hearing an answer from his boss, he looks up slightly in fear.

Osamu is staring at him silently, eyes hooded and a deadpan expression resting on his face.

Suddenly a small smile grazes his features, as he looks up to the ceiling, remembering your beautiful face from last night.

He takes off his cap and ruffles his dark hair messily, before placing the cap back on.

The younger Miya twin makes his way towards the kitchen doors, stopping right in front of them but not turning around when he speaks to his apprentice.

Tanjiro regains his posture and shuffles his feet a bit against the floor uncomfortably due to his boss’ silent tension.

“Tanjiro.” He perks up at his name.

“Y-Yes Miya-sama?” He stutters out.

“I had a good time with (Y/N) last night and I want to thank ya for that. But don’t you dare interfere with my personal life again, ya hear?”

“Y-Yes s-sir.” Hearing his words, Osamu exits the kitchen and continues his happy tune.

Exhaling a shaky breath, Tanjiro curses the hell out of Kanao and swears that he will get those VIP tickets regardless of her.

When Kanao comes back to work two days later on Tuesday, she immediately notices the change of behavior of her boss. Osamu smiles a lot more and it’s even an honest smile!

During break times, she catches him a lot on his phone, typing feverishly to answer you. Even the slightest notification sound is making him pull out his phone to check, only to sigh in disappointment as it’s not a reply from you.

The week feels like it’s passing too slowly for Osamu. But thankfully it’s Saturday again, the day when you come over to his place.

Osamu checks the time on his phone and sees that it’s 15:47. You’re coming over at 18:00.

Exhaling slowly, Osamu takes off his hat and shuffles his messy black hair.

He tells one of his waitresses to watch the cash register for a moment, walking towards the kitchen.

When he opens the door he gets greeted by his kitchen staff, as he enters.

Standing in the middle, Osamu asks for a moment of attention.

Everyone stops what they are doing and turns to listen to what their boss has to say.

“Alright, everyone. I have some personal matters to attend to so we are closing right now. Finish the orders, but please don’t take in any more customers. All clear?”

“Yes, Miya-sama!”

Osamu nods and makes his way back outside.

When everyone leaves, he locks up his restaurant and puts a paper on his front door, which states that unfortunately due to unexpected personal matters, the restaurant has to close earlier than the opening times say. And a P.S. underneath the note that the shop will be open again regularly on Tuesday.

Once he arrives home, he starts to clean up a little bit more, making sure that everything is in place and spotlessly clean.

Eventually, 18:00 rolls around, and sharp on time, his doorbell rings.

Osamu quickly lights another candle and skips his way to his apartment door.

As soon as he opens his brown wooden door, he is immediately greeted by your beautiful smile.

You are pulchritudinous.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?“ You tease him.

“Oh yeah. Uh yeah. Sorry, come in.“ The ravenette snaps out of his trance and steps aside to let you enter his apartment.

Your shoulder brushes his briefly and Osamu smells your perfume as you bend down a little bit to take off your sneakers. Your perfume smells like a mixture between vanilla and coconut and the ravenette wishes he could hug you from behind and hold you all night long while remembering your scent in his memories.

Osamu walks ahead and you follow him into the kitchen.

His kitchen is wide and spacious, not to mention sparkling clean. Which doesn’t surprise you, since his restaurant is also in top condition.

A light gray polished marble floor shines in your way, giving it an expensive taste. The kitchen counters are black and white, with a colorful LED strip underneath some of the cabinets. It gives off a cozy atmosphere. You have to admit that the owner of Onigiri Miya has exquisite architectural taste.

You can hear the voice of Ed Sheeran on a music Bluetooth box not too far away, playing the song „Shape Of You“.

A few candles are placed along the counters, giving your stomach butterflies because you know that Osamu is trying hard to impress you, even though he doesn’t need to.

Osamu watches as you look around a little bit in his apartment, taking in your reactions as you glance over his framed pictures of him and his brother in his living room. There are some old Volleyball team snapshots and a funny selfie from a guy you don’t recognize as he holds up a peace sign to the camera with a blank expression, while Atsumu and Osamu are on hospital beds, beat up faces along with bandaids and it’s blurry, but they are throwing hospital equipment at each other with angry looks.

“So I was thinkin‘ of makin‘ Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Just easy an’ quick to make. That sound alright with ya?“ The former Opposite Hitter rubs his hand on his neck while giving you an unsure look.

Though as long as you get to spend time with him, that’s all you care about.

Beaming at him, you nod in response.

You place your jacket across the back of his black leather couch and tug your sleeves back behind your elbow.

Following him from the living room into the kitchen you begin to wash your hands by his Undermount sink.

“Whatcha doin‘?“ He tilts his head as he watches you.

“Helping you make the food obviously. I am not going to sit around and let you do all the work.“ You reply.

Osamu is taken aback by your straightforwardness, but he is not going to lie, he kind of likes it.

“Alrighty, I will do the noodles and the sauce then if ya wanna start the meatballs.“ Osamu suggests.

“Yes, chef.“ You wink at him with a flirty smile.

Shaking his head in amusement, Osamu grabs all the ingredients and spices to make some killer Spaghetti and Meatballs with you together.

Grabbing the ground beef you put it in a huge mixing bowl that you grabbed from one of the cabinets.

Chopping up an onion, garlic, and some parsley, you add it into the mix.

Afterward, you put on gloves to add some salt and pepper, Worcestershire Sauce, breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, and an egg.

You begin forming the meatballs with your black-gloved hands, deeply focused on getting them round.

All of sudden you feel a warm breath over your shoulder, giving your skin goosebumps over your neck.

Osamu looks over your shoulder, as he watches in admiration of your idle hands shaping the beef mince.

Huffing in frustration, you curse the meat as it keeps falling apart.

Chuckling slightly at your reaction, he leans in a little bit to whisper his advice in your ear.

“Try adding more bread crumbs into the mix, it should help the meatballs to stick together.“

His deep voice is sending shivers down your spine and you can’t believe that it’s turning you on.

Following his advice nonetheless, you pour more breadcrumbs into the bowl, before setting the can aside again.

Re-mixing the meat, you take a patch of meat again and begin to reform it with shaking hands.

Rough hands are surrounding your own, making you gasp.

“See? Told ya it would work.“ He places a teasing kiss behind your ear.

He retracts his hands and body, already making you miss his warmth.

When he washes his hands by the sink, you’re finally able to exhale the breath that you didn’t realize you were holding in.

‘He‘s getting bolder. I like it.‘ You think to yourself, as you try to calm down your breathing and your rapid heartbeat.

You quickly look in Osamu‘s direction and watch him cut up onions, tomatoes, and some garlic as well with skilled hands. The sound of a knife repeatedly cutting against the wooden chopping board distracts you from making your meatballs.

Almost out of instinct, like he could tell you are watching him, Osamu looks at you from his side view and you whip your head back to your task and blush furiously.

The black-haired twin chuckles darkly at your reaction but continues with his chopping.

After shaping all the meatballs together and finally starting the sauce, you put the meatballs in the oven.

The water for the noodles is boiling and you swear it’s the steam making things hotter in the room. When you were watching Osamu earlier, you have to admit you were certainly enjoying the view. The way the muscles on his arms worked, gosh you wish he would wrap those hands around your body to feel you down.

Mentally slapping yourself out of your flustered state, you try to calm down but it’s no use. You have a feeling Osamu is purposely messing with you with his feather-light touches and it’s driving you insane.

Fortunately, dinner is finally ready and you can’t wait to dig in and hopefully calm yourself down.

Grabbing two bowls from his black cabinet, he makes you a bowl full of Spaghetti and meatballs before handing it to you.

You grab the utensils from his drawer for you and him and head over to his dining table.

You place the utensils down in front of you and on the other side for Osamu.

Walking back to the kitchen, you ask him if you can help him with anything else.

“If ya want to, ya could grab my bowl and set it on the table. I will bring Parmesan cheese. By the way, do ya want some wine?“ Osamu opens the fridge again to grab the cheese and looks at you with questioning eyes.

“That sounds lovely, thank you.“ You give him a stunning smile as you grab his bowl to head back to the table.

An hour later, the both of you are sitting with full bellies on his couch, after having everything cleaned up and put away into the fridge.

Each of you has a glass of wine in your hands, with only a few feet of distance between you two, shared laughs and stories fill up the room.

”There was a carnival in our hometown an’ our Volleyball Team went there together. Tsumu went confidently into the mirror maze sayin’ he woulda come out in less than 10 minutes. So Suna, one of our teammates, set a timer and when he still wasn’t out, I gotta admit I was gettin’ kinda worried. So I went in and tried lookin’ for him. I found him after a while and he was crying. I asked him what was wrong and he just looked at me and I saw that he had a bloody nose. He ran into a glass wall so hard, that he broke his nose because he was freakin’ out about never gettin’ outta there. In the end, my Captain, Kita, had to come in and save our sorry asses,” he laughs with a glint in his eyes, as he tells you the story.

You laugh with tears in your eyes, taking a small sip of your wine.

“Oh dear, I kind of feel bad for your brother. But look at you,” you smirk at him.

He arches up a brow in amusement and waits for you to continue.

“A knight in shining armor. Would you have saved me from the mirror maze as well?” You tease him.

“Why, of course, milady. I would have carried thy pretty face out to safety,” he replies with a wink and scoots a little bit closer to you.

“And what would the knight in shining armor wish for as a reward?” You lick your lips while taking a peek at his lips with anticipation.

“Mhm, I can think of something right now.”

You inch a little bit closer to him, your knee bumping his knee softly.

Tucking both of your legs behind you, you lean your arm against the backrest of his couch, still having your wine in your hand.

Osamu scoots a little bit closer as well and now there’s even less space between you two, your eyes set on each other with a blush on your cheeks.

Osamu places his wine on the coffee table in front of the couch before taking yours and placing it down as well. Whilst doing that, his eyes never leave your form.

Now only a few inches apart, you almost press yourself against him. You feel tipsy from the wine and to keep yourself from falling over, your hand touches his muscular chest. You can feel him flex and it is making you want him even more.

The ravenette places one of his hands on your warm cheek and inches his face closer to yours, his eyes darting between your eyes and lips, indirectly asking for permission to kiss you. His other hand is gripping the back of the couch out of nervousness but he almost jolts in surprise when your soft hand is placed over his own.

Your gesture soothes Osamu and calms him down a little bit, so he closes his eyes and brushes his lips softly against yours, almost to test out if he is going too far.

You are not pulling back or pushing him away, which is a good sign because he can no longer wait and finally presses his lips against yours in a soft kiss.

Briefly pulling back after a few seconds, Osamu gazes at you with a new emotion in his eyes. Lust.

This time, you’re being the bold one and you press another kiss against his slightly chapped lips with a little bit more force.

Sighing in bliss, Osamu’s hand wanders from your cheek to your neck and pulls you even closer to make you rest in his lap. Your arms wrap around his neck and you continue the kiss.

Both of Osamu’s hands now wander to grab your waist and he leans back more without interrupting your kiss.

You tilt your head a little bit, to deepen it.

Osamu follows your lead, letting his tongue caress yours, tasting the wine on it. He sighs heavily into your mouth and pulls you even closer so that you’re now laying on top of him. Your nails start to scratch the undercut on the back of his head, almost making Osamu purr in delight.

Unconsciously, you grind on him a little bit and Osamu moans into the heated kiss.

His hands wander down to your ass and start massaging it roughly.

Gasping at these rough actions, your moans get swallowed by his mouth.

Due to the lack of oxygen, you pull away first, inhaling heavily to calm down your breathing.

Osamu is trying to control his breathing as well, gazing at you with dilated pupils and glistening lips.

”Yer so beautiful,” he whispers.

Blushing at his compliment, you dive down again, feeling his tongue immediately enter your mouth again. Your hands travel from the back of his head to his messy hair on top, where you run your fingers through his soft black hair and pull on it slightly. You hear a light growl coming from the back of his throat and as your kisses get wilder, you start to feel something hard against your thigh.

Though you don’t want to continue this further on his couch, you reluctantly pull away.

“How about we take this to the bedroom?” You teasingly whisper into his ear, licking along the shell before biting into it gently.

Osamu shudders at your actions, nodding a few times before sitting up with you in his lap.

“Hold on tight baby,” he orders you before moving his arms around your hips, firmly grabbing them to hoist you up.

You cling onto him with your legs crossed behind his lower back and tilt your head to catch your lips with his again.

Osamu begins walking to his bedroom, still having your lips on his.

Time seems to fly by too quickly because you can feel yourself pressed up against a wall.

You can feel Osamu’s fingers going underneath your shirt, his touch setting your skin on fire. Pulling up your shirt, even more, he breaks the kiss and you take the hint to pull off your shirt, only to capture his lips with your own again. Walking inside his bedroom, he closes the door with his foot.

Osamu starts to walk backward carefully until he can feel the edge of his bed behind his knees and sits down with you still on top of him.

Moving to lay down, he turns you around, so now you’re lying underneath him.

His touches are driving you crazy with desire. You want him closer, to become one with you.

“Oh Osamu, you make me feel so good.” You mumble in between sloppy kisses.

Your hands wander over his upper body, grasping his shirt and pushing it up, so you can feel his firm abs.

Without hesitation, Osamu grabs the collar of his shirt and tugs it off to throw it behind him.

Back to focus on your body, he starts to leave a trail of hot-mouthed kisses on your chest and moves down to the hem of your leggings.

“Call me Samu.” He briefly looks up to you before quickly undressing you from your leggings, leaving you only in your black lace bra and panties.

“Gosh yer so fucking hot, I wish this night could last forever.” He whispers against the skin of your stomach while placing small teasing kisses along it, before reaching the band of your panties, tugging on it with his teeth.

You reach a hand out to cup his cheek softly, your dilated pupils making his cock twitch with need.

“We have all night, I am not going anywhere.” You whisper to him in a seductive tone.

Smiling at your words he crawls back up to you, catching your lips with his yet again and you can feel his smile in your kiss.

Your soft hands are traveling from his chest to his shoulders and you begin scratching them in a teasing manner, making Osamu hiss slightly and grind his hips against yours.

You’re both moaning into the kiss and all of sudden you can feel his strong fingers playing with your bra straps before pushing them down gently to your arms.

Breaking the kiss your body pushes itself up so you’re able to take off your bra in a matter of seconds.

Osamu's fiery gaze burns into your naked chest and he licks his lips before latching onto your chest, pushing you down again once more to maintain control.

Hot kisses are placed across your chest before his mouth engulfes your right boob, as he begins to suck on it harshly.

You let out a loud squeaky moan, fingernails scratching his scalp, making him moan against you. The vibration of his tone sends shivers across your skin, entirely enraptured by his skilled tongue and teeth.

His talented fingers are grabbing the flesh of your waist, hooking them into the lace of your underwear before starting to pull it down. Lifting your hips so he can remove it off of your body, just in seconds hastily ripping it off of you.

Now you’re lying completely naked underneath him, but you notice that he is still wearing his pants. Distracted by your hot body, his soft lips are getting closer to your clit but your words interrupt his actions.

“Take your pants off.” You interrupt his wandering kisses.

Chuckling darkly at your request he leans back down and starts to lick a strip along your folds.

“Patience my dear. I ain’t done with ya yet.” He mumbles into your clit before placing your legs over his shoulders as he gets comfortable on his stomach.

As he starts to give you slow licks against your clitoris, he makes sure to focus on your reactions. And judging by your constant moaning, you seem to enjoy it a lot which fills Osamu’s ego with pride.

Osamu focuses now on your clit, sucking then tracing it with the tip of his tongue. One of your hands finds his hair and you pull on it harshly. He moans loudly in his throat, the vibrations sending you into more of a feeble mess. You cry out his name in sensation as you orgasm, your fluids gushing out, painting his jaw with your fluids. The dark-haired twin laps up everything he could, his mouth and chin wet from your essence and his saliva. He leans back to sit up on his knees; two of his long fingers entering you dripping hole, overstimulating your twitching cunt.

You can start to feel tears building up in your eyes, it’s just too much.

You haven’t felt like this in a long time, even though this is your first time getting eaten out by Osamu, it’s like he already knows how to twist his fingers and use his tongue on you to make you go crazy with desire.

”S-Samu, please

He grins cheekily at your shaking voice and leans over you to give you a feverish kiss and whispers against your lips.

“What is it baby? Use yer words.“

His fingers go even deeper and you swear, you almost scream his name as he begins scissoring his middle and ring finger inside your tight cunt.

“Please fuck me, I need you so badly.“ You toss your head into his pillow in a whiny voice.

Osamu curses at your request and extracts his fingers from your dripping hole.

In a flash, Osamu rids himself of his pants and underwear, completely nude right in front of you. As you check him out, his eyes drift to his nightstand, where his condoms are stored.

When Osamu turns to his nightstand to grab a condom and is about to open it, your hand softly grabs his wrist, stopping his movements to look at you.

“I am on the pill and I trust you.“ Whispering in a soft tone, Osamu drops the condom wrapper and leans back down to kiss you gently while placing both of his forearms next to your head. Your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer to you.

Osamu begins to rub his hard erection against your clit, teasing you with his wet tip.

Parting from your lips, you let go of him and Osamu takes his cock in his hand to gently place it against your entrance.

Looking up at you one more time to make sure you’re okay with this, he slowly pushes the tip in, while keeping his focus on you.

You breathe out in a shaking pattern, making Osamu halt his movements.

“Ya okay? Do ya wanna stop?” He asks while brushing his hand against your cheek with a worried look on his face.

"N-No, I am fine. Just been a while since I have done this. You’re really big” you whimper out.

Osamu blushes at your comment, his cheeks heating up in a rosy red as he begins to pepper your face in slow comforting kisses.

He waits a while for you to adjust to his size before you give him the signal to start moving again.

Cautiously he begins to move again, moving his weight onto his arms so he doesn’t crush you.

Keeping his focus locked on you, he takes in your moans and your fucked out expression.

Setting his forehead on your shoulder, he groans deeply into your ear, making your pussy twitch in excitement.

The clenching of your walls tighten around his dick, making his breath hitch and moving a little bit faster and harder into you.

His thrusts are almost erratic, harsh movements slapping against your pelvis. The creaking of the mattress and the headboard slamming repeatedly against the wall take over as the main sounds in the bedroom.

“O-Oh gosh
 yer feel fuckin’ amazin’.” He pants against your neck, sucking and biting your soft neck.

Mewling at his actions, your arms circle around his muscular back and your nails begin to leave trails behind.

Osamu hisses a little bit at the pain but it spurs him on even more.

Trailing quick and wet kisses along your neck and collarbone, the ravenette continues to ravish and cherish your body to give it all the attention in the world it deserves.

Moving to your lips, your tongues sloppily entangle themselves, while Osamu still continues to snap his hips to yours into the mattress.

With you breaking the kiss, you tangle your fingers into his hair and the ravenette drops his sweaty forehead on yours, while nuzzling his nose softly against yours.

Your shared breaths mingle together, grunts and moans exchanged in a soft pattern.

Pushing himself onto his hands, Osamu gives you a few very hard thrusts of his own, knowing he is close to coming.

Thrusting into your wet hole one last time, he feels his cum burst and paint your inside walls white.

He groans at the feeling of your walls tightening around his dick, squeezing out the last drops of his seed.

Out of breath, Osamu drops into the cooling bed sheets beside you, putting one of his arms over his forehead while the other pulls you closer to his chest.

As you gently lay your head on his sweaty chest you can hear the fast rhythm of his heart beating right next to your ear.

Feeling his fingers caress your sides gently, you manage to sneak a glance at him, seeing his grin and red cheeks from your mind-blowing sex was setting your heart on fire.

 that was
. amazin’.” He manages to breathe out.

You giggle at his words, moving to rest your chin on his chest to stare into your lover’s eyes.

The ravenette moves his arm from his forehead to the back of his head, making his biceps flex but he still keeps his other arm around you, pulling you even closer to him, that you’re almost resting on top of him.

Osamu gazes back at you with those star-struck eyes almost not believing that you are here with him, right now, in his bed and in his arms.

Smiling softly at you, he gives out a small blissful sigh, his hand moving from your back to your hair, carding his fingers through your slightly wet hair.

“Something on my face?” You ask him with a small smirk on your face.

“Nah. Just yer beauty making mah heart go crazy an’ I feel like I won the jackpot .” He winks at you.

Scoffing at his flirting, you begin to move off of him to clean yourself up.

Osamu senses you want to leave and tightens both of his arms around you, basically trapping you as he pulls you almost underneath him.

With his strong arms wrapped around you, you squeak in shock like a little mouse.

"Samu, I am gross! Let me go, so I can wash up!” You manage to speak out from underneath him.

“I don’t think so baby, spend a lil’ more time with me, pwease.” He turns you around and gives you puppy dog eyes.

Loosening his grip on you, your arms find the back of his head and you pull him towards you in a hurried kiss but still passionate kiss.

Immediately following your actions, the owner of Onigiri Miya gives his all in the kiss, making it messier and hungrier the longer you make out.

Pushing at his chest so he’s now underneath you, you both break the kiss while a string of saliva connects you both.

Looking into his dilated pupils and his panting breathing rhythm, he seems to be thinking the same as you.

You climb on top of him, sitting on his sweaty stomach as you grind down on him.

Feeling his soft cock hardening again at your movements, you begin to slightly scratch over his chest and stomach, his breath hitches in his throat as your nails leave red marks on his skin.

His hot and moist skin on his stomach is making it easy for you to glide forward and re-catch his lips with your own.

Osamu is still trying to control his panting but he can’t calm down fast enough when he feels your lips on his again.

Moaning against your lips you pull back in a haste and his hardening cock in your hand to guide to your entrance again.

“It’s like I said, we have all night.” You tell him in a seductive tone and as soon as he is inside of you again, Osamu breathes out with a blissful sigh and a grin rests on his face at your statement, ready for round two.

~ The next morning ~

Osamu is in dreamland right now, when a constant annoying vibration on his nightstand rips him out of his bliss.

His eyes slowly blink open, feeling that he is pressed against something or rather someone with very soft skin. His head is placed against your neck and one of his arms is wrapped lazily around your waist.

Groaning in soreness, he untangles himself from your naked warm body to reach for his phone on his nightstand.

When he sees his brother‘s name flash on his phone, he automatically is irked. Nonetheless, he answers.

Before Osamu can even say anything, Atsumu already starts yelling at him.

“Osamu! Why the hell‘s ya shop closed?! It’s SUNDAY! Yer the only one open on Sundays! I am starvin‘! An‘ yer lousy sign about ‘personal matters’ that ya apparently need ta attend to, is bullshit! What kin‘ of personal fuckin‘ matters do ya need ta attend to huh?!“

“Calm yer scrawny ass down. I ain’t feelin‘ well today so I am stayin‘ home.“ Osamu explains to him in his morning voice while pinching his nose in annoyance.

Silence on the other side.

“Well do ya at least have food at ya place?“ Atsumu asks.

Osamu can’t believe how this man, his freaking twin, can live by himself.

“Yeah but-“ the younger twin gets interrupted again.

“Good I‘ll be over in 5.“ The Setter says and hangs up.

Baffled, Osamu looks at his phone for a second before realizing what his brother just said.

Untangling himself completely from you, he manages not to wake you up.

As soon as Osamu gets up from his bed, he immediately pulls on boxers and his sweats he hastily grabbed from his closet and almost runs towards his front door.

Before he can reach it though, his door unlocks with a click and his sandy-haired twin walks in with his spare key.

Atsumu’s look finds his brother‘s and doesn’t even greet him as he begins to walk straight to Osamu‘s fridge.

The ravenette follows the blonde and is beyond pissed off, he only has given Atsumu his spare key for emergencies.

Being lazy and not wanting to cook for oneself does certainly not count as an emergency.

“Can‘tcha just get one of yer teammates ta bring ya somethin‘ over? Also, I gave ya a key for emergencies only, ya can‘t just bust in whenever ya feel like it“ , ironically the younger brother scolds the older one.

Speaking with his mouth full of orange chicken and rice, Atsumu answers, little grains of rice accidentally falling out, as he talks.

“Meh yannow yer food tchastes besht. Alsho.” Atsumu swallows a bit before continuing.

Osamu doesn't like that mischievous smile, it irks him even more.

“Yer have a lil’ hickey on the side of yer neck. Along with some scratch marks on yer chest and-“ Atsumu pauses before squinting his eyes to take a better look.

“That a fuckin’ bite mark?!” Atsumu exclaims loudly before laughing out loud.

“Tsumu, shut. Up!” Osamu shushes him with a snapping undertone, almost begging him to be quiet so Atsumu’s loud laugh doesn’t wake you up.

But Atsumu doesn’t care about the angry look his brother is giving him, he goes on laughing, almost with tears in his eyes.

“I can’t believe it! Yer got laid! Shit! Bout damn time! So, who was the lucky lady lil’ bro?” Wiggling his eyebrows up and down, Atsumu impatiently waits for an answer.

“It’s none of yer damn business. And stop eating my food!“ Osamu spits at him and slams the fridge door closed.

“Jeez someone’s tired and grouchy dis mornin‘.“

Rubbing his hands over his face, Osamu is still trying to wake up, and having his twin brother uninvited over at his place, isn’t exactly a great way to start the day.

Before he can answer though, you step into the kitchen, only wearing one of Osamu’s shirts and your panties.

His shirt is a little bit too big on you, almost reaching the middle of your thighs. Osamu’s eyes widen and Atsumu’s jaw almost drops on the floor at the sight of you.

Shyly you look between them before your gaze remains on Osamu.

“I-I am sorry for interrupting, but I heard a lot of loud noises coming from the kitchen and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay Samu.”

Osamu stares lovingly at you with a smile, before walking over, wrapping his strong arms around your waist to pull you towards his well-defined chest.

“I am alright. Thank you for checkin’ on me. Sorry if I woke ya up.” He quietly apologizes to you.

Atsumu coughs a little bit, as he, unfortunately, can feel the sexual tension in the room. Neither you nor Osamu care though.

But the Setter swears he’s never seen his brother in a state like this. It almost looks like his twin is under a love spell, completely enchanted by your looks and charms.

He is happy for him though, almost admitting that he is jealous that his brother scored such a hot girl. Of course, he would never admit this out loud.

“I am going to take a shower. See you in a bit.“ You untangle yourself from his embrace and stand on your tiptoes, to give him a quick peck on the lips. Osamu tries to chase your lips with his but you gently push him away with a teasing smile on your face.

“Later.“ You wink at him, already on your way to his bathroom, making him smirk in excitement.

Both of their eyes follow you, and you hear one last interaction between them before you close the bathroom door.

“Didya at least use protection?” Atsumu asks.

“GET. OUT!” You hear Osamu yell, before the sound of an aggressive door slam echoes in the apartment.

Tooth-rotting extra scene <3

It’s 20:47 and the team of Onigiri Miya is finishing up the clean-up of dinner tonight.

Osamu is counting the money by the register, while Kanao wipes off the tables with a kitchen towel and Tanjiro is mopping up the kitchen.

The sound of the door chime disturbs the comfortable silence. Kanao looks up from cleaning the table and gives you a friendly smile as you walk into your husband’s restaurant.

“Sorry we’re closing up right now, please come back tomorrow.”

You hear the tired voice of your husband and locate him at the register. Osamu is writing something down on a notepad while still keeping his face down, not noticing you have entered.

You try to hide your smile as you bite down on your lip and slowly make your way toward him.

“Hmm that’s too bad, I was hoping to get some order of love and kisses from my handsome husband that I haven’t seen all day.”

At the sound of your angelic voice, the ravenette’s head rapidly shoots up and a wide smile breaks out on his face.

Osamu puts down the notepad and walks around the counter to be able to greet you by giving you a gentle hug and a quick peck.

“Not that I’m complainin’ but whaddya doin’ here? I thought ya went back home after yer appointment.” The tall chef asks you while arching up a brow.

You lean back a little bit from his hug but remain in his arms.

Giving him a shy smile, you reply.

“I just missed you so much, being alone all day is so depressing and I miss your cooking at home. Making food for myself is kind of boring and lonely. And maybe I also miss the warmth of your love and body that I like to feel by my side.”

Osamu chuckles a bit at your words and takes a loose strand of your hair between his fingers before placing it back behind your ear.

“I miss ya too baby. And ‘m sorry for bein‘ so busy lately, I promise to spend more time with ya and the little one.” He tells you with an apologetic look on his face.

Placing a hand on his chest you let your finger follow the outline of his well-defined chest, almost drooling since your hormones are through the roof ever since you found out you’re pregnant.

Noticing your seductive look and touch, Osamu places his hands on your hips and it almost sounds like a purr when he says this.

“I can tell someone has not only been craving my love and warmth.”

Tanjiro walks out of the kitchen and grabs his coat from the hanger to pull it on.

Also noticing you are here, Tanjiro gazes with a soft smile at the couple.

The romantic moment is ruined, just when you are about to kiss, Kanao decides to open her loud mouth by breaking up the sexual tension between you two, getting slightly uncomfortable with the PDA of her boss and his wife.

“Hey boss, since it’s thanks to us you’re married to the most gorgeous woman in the world, have you ever considered giving us a raise?”

Tanjiro’s head snaps to his friend and silently snaps at her ‘‘Do you have a death wish?!’’

Osamu’s lovestruck face is replaced with an angry look and it sends shivers down Tanjiro's and Kanao’s spines.

“Don’t push it.”

You let out a small giggle and pull his shirt towards you, so you can give him a big kiss on his soft lips.

Osamu is startled by your roughness but melts into the kiss.

As he is about to deepen it more, you let go of his shirt and push a hand on his chest to push him off of you a little bit.

The lovesick twin gives you a soft smile and places his hand on the small bulge of your stomach. Gently caressing it, he glances down.

Your smile matches his own, putting one of your hands over his, to rest against your stomach.

Remembering the surprise you have for him you turn a little bit to reach for your bag. Osamu looks at you a bit confused but lets you reach into your bag.

Feeling the ultrasound pictures in your fingers while rummaging through your bag, you pull it out and hand it to him.

You can see tears forming in his steel gray eyes and Osamu breathes out a hearty laugh.

Taking in his reaction makes you tear up as well, you unfold the ultrasound picture, letting pop up three more photos attached to the first.

You point to the second picture, “This is baby A-”, your finger sliding down to the next, - “This is baby B” and finally tapping to the last - “and this is baby C”.

Confused, Osamu looks between you and the pictures a couple of times before realization hits him.

He wraps you into his strong arms and hugs you tightly against his chest while burying his face against your neck.

“(Y/N), thank you thank you thank you!” Joyfully, he presses tiny kisses all over your face, muffles ‘I love you's grazing over your cheeks, forehead, and lips.

You giggle at his antics, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering around like crazy.

Osamu presses his forehead against yours and gently holds your face in his rough hands.

Gray, love-struck eyes stare into your own and you can’t imagine a better life.

You have a husband that loves you to the moon and back. And soon, you’re going to be parents of three little Miyas that you are going to welcome into this world in just 6 months.

@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @lyditheoverthinker

Tags :
1 year ago

"I love you too much“ - Shinsuke Kita x Reader

A/N: Based on the song „I love you too much“ from the movie „The Book Of Life“. Give this song a listen to, it’s beautiful. Enjoy ❀

Warnings: none

„I love you too much

To live without you loving me back“

Shinsuke Kita is just a Fueneku Middle School student when he first met you. He saw you in his classroom for the first time, he swears everything around him moved in slow motion, eyes entirely focused on your beauty.

As the years went by, now a High School student of Inarizaki, Kita saw you grow into an even more beautiful person, personality and appearance speaking. The way you show kindness to other people, the exciting way your eyes gleam up when you see either dogs or cats on the streets. There’s only problem. Your heart belongs to someone else’s that is not Kita‘s.

It’s Aran‘s.

„I live for your touch

I whisper your name night after night“

After the loss against Karasuno in the Spring Tournament, Kita lays in his bed awake at night, unable to sleep. Not necessarily because of the loss, but because the way you hugged him to comfort the team after their loss.

It was only for a few seconds but the way your soft body felt against his, was Kita‘s dream come true. He didn’t want to overstep any boundaries by hugging you back right in front of his teammate, who is also your boyfriend.

It’s like your scent still lingers in his memories. The scent of vanilla mixed rose petals.

Kita sighs deeply.

"Why can’t you be mine (Y/N)?“

„Heaven knows your name I've been praying

To have you come here by my side“

It’s a cold winter morning on New Year’s, when Kita walks up to the shrine for New Year prayers. With small steps, he enters the temple and presses his hands together.

'Please give me the chance and courage to show (Y/N) how I feel about her.’

As the Outside Hitter is about to turn around, he sees Aran walking in as well, with an extremely tired look on his face.

Aran greets Kita with a friendly smile and Kita asks his teammate about the dark circles under his eyes.

Heaving a deep sigh, Aran sends his prayer as well, before answering Kita.

“(Y/N) and I have been fighting a lot lately. I think our relationship is breaking apart and I am hoping the Gods will have mercy on me to fix our relationship.”

Hearing those words makes Kita’s stomach twist with jealousy.

Kita can’t help but hope that the Gods overhear his prayer over Aran’s.

„Without you a part of me is missing

Just to make you my own, I will fight“

It’s been years since Kita last saw you, now being the age of 24 and having his own rice farm, there is not a day that Kita doesn’t think about you. When he was on his way to deliver his rice to Onigiri Miya, he wonders if you and Aran stayed together and what you are doing now as an adult. Carrying the rice bags inside to help Osamu, the bell of the front entrance door chimes, making both men stop what they are doing to see who has entered this early.

Osamu smiles slightly when he spots you.

"Ya here early today, we don‘ open 'til 11, ya know that.“

You chuckle a bit in reply.

"I know, I know. But you said yesterday that the new rice delivery comes in the next day, which is today obviously and I wanted to help you but I can see you already have someone doing that for you.” You smile brightly at Kita.

That smile of yours is going to be the death of him.

"I am gonna go change, be right back.” You say while disappearing around the corner.

Osamu sees the blush on his former captain’s face, teasing him.

"She’s a beauty eh?”

"She’s always been beautiful.” Kita states in a quiet voice but Osamu still hears him.

"They broke up yannow? Aran and (Y/N). Too focused on volleyball and she didn’t wanna do that back-and-forth anymore.” Osamu places a heavy bag of rice into the cabinet before rubbing the sweat off with his forearm.

Kita’s wide eyes find Osamu’s gray eyes and the ravenette says one more sentence before Kita gets back into his truck to drive back.

"If ya come over more, 'm sure she would give ya a chance. Heard 'er say that she’s looking for somethin’ serious again to her friend on the phone the other night.” Osamu gives a wink into Kita’s direction and Kita makes it his goal to win your heart and show you his love that hasn’t faltered since Middle School.

„There's love above love and it's yours cause I love you

There's love above love and it's ours if you love me

As much“

Many years later, Kita sits on a wooden bench on his patio in front of his home. The gentle breeze of the wind flows through his black-whiteish hair, the sunset painting the sky with the most beautiful orange, red and pink colors that reflect on some of the clouds.

His fields blooming high, soon to be ready for harvesting.

All of sudden, he feels a pair of arms sneaking around his neck, a chin gently propped on top of his head.

He raises a hand and entangles his ring-adorned finger with yours.

"Whatcha doin?”

"I am thanking the Gods every day to have you by my side. I truly have been blessed with your kindness and your heart that you gave me to protect, care and cherish for.”

Giggling softly at your fiancé’s romantic words, you squish your cheek against the top of his head, tightening your grip around him a little bit more.

Kita moves his head so he can stare into your eyes with a lovesick smile.

"I love you so much (Y/N).”

Pressing a gentle kiss against his lips, you whisper against them.

"I love you too Shinsuke, more than life itself.”

@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality @darthferbert @lyditheoverthinker

Tags :
4 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 1

Title: the predicament

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 2.2k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers



“...and that’s about it for training. I might even teach you how to make some of the recipes one day, but for now, you’ll be in charge of register. I’ll be right over there if you got any questions.”

Today was your first day working at Onigiri Miya. After spending countless hours looking for a way to earn some money, you finally scored a part time job in this quaint onigiri establishment. You originally wanted to avoid working at a food joint due to their notorious obnoxious customers, but you didn’t really have much of a choice if you wanted to be able to pay for next month’s rent. As a student, you’re pretty limited on time as well, so it was nice that the work hours matched up with your schedule. Despite your initial hesitance, you lucked out in having such a kind boss.

“Glad to have you here, (Surname)-san.” Miya Osamu gave you a soft smile that almost made you swoon right then and there. Luckily, he was too busy wiping down his work area to catch you staring. 

Yup, you definitely lucked out in having such a handsome boss as well.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the bell above the entrance ring, signaling the arrival of a customer. Putting on your best smile, you straighten your posture and fix up your black work hat.

“Welcome to Onigiri Miya!”

“Hey, hey, hey! Akaashi! This place is pretty nice!”

Two men walked into the shop casually and looked around with interest. The one who had spoken adorned a black and grey hoodie that matched the color of his hair, while the bespectacled figure wore a white button down to match his professional aura. Quite the duo as your first customers.

“Bokuto-san, try to keep your voice down indoors. We wouldn’t want to disturb other customers.”

Although the two were unfamiliar to you, Osamu seemed to recognize them almost immediately. “Oh, hey guys. What brings you here today?”

Akaashi adjusted his glasses and responded first. “I heard Onigiri Miya was deemed as the best onigiri restaurant of the year in Japan, so I wanted to come see for myself.”

“Tsum-Tsum said that you make the best Onigiri in the world, so I really wanted to try it out too!” Bokuto sported a wide smile while gesturing his arms for emphasis like a young child.

You just watched the three make some small talk, slightly surprised by how your boss was so familiar with the new customers. You haven’t become fully acquainted yet, so it was interesting to see the type of people he befriended. 

It wasn’t until you briefly heard Osamu say your name, did you snap out of your little trance. “(Surname)-san can help you with your orders today.”

Placing a smile on your face, you set your eyes on Bokuto and Akaashi. “What can I get for you today?”

“I’ll have a Miso Onigiri,” Akaashi ordered after briefly eyeing the menu. His friend, however, seemed to have some trouble choosing.

“Um...hmm...mmm.” Bokuto stared at the menu for a few minutes with furrowed brows. One of his hands traced each menu option rapidly while the other hand rubbed his own head in contemplation. “There’s so many flavors! How do I choose?!”

You blinked a couple times at his exaggerated reaction, but quickly made the effort to help him by using what you remember from training. “Well, I can recommend you something. Are you in the mood for meat?”

The owlish male stared at you with sparkling eyes. “I’m always in the mood for meat!”

“If you order the Nikumaki Onigiri* special today you can receive two gyoza* on the side for no extra charge.” You pointed to the small chalkboard sign that stood next to the counter with the mentioned special that was written out by Osamu before the shop opened for the day. 

“Then, I’ll order Nikumaki Onigiri because meat is the best!” Bokuto declared wholeheartedly.

Relieved that he was finally able to make a decision, you didn’t really think about the consequence of your next question. “Pork or Beef?”


You sweatdropped at Bokuto as he once again frowned at his predicament. Osamu just quietly snickered behind you, fully aware of Bokuto’s indecisive tendencies when it came to food. Thankfully, Akaashi was getting a bit impatient himself. “Beef. He’ll take beef. And, I’ll just pay for both.”

“Alrighty! Your total will be 300 yen.” You grab the money from Akaashi and pass him the receipt. “Miya-san will take care of your order soon.”

“Thanks, (Surname)-chan!” Bokuto yelled out.

The two didn’t go far and decided to just sit at the counter space right next to the register as they waited for their food. 

Only the four of you occupied the shop at the moment and so far there haven’t been any phone orders since the day was still young. You consider yourself pretty lucky since you aren’t overwhelmed with customers on your first day. You didn’t really have much to do aside from standing in front of the register and daydreaming, so your ears automatically pick up on the conversation next to you.

“How have you been, Bokuto-san? I heard your team has been doing well this season,” Akaashi began.

Bokuto gave off the brightest smile he could manage at the mention of his favorite sport. “Yeah! We’ve been practicing every day and playing some practice games with other teams. We’re actually starting tryouts next month to scout some new players on the team!”

“Oh? I thought your team had a pretty solid roster this year?”

“My teammates are definitely strong, but after we lost to the Adlers in the last tournament, Coach thought it would be interesting to add some new faces to catch everyone off guard.”

Akaashi nodded his head in understanding. “I do think the element of surprise is very effective in volleyball.”

“It’s gonna be like a fun, surprise birthday party! We’re gonna be up against a strong team but then...BOOM! SURPRISE! They’ll never know what hit them!”

“I suppose so.”

“But, I guess it wouldn’t be as exciting since it’s no one’s birthday
” Although Bokuto no longer transitioned into his depressed phase like he did in high school, he still had moments where he’d randomly fall into a melancholic mood. “And, there wouldn’t be a big party either

Akaashi, already sensing the first signs of Bokuto’s altered mood, quickly thought up a solution. He held a certain glint in his eyes as he focused on his former teammate. “Anything can be exciting for everyone if volleyball is involved, Bokuto-san.”

Bokuto’s head perked up at the mention of volleyball once again, and you could’ve sworn that his hair spiked up along with his brightened expression. “You’re right, Akaashi! Man, volleyball is really great!”

At this time, Osamu finally finished putting together the two onigiris and set the plates down on the counter, putting an end to the silly conversation. There were wisps of steam coming off of the freshly cooked meat with a heavenly scent that would make anyone’s mouth water. You can definitely make out a thin line of drool threatening to fall down on Bokuto’s chin at the sight in front of him.

“A Miso Onigiri for Akaashi-san, and a Nikumaki Onigiri with a side of gyoza for Bo-san!”

The two guys thanked Osamu for the meal and each took a bite of the savory food. Their satisfied expressions were all it took for Osamu to laugh with a triumphant smile. Even you were affected by the positive reaction.

Before taking another bite, Akaashi looked as if he remembered something and turned to Bokuto. “I almost forgot. You said you wanted to ask me about something you were having trouble with?”

“Oh, yeah! I don’t really know how taxes work!” Bokuto nonchalantly replied with a chunk of meat hanging from his lips. 

“Bokuto-san,” Akaashi paused, “have you not been paying your taxes?”

The volleyball player took another large bite out of his onigiri and stared at his friend while chewing. “Was I supposed to?”


There was a brief moment of silence, the only noise coming from the appliances in the shop. Not knowing what to do, you just stood still and tried your best not to make your shock obvious. You never thought you’d become a witness to a tax evasion confession, but there seems to be a first for everything. There was a small part of you that also wanted to laugh, but you didn’t think it would be appropriate with the fact that you didn’t know the two men sitting in front of you very well. Although, you think you might’ve heard a soft snicker come from your boss, but maybe it was your imagination.

“Has anyone contacted you recently about finances? Perhaps a bank or, um, the police?”

“Hmm...Not that I know of!” Bokuto scratches his head in thought. “But then again, I might’ve missed some calls during practices. I don’t answer unknown numbers either ever since Omi-kun told me about the scary people that try to take my money!”

With his half-eaten onigiri resting between his fingers, Akaashi’s distressed eyes make contact with yours. You two just stared at one another for a couple seconds, while Bokuto casually finished the last of his onigiri, moving onto the gyoza eagerly.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this, (Surname)-san.” You’d be lying if you said you felt nothing when Akaashi asked with such a pleading tone while trying to maintain his stoic face.

Lips are sealed. Ears are plugged. Mind is clear.

“I didn’t hear a thing, Akaashi-san.”

“Thank you.”

Not wanting to waste any food, Akaashi took the time to consume the last of his meal, albeit with a bit of a stressed aura, before getting up from his seat. Bokuto had finished all of his food as well and just followed suit.

“We should get going, Bokuto-san. It’s going to take a bit of time to help you with your um...predicament.”

Bokuto, still unaware of his situation at hand, turns to smile at you and Osamu. “Thanks for the great food! It was definitely as good as Tsum-Tsum said it would be! Next time I visit, I’ll bring the team!”

Akaashi bowed while Bokuto energetically waved before the two took a step outside and slid the door closed. You could still hear the boisterous volleyball player mentioning how excited he is to spend time with his close friend to do taxes for the day.

You and Osamu share a look before bursting out in laughter together. If this is how your shifts are gonna be all the time, maybe working at a restaurant isn’t so bad after all.


“So, what’d you think of your first day?”

It was now late into the evening and you and Osamu were getting ready to head home soon. Osamu was wiping down his work area, while you were sweeping the floors. Your first day went well, and you surprisingly only made a few mistakes when taking calls. Out of all your first days from previous part time jobs, this one went the smoothest.

“I think it went well! I’ve never worked in an onigiri restaurant, but all your customers seemed pretty respectful,” you responded as you set aside the broom. 

Just as you were about to head to the back room to put away your apron, your stomach let out a distinct grumble. Heat rose onto your cheeks because you’re sure that the handsome man near you most definitely heard it.

Osamu let out an amused laugh. “You hungry?”

“Maybe a little?” You put on a sheepish smile, silently cursing your body for betraying you like that.

“How about you get your things and I’ll whip you up something to take home?” Your boss smirked.

“I thought we used up all the ingredients for today? I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way for me.” You ask even though you secretly are dying to actually try one of his godly onigiris.

Osamu just shrugs his shoulders. “I set aside some things for my brother, but I’m sure he can go a day with takeout.”

You get the feeling that he won’t let you leave until you take his offer, so you just agree and head to the back room to gather your things and stop by the bathroom. You eventually make your way back to the counter area and see that Osamu already has a small bag filled with an onigiri and a sweet tea drink. He sports a lax grin as you walk towards him and hands you the bag gently.

“One Minced Tuna and Spring Onion Onigiri.”

Your face stretched into a wide smile, already looking forward to having a taste of Osamu’s recipe. “That sounds delicious!”

“It’s my brother’s favorite. Hope you’re not allergic to fish.”

You shake your head fervently. “No way. I’d be so upset if I couldn’t eat something that smelled as good as this! Your brother has good taste.”

“I guess. He’s still got some loose screws though. Definitely knows how to irritate me to no end.” The man in front of you slouches and lets out a tired sigh.

“Well, I suppose I’ll have to meet him someday to find out.” Now, you were getting a little curious about Osamu’s brother. “I’d like to meet the guy that knows how to make my composed boss look like he’s ready to murder.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


Nikumaki Onigiri = basically rice wrapped around meat

Gyoza = dumplings, potstickers, whatever you wanna call them

A/N: super excited to share this series with y’all! I’ve never shared my writing on tumblr so we’ll see how this goes oof. I was originally going to post this later in the week, but it’s the twins’ birthday today, so I had to do it!

Tags :
4 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 2

Title: the duplicate

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 3.1k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: I know the twins (or anyone from Hyogo for that matter) have a very specific accent, but I have a bit of trouble translating that into my writing, so I hope you guys can still use and hear that accent when you read their dialogue!



It’s been a little over a week since you’ve started working at Onigiri Miya, and thankfully, things have been going well. There have only been a handful of problematic customers, but you were able to handle them quite efficiently, much to Osamu’s satisfaction. You’ve even been able to get acquainted with your boss much more since it’s only the two of you working long shifts together. You can definitely say that things have been working out really well at your job.

Today is another typical day for you as you walk towards the entrance of the shop, ready to start another day of work. You had actually left your apartment a lot earlier than usual, so you were a bit surprised to see that the door was already unlocked since Osamu usually arrives on the dot. You’re a little concerned that you might’ve jumbled up your alarm this morning and was actually late, but your phone displayed the right time. Not wanting to prolong your anxiety, you slide open the door and meet an unexpected sight. 

Sitting at the counter is a man who looks like a carbon copy of your boss but with blonde hair. He’s sporting a mustard-colored tracksuit and is carrying a confident aura.


The stranger looks up and makes eye contact with you. There’s a brief air of silence before he breaks out into a wide grin. “Oh! Hey, new girl!” 

Not knowing how to respond, you just lift your hand awkwardly. “Um...hi?”

“I heard from a friend of mine that ‘Samu hired a new worker.” The blonde runs a hand through his hair. “Didn’t think you’d be such a cutie though.”

Before you even had time to react, your boss walked out of the storage room with a bag of rice on top of his shoulder. “‘Sumu, you got rice all over your chin.”

Miya Atsumu flushes red from embarrassment and proceeds to grab a napkin to clean his face. Now that you’re paying more attention to your surroundings, you notice that there’s an empty plate on top of the counter and you can assume that Osamu gave him food prior to your arrival.

“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that this is your brother.” You shrug off your jacket as you walk further into the building and address Osamu casually.

“What gave it away? The nose or the ears?” Osamu jokingly teases as he shoves the bag of rice off his shoulders to one of the lower shelves. 

“You never told me you had a twin,” you respond with an equally playful tone.

“Never asked.”

You briefly glance to check the clock on the wall. “You’re here pretty early. Did I miss something?”

Your boss shook his head as he straightened up. He then pointed towards his brother who was just watching you two converse with intrigued eyes. “Nah. He’s here to eat something before practice and wouldn’t stop nagging me to make him something, which is why I’m here earlier than I should be, sleep deprived and all.”

“Sounds like you had a rough morning,” you laughed.

“Um, hello? I’m still here,” Atsumu interjected with a slightly sassy tone. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name, and your boss kept telling me to figure it out myself.”

You take a mental note at how petty your boss could be with his brother and stifle a laugh. “It’s (Surname) (Name).”

The corners of Atsumu’s mouth lifted upward. “Glad I could finally put a name to your face, (Name)-chan.”

Okay, you were definitely not used to someone calling you by your first name in such a casual manner, so you couldn’t stop yourself from getting a bit flustered. This did not go unnoticed by both twins, their eyes taking in the pink tint on your cheeks.

Not wanting to expose yourself any more than you already have, you look away and head towards the back room. “I’m just gonna go get ready really quick!”

Once you’ve put your things down and secured the apron around your waist, you walked back to the main room. The brothers have occupied themselves with other things in the meantime. Atsumu is scrolling through his phone with a bored expression, while Osamu is prepping the display case to get ready to open soon. You figured you should stay productive too and make your way to the fridge. You peek inside through the glass door and notice that there’s a shortage in beverages. 


You’re at a loss of words when both brothers set their gazes on you once again.

“Atsumu’s fine by me, sweetheart.” The blonde man smirks at your conflicted expression.

“Stop flirting with my employee. And, she wasn’t talking to you, you scrub.” Osamu sighed and brushed his hands on his thighs before turning his body to face you. “What’s up?”

“I think we forgot to pick up some drinks yesterday.” You pointed towards the bare shelves in the fridge. There were a couple green teas and carbonated drinks, but it definitely wasn’t enough to last the rest of the day. The last thing you’d want to do is disappoint any of the customers.

“Ah, shoot. You’re right. I was supposed to take care of that last night.” Your boss looks up at the clock and sees that there’s still some time before you have to open. “I’ll head out and bring those in really quick. You think you can babysit this guy for a bit?”

“Hey! I’m not a little kid!”

“Yup! Leave it to me!”

“Woah, woah! Hold up now!”

Completely ignoring his brother’s protests, Osamu leaves the shop in your hands to bring in the drinks from a convenience store a couple blocks down. This left you and Atsumu in each other’s company for the time being. Not really having much to do until the drinks come in, you just position yourself in front of the register as usual, checking to see if everything is set up correctly. Atsumu seems to take this as his cue to have a one-on-one chat with you. 

“So, what’d you do to get the job? Bribe? Save a life? Cast a spell?”

You tilt your head in confusion and blink once. “Huh? What do you mean?”

Atsumu raises his arms in emphasis. “‘Samu doesn’t just let anyone work here. This place is practically his child. Protects it at all costs. It’s the reason why it’s just been him for so long even though it can get pretty busy around here”

“Oh, uh, I just applied and he accepted me.” You would be lying if you said that you weren’t surprised when you found out that he was the only other worker when you got the job.


Feeling a bit uncomfortable over how Atsumu was practically trying to analyze you and borderline interrogate you, you try to switch topics. “Seems like you know your brother pretty well.”

“Yeah, it’s kind of inevitable when we share the same face. Although, I personally think I am the more good-looking twin.”

You sweatdropped. “Well, despite the way you look, you guys are definitely different in a lot of ways.”

“For sure! Sometimes we can be complete opposites!” Atsumu nods his head in agreement.

“Does that mean you’re a bad cook?” You take this opportunity to tease the blonde, but start to regret it after you see a competitive glint in his eyes.

“No way! I’m a great man in the kitchen! Just watch! I’m gonna whip up an onigiri that’s on par with that fool!” Atsumu stands up from his stool and marches over to the other side of the counter.

“That’s probably not a good ide-”

“Relax! I got this!” Famous last words.

As soon as Atsumu was in reach of anything on the work space, all hell broke loose. As he placed some sticky rice into his hands, his elbow knocked over an entire container of sesame seeds, while his other arm ripped a couple sheets of nori* during his attempt to catch the tumbling seeds. A couple eggs fell out of a carton that Osamu had left aside due to the ruckus, painting the floors with yolk, and somehow the rice on Atsumu’s palm had ended up splattering onto his chin. 

You watched everything unfold with distressed shock. “What are you doing?! Are you trying to get me fired?!”

“I didn’t mean to do that, I swear!” The clumsy man just furrowed his brows as he frantically tried to stop anything else from going wrong. Trying your best to calm him down and avoid making more of a mess, you closed the distance between you and held onto his forearms.

“Hey, calm down, or you might trigger something else. Let’s just clean this quickly before your brother comes back or we’re both good as dead.”

That surely got Atsumu’s attention and the two of you quickly began to clean up the mess. You grabbed the nearest cleaning cloth, while he took a hold of the trash can. In just a matter of minutes, the workstation was already starting to look as neat as it was before. If it wasn’t such a ridiculous situation, you could honestly say that you and him were a pretty good team when faced with Osamu’s potential wrath. 

It wasn’t until you were finished sanitizing the counter space did you notice the pieces of rice that were stuck on Atsumu’s face. “Hey, you still have some rice on your face.”

“Again?” He tries to wipe off his face with a napkin like he did before, while he occasionally asks you if he got everything. You point out the ones he misses, but he keeps missing one rice grain on the corner of his mouth. 

Feeling a bit impatient, you lean towards Atsumu and he stiffens his movements. “Here, let me help. Hold still.”

You cup his cheek with your fingers to make sure he doesn’t move. Using your other hand, you gently remove the last rice piece, your fingers lightly brushing over his bottom lip unintentionally. Atsumu just stays completely quiet as you do wonders to his poor heart. He even unconsciously leans into your touch, but you’re too focused on the task at hand to notice.

“Got it.” You give him a triumphant smile, but falter as you notice Atsumu’s expression which held a certain softness to it with something else you can’t quite pinpoint.

Atsumu snaps out of his trance when you let go of his cheek and his entire face heats up, red crawling up to the tips of his ears. You pull away and discard the rice into the trash.


Atsumu quickly turns his back towards you and wipes a small smudge on one of the containers, willing his heart to calm down from its fast beating. You think he’s acting a bit strange, but brush it off for now.

The only thing left to clean was the sticky floor. You’re about to mop up the egg remnants when you hear a voice call for your name at the front of the restaurant. “Hey, (Surname)-san! Can you open the door? My hands are kind of full.”

You and Atsumu look at each other with wide eyes, both realizing that you haven’t finished cleaning and Osamu was right outside the door. You hunch over and Atsumu mirrors you. Cue the furious whispering.

“What do we do?!”

“What do you mean, what do we do?! We gotta scrub the floor clean until he sees it!”

“But, he’s right outside!”

“Well you better figure something out, ‘cause if I don’t open that door right now, he’s gonna get suspicious!”

With that, you straightened up and made your way to the entrance, making sure to take your time with each step. You hear quite a bit of shuffling behind you but choose to pray that everything will work out. Once you reach the door, you slide it open for Osamu to enter. He was holding three boxes of drinks, the bulging veins in his arms indicated how heavy they were. 

“You sure took your sweet time.”

You laughed nervously. “Sorry about that. I was in the back room.”

When the two of you walk back to the counter, the blonde is nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, it seems like he was able to get everything done. The floor was spotless, maybe even a little too clean.

Suddenly you hear the bathroom door slam shut and turn your head towards the sound. Atsumu is walking out with slightly wet sleeves, so you assume that he just washed his hands. 

“You’re still here?” Osamu just gives his brother a blank look as he places the drinks down next to the fridge. “Don’t you have to go to practice soon?”

The other twin just shrugs his shoulders. “Eh. Not for like another hour.”

“Then, why the hell did you make me wake up so early to make you food?” One of Osamu’s eyes started twitching.

“I was hungry.”


Ignoring his brother’s bitterness, Atsumu sat at one of the stools near you and leaned his head against his arm. “(Name)-chan, you should try my favorite onigiri flavor!”

Your eyes light up at the mention of the first onigiri your boss made you. “Oh! The Minced Tuna and Spring Onion one right?”

Atsumu looked a bit surprised. “Yeah...how’d you know?”

“Your brother let me try it about a week ago after my shift.”

“Wait,” the man in front of you paused for a moment before a realization hit him. “You’re the reason why I had to eat cereal for dinner that one time?!”

You’re a bit stunned for a moment and direct your next question to Osamu who’s not even trying to hide his smirk. “I thought you said he’d get takeout?”

“Not my fault. This idiot dropped his wallet in the toilet and couldn’t remember where he kept his credit card.” Your boss just casually crosses his arms. “Turns out I conveniently forgot my wallet at the shop that day too.”

“Yeah, you made up for that today, you scrub,” Atsumu scoffs. You just watch the petty banter between the twins, discreetly enjoying their strange way of communicating.

Their conversation was interrupted when Atsumu’s phone vibrated indicating an incoming message. He checks his phone and quietly reads its contents before abruptly standing from his position and stretching. “Well, this was nice and all, but Bo-kun is asking for some extra spiking practice, so I’m gonna head out. I’ll be back soon, (Name)-chan, so don’t miss me too much!”

As Atsumu pocketed his phone, he leaned against the counter where you stood and held out a fist. “I had fun today.”

You laughed softly with a small smile on your face and reciprocated the fist bump. “See you around, Atsumu-san.”

The blonde just waved an arm at his brother, who couldn’t care less, and left without another word. Although, Osamu did nod his head in acknowledgement.

You didn’t think you’d have to deal with so much drama before the shop even opened, but at least you got to meet the brother with good taste.


Today had been another successful day at work. There were quite a few customers and all of the onigiri sold out by closing time. You stretched your arms to relieve some of the tension from standing in the same position all day. Osamu seemed to be doing the same as he rolled his shoulders back and forth.

There was a lingering question that you’ve wanted to ask him since this morning. “Just out of curiosity, is your brother a volleyball player too?”

“Yeah. Do you remember that owl-looking guy from last week? They’re on the same team.”

“Oh, so that’s why you were pretty familiar with him.”

Osamu nodded his head. “I’m surprised the whole team hasn’t come in yet. They frequent this place since it’s convenient and has decent prices. You’ll probably meet all of them pretty soon.”

You just hummed at his words.You were ready to start sweeping and moved your arm in the direction of the broom. 

“My turn to ask, then.” Osamu stated. “What’d you guys talk about while I was gone this morning?”

You hand froze in the air. “With Atsumu-san?”

“The one and only.”

” You tried to think of something to cover up any suspicions Osamu may have, but he was already on to you.

“He did something stupid.”

You looked at your boss in the eye and sheepishly laughed. Might as well just tell him the truth. “Maybe crack some eggs and ruin some rice?”

Osamu sighed. “I figured. I did think it was a little weird when I saw the trash half full when we hadn’t even opened yet. There was also a very conveniently placed newspaper at the very top covered in yolk. Not to mention the eggs shells tangled in the mop.”

You silently cursed at Atsumu’s carelessness, but didn’t hold it against him since you both were in a rush to get everything clean. Before you had the chance to defend yourself, Osamu spoke up once again.

“Glad you told me the truth though, or I might’ve fired you.”

Panic. You are struck with panic at the mention of possibly getting fired. Your mind reels with everything that could possibly go wrong in your life if you were to lose this job, but Osamu’s amused laugh cuts off your thoughts.

“I’m just messing with you. I know how insufferable ‘Tsumu can be when he sets his mind to something.” He pats your head lightly. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on letting you go so easily.”

“Thanks, Miya-san.” You silently let out a small sigh of relief. There’s a short pause as the two of you just stand in place facing each other. Osamu looks a bit tense and turns his head away to look at the fake plant on the counter to his right.


You pause with bewilderment and look up to catch his eyes. “...what?”

He moves his arm to rub his neck and avoids your gaze. “You can call me Osamu.”

You hesitate a bit and take in Osamu’s shy attitude. “But, you’re my boss

“I wouldn’t mind if you called me by my first name. P-plus my brother shows up way more than he should, so it’ll probably get confusing,” He quickly rationalized, but his red cheeks said otherwise.

At this point, you’re both a bit flustered. In any other situation, something like this probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but this conversation seems oddly intimate.

“O-okay. Then, you can call me by my first name too, O-Osamu...san”

“Sound good, (Name)-san.”


Nori = the seaweed stuff

A/N: I know this is supposed to be a gen fic, but I couldn’t help but add in a bit of fluff when it involves the twins

Tags :
4 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 3

Title: the unexpected reunion

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word count: 5.1k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: I uhh went a little overboard with the word count this time, but im a hoe for msby so whoops. hope you enjoy!



“Good work today, (Name)-san!”

“You too, Osamu-san!”

Your boss walks up to the entrance and switches over the sign to display ‘Closed’. You let out a deep yawn as you grab the broom to start your nightly cleaning routine at Onigiri Miya.

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a month since you started working here. You can honestly say that this is probably the most enjoyable job position you’ve had in a while. You were able to learn new onigiri recipes and even started recognizing some of the regular customers that have fallen in love with Osamu’s cooking. This includes a very kind, elderly woman who always makes sure to give you a peppermint every time she stops by.

Your friendly relationship with Osamu has definitely been one of the most obvious reasons why you’ve been able to juggle everything in your life along with working for your expenses. He’s become a trustworthy and reliable person even though you’ve only known each other for a short period of time. Although it was a bit awkward calling each other by your first names in the beginning, you both got fairly comfortable addressing each other since you practically see him almost every day. 

Though he doesn’t necessarily count as a customer, Osamu’s troublemaker brother is another frequent guest at Onigiri Miya. Atsumu comes by to visit at least once a week to eat or stop by after practice. By default, that means you’ve had the pleasure to deal with his antics every week since the kitchen massacre incident. He’s even gotten into the habit of calling you ‘sweetheart’ just to get some reaction out of you. You have to admit, it’s pretty fun to watch the twins banter back and forth, especially since Osamu always makes Atsumu pay for whatever he eats (“But, I’m your brother!”/”Yeah, so you should support my business.”).

Despite the chaos that follows Miya Atsumu, you always end up striking up a decent conversation, usually revolving around volleyball and his team. He always brings up how he’ll bring over the team eventually, but it’s just been a bit busy lately since they were preparing for tryouts. He actually hasn’t come by for a couple days now for that reason.

You snap out of your thoughts when you hear Osamu’s phone ringing. Judging by the slight scowl on his face, it’s probably his brother. You just continue to sweep under the counter, assuming that the call isn’t that important.

“You’re what? Right now? Seriously?” Osamu questions with a slightly peeved tone. There’s a brief pause as the other person on the other line starts whining. Your boss just sighs in defeat. “Fine. Only this one time since it’s been a while.”

Osamu ends the call reluctantly and you’re slightly concerned at his reaction. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, ‘Tsumu just told me that he’s on his way here with some of his teammates. Apparently they’re celebrating the new player on their team but everywhere else is closed or too crowded.”

“I can’t say I’m surprised that he told you last minute,” You sympathized.

“They’re gonna be a bit rowdy, so I guess I’ll just apologize now for bringing you into this mess. You can just continue doing your own thing and not worry about them.” The man just let out another tired sigh before making his way back behind the counter area and setting up any ingredients he may need to make more food. You let out a chuckle and waved off the unnecessary apology before continuing your sweeping.

It seems like the guys really told Osamu last minute because before you knew it, the front door flew open and a group of boisterous male voices rang through the air. You were so startled that you almost dropped the broom in your hands, turning your focus away from the guys that just walked in.

“Hey, ‘Samu! We’re here to party!”

“It’s been a while!”

“Wow! This place seems really nice! Your brother's pretty cool, Atsumu-san!”

Your body froze. You were caught off guard with the last person who spoke and couldn’t help but turn around quickly to confirm your suspicions. You were faced with four males clad in the yellow tracksuits you’ve become used to seeing since it’s the only thing you’ve seen the blonde Miya twin wear. Each held onto their own gym bags, so you assume that they just got out of practice. You recognize Atsumu and Bokuto. The one wearing a mask has never visited Onigiri Miya, but you can assume he’s Sakusa Kiyoomi, or better known as ‘Omi-Omi’ since that’s the nickname you hear from Atsumu’s stories. However, what you didn’t expect was to come face to face with a familiar mop of orange hair.


Everyone’s eyes shot towards your direction at your sudden interruption, including Hinata Shoyo’s. “No way! (Name)-san?!”

You placed your broom against the wall and the two of you made a beeline towards each other. Once you were close enough, Hinata engulfed you in a big bear hug. Even though he isn’t much taller than you, his muscular build entrapped you in a warm and comforting embrace. He rocks the two of you back and forth gleefully and you can’t help but squeal from the cute gesture.

Once the two of you separate, you both face each other with curiosity completely ignorant of the other people in the room who are looking back and forth between you guys in a state of bewilderment and shock.

“I didn’t know you worked here!” Hinata exclaimed.

“I actually only started working here about a month ago!” You responded back just as excitedly. “When did you get back to Japan? How’s Pedro? I didn’t get the chance to swap contact info before I left.”

“About a week ago! I tried to settle in and fix my sleeping schedule before I went to tryouts for Black Jackals and I got on the team! And, Pedro’s doing great! I can give you his social media account if you want!”

It seems like Atsumu was the first to get tired of watching without understanding the situation, so he just decides to break the ice himself, “Now, hold on a sec. You two know each other?”

“We actually met in Brazil!” Hinata replies.


Osamu decided to join in on the questioning, albeit in a bit more of a reserved manner than his brother. “(Name)-san, why were you in Brazil?”

“I studied abroad for about 6 months lasts year,” you start to explain and then begin to ruffle Hinata’s hair. “I happened to run into Sho-kun after his bike broke down in front of the apartment I was staying at. Poor guy looked so lost, and his phone was out of battery so he couldn’t call anyone.”

The boy just laughs at your friendly gesture. “Yeah! (Name)-san helped me find the nearest repair shop and even patched up my injuries! I was really surprised to find someone else who spoke Japanese!”

“Same here. I didn’t know anyone in Brazil, so it was a bit lonely. We actually met up quite a few times to share a meal or watch a volleyball match at the beach whenever we were both free.”

The rest of the guys listened on with interest, except for maybe Sakusa who just walked over to one of the empty tables and wiped down the chair before taking a seat. Atsumu makes his way over to where you and Hinata are standing and throws an arm over the younger boy. “You guys seem pretty close if you’re on a first name basis, Shoyo-kun.”

Hinata just looked up to his fellow team member with innocent eyes. “Well, everyone called us by our first names in Brazil, so we just decided to go with it since it was getting a bit confusing for some of our friends.”

“That’s pretty cute. You guys are basically best friends already.” Atsumu just hummed in acknowledgement before turning his head towards Sakusa. “Him and I are also on a first name basis ‘cause we’re the best of friends. Ain’t that right, Omi-Omi?” 

You could hear a faint “tch” come from the masked figure. “Don’t associate me with one of your fantasies, Miya. And, I only called you by your first name that one time when your brother delivered food to the gym.”

“So cruel, Omi-Omi.” 

“Okay, guys. Take a seat! Food’s ready!” Osamu announces. “(Name)-san, you mind helping me bring some of this stuff?”

You nod your head and take some of the warm food into your hands following your boss to where all four of the guys are now seated. Similar to when you first met, Bokuto’s lips slightly glisten from the drool pooling at the sight of the tasty meal. Sakusa pulls his mask down and places it in a plastic bag so that it doesn’t get messy from the food. Once all of the food is set on the table, you and Osamu stand off to the side to give the guys some space as they eat. However, before anyone could take a bite, Atsumu stands up from his chair.

“Alright, guys! Before we start eating, we gotta remember why we’re here! Captain and the other guys were a bit busy, so they couldn’t make it tonight, but it’s important that we do this today!” The blonde pats Hinata on the head. “Welcome to MSBY Black Jackals, Shoyo-kun!”

Bokuto lets out a loud whistle. “WOO! Welcome to the team, Hinata!!”

Sakusa just nods his head at his new teammate, the usual frown he sports is now absent from his face. If you squint hard enough, there’s a miniscule curve at the corner of his mouth.

“But, that’s not all!” Atsumu remains standing as he dumps the rest of his speech on everyone in the room. He points at the two-tone haired male sitting in front of him. “Bo-kun! The bag, please!”

Bokuto snaps his fingers as if he just remembered something. The owlish man shuffles through his gym bag and produces a heavy plastic bag. You can hear the clinking of glass as he raises it higher. “I’ve got the good stuff!”

Atsumu looks ecstatic. “Can’t have a celebration without a little bit of alcohol to spice it up!”

Slightly concerned, you look up to Osamu to gauge his reaction towards the introduction of alcohol. He looks a bit uneasy, but just lets out his third sigh of the night. “Just don’t break anything, or I will make sure none of you make it out alive from this building.”

Completely ignoring the threatening tone, Atsumu and Bokuto start popping open bottles of who-knows-what. Sakusa just opts for a glass of water since he has no intentions of partaking in the silly shenanigans between the two most eccentric volleyball players. Hinata has no choice but to comply as Atsumu pours his glass to the brim. Eventually all the guys start to dig into their food as well.

With nothing else left to help them with, you and Osamu get back to cleaning the other areas. It only takes about 15-20 minutes to wipe down everything and gather the trash. You step into the back room to get everything together so that you’re prepared to leave whenever the group outside finishes their meal. You smile as you hear muffled laughter and loud conversations through the closed door. Your boss had let you know that he’ll clean up after them, but you didn’t have the heart to make him do all of that work himself. 

You step out to the main room to have an idea of where everyone’s at with their food but stop in your tracks as you witness a significantly more irritated Osamu watching the table of four with a twitching eye behind the counter. You’re about to ask what’s wrong, but you can pretty much guess what the problem might be. 

The table is littered with empty alcohol bottles and half-full glass cups. Surprisingly, there isn’t much of a mess in terms of leftover food, but it doesn’t make up the fact that there are three very drunk men hovering over the table. 

Atsumu’s upper body is entirely flushed pink from the bottom of his neck to the tips of his ears, and he’s fanning his face with the top of his shirt. Hinata practically has flowers oozing off of his figure as he sways back and forth next to the blonde, a permanent carefree smile plastered on his face next to his red cheeks. Although not as obvious as the other two, Sakusa has a glossy shine to his eyes above his own pink cheeks and hiccups occasionally in his seat, focusing his eyes on a tiny speck on the table. Not sure whether to be surprised or not, your eyes move onto Bokuto, who was completely sober. He heartedly laughs at the state of his drunk friends, enjoying every moment.

“I thought Sakusa-san wasn’t going to drink?” You ask Osamu.

Your boss just shakes his head. “‘Tsumu switched his glass when he went to the bathroom and he didn’t notice until it was too late.”

You’re not sure whether you want to pray for the blonde’s safety once Sakusa is in his right mind, or if you wanna ask Hinata to record the poor man’s fate in the hands of an angry, hungover Sakusa.

Osamu just turns around with heavy steps and makes his way to the back room, probably to do the same thing you went to the back room for a couple minutes ago. You look back to the table when you hear a chair scraping against the floor. Atsumu seems to have moved his chair right next to Sakusa because before you knew it, he was leaning against the tall spiker with his hands in the air.

“Omi-Omi! Can I borrow your sanitizer? My hands got dirty!” Wrong choice of words.

Sakusa immediately shoves his elbow backwards and it slams right into Atsumu’s chest, forcing his breath right out of him. The setter doubles over clutching his chest, while Sakusa simply pulls out his sanitizer and applies it to wherever he has come in contact with the man next to him. It seems like drunk Sakusa is a bit more violent about his way of rejecting people.

Remembering how tired your boss looked before he left the room, you felt the need to try and intervene to encourage the group to start thinking about calling it a day. As you approach, the first person to notice you was Hinata. As soon as he realizes who you are, his eyes light up as if he was a child that just received a birthday gift. 


You don’t even get the chance to make it halfway to the table when the boy jumps up from his chair and stalks over to where you are. Without warning, Hinata throws his arms over your shorter figure and smothers you with another hug. It takes all of your mental fortitude to not think about how muscular his arms feel around your shoulders or how strong his grip is on your back. He was definitely not this fit the last time you saw him.

“You’re awfully affectionate today, Sho-kun.”

“Hehe~ I’m just glad to see you, (Name)-san!” Hinata starts shuffling around a bit until his cheek is able to nuzzle with yours. You giggle at how adorable he is. 

Although you appreciate his affection, Hinata was slowly suffocating you with his tight embrace. You signal to the only other sober person in the room for help. Bokuto continues to laugh at everything going around him but complies and makes his way over to the two of you before peeling off the orange haired male from your body. Luckily, Hinata was too drunk to actually keep his grip on you and just fell into his teammate’s arms. 

“Thanks, Bokuto-san.” You’re able to stand up straight again and Bokuto gives you a thumbs up with a wide grin. He takes Hinata back to the table to sit him down and you follow suit. Osamu walked out of the back room at this time and just began tying up two large trash bags next to the sink, not even batting an eyelash in the group’s direction.

You should’ve expected it, but you were still startled when you suddenly felt a heavy arm sling across your shoulder. “So, you come here often, sweetheart?”

You blankly stare at Atsumu’s smug expression as he continues to nestle his arm comfortably around you. His flushed appearance was definitely not helping his attempt at flirting with you. “Come on, there’s no way a goddess like you could resist my divine qualities.”

“Lame.” Osamu was quick to comment on his brother’s cheesy words while walking towards the exit with the two garbage bags in his arms. He stepped outside and closed the door to keep any insects from wandering inside as he took out the trash.

You were about to swat Atsumu’s body away but noticed the deep, dark circles under his eyes and came to the conclusion that he’s probably going to pass out from exhaustion at some point anyways, so you just let him be. His attention span seems to be a lot shorter too since he suddenly let go of you and lunged forward towards Sakusa’s hand sanitizer bottle that was now sitting neatly on top of the table. 

Although he’s usually good at completely avoiding Atsumu’s attempts at stealing his things, Sakusa’s reflexes were a bit deterred due to his tipsy condition. Instead of snatching the bottle away from the blonde’s vicinity, Sakusa ended up knocking the bottle to the ground with his own hand. 

Luckily, Bokuto was able to stop Atsumu from crashing onto the table headfirst with one arm still holding onto Hinata. Afraid that Sakusa would possibly slap the setter or drag Hinata into the crossfire in a drunken stupor, he pulled Atsumu close by and slung his arm over his two drunk teammates. 

Sakusa just let out a disgruntled groan and sent a nasty glare to Atsumu. He stood up to look for the fallen bottle but misjudged where he stepped. Luck decided not to be on his side as the tall spiker placed a foot directly on top of the sanitizer bottle causing his balance to shift. The world tilted in his vision and his body began to succumb to gravity and fall...on top of you.

You tried to stop both of your bodies from losing balance by wrapping your arms around his torso, but your shorter frame was no match for Sakusa’s much bigger body. You can hear shouts of concern coming from the other three guys as the both of you crashed to the floor in a mess of limbs. The air is knocked out of you and you wince at the heavy weight laying on top of you.

During the fall, your eyes shut tight automatically to brace yourself, so it takes a moment for you to reopen them. As soon as your eyelids flutter open, your breath hitches. Sakusa’s face is mere inches from your own and he looks just as stunned as you do. You realize that his thighs are on either side of you and somehow he was able to quickly place a hand under your head to make sure it didn’t come in direct contact with the hard floor after toppling over together. Your heart is beating fast and you can only hope that Sakusa doesn’t notice.

While the two of you are stuck in a brief trance, the rest of the group is just watching in a huddled position. Even they were mostly keeping silent, perhaps anticipating whatever was going to happen next. Hinata's face held a mixture of confusion and wonder, while Atsumu’s expression held obvious annoyance. Bokuto's eyes danced with fascination as his mouth hung loose. 

All of a sudden, the front door slid open and everyone’s head snapped towards the entrance. Osamu stood on the other side wiping his hands on his jeans. 

“Alright, guys. It’s time to-” He stopped speaking once he took a good look at the scene in front of him. It was a bit difficult to figure out what was going through Osamu’s head because he just held a deadpan expression. 

Not liking the bit of tension in the air, you clear your throat. “Um...I could use a little help.”

At your pleading, Osamu steps back inside the shop and grabs Sakusa by the shoulders to slowly take him off of you so that the spiker doesn’t end up falling over again from any sudden movements. You sit up and see that Bokuto had gotten up from his seat to lend you a hand. You take it gratefully.

“I guess now would be a good time to go home,” Bokuto mentions sheepishly. “Do you guys need any help with cleaning?”

Osamu gave Sakusa a glass of water to sober him up a bit then turned to Bokuto. “Just keep an eye on these guys and (Name)-san and I will take care of everything else.”

With that, you and your boss spent the next couple of minutes clearing the area and washing all the used dishes. In the meantime, Bokuto kept an eye on all of the other guys and even called up a taxi to arrive soon. Atsumu and Hinata seemed to have fallen asleep while waiting, and Sakusa just slouched in his chair quietly grumbling about how his sanitizer is undoubtedly contaminated. 

Once everything was set, all of you grabbed your things (Osamu shouldering his snoring brother; Bokuto piggybacking a snoozing Hinata) and locked the door to Onigiri Miya. The taxi was already parked in front of the shop, so all that was left was to figure out how everyone was getting home.

“You only called for one taxi?” Osamu questioned.

“Oh yeah, Omi-kun doesn’t want to ride the taxi,” Bokuto replied as he hoisted Hinata’s body in the back seat of the taxi. “I thought we could all just squeeze into the back since most of us are on the way anyways.”

Sakusa, who is slightly more sober than before, took out a new mask from his bag. “I live a couple blocks down, so I’ll just walk.”

“Oh, actually, I live a couple blocks down too, so I was just planning on walking as well,” you respond. “You all have to go in the opposite direction, so it’ll be a hassle to drop me off.”

Osamu’s eyebrows furrow with unease. “It’s pretty late. I don’t think it’s a good idea to walk around in the dark alone at this hour. Where’s your place?”

“Ashita Complex*.”

“Seriously?!” Bokuto suddenly exclaims, startling everyone. “Omi-kun lives there too!”


“That’s great,” Osamu interrupts. “You guys can walk together.”

Bokuto’s hair flairs up along with his arms in satisfaction. “Man, I love it when everything works out and everyone’s happy!”

There seemed to be no room for objections by the germaphobe himself, so he just sighs in defeat. The rest of you just say your goodbyes and Osamu finally shoves Atsumu into the back before taking the front passenger seat himself with Bokuto offering to sit in the back with his sleeping teammates. As soon as the taxi is out of sight, you turn around to see that Sakusa had already started walking ahead.

“Hey! Wait up!” You rush to where Sakusa was and eventually match your strides with his.

The taller man doesn’t slow down his pace and just continues forward. He does, however, glance at you from the corner of his eye. “You know, if you live so close by, it would’ve been fine if they dropped you off.”

“And, leave you to walk home by yourself? No way.” You shake your head to emphasize your resolve. “You’re still slightly tipsy, so I feel more comfortable seeing you get to your apartment in one piece.”

“I’m fine.”

“You say that, but then why are you still swaying as you walk?” You point out. “I know you’re not acting like a typical intoxicated person, but your mind is still pretty cloudy, right?” 

There was no way to counter that argument because even Sakusa knew that he wasn’t exactly walking straight since he wasn’t completely sober. “Then, walk at least six feet behind me.”

You pout a bit at his pettiness. The only way to fight fire is with fire. “Yeah? But, what if you lose your balance and bump into a street light that hundreds of people have probably touched throughout the day?”

Silence. You know you’ve won this time, but you still try to be a bit respectful and stand at least an arm’s length away. 

The rest of the walk is fairly quiet, only the sounds of your footsteps echoing across the empty streets. You didn’t mind, though, since you were able to just enjoy the cool night air that refreshed your tired mind. Once you reached the apartment complex, Sakusa stepped back as you scanned your ID card and opened the door. You figured he just didn’t want to touch anything, but didn’t say anything since you were just too tired to question him.

The only elevator in the building was under maintenance, so the two of you had to take the stairs for today. 

“What floor are you?” You ask.


“Oh, you live on the floor right below me.” You were a bit surprised at how you haven’t run into him at all since you’ve lived in this apartment for a while. To be honest, it’s probably because he doesn’t go out much unless it’s for volleyball.

As the two of you step onto the 3rd floor, Sakusa starts heading for his apartment door. You didn’t really expect anything from him, so you were taken aback when Sakusa stopped in his tracks to look at you briefly.


 A small smile forms on your lips at Sakusa’s simple gesture. “Good night, Sakusa-san.”

The said man just raises a hand over his shoulder without looking back and takes out his keys with his other arm. You standby to make sure he goes in safely and hear the lock click. Satisfied, you climb the rest of the stairs to your floor and make your way to your own apartment. 

As soon as you're inside, you shove off your shoes and make a beeline for the couch. Taking in a deep breath, you eventually exhale willing your exhaustion to leave your body as well. It probably won’t do you any good to fall asleep in your uniform, so you decide to change into more comfortable clothing and prepare for bed. 

Clothed in your favorite gym shorts and oversized T-shirt, you hop into bed. Your eyelids are practically closing in on themselves as you scroll through your phone one last time. Despite your initial tiredness, your eyes shoot open when you catch a glimpse of a certain YouTube video.

“Kodzuken posted a video today!” You squeal out loud. There’s no way you can sleep without watching it now. Kodzuken was your favorite Youtuber, and you’ve never missed a single one of his videos. You even went as far as buying merchandise from his athletic wear company, hence the Bouncing Ball shorts and shirt you were currently wearing as your pajamas. 

If you ever met him in person, you honestly don’t know how you’d react. You’ve heard that he used to play volleyball in high school, so maybe with all the volleyball players you’ve been coming across, fate will find its way to you.

But, a girl could only dream.



Bright light glares through the blinds of Sakusa’s room to indicate that the sun has already risen quite a bit. A loud doorbell rings through the apartment causing Sakusa to stir. The man opens one eye and groans at the obnoxious headache that was already set to ruin his morning. His mouth is incredibly dry, and he doesn’t feel that he’s gotten nearly enough sleep last night. Sakusa was most definitely feeling the symptoms of a mild hangover.

“I’m going to kill that blonde gremlin.”

With much reluctance, the tall man drags his body to a standing position. He makes the bed as neat as possible before walking out of his room towards the front door. Sakusa makes the effort to look through the peephole to see if he could make out the person who decided to disturb him from the comforts of his bed but is confused when he can’t see anyone outside. 

Normally, he would just walk away and assume it’s just someone who rang the wrong doorbell (it’s happened multiple times before), but there’s a nagging feeling at the back of his brain to just open the door. Sakusa clicked the lock loose and opened the door wide enough for him to peek outside. A slight shuffling noise startled him and when he looked down he saw a plastic bag hooked onto the door handle. 

A little skeptical, Sakusa grabs two disposable gloves from the box he placed next to the entrance of his home and slides them onto his hands. He has no idea where this bag has been, so he’s not taking any chances in coming in contact with potential germs.

Shutting his door closed with his leg, Sakusa makes his way over to his kitchen countertop and places the bag on top of it. He considers just throwing it out, but notices a pink slip of paper at the top of the contents inside. Curiously, he pulls it out and realizes that it’s a written note. He doesn’t recognize the handwriting, but skims through to find any hints of the sender, and surely enough, he sees your name printed in the second sentence.

Hey, Sakusa-san! It’s (Surname) (Name). I’m on my way to work, so I thought I’d just drop this off really quick. You drank quite a bit, so I made you some soup to counter the hangover. Don’t worry! I thoroughly washed my hands and put on gloves before making it! Feel free to throw it out if it makes you uncomfortable. I also put in an extra sanitizer since I know you were upset about the one yesterday. Have a nice day at practice!

Sakusa just stares blankly at the piece of paper for a couple seconds before putting it down and analyzing the contents in the plastic bag. Just like you said, there’s a large blue thermos and a travel-size sanitizer bottle that looks almost identical to the one he dropped yesterday just in a different color. If he were to be completely honest, he probably has the same bottle somewhere in his cleaning supply shelf, but you can never have too many sanitizers. As he took out both items, his nose caught the familiar scent of disinfectant. You must’ve wiped down everything before placing it in the bag.

The stoic man stares at the thermos and sanitizer in silence. After a couple more moments, he simply turns towards his stove and starts heating up the soup.


Ashita Complex: I made it up :D (If you’re curious, ashita means ‘tomorrow’ in Japanese)

***Please do not succumb to peer pressure when drinking, folks! Drink safe!

A/N: the #1 Cockblock Award goes to...Miya Osamu, everyone! Hehe, just kidding~ I also added a ‘Leftovers’ part to this chapter as sort of an ‘extra’ or an ‘omake’! I don’t know how often I’ll add these, but I really wanted to write this one, so I hope you enjoyed it too!

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4 years ago

new chapter at 12 pm est!

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4 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 4

Title: the celebrity and his con man

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 3.6k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: LETS GOOOOO (hope yall enjoy)



“(Name)-san, you mind passing me the sesame seeds over there? And, on the way back, pass on this order to that customer at the last seat over there.” Osamu held out the finished onigiri on one hand while gesturing an open hand with the other.

You grab the sesame seed container with haste and take the onigiri from your boss. “Got it! You also have another order of one Pickled Plum onigiri, less salted!”

Osamu gives you a thumbs up before getting back to work immediately, and you hand over the order to the awaiting customer. 

You’ve had your fair share of lunch rushes, but today has been busier than usual. You and Osamu haven’t had a single break since the shop opened for the day, at least one customer arriving every time one leaves. Suddenly, the phone rings and you go ahead and answer it. “Hello, this is Onigiri Miya! How can I help you?”

You hear the front entrance open, but since you were busy jotting down the phone order, you didn’t get the chance to glance at the two people who just arrived.

“Why couldn’t Fukunaga just cook some food?” a monotone voice drawled.

“Kenma, the man sprained his wrist and you still expect him to cook for all of us?” Kuroo combed a hand through his signature bedhead and began to gesture at himself as his friend pouted. “Look, I even came straight from work in my suit to accompany you so you wouldn’t have to carry everything alone.”

The two men walked up to the register just as you ended the call. You quickly passed on the note with the written down order to your boss and tucked your hair behind your ear to get it out of your face. You finally got the chance to direct your full attention on the people in line. 

“Hello! What can I-...!!!” You didn’t get to finish your sentence once you realized who was ordering. Kodzuken, the Youtuber you practically spent the majority of your free time watching, was standing less than 3 feet in front of you in the flesh.

“Um...is there something wrong?” Kenma asks slightly confused at your frozen expression. Your mind was a jumbled mess as you attempted to say something coherent, failing in the end.

“N-no! Uh...you...I just...um
,” you stutter.

Before you could make a bigger fool of yourself, Kuroo leans forward with a smug grin. “Hm? Kenma, it seems like you got yourself a fan~”


You and Kenma just simply stare at one another for a moment not really knowing what to do in this situation. All of a sudden you hear someone clear their throat rather loudly behind the two people in front of you. While you were distracted, you didn’t notice that another customer had entered the shop and was waiting in line. This snaps you out of your daze. “O-oh! Right. Sorry about that. What can I get for you guys?”

“There’s actually quite a bit of food to order, so I’ll list it out slowly.” Kuroo pulls out his phone and opens up a note file. “Two Tamago onigiri, one Miso, three spicy cucumber

As Kuroo continues to relay the order, you frequently hear someone scoffing or clicking their teeth in irritation from behind him and Kenma. You try not to pay attention and focus on the large order being made. Kuroo eventually gets to the end of the list and you let him know the total cost.

“What’s the name for the order?”


You type in the name into the register and give him the printed out receipt. “Alright, Kuroo-san. Just letting you know, because it’s a large order, it might take some time.”

“That’s fine. We don’t mind waiting a bit.”

Kuroo and Kenma walk off to the side to let the person behind them order next. A displeased looking man treads forward with a bit of a demeaning posture and a cup of coffee held out in his right hand. He’s adorned in a suit that’s much too tight for his form and has a toupe two shades darker than his natural hair color poorly placed on top of his head.

Before you could even greet him, the man flails out his left arm in exasperation. “Finally! I don’t have time to wait for children.”

You try your best to keep your face from contorting into a glare. Not wanting to prolong his presence inside the shop, you choose to ignore his rude comment.

“Hello, sir. What can I get for you?” You ask.

The man takes a brief glance at the menu. “Make me an Unagi onigiri.”

“Alright. That’ll be-”

“And, make my order before theirs.” He points at Kuroo and Kenma who look up from their phones and seem just as shocked as you are. So, he was going to be one of those customers. You think you see Kenma shifting around a bit from the corner of your eye, but you’re too appalled by the person in front of you to really pay any mind.

“Excuse me?” You’re in a bit of disbelief at the words coming out of this man’s mouth.

He raises one of his unkempt eyebrows and sneers. “You’re really going to make me repeat myself? I said to make mine before theirs. They ordered way too much.”

“I apologize, but I can’t do that for you,” you reply with your teeth slightly clenched in frustration. “There are also a few customers before you who are still waiting for their meals as well.”

“Listen.” He lets out an unpleasant huff and eyes you down with a condescending stare. “I’m on a tight schedule. I think I should have priority. I’m a businessman, so my time is important.”

You shake your head, the fake smile on your lips feeling heavier by the second. “Like I said, sir. I can’t do that for you.”

“Are you kidding me?!” The businessman shouts. You flinch at the sudden outburst. “I waited for those children to finish their order and you can’t even make my order first?”

By now, everyone in the shop is watching the scene between the register girl and the entitled businessman. Osamu looks just about ready to intervene and go off on the customer, but you signal him to stay where he was under the counter. He reluctantly stays back, but makes sure to keep an eye on you.

“Sir, you’ll have to wait for your order like everyone else or find another place to eat.” Your tone is firm despite your exhaustion as you answer back. The man did not seem to like your response very much.

“How dare you!”

Everything happened so fast. The male lifts his right arm that’s in possession of the cup of coffee, obviously getting ready to hurl it directly at you. Your feet are glued to the ground in panic, so you fling your arms over your head instinctively. Your boss practically leaps towards your direction and encases your body with his own to protect you. You hear a splashing noise, but your vision is too obstructed by Osamu’s broad shoulders to witness what just happened. There’s no coffee on you, so you immediately assume that Osamu took the impact. 

“Osamu-san! Are you-” You cut yourself off as you grab onto Osamu’s completely dry uniform. He seems to be just as perplexed as you are, but forms a slightly amused expression when he turns his head. Confused, you look over his shoulder to follow his line of sight and your eyes automatically widen at the view in front of you.

Standing in a puddle of his own lukewarm beverage, the rude man is frozen in disbelief. His wet hair is flat against his forehead and the tight suit is drenched in coffee. The man still held his coffee cup in the air, but what really brings the whole scene together is the tight grip on the man’s right arm by none other than Kuroo himself. He had twisted the man’s arm just enough to have the liquid fall directly downward.

“Whoops~ I just tried to save the nice girl, but I guess I overshot it.” Kuroo’s lips create a mischievous smile. “I wouldn’t recommend going to work with coffee all over your suit and your wig. Although, your boss might, uh, loosen up that tight schedule of yours for you if you do.”

The man comes to his senses and aggressively shoves Kuroo’s grip away. “You ungrateful brats! I’m going to call the police!”

You furrow your eyebrows, not liking the idea of the police getting involved in such a trivial thing. 

Luckily, Kuroo seems to have something up his sleeve. “You can try. But then I guess there wouldn’t be an excuse to not turn you in for harassment and attempted assault. My friend here got everything on camera.”

Sure enough, when you direct your gaze onto the quieter one of the two friends, he has his phone in his hands in a recording position. He must’ve started recording as soon as the whole situation began. The rude customer turns beet red with anger and embarrassment. He must’ve realized that he ultimately lost because he swiftly stomps to the exit and slams the door shut, grumbling insults under his breath. Some of the other customers start clapping with satisfaction, while Kuroo and Kenma fist bump each other.

You let out a sigh of relief, but then you remember that Osamu was still holding onto you. Your boss must’ve been caught up with everything that happened too since he still had a fairly tight grip on you. Despite the warm feeling that was tingling your insides, you lightly tap his elbow and look up at him with a soft smile. “Hey, I think the coast is clear now.”

Looking you directly in the eyes, a light blush forms on his cheeks and he quickly lets you go even taking a few steps back to give you some space. He starts rubbing the back of his neck shyly. “Right. You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks for such a heroic gesture,” you laugh and Osamu’s face flushes a bit more. You then turn your attention to Kuroo and Kenma with a grateful smile. “Thanks guys. I don’t know if I could’ve held it in any longer if he actually threw his drink on me.”

Kuroo returns your smile and leans against the counter nonchalantly. “No problem. That was really uncalled for.”

Kenma silently nods his head in acknowledgement before directing his gaze to the floor. “Kuroo, the floor is wet.”

The taller man sheepishly turns to you after realizing how much of a mess he actually made with the spilled coffee. “Ah, I’ll clean that up.”

Kuroo attempted to wipe the floor with some small napkins displayed on one of the tables, but there was a surprisingly substantial amount of coffee that was still spread across the floor. You tell him that you’ll just wipe the floor with the mop and to dispose of the used napkins. He tries to apologize again, but you brush it off since it’s really not that big of a deal. You direct him to the bathroom and prepare your cleaning supplies. During this time a group of girls start whispering to each other at the corner of the room, stealing glances at Kenma. Everything that happened seems to have brought some unwanted attention to the gamer.

“Hey, isn’t he that super famous Youtuber?”

“Yeah, that has to be him! We should go and get a picture with him. I bet everyone else would be so jealous.”

“I heard he’s loaded with cash too. Maybe if we play our cards right, he’ll buy us a drink or even a new purse.”

As you mop the floor, you hear the clicking of heels coming closer to where you are. Curiously, you turn your head and see three young females encircle Kenma. You would even say they have pretty faces if their expressions weren’t so predatory. He looks extremely uneasy over the close proximity and sudden attention from the strangers. They all speak one after the other without giving the poor guy any room to reject.

“Hey, you’re really popular, right? I’ve seen you on Youtube and you have millions of subscribers!”

“Do you wanna hang out with us? There’s a bar down the street that has really strong drinks. They’re kind of pricey, but I’m sure you’ll be able to afford it.”

“That sounds like a great idea, no? Come on, you could have some fun with the three of us.”

At this time, Kuroo walks out of the bathroom and immediately notices his friend’s obvious discomfort. He shakes his head in dismay and starts making his way towards the gamer to play the savior role again. This time, however, you seem to be one step ahead of him. One of the girls reaches out to try and grab onto Kenma’s upper arm, and you feel something in you snap. Before she could come in contact with Kenma, you thrust the back of your mop right into her side earning an ear-piercing yelp.


As you turn around to face the group, you make sure to add a little swing to your arms and the bottom of the soaked mop splatters onto another girl’s heels.

“EW! What the hell?!”

“Oh! Sorry about that!” You apologize half-heartedly and tilt your head innocently. You’re proud to say that you were even able to hold your best counterfeit customer service smile as you continued. “You see, the shop is pretty small so you probably shouldn’t hang around in the middle of it. I think there’s a pretty big thrift shop down the block if you wanna kill time. You could also probably buy a replacement purse for the fake one you’re holding now.”

The girls don’t seem as adamant as the previous ill-mannered customer, so they just speedily strut outside with lowered heads and annoyed frowns. Still feeling a bit petty, you make sure to wave a hand sarcastically. “Don’t get your extensions stuck on the door on your way out!”

You feel a pair of eyes trained onto your form, so you make the effort to turn around. Kenma is just quietly fixated on you. You shift a bit at the awkward moment before breaking the silence. “Ah, sorry Kod-...uh...Kozume-san. You just looked a bit uncomfortable with those girls and I was still a bit upset by the man from before.”

There’s a small quirk to the corner of his lips. “Thanks. And, just Kenma is fine.”

Your body tenses a bit at the Youtuber’s words. “B-but

It was at this time Kuroo decided to make his presence known. He was slightly bent over with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. “That’s right~ You mentioned that you watch his videos. How long have you been a fan?”

“Um...about 2 years?” You scratch your cheek shyly as you remember all the lonely nights in your apartment when you binged on Kodzuken’s streams while munching on five different brands of cookies. “The videos got me through some rough patches in college.”

“That’s just about the time he even started making videos. You must be a pretty loyal fan then.“ Kuroo hums in thought. His eyes shift between you and his friend before ultimately landing on his male figure. “Kenma, why don’t you take a picture with her?”

Both of your hands shoot up at the suggestion and start waving them in dismissal. “N-n-no! That’s okay! I don’t want to make him more uncomfortable!”

“Aw, come on! No guy would mind taking a picture with a pretty and sensible girl like yourself. You’re definitely more pleasant than those fakes from before.” Kuroo takes this time to rest his elbow on your shoulder and draw a bit closer to you while still facing Kenma. Your nose catches the subtle musky cologne from the tall man and can’t help but appreciate the attractive scent despite your current predicament. 

The two of you continue to go back and forth for a bit, neither of you backing down with your stubbornness. Kenma just watches in amusement for another minute or two before deciding to finally say something. “I don’t mind.”

You and Kuroo both pause when you hear Kenma’s voice. Once you actually comprehend what Kenma had just said, it takes all of your energy to try and calm your excited heart. Kuroo grins triumphantly and claps his hands together. “Then, that’s that!

After pulling out his own phone from his pocket, Kuroo signals you and Kenma to get closer until your shoulders are touching. You manage to calm your heart to a certain extent and pose with a small peace sign. Kuroo takes a couple of pictures and even changes the camera to selfie mode with all three of you for one of them. 

“Hey, what’s your number? I’ll send the pictures to you.” Kuroo passes you his phone and you type your contact information in. When you return his phone, he sends the images right away and you feel vibrations in your pocket. When you pull it out the check, you can’t help but smile. You tap one of the pictures to see the full screen and surprisingly you look a lot calmer than you had felt at the time. You and Kenma were both holding up a peace sign with happy expressions. You were beaming while Kenma sported a small, but genuine smile. The picture was perfect. You were definitely changing this picture to your lock screen soon.

“Order’s ready for Kuroo-san!”

You let out a silent gasp when you remember that you’re still in the middle of working after hearing your boss. You make the effort to get rid of all the cleaning supplies before rushing back to your spot on the register. “Sorry, boss!”

Osamu’s pretty chill about the whole situation and you’re once again thanking the universe for gifting you with such a kind boss. As you’re passing the food to Kenma and Kuroo in multiple plastic bags, the latter looks into one of them and gives Osamu a bewildered look. There was an extra bag of side dishes and drinks. “We didn’t pay for these.”

“Take it as a thanks for helping out and saving my little coworker.” Your boss just smiles and you just pout at Osamu’s teasing.

“Are you sure? It’s more like we drove away some of your customers.”

“No worries. I’d rather run a small business with decent customers than have to deal with people like them for a couple extra points on reputation,” Osamu reassured. “But, if you’re still concerned, I guess I wouldn’t mind an autograph to put up in the shop. Only if Kozume-san is alright with that, of course.”

To say the least, Kodzuken’s autograph was framed and displayed on the wall next to the windows by the end of the day. Kenma had even posted a picture of him and his high school friends from Nekoma eating the food on social media while tagging Onigiri Miya. This would surely bring in a lot more customers to the shop in the future.

Despite the busy work day and the mishaps in between with impolite customers, you had a great experience. You never thought you’d ever get to stand next to the only Youtuber you’ve ever really wanted to interact with in person, let alone get a nice picture with him. The world was really on your side when you got accepted into this job.


“Didn’t know you were such an avid video game fan,” Osamu points out as you’re both wiping down the counter and putting away ingredients. It was closing time, so the both of you were on cleaning duty.

“I actually don’t play as much. I mostly just enjoy watching other people play since I don’t really have a lot of free time,” you reply back.

“Oh yeah?” Osamu playfully flicks a stray sesame seed in your direction. “You sure you didn’t just fall head over heels for Kozume-san?”

Your cheeks become warm. “W-what? Stop teasing me! It’s not like that!” 

Your boss laughs at your flustered state. Feeling satisfied with your reaction, he changes the subject. “You know, him and Kuroo-san played volleyball in high school the same time I did.”

This piqued your interest. “Did you guys play any matches against each other?”

“Nah. I saw them around, but we never got the chance to play against each other. To be honest, my team was a bit more focused on facing the schools that had the top spikers in the nation.”

At the mention of talented spikers, something clicks in your memory. “Oh! I think there was someone in one of my classes that mentioned something about being on a volleyball team with a top ranked spiker. He said he’s an alumni from...Sarato...Shirata

“Shiratorizawa?” Osamu corrects.

You confirm with a nod. “Yeah! That was it!”

“Ah, Shiratorizawa...That team had some pretty interesting players and there was always some kind of commotion wherever they went. If I remember correctly, they had a guy that kind of looked like Benkei*.”

“That’s an interesting comparison.” You snort at this comment. 

“If you ever saw him, you’d agree.” Osamu tied up the last trash bag and hefted it up onto his shoulder. You go ahead and wipe down the now empty trash can.

Placing the washcloth in the laundry pile, you start heading towards the back room to get ready to leave. “Well, point him out if he ever visits the shop, or any one of them for that matter. All of the people you’ve ever mentioned from your high school days seem to be entertaining.”

Osamu chuckled. “You have no idea.”


Benkei: a japanese warrior from the past; also a reference to Haikyuu season 3 hehe

A/N: kuroo and kenma were done so well this past week’s episode and UGH KENMA. actually UGH NEKOMA. This chapter actually took me a fat minute to plan, so i hope it’s not too obvious that i lost some sleep over this (but dont worry i had fun hehe)

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4 years ago

ch 4 is updated! Heads up for those that missed the update from earlier today!

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Masterlist

Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

Disclaimer: this story contains major manga spoilers, so if you don’t wanna be spoiled, kindly yeet yourself away before i make you sad (cause then i will be sad)


Ch 1: the predicament

Ch 2: the duplicate

Ch 3: the unexpected reunion

Ch 4: the celebrity and his con man

Ch 5: the graduation celebration

Ch 6: (TBA since it’s highkey a spoiler for the customers) (Coming soon

and more to come!

Tags :
4 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 5

Title: the graduation celebration

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 5.9k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: IM BACK. this literally took me a whole month to write and i hope there aren’t too many mistakes. if there are mistakes, feel free to point them out to me! other than that, hope you enjoy!



Your back was aching from standing at the register for such a long time, so you decided to take a seat on one of the two chairs set up behind the counter for times like this. There was only a little over an hour left before closing, and there weren’t any customers at the moment, so taking a quick break wouldn’t hurt. It seems like Osamu was thinking the same thing as he plopped himself next to you languidly.

Your boss rests an arm on the back of your chair. “You tired?” 

“A little bit, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” you reply back with a sigh. “How about you?”

Osamu takes off his cap and runs a hand through his hair before placing it back on his head. “Nah, I’m good. Just feeling a bit dazed. It’s been a pretty slow week, so I guess I’m just lacking some energy boost.”

“Yeah, I guess. We haven’t had any interesting customers come in for a while, huh.” You think back to the time when you had to babysit a certain volleyball team and when you interacted with a specific gamer during work. “Although, I can’t really tell whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

Your conversation was interrupted when you both heard the entrance slide open indicating the arrival of a customer. Or, rather, customers. A group of young men walked into the shop while also engaged in their own chatter. 

“We meet up after such a long time and you decide to come here?” A man with light brown, uneven bangs shoved his hands into his coat while sporting a blank expression. “Although, I can’t really say I’m surprised, Goshiki.”

The one addressed as Goshiki scowled in slight frustration. “I don’t trust any of the other options you all pitched in! I didn’t want to eat spicy ramen from the convenience store when we haven’t met up all together like this in so long! I won rock paper scissors too so it’s my choice, Shirabu-san!”

Another man with a crimson-tinted buzzcut chipped in with a lighthearted tone, “Are you sure you didn’t want to just come here ‘cause you heard about the cute register girl?”

“N-no! That’s not true, Tendou-san!” (yes)

“You’re so easy to read, Tsutomu! Isn’t that right, Wakatoshi-kun?”

Broad shoulders on a tall figure turned towards the redhead. “I suppose it is easy to understand Goshiki as if I were reading the gardening section of the newspaper.”

The fourth person of the group had a guitar strapped to his back with an...interesting outfit that you would not normally see someone wear voluntarily. “You guys sure haven’t changed at all. I can’t really say I expected to come here either.”

The last two people to enter the shop chuckled as they listened to their peers. One had a spiky undercut and slanted eyebrows, while the other had large, defined lips and tan skin. The latter spoke up, “Well, it’s not too bad, Semi. Plus, we’re here to celebrate Shirabu’s graduation and acceptance into medical school.”

You and Osamu are now standing behind the counter but the group of seven had yet to notice you both. You do a double take when you glance at the one who just spoke. Covering your mouth with one hand, you whisper to your boss, “Okay. I see what you meant by Benkei.”

Osamu just quietly chuckles.

It didn’t take long for one specific person to direct his attention at you as he walked to the counter. “Ah, (Surname)-san. How have you been?” 

At the sudden greeting, the rest of the group ceased their conversation.

You just gave the familiar face a small smile. “I’ve been doing well, Shirabu-san.”


You’re a bit taken aback by the loud exclamation by Goshiki, so you just stare at him with wide eyes. A couple people burst out laughing, mainly Tendou, Yamagata, and Semi. The poor boy’s entire body flushes red as he tries to get the guys to stop laughing. Shirabu just lets out a sigh and turns his attention back to you. It seems like the other two who weren’t part of the boisterous bunch also turned their focus to where you were.

“Sorry about that. I told you I would visit soon, but I didn’t expect to come with my former teammates,” Shirabu apologized.

“No, that’s okay. If that’s the case, then these guys must be the Shiratorizawa alumni you mentioned before.” You shook your head in understanding. You turned towards the others. “Nice to meet you guys. I’m (Surname) (Name), Shirabu’s college classmate.”

“Hellooo~ (Name)-chan!” Tendou joyfully greeted after listening in on the conversation. Goshiki was now hidden behind Ushijima’s large stature to avoid any awkward encounters. Yamagata and Semi rejoined since they were also curious as to how you knew their former setter. After some brief introductions, you had learned all of their names before going into detail of your relationship with Shirabu.

“(Surname)-san and I went to the same university and had a couple classes together since our majors were similar. We were both fairly diligent in our studies, so we often grouped up to do assignments.”

“Oh? What did you major in, (Surname)-san?” Ohira asks.

“I majored in Anatomy and Physiology. I plan on going to grad school for Sports medicine.”

You hear a small gasp behind Ushijima and a quiet, subtle statement of “She’s pretty and smart!”, but you pretend like you didn’t hear anything in hopes to spare Goshiki from any more embarrassment. Osamu seems a bit intrigued since he’s never really heard you speak about school but stays silent off to the side.

“Have you decided on where you want to go? I know you once told me you applied to a special Sports medicine program.” Shirabu asks.

You feel a wave of negative emotions at the question but try your best to control your facial expression. “I...um...was waitlisted from the program and was rejected from all the grad schools that I applied to

Your former classmate’s eyes widened a bit in surprise and lifted his hand to his chin in thought. “I see.”

You try to brush off any unnecessary thoughts by waving your hands in front of you. “There must have been a reason for that. My resume wasn’t all that great and they probably thought I was lacking in a lot of ways.”

“Nonsense. From the couple of times we’ve worked together, I know that you’re a very well versed and competent person.” Shirabu crosses his arms and looks straight into your eyes.  “I’m sure you’ll be able to come across a good opportunity with your capabilities.”

You were quite touched by Shirabu’s firm words and he’s managed to slightly lift up the corners of your lips despite the heavy weight in your heart. He’s fairly blunt and doesn’t like to sugarcoat words, so you know his words are genuine.

“Oh? How romantic~” Tendou commented. Shirabu just glares at the tall redhead and remains silent.

A sudden low rumble echoes into the air from Semi’s stomach. “Oh, sorry guys. I’ve been composing all day, so I haven’t gotten around to eating yet.”

“We should order now,” Ushijima advises. The rest nod their heads in agreement. As the Shiratorizawa crew puts in their orders, Osamu sets up his workstation to accommodate. The entire order came out to be quite a lot since most of the guys were heavy eaters and some ordered additional side dishes.

“Will this be all in one order or is everyone paying separately?” You ask.

Shirabu opens his mouth to answer but is interrupted by Tendou. “Since we’re here for a celebration, we can’t let the man of the hour pay for anything!”

“Are you suggesting that we split the cost of Shirabu’s meal or have one person pay for it?” Yamagata looked up thoughtfully. 

Tendou raised a finger into the air and wiggled it in denial. “Just one person will pay for all of the food!”

“It’s fine, Tendou-san. Onigiris do not cost that mu-”

“Nuh uh~ That’s not an option!”

“Alright. Then, how would we determine who pays?” Semi looked a bit weary at the suggestion.

Tendou clapped his hands together. “We’ll play some games to determine who the ultimate loser is! The winners from each round will be exempt from the next one! There will be three games in total. Whoever loses every single game and remains as the last person will be the one to pay for all of us!”

“Seems simple enough,” Yamagata comments. The other guys nod their heads in agreement. 

“This is a great idea!” Goshiki in particular seems fired up. “I will defeat you, Ushijima-san!”

“I look forward to your efforts, Goshiki.”

As if there was some kind of telepathic signal between the guys, everyone but Ushijima, Shirabu, and Goshiki look at one another. Sly smiles and pitiful expressions begin to form as they take a quick glance at where Goshiki and Ushijima were standing before turning back to each other in mutual understanding. It seems like the majority has come to the conclusion that one specific person will be walking home with a lighter wallet.

Shirabu, who’s already used to his former team’s antics, doesn’t even try to stop them. Once they start, it’s difficult to halt their chaos unless he wants to hear them complain about it for the next couple weeks. Although, he does make the effort to face you and Osamu. “I know they’re getting ahead of themselves, but is all this okay? I know you haven’t closed yet, so I wouldn’t want to disturb your business.”

Your boss just waves his hand to brush off the concern. “Nah, you’re good. It’s been a slow day and I was planning on closing a bit early anyways. Feel free to hang out and have fun as long as you clean up after yourselves. I’ll be preparing the food in the meantime.”

“Yeah, as long as I’m not mopping up someone’s vomit off the floor, I don’t have any problems with it either,” You reply.

With the final yes from the owner of Onigiri Miya, Tendou sports a wide grin and faces his peers. “I already have some game ideas, so all we need to do is set up everything like I ask!”

You’re just about to return to your previous seat behind the counter before the Shiratorizawa boys entered, but Tendou waved at you to get your attention. “(Name)-chan! Would you mind being the referee for the games?”

Bewilderment is evident on your face as you try to decipher the redhead’s intentions. You’re a bit cautious since the group is so unpredictable. “Oh, um, wouldn’t it be better if Shirabu-san watched over you guys? I think I prefer watching you all have fun from afar.”

“Aw~ That’s a shame.” Tendou pulls out a small box wrapped in a bright blue ribbon from the bag slung over his shoulders. “I was planning on sharing these gourmet chocolates with the person who volunteered to be a referee.”

“Huh?” There was a small glint in your eyes.

The lanky man gently pulled off the ribbon and opened the lid. Inside the box were 5 pieces of chocolate all laid out on top of a plastic mold. Each of the chocolates had intricate designs that hinted at the work of delicate hands and showed the amount of care that went into making them. The surfaces of each piece shined under the fluorescent lights and the delectable, mouthwatering aroma permeated the air. “I gifted some chocolates for our lovely graduating friend but had a couple chocolates leftover, so I made an extra box. It’s too bad that it’ll go to waste since no one will claim them.”


You stay frozen for a moment as you eye the exquisite sweets in front of you. “...What do you need me to do?”

Tendou lets out a small shout of happiness at your response, and you took one of the chocolates out of the box. You plopped it into your mouth and immediately tasted a burst of flavor. A soft, content sigh leaves your lips as you savor the dessert. There was a soft chuckle next to you and you assumed it was Osamu but decided that you were just going to savor the moment.  After gushing over two more pieces, you decide to save the rest for later and make your way around the counter to where the rest were waiting. 

Tendou briefs you on some of the games and you can’t help but sweatdrop at what he has planned. As you look to the side, you see Shirabu sitting on his own since he’s the only one exempt from participating in the competition. The other guys just seem to be waiting for Tendou to fill them in as well.

Goshiki notices your presence and starts to make his way over to you. “(Surname)-san! W-what are you doing over here?”

“Tendou-san asked me to be a referee for your games, so I’ll be watching over all of you from here,” you reply nonchalantly.


Tendou snickers beside you and places his hands on the younger boy’s shoulder. “Now, now! Let’s get ready for the game, Tsutomu!”

Since all you really had to do was monitor and keep track of the losers of each game, you take a seat next to Shirabu who just has a bored expression on his face and acknowledges you with a short nod. Tendou has now gathered everyone else into one big group and begins to gesture his arms wildly. “The first game is called ‘Pass the Napkin’! There will be two teams of three people, and it’ll be a competition to see which team passes more napkins in one minute.”

The guys just looked at one another with contemplative faces. This game seemed simple enough...or so they thought.

“There’s one special rule!” Tendou’s eyes glinted under the lights. “You can only pass the napkin with your mouths! No hands! No other body parts!”

Many faces grew pale at the “special” rule. Yamagata brings a hand up to his forehead regretfully. “I knew this wouldn’t be easy.”

Ignoring his former teammate’s exasperation, Tendou continues his explanation. “Each team will have two baskets: one full of napkins and one that is empty so that you can place the ones you’ve successfully passed. Team A is gonna be Wakatoshi-kun, Tsutomu, and Reon! The other two including me will be on Team B! Perfect even teams with 6 people!”

Ohira takes a brief moment to think. “Now that you mention it, Kawanishi isn't here.”

“He said he had a date, so he couldn’t make it today,” Semi answers. Although, Kawanishi’s absence seems to be in his favor at the moment.

“Let’s get started!” Tendou passes you his phone with the timer app opened as all of the teams make their way towards their respective napkin baskets. “Please count us off, (Name)-chan!”

All of the guys are staring at you as they wait for your signal, and you let out an inaudible sigh. “3...2...1...Start!”

Ohira and Tendou, who are the first people in their respective teams, begin inhaling a napkin with their mouths. The game has begun.

In Team B, Semi looks mildly uncomfortable, but Tendou spares no time and immediately passes the napkin to the former’s mouth. The redhead doesn’t even give Semi any time to comprehend anything as he goes for another napkin swiftly. As Semi turns to the last person in the group, Yamagata just shrugs his shoulders and takes the napkin quickly before blowing it away into the other basket. The three seem to realize that passing the napkins in rapid succession shortens the time of contact between each other and increase their pace with each napkin.

Team A doesn’t seem to be going as smoothly. Goshiki is the middleman and hesitantly receives each napkin from Ohira with flushed cheeks that only seem to be getting darker as time passes. There is an evident pause every time the youngest team member needs to pass the napkin to Ushijima. For some reason, Goshiki also seems to make frequent eye contact with you as he’s passing the napkin to the older pro athlete before quickly averting his eyes with an even deeper blush. As a result, Goshiki drops the napkins several times.

“S-s-sorry, Ushijima-san! I’ll get the next one!”

Both teams continue transferring napkins from one basket to another for a couple more seconds. Glancing at the timer, you see that there are about 10 seconds left. You open your mouth to start counting down the remaining seconds but a sharp, horrified gasp stops you. As you direct your attention towards the source of the noise, Goshiki’s posture is tense and he’s making a strange face at the opposing team. Shifting your gaze to his line of sight, you understand what had caused the poor boy to be in such a state of shock.

A lone napkin flutters onto the floor as silence creeps through the air. Yamagata is leaning forward in Semi’s direction while the latter has his hands anchored onto his teammate’s shoulders. Their lips are connected with nothing to separate the physical contact, but both males are too shocked to make any motion. Mortified expressions from Yamagata and Semi tell you that this predicament was not intentional.


Tendou’s sudden disturbance seems to break everyone out of the trance. The timer goes off at this moment as well and a cacophony of noises fill the room. Semi and Yamagata jump away from each other aggressively. The grey-haired male sprints to the bathroom to scrub down his mouth as Yamagata vigorously rubs a handful of napkins onto his lips. Tendou begins to cackle rather loudly while Ohira just lets out an amused chuckle. Goshiki becomes a sputtering mess, red spreading across his whole body. Ushijima blinks absentmindedly.

You watch the chaos unfold and notice Shirabu closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose in disappointment. It takes a minute for everyone to get their bearings and Semi returns from the bathroom bashfully. He glances at Yamagata briefly. “That never happened?”

“That never happened,” Yamagata firmly agrees.

Tendou seems to have calmed down a bit because, before you know it, he already has both napkin baskets in his arms, one obviously more full than the other. “Team B is the winner!”

Ushijima is the only one to start clapping while everyone else just sweatdrops at the redhead. Tendou puts away the baskets and turns towards the group once again. “All of Team A will be moving onto the next game since they lost! Team B is exempt from paying!”

You watch as the lanky man saunters over to the counter and Osamu hands him a tray with three small rice balls. You make eye contact with your boss and he just gives you a smirk.

Tendou proceeds to explain the next game. “For the next round, there is one rice ball filled with delicious seasoned meat while the other two are filled with wasabi! The three participants must pick one of the rice balls to eat. Whoever chooses the tasty rice ball will be exempt from paying and the other two people will move on to the final game! (Name)-chan will pick a random name from this conveniently premade bag of names to see who will choose a rice ball first! Everyone will eat the rice balls at the same time though for fun!”

Yamagata gestures you to put your hand inside of a small black bag filled with what you assumed were the three names from the losing team written down on pieces of paper. You reach in and grab one of the papers and take it out of the bag before reading out the name. “Ohira Reon.”

Ohira makes his way over to where the tray was and picks up the rice ball in the middle without hesitation. He seemed pretty confident in his decision, but you didn’t really get the chance to question it as Tendou grabs your attention once again. “Please pick the next name!”

You turn back to Yamagata and reach out to grab another name out of the bag. Your hand stops right as your fingers graze the hem. You blink once and realize that the bag looked a bit different from before; it now seemed to be a more navy blue color. Wasn’t the bag black before?

Noticing your reluctance, Yamagata shoves the rest of your hand into the bag and gives you a suspicious yet pleading look. You inwardly sigh and proceed to pick out a name. “Ushijima Wakatoshi.”

The tall volleyball player chooses the rice ball to the far left leaving Goshiki to take the last one left without a choice. Tendou placed the tray down with a satisfied smile. “Now that everyone has a rice ball, it’s time to eat!”

Ushijima, Goshiki, and Ohira all consumed their rice balls in one bite. There were only chewing noises as everyone waited for any reactions. All of a sudden, Goshiki doubled over and threw a hand over his mouth.

You panicked. “Woah! I wasn’t joking about the vomit! You better not throw up on this floor!”

Terrified by your warning, Goshiki immediately ran towards the nearest trash can and practically stuck half of his head into it. Although he was able to control himself enough to avoid regurgitating everything in his stomach, he desperately spit out the entire rice ball with wasabi and tried his best to get rid of as much residue as he could.

You turned your attention back to the other two people who had eaten a rice ball, curious to see the other victim. Ohira wiped his hands on his pants with a content smile as he continued to savor his delicious snack. Ushijima, on the other hand, stood in his usual stoic stance.

“That was quite spicy.”

It truly is a wonder how someone could remain so composed in situations like this.

“The losers are Wakatoshi-kun and Tsutomu! Get ready for the last game to see who will pay for all of the food!” Tendou exclaims excitedly, completely ignoring the younger boy that’s now leaning over the counter in despair. “The final round is called ‘Find the Volleyball’! The two players will both be blindfolded and they will need to search for the volleyball that we will hide in this room. Whoever finds the volleyball first wins the game and the ultimate loser will be the one to pay for everything!”

Tendou takes out two sports towels and a volleyball from Ushijima’s duffel bag. He passes the towels to Ushijima and Goshiki so that they could begin blindfolding themselves. The others are just lounging around and waiting for the next game to begin. You notice that Ushijima is having some trouble keeping the towel over his eyes as he tries to tie it behind his head. Without thinking too much, you walk over to where he’s standing. “Ushijima-san, do you want some help?”

“Ah, yes. I’m having some trouble keeping this in place. Do you mind holding the towel over my eyes?”

“Yeah, sure!” For a moment, you take in his tall stature and smile sheepishly. “But, you might have to bend down a bit for me. You’re quite tall.”

Ushijima complies to your request and slightly bends his back as he places the towel over his eyes once again. You bring up your hands to his face and your fingers gently brush against his as you replace his hands with your own over the towel. The blindfold starts to fall a bit so your hold on the male’s face reflexively tightens a bit, your hands practically cupping Ushijima’s face. You start to lean forward to get a good look at the blindfold to make sure there are no gaps, not realizing how close you truly were to the volleyball player.

On the other side of the room, Goshiki’s eyes widen at the suggestive position you and Ushijima are standing in. He was just about to wear his own blindfold, but was struck by a great idea. “(Surname)-san, can you-”

“Tsutomu! You look like you need some help!” Tendou swiped the towel from Goshiki’s hands and immediately covered his eyes forcefully. “I can help you!”

Goshiki gasped in discomfort. “Ah! Tendou-san, you almost poked my eyes!”

Ushijima was finally able to successfully tie the towel around his head and you took this as your cue to pull away. He straightened his back and nodded his head in your direction. “Thank you, (Surname)-san.”

“No problem,” you reply with a grin.

Since both males were properly blindfolded, the game was ready to commence. However, instead of hiding the volleyball, Semi held onto it. You were a bit confused since you remember that the rule was to find the hidden volleyball, but at this point, you don’t even want to question these guys anymore. Tendou stood off to the side and projected his voice loud and clear, “The game starts

Semi immediately passed the ball to Ohira and some of the guys who weren’t participating began to pass the ball amongst each other silently. Ushijima and Goshiki both reach out their arms in front of them cautiously to protect themselves from running into things. Although, their efforts were in vain as Goshiki stubs his foot on one of the chairs with a yelp and crouches to the ground in distress. Ushijima manages to knock over a bottle of soy sauce from the counter, but he doesn’t seem to realize what happened as he turns around and continues his search. Fortunately, the bottle didn’t shatter, but there is now a puddle of soy sauce coating the floor. You sigh as you grab a handful of napkins and make your way towards the mess. 

Goshiki seems to have changed strategies and is now crawling along the floor with one arm in front of him. He bumps into another chair and lifts his arm higher to steady himself. Suddenly, his hand came in contact with a round object that felt firm like a volleyball. “Yes! I found it!”

At his exclamation, everyone in the room shot their gaze to where Goshiki was and paled. Ushijima raised the towel obscuring his vision to see what was going on. Even Shirabu’s jaw dropped substantially. At this moment, Yamagata was in possession of the volleyball that was definitely not anywhere near the younger boy. 

In broad daylight, Goshiki’s right hand was placed on your butt. You felt every one of your nerves kicking into overdrive as soon as your body overcame the initial shock. Spinning around abruptly, you deliver somewhat of a roundhouse kick to the poor, blindfolded boy’s body and he ends up tumbling backwards dramatically. His pained groans snap you out of your exasperation and immediately kneel down to check on him. “Oh, sh-! Are you okay, Goshiki-san?”

With your help, Goshiki is able to take off his blindfold and sit upright. “W-what happened? Where’s the volleyball? Did I beat Ushijima-san?!”

“N-not exactly
” You play with strands of your hair unconsciously out of embarrassment. “Sorry about kicking you so hard.”

“But, I thought I felt the ball just now? Why does Yamagata-san have it? What else could I have been touching? And, why did you kick me? Unless
” Goshiki’s expression suddenly shifts from confusion to absolute horror as he starts to connect all the dots. He begins to shriek at the realization and he almost slams his head onto the floor in order to bow in apology. “I’M SO SORRY, (SURNAME)-SAN! IT WAS A COMPLETE ACCIDENT!”

You try to reassure Goshiki that you’re not angry at him. “I-it’s okay. I know it wasn’t on purpose!”

“Nice kick, (Surname)-san.”


“Would pay to see that again.”

As voices fill the air, that’s when you realize that you were still in a room full of other people and your cheeks flush pink once again. The rest of the guys were observing the whole interaction between the two of you in amusement. 

Tendou gave you an apologetic smile but still seemed satisfied with how this ‘competition’ went. He cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. “Alright! Congratulations to Tsutomu for winning the game!”

“Huh? I thought neither of them found the volleyball in the end,” Semi commented.

“Well, Wakatoshi-kun took off his blindfold first before anyone found the volleyball, so he automatically forfeited.” Tendou faced his best friend. “It’s for the best. You make the most money out of all of us, Wakatoshi-kun!”

Ushijima nodded his head in acceptance and proceeded to take out his wallet. “I cannot deny that.”

“WAIT A MINUTE!” Suddenly, Goshiki jumped up from his position and pointed at his peers. “WERE YOU TRYING TO MAKE USHIJIMA-SAN PAY THIS WHOLE TIME?!”

“Yup.” Four males voices all answered at once.


“‘Cause it’s fun.”

The four males continue to tease their youngest friend and you sigh for the umpteenth time today. Ushijima walks over to stand next to you and hands you the total payment for the food. “I believe this is enough to cover everyone.”

You spend a couple seconds counting the money before looking back up to the broad shouldered man beside you. “Yup, looks right to me. Thanks.”

Before you could make your way to the register, you feel a light tap on your shoulder. Turning your head, you see Ushijima’s hand inches away from where you felt the sensation and you’re surprised by what he says next. “Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?” You blink in confusion.

“You looked very uncomfortable before.”

It doesn’t take you long to realize that he’s talking about what had conspired during the last game. “Oh, yeah. I’m okay. Thank you for asking, Ushijima-san. You don’t have to worry about it too much. I wouldn’t mind if you or your other friends came by again after today either. I had a good time overall.”

“Ah. Then, I will take your word for it.” Ushijima gives you a small smile and then turns to walk back to his group of friends. The volleyball player doesn’t seem like the type of person to show much concern for other people due to his naturally stoic and aloof demeanor, but you were pleasantly surprised by his caring nature.

“Order’s ready, guys!” Osamu places multiple bags of food onto the counter. “I don’t mean to mess with your outing, but we are about to close, so you won’t be able to stay for too long.”

“No worries. I think we’ve extended our stay here long enough.” Shirabu assured your boss after being quiet for quite some time. “We’ll probably head over to Goshiki’s apartment anyways.”


Everyone ignored the boy’s outburst and started to grab all their food. As the Shiratorizawa alumni started walking out of the door the night air was filled with shouts of byes and thank yous. Shirabu turned to you one last time before following his friends. “We should keep in contact, (Surname)-san. You still have my number, right? I can also let you know if I hear about any other programs for graduate schools during my internships.”

“I do! I really appreciate it. I’ll see you again sometime, Shirabu-san!” You give him a final wave and he leaves through the exit lifting up a hand behind his shoulder in acknowledgement.

Today was definitely not what you expected from what started out as a slow, normal week.


“Still tired?” Your boss questioned you once again.

You smile as you remember him asking the same question a few hours back. “Exhausted, but strangely refreshed. Is that weird?”

“Definitely a contradiction.” He laughed at your answer. “You got yourself roped into an interesting group of people today. Didn’t know you had a sweet tooth though.”

A mild blush spread across your face as you start to stutter. “I-I normally don’t, but

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Your boss gives you a thoughtful look and subtly smirks at your reaction. 

Recovering from your flushed appearance, you gesture a hand towards a certain box on top of the counter. “Did you want to try one of the chocolates? You’ll understand once you get a taste of it.”

“Why not?”

After quickly washing your hands in the sink, you slide over the box Tendou had given you and open it on the counter space next to Osamu. Your fingers snatch up a star-shaped chocolate and casually bring it up to his mouth. The taller male doesn’t think much of your actions and allows you to feed him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. After everything that happened today, your mind can only briefly sense that your fingers made contact with your boss’ lips. Although, your heart does linger on the fact that Osamu’s lips are much softer than what you expected.

Once the chocolate is fully consumed, Osamu lets out a satisfied hum. “Those Shiratorizawa folks sure know what they’re doing despite the craziness that follows them. Actually, there’s something else I want to ask you. You said you went to the same university as Shirabu-san, right?”


“When did you graduate?”

You look up to the ceiling as you think. “Um...Maybe around a week ago?”

There’s a slight pause as Osamu takes in what you had just told him. “What?! I had no idea! Did you celebrate with your friends too?”

You shook your head. “Nah, I never really had a lot of friends since I was working so much in college and the ones that I’m close with are all overseas already.”

Osamu nodded his head in understanding. “Well, I got nothing against spending some relaxing alone time, but did you at least treat yourself with a cake or something?”

“I’m not really used to buying things for myself. It’s fine, though. I’m pretty used to pushing aside stuff like this.” You shrug your shoulders to emphasize your carefree attitude. Although, your eyes held a hint of sadness that Osamu would’ve missed if he didn’t have his full attention on you. “Plus, I didn’t even get accepted into grad school, so there’s not much to celebrate there.”

“How come it never came up in any of our conversations?”

“Oh, uh, I didn’t think anyone else cared.”

“...” Osamu stays silent and a slight somber atmosphere permeates the air. He contemplates about something for a moment before suddenly snapping his fingers. You look at him curiously and he just gives you his signature grin without telling you what he just thought of. Instead, he places a hand on your head and begins to pat it gently. “I don’t know how much it means coming from me, but you did well. I’m sure you’ve worked hard, (Name)-san.”

You felt a slight sting in your eyes and lowered your head so that your boss couldn’t see how much of an effect he had on you. “Thanks, Osamu-san.”


A/N: make way for ushiwaka everyone. and yes, osamu loves to just sit back and watch all the chaos unfold

taglist: @dinablossom​

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4 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 6

Title: the eagle, the seagull, the crow, and the Brazilians

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 5.3k (whoops)

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: this one’s a bit of a slow burn (more so than the usual hehe), but I promise it gets better near the 2nd half! There’s not much drama in this chapter, but I think y/n deserves a bit of a break ya feel? Enjoy, my dudes



Tonight is a special night because it’s ‘Create Your Own Onigiri’ night! Your boss decided to hold this small event to try something new and allow his customers to have some fun in the process. There are laminated onigiri instruction sheets on each of the tables as well as a small customized menu created for this event specifically. You helped him post a couple announcements on social media about the event a week prior to inform the public, and so far, things have been going smoothly.

Osamu is mainly in the kitchen prepping any ingredients for the customers and you’ve been standing at the register as usual. You are pleasantly surprised at how much everyone was enjoying making their own onigiris, and it seems like people of all ages were having fun.

“Welcome to Onigiri Miya!” You greet automatically with a bright smile as the front entrance slides open. A group of very physically fit men walk into the shop with large sports duffel bags slung across their shoulders. Despite the slightly intimidating aura the group gave off, one of the males walked inside with a young child hugging his arm. You scan over all of them briefly and your eyes widen as you make eye contact with Ushijima whom you just met a little over a week ago when the Shiratorizawa alumni visited.

You gave the tall volleyball player a small smile. “Hey, Ushijima-san! What brings you back so soon?”

“You assured me that I should bring my team, and we all wanted to participate in the event today,” Ushijima responded back. “My teammate, Romero-san, is not from Japan, so we wanted to find a restaurant with traditional food.”

” You didn’t expect him to actually bring his team any time soon, but you’re still amused at how seriously he took your words from before. You can assume that the only foreigner in the group is the ‘Romero-san’ that Ushijima spoke of. There are probably hundreds of other restaurants the group could’ve gone to for a more cultural experience, so you’re a little giddy that he chose to come here. “Well, it’s good to see you again! I’d be more than happy to help your team have a good time here.”

To Ushijima’s left, another tall figure stood with a resting scowl. His gaze made its way to the kitchen where Osamu was and immediately lit up in recognition. Although, there might’ve been some confusion. “Miya-san, I didn’t know you worked here. Don’t you have practice right now?”

Your boss lets out a short laugh as he looks over his shoulder to look directly at the boy who spoke to him. “Wrong twin, Kageyama-san.”


Kageyama looks down and glares at the floor mildly distressed at his mistake. There’s a part of you that wants to laugh at his reaction, so you do so internally. Suddenly, you feel someone staring at you, so your eyes shift over in that direction to a male with white hair and round eyes. His stature and overall mannerisms reminded you of a certain orange haired ball of sunshine, so you couldn’t help but stare back a bit longer than you intended. There was a sudden shift in his demeanor and his eyes narrowed at you.

“Why you staring? Is it ‘cause you’ve never seen a volleyball player my height? You’re impressed by the Hoshiumi Korai, right?” The boyish male lifted up his hands as if trying to intimidate you, but in your eyes, he seemed completely harmless.

With a sweet smile, you calmly reply back to his accusations. “Sorry about that. You just remind me of a good friend of mine. He also plays volleyball, and you’re both around the same height. I haven’t seen you play before, but I’m sure you’ve worked hard to get to where you are now regardless of your height, Hoshiumi-san.”

You know you’ve startled him with your kind and composed response when he freezes in place for a couple seconds before dropping his arms back to his sides abruptly and looking away to hide a small grin.

The last two people in the group, whom you assume are father and son, seem to be in their own worlds as they converse quietly. Now seems like a good time to let everyone get settled in, so you step away from the register and gesture for them to follow you. “ My name is (Surname) (Name). You guys can follow me! There’s a table over there that can fit all five of you. Then, I can explain how things are gonna work for today.”

Once the guys all settle in, you stand at the end of the table and point at one of the instruction sheets as well as the menu. “You can pick 2-3 ingredients for your onigiri! One of the ingredients will include meat or seafood and anything else can be a vegetable, seasoning, or both. All of the prices are written down on the menu and there are written instructions on how to make your own onigiri with pictures as guides. Feel free to call me over if you need clarifications. Any questions?”

Multiple heads shake at the same time. You pull out a tiny notepad and pen from your pocket and prepare to take orders. “Great! Then, what can I get for you guys?”

Romero lifts one of his arms to get everyone’s attention and begins to speak somewhat broken Japanese, “Order whatever! I will pay!”

After that declaration, you jot down all of the ingredients that the group orders including some refreshments. “Alrighty! We’ll set up all your ingredients soon on the counter. Once everything’s ready, there’ll be trays for you to take back to your table.”

You bow your head and stroll back behind the counter to relay the order to Osamu. As you’re helping set up some ingredients that don’t require any cooking, you notice that your boss frequently steals glances at the volleyball team with starstruck eyes and curiosity pokes at your mind. “What’s got you looking excited like a kid on Christmas?”

Osamu quickly turns around to face you while holding a spatula in one hand and tongs in the other. Leaning down to keep the conversation between the two of you, he unconsciously lifts both kitchen utensils up in the air with enthusiasm and flashes a childlike grin. “That’s Nicolas Romero! He’s a really famous world class volleyball player from Brazil. My brother and I used to watch him on TV all the time when we were younger, so it’s kind of crazy to see him in person!”

There’s a slight leap in your heart as you watch Osamu’s eyes brighten in joy but choose to ignore that strange feeling for the time being. “Now that you mention it, I think I saw a couple posters and billboards with his face on them when I was in Brazil.”

“I was really surprised when ‘Tsumu told me he was coming to Japan to play for the Schweiden Adlers. I never thought he’d come to my restaurant though!” Your boss is quite awestruck at the idea that such an important figure from his childhood was about to eat food that he cooks himself and it’s enough to elicit a giggle from you.

It’s not long before all the ingredients are set up on four large trays along with a couple beverages. You face the group of males and raise a hand next to your mouth. “Order’s ready for Romero-san!”

Romero stands up from his seat and pats his son on the head to stay put before gesturing at Kageyama to follow him. “Tobio, help me bring the food?”

“Of course, Romero-san!” The setter shoots up from his spot with a zealous expression and immediately follows behind his teammate like a baby duckling. When the two arrive in front of the counter, they give you a short thanks and take their trays back to their table. Osamu subtly glimpses at his childhood idol but quickly looks back down with a flustered expression when he notices you sending him a smirk of your own.

With everyone pretty much settled in, you decide to walk around to the other tables to see if anyone needs any assistance or if they have any questions. You return back to the register after a couple of minutes ready to sit down and take a quick break, but you notice a couple drinks sitting on the counter. The volleyball team must have forgotten to take them when they took their food. Since you didn’t have much to do at the moment, you decide to take the drinks to their table yourself.

With arms full of beverages, you walk up to the Adlers. “Hello, sorry to interrupt, but you left your drinks on the counter. I just thought I’d bring them for you.”

Romero takes the drinks from you and then distributes all of them to each person after sporting a grateful smile. “Ah, thank you!”

You’re about to walk away, but the sight before is almost too ridiculous for you to look elsewhere. All of the men are in the process of creating their onigiris, but each creation looks quite...interesting.

Ushijima’s onigiri is one very large globular rice ball, which distinctively resembles a volleyball, with a few sesame seeds sprinkled at the top. Hoshiumi’s onigiri almost looks like it’s about to explode with how much meat was piled inside the rice and probably would’ve fallen apart if he didn’t have it enclosed around both of his hands. Kageyama’s onigiri is of a decent size, but he must’ve put too much pressure when shaping the rice because it just looks like mush with obvious handprints. Romero is the only person at the table who was able to make a normal onigiri, but everyone seems to be enjoying their time so you don’t think Osamu needs to come over and help.

You finally look at the young child sitting next to his father and tilt your head in confusion when you notice that he’s not participating or eating anything his father made for him. With slight concern, you turn towards Romero. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but is your son not fond of the food? I could offer some other ingredient options?”

“Oh, that’s okay. Everything is perfect!” Romero replies with a knowing look. “Rubens is just a little grumpy since he misses his mother. She met new friends at an onsen and they invited her out to go shopping today. Thank you for asking, though.”

After living in Brazil for a couple months, you were able to pick up on some Portuguese. You’re not in any way fluent yet, so when the older man briefly speaks to his son, you can only make out Romero asking Rubens if he wanted a different onigiri and that he needed to eat to be healthy. The boy’s pout deepens and just simply states that he was bored. Romero sends you an apologetic smile, and you just wave your hand to let him know that you understood.

A sudden idea pops into your head. “Romero-san, is your son allergic to anything? I have an idea to help Rubens enjoy himself more. Would you mind if I try to make your son something?”

“Go for it! My son does not have any allergies, but he does love pork!” Romero nods his head in approval.

You quickly make your way back behind the counter and peek over Osamu’s shoulder as he stands in front of the stove. “Hey boss, do you mind if I try to make something for Romero’s son?”

“Sure. I don’t think anyone needs any help or anything at the moment, so you’re free to do whatever you’d like,” Osamu replies nonchalantly and you tap his arm gratefully.

Situating yourself in front of the counter surrounded by ingredients, you momentarily think about what you want to do. You make the final decision to create two designs for the onigiris that you think Rubens might like. After washing your hands, you gather up all the ingredients you need and even snatch some extra pork from Osamu’s pan. After a couple minutes of putting together the onigiris, you place them on a plate and examine your creations.

The first onigiri resembles a simplified stegosaurus with meat substituting the spines of the dinosaur and some sesame seeds throughout the body for texture. The second onigiri is just a regular rice ball with pork and vegetables, but a couple irregularly shaped pieces of nori are scattered across the surface to resemble a dinosaur egg. Both onigiris lie on top of a small pile of bonito flakes to act as a nest.

You take the plate of food to where Rubens is sitting, a bit nervous since you aren’t sure how he’s going to react. Everyone else at the table just watches curiously as you place the onigiris in front of the young child and his eyes widen. He’s practically mesmerized by his dinosaur themed meal and even some of the other guys are impressed.

Rubens quickly turns towards his father and whispers into his ear. Romero chuckles and pats his son’s head lovingly before facing you. “My son wants to know how you did that. He absolutely loves it.”

A sigh of relief leaves your lips at your successful attempt at making the child happy. The only problem was that you were still in the middle of work, so you didn’t know if you could spend any more time here. Coincidentally, Osamu seemed to have overheard everything for the last couple minutes from his spot in the kitchen. “Hey, (Name)-san. If you wanna take a quick break and spend some time with the kid, I don’t think there would be any problem with it.”

You’re really grateful for Osamu’s leniency, but a part of you still feels bad as you turn to look at him. “Are you sure? I don’t want to skip out on my job so suddenly.”

“Don’t worry about it. The boss said it’s all good.” Osamu gives you a reassuring smile and you take it as your cue to grab an extra chair off to the side and sit beside Rubens. You’re about to grab some rice to begin teaching the boy, but a slight tug on your sleeve makes you freeze in place. As you look to your side, you see Kageyama’s hand near your shoulder and there’s an intense look in his eyes.

“K-Kageyama-san, would you like to learn too?” You ask a bit surprised. Your bewilderment is replaced with amusement when he nods at you furiously and you almost laugh out loud at his excitement.

“Oh! Me too! Me too!” Hoshiumi intervenes enthusiastically and even Ushijima seems to be interested. These guys sure were something else.

In the end, everyone in the group was watching as you demonstrated how to make different designs with the onigiri rice. Rubens finally succumbed to his hunger and began to eat his dinosaur meal, so you were left to attend to the grown up men who listened to you eagerly like school children, aside from Romero who needed to step outside to answer a call from his wife.

“Alright! Now that you have some of the basics down, why don’t you each try to make your own? Just to keep it simple, we’ll all choose a single design. Any ideas as to what you guys want to make?” There’s a brief silence as everyone tries to think of something doable. Suddenly, Ushijima lifts up his phone and an image of what you recognize to be Japan’s adorable volleyball mascot* is shown. You sweatdrop as Hoshiumi and Kageyama clap in agreement at the volleyball player’s obvious, yet adorable selection.

Other than having to give a few pointers to Hoshiumi and Ushijima, it seems like they were doing a pretty decent job at making the character. The one who was truly struggling was Kageyama. He was still putting too much pressure when molding the rice. As he continues to squeeze the rice excessively, you gently place your hands on top of his slender fingers.

“You’re putting too much force in your hands, Kageyama-san. Here, loosen your grip a bit and I can show you.” With that said, Kageyama lets go of his vice grip and allows you to guide his hands over the rice. The two of you stay like that for a couple more seconds until you successfully make a circular rice ball. As the male opens his palms upward with your hands still wrapped around his, his eyes sparkle in amazement.

Kageyama bows his head gratefully and when he looks back up at you, you’re taken aback by the amount of admiration flooding his expression. Your body stiffens when he quickly puts down the onigiri and clasps your hands between his. “Thank you, (Surname)-san!”

“N-No problem.” You feel a bit of heat creep up your cheeks with the way Kageyama was holding your hands so delicately.

The moment doesn’t last long, however, when you suddenly feel someone’s fingers graze the side of your face and a sticky feeling is left on your skin. When you look to see who the culprit is, your eyes fall on the youngest person at the table with one of the most terrified expressions you’ve ever witnessed. Almost immediately, Rubens starts apologizing in broken Japanese similar to the way his father has been speaking, “S-sorry! Sorry! Sorry!”

While you were busy working with Kageyama, Rubens had finished eating and wanted to make his own onigiri since he was still a bit hungry. He wanted to grab more rice from the bowl next to you but misjudged his movements and accidently touched your cheek with his sauce covered fingers. The child felt absolutely horrified and was afraid that you’d hate him for this.

Using a napkin, you wipe off as much as you can from your cheek and then proceed to lower yourself onto the ground to get to the child’s eye level. Mustering up your brightest smile, you try your best to reassure Rubens who looks like he’s about to cry. “Hey, hey! It’s okay, Rubens! I’m not mad.”

You spend the next couple minutes cooing at the sniffling young boy, and once you’re sure that Rubens is no longer going to cry, you sit back down on your chair. You lift up a ball of rice to gesture that you want to help him make an onigiri and he nods his head. You make a traditional triangular onigiri but place two rolled up bonito flakes for eyes and a piece of curved rice on top of the nori to make it look like a bearded face. There’s an almost immediate shift in the child’s mood when you point at the design and then to the empty chair next to him because you had made an onigiri that resembled his father.

Both of your laughs fill the air and the whole situation resembles a heartwarming scene from an anime. You were too distracted to notice the multiple pairs of eyes watching the scene in captivation. Once Rubens starts to eat again, you look up to see some lingering stares. “Is everything alright?”

Two stoic faces avoid your eyes by looking down, while Hoshiumi snaps out of his trance. The white haired male sits up a little straighter before addressing you. “Hey, you’re pretty good with kids, (Surname)-san!”

“I’ve had a couple babysitting jobs in the past. I’m not perfect with kids, but I did pick up a few things here and there,” you respond back shyly.

At this moment, Romero walks back into the shop while pocketing his phone. “Sorry to cut our time short, but I think my wife is coming back home soon. I should start heading out with Rubens. You guys can stay longer if you’d like.”

“That’s okay, Romero-san. I think we’re all ready to leave as well.” Kageyama lifted up his tray which spurred the rest of the other guys to do the same. As everyone helps out in cleaning up their area, you head back to the register to receive the payments for the meal from Romero.

The guys were now all ready to leave, but your boss quickly grabs their attention after taking a glance at a certain framed object on the shop’s wall. “Do you guys mind signing some autographs to put up in the shop?”

“Of course!” Romero exclaims. The rest of the team complies as well and they each sign a piece of paper that will most likely be displayed by tomorrow. Once that’s done, the team stands in front of the exit with their belongings. Rubens tugs at his father’s arms to get his attention and Romero bends down to listen to what the boy wants to say.

“What’s up?....Name?....Onigiri Miya

You can’t make out anything other than a few words, so you’re thrown completely off guard when Rubens suddenly jumps up from his spot and waves his arms wildly at you. “Bye-bye, Mrs. Miya!”

You don’t even hear any of the other males voice their goodbyes and leave the shop as blood rushes through your ears and your face flushes into deep crimson color. It seems like Osamu wasn’t spared either as his cheeks explode with heat at the implication. Both of you stand in awkward silence for a few seconds to calm your hearts until Osamu musters up the courage to glance at you first.

His expression shifts a little as he stares at your face. Osamu then points at your cheek. “Oh, (Name)-san. You still got a little something on your face.”

Momentarily forgetting about feeling flustered, you realize that you might not have gotten rid of all the sauce from when Ruben accidentally touched your cheek. “What? I thought I got it all off. Why didn’t anyone say anything?”

You attempt to wipe off the sauce remnants, but fail to do so each time because you don’t know where it is exactly. Osamu grabs a clean towel from the top shelf and slightly dampens it under the sink before standing in front of you again. “I got you.”

Osamu lifts up the towel and starts to wipe at your cheek softly. When your head starts moving too much, he brings up his other hand and places it gently on your neck to support it. There must have been a lot more sauce left than you expected because Osamu continues to hold you in place for a couple more seconds, his eyes never leaving your face. Unconsciously, your own eyes drift around his features and you can’t help but admit how handsome he looked at the moment.

“Oh, young love~”

Both you and Osamu flinch back when you hear one of the customers that are still in the room say their thoughts. When you glance at the table where the voice came from, you see an elderly couple smiling at you while holding hands with one another in a loving manner. The previous blush you had comes back in full force as you remember that the two of you were not alone and in a somewhat intimate position together.

“T-t-thanks, Osamu-san!” You stutter and almost trip over your own feet as you start walking towards the bathroom with hurried steps. “I’m j-just gonna...um...go to the bathroom really quick!”

As you rush away from Osamu, he just watches your back disappear behind the bathroom door. He stands in place quietly as he processes what had just happened and there’s a foreign feeling in his stomach that he can’t explain. He simply turns his back to the bathroom and rubs a hand to his cheek to hide the smile that threatens to creep onto his lips.



You’re currently laying on your couch comfortably surrounded by pillows and blankets while watching a movie on your laptop. Today was your day off from work, so you planned to stay in for the whole day and catch up on some alone time. As much as you want to focus on your movie, your mind starts to wander off.

About two days have passed since you met the Schweiden Adlers volleyball team at Onigiri Miya, but they were still on your mind. Based on the tidbits of information you’ve gathered from Osamu, Adlers and MSBY were rival teams. It almost makes you want to laugh at how different the two teams were in terms of their dynamics and personalities, so you hope to see them play against each other one day.

Suddenly, the ringing of your doorbell interrupts your thoughts and you pause your movie. You stand up and walk towards your door in confusion. You weren’t expecting anyone to visit, so you’re a bit weary as you look through the peephole.

As if the universe knew what you were thinking about before, you’re surprised to see Sakusa standing outside your door with his usual face mask. Swiftly unlocking the door, you pull it open and greet your curly haired acquaintance.

“Hey, Sakusa-san! What’s-” You stop speaking abruptly when you notice two large bags in the volleyball players arms and they look fairly heavy too. “Oh, wow. Are those...for me?”

Sakusa just nods his head and you quickly open your door wider to let him inside to place the bags down. You’re extremely curious as to what the contents were since both bags were covered by tissue paper, even more so because Sakusa was the one to bring them to you. He places both bags onto your coffee table and you’re about to ask what they were for, but he beats you to it.

“Congrats,” Sakusa states with his usual impassive expression but there’s a hint of softness to his tone.

At this time, you’re completely perplexed. “Congrats for what?”

“For graduating.” Sakusa’s reply causes your eyebrows to shoot up. “This is from the team.”

“Oh...” You’re left speechless for a moment as you try to understand the situation and once everything finally clicks, a warm feeling encompasses your heart. “Um...thank you.”

You gaze at the gifts bags for a bit longer with various emotions swirling through your eyes before talking again. “...did the team send you because we live in the same apartment building?”

“Yeah.” Sakusa let out a sigh which made you laugh a bit, but it didn’t sound like he was necessarily bothered by the task.

The male briefly checks his phone and gestures that he needs to leave soon. As Sakusa starts to make his way back to the front door, you follow with light steps to see him out. “Let everyone know that I really appreciate this when you see them again for practice!”

He nods in acknowledgement and the two of you exchange goodbyes before you finally lock the door as he walks away. Without a moment to lose, you rush over to the large bags sitting on your coffee table with anticipation. Just from the first glance, you can tell that there are multiple things piled up, so you’ll just have to take things out one by one.

After removing the tissue paper from the bag on the left first, you pull out something large and fluffy. In your hands is a huge teddy bear that’s wearing an MSBY jersey while holding a small note card that says “Congratulations on Graduation!”. You immediately know who it’s from because the bear’s multicolored fur resembles the colors of Bokuto’s hair. You give the bear a tight hug before placing it next to you on the couch.

The next thing you take out is a miniature set of hand lotions with a small bottle of pepper spray taped onto it. There’s a small note on the bottle that says “It’s dangerous walking home alone at night”. There’s no indication of who the gift giver is, but you know that Sakusa would be the only one to pick out these specific gifts. As you move the package to the side, another small piece of paper falls to the ground. It must have been stuck to the bottom of the hand lotion set. When you pick it up, there’s another note that says “Thanks for the soup”. Your smile widens. It seems like you had guessed correctly.

The last gift from the first bag is a beautiful mug with a sunrise design printed onto it. There’s a Brazilian flag sticking out of the mug, which makes it even more obvious that the gift was from your dear friend Hinata. When you push aside the flag, there’s a limited edition Bouncing Ball keychain inside the mug as well with a cute handwritten card that says “Congratulations, (Name)-san! We should hang out one day to play some beach volleyball like we did in Brazil!”. Your cheeks were starting to ache at how much you were smiling as you reread the note several more times.

You reach out to the remaining bag and pull away the tissue paper. Your nose is immediately assaulted by a pleasing floral fragrance and when you look inside, a large bouquet of flowers comes into your vision. Once the flowers are in your arms, you notice the note sticking out between the petals. Placing the flowers on your lap, you open the small folded piece of paper which says “Hey there, sweetheart. You should’ve let me know you were having such a big moment in your life! I would’ve done so much more, but for now, enjoy these flowers. The irises mean accomplishment and admiration. The peonies mean good luck. The daffodils mean new beginnings. Congrats on your win against school!” You’re quite touched by the amount of thought that went into this gift and based on the nickname, you can safely assume that this is Atsumu’s gift. You didn’t take him as a flower type of guy, but he’s always full of surprises. Nonetheless, you mentally note that you need to buy a nice vase to place these wonderful beauties in.

You thought that would be the last gift since you’ve already opened everything from the four MSBY players, but when you glance into the bag one more time, there are still two remaining boxes. They have the same wrapping, so you assume that they are from the same person. Taking both of them out carefully, you notice that the larger of the two boxes has a note that reads “I know you said you don’t normally eat sweets, so I tried my best not to add too much sugar”. Wondering what the card meant about sweets, you slowly open the lid and see two small cakes positioned next to each other with icing that spells out ‘Tiramisu’ and ‘Dark Chocolate’ on the respective cakes. Your mouth waters at the sight of the homemade desserts, but you restrain yourself because you were even more curious as to what might be in the other mystery box.

When you finally open the last remaining gift, there’s another note inside that says “It’s never too late to celebrate. Congrats, (Name)-san”. When you look underneath the note, your jaw drops as you let out a gasp. Inside was a gorgeous silver charm bracelet that was minimalistic enough for you to wear wherever you went. If the note wasn’t a big giveaway, the tiny onigiri charm attached to the bracelet convinced you that Osamu was the one who had given you these gifts.

The next couple of hours are spent finishing your movie with all of your gifts surrounding you. The inside of your room now smells like a mix of flowers and peachy lotion. The MSBY teddy bear is secured between your arms as you drink warm tea from your new mug while taking a bite out of each cake.

You’re not sure whether or not you want to jump up in happiness or simply cry from the overwhelming emotions, but either way, you’re glad to have met such amazing people the past couple months.

You couldn’t wait to get back to work.


Japan’s volleyball mascot: y’all know that volleyball mascot right? The one Ushijima loves to draw and the one that Hinata has shirt of

A/N: oof you made it! Can we all just give a moment of silence for Rubens for being the best boi? also another moment for the nice old lady at the end ;)

taglist: @kiyoo-omi​​

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3 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 7

Title: the fox’s den

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 5.4k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: Hey y’all! There’s gonna be quite a lot of dialogue in this chapter, but I hope it’s not too boring. I was really excited to write this chapter since Inarizaki is my favorite team :D Hope you enjoy!



There was always something entrancing about the second half of the year when the green and gray streets transform into a multicolored wonderland as a response to the incoming shift of seasons. You admire the different shades of red, orange, and yellow that litter the ground that you’re walking on as you make your way to work. The only things going through your mind right now are serenity, peace, and-


At the sudden voice, you almost trip on your own feet in surprise. Once you’re sure you won’t fall flat on your face, you look up and see two familiar twins right outside the front door of Onigiri Miya, clear irritation written on their faces.

“How could you say that?! Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?” Atsumu yells at his brother while clenching his hands by his sides.

Osamu’s eyebrows are furrowed in distress. “I’m pretty sure I’m the one with common sense here. I’ve done what I can to convince you, but you just won’t listen to me!”

You start to worry now as you continue to watch the two glare at each other from where you’re standing a few feet away. You know it’s best not to interfere, but there’s a part of you that wants to stop them before things get out of hand. It seems like you don’t even have to make a decision as Atsumu’s eyes meet yours. “Hey, sweetheart! Come over here and tell this tasteless scrub that he’s wrong!”

“Who you calling a tasteless scrub, you uneducated swine!” Osamu crosses his arms in disdain but softens his gaze when his eyes land on your approaching figure.

“Hold up. What are you guys even talking about?” You try your best to keep your voice as relaxed as possible but still proceed with caution in case one of them were to blow up again in anger. 

What you didn’t expect, however, were the next few words that came out of the blonde’s mouth. “The best Disney princess is obviously Rapunzel, but ‘Samu doesn’t agree!”

“You just like her ‘cause she’s blonde! Clearly, Belle is the superior princess!” The other twin spits back.

You pause for a moment to process the situation. That’s...not exactly what you expected when you first saw them arguing outside of the shop (and quite loudly too). A deep sigh leaves your lips as the two childish men in front of you continue to banter.

“Oh yeah?!” Atsumu suddenly directs his attention on you and places his hands on your shoulders for emphasis. “Sweetheart, who do you think is the best Disney princess?”

Already feeling an incoming headache, you just say the first thing that pops into your mind in hopes of stopping this madness. “Oh, uh...I don’t know. I think Mulan is pretty badass.”

The twins go silent as they contemplate your response for a brief minute. It seems like you gave a satisfactory answer because they both make eye contact with each other and nod their heads. Their strange twin telepathy is something you’ll never understand. 

No longer having the patience, you just brush off Atsumu’s hands and use your spare key to open up the front entrance of the shop. The two men just follow you inside and the blonde is the first one to break the silence in a much calmer tone than before. “Okay, fair. But, I really do think-!”

Atsumu halts his footsteps as you and Osamu just glance at him confused. The blonde gasps dramatically as he stares at the new additions to the shop’s walls. “HEY! Why do you have their autographs on your wall?!”

Not wanting a part 2 to the previous fiasco, you just head over to the back room to put your belongings away and get yourself ready for work. Securing the cap on your head, you walk out of the room and stroll to your spot on the register. It seems like Atsumu is a lot more fired up than usual because he’s still arguing with his brother. 

It took everything in Osamu to keep his voice at a normal level while responding to Atsumu’s pettiness. “They came over to eat one day and I thought it would look good for the shop.”

“Don’t you know that we’re ultimate rivals?! You can’t be siding with the enemy!”

“They’re your rivals, ‘Tsumu. Everyone’s technically considered a customer to me.”


You swear you saw puffs of smoke pop from Osamu’s ears from his frustration. You were about to place a hand on his shoulder in hopes to keep your boss from throwing something at his brother, but a smooth voice interrupted the tension in the room.

“Calm down, Atsumu.”

You and Osamu jumped in surprise, while Atsumu let out a startled yelp at the unexpected guest. The three of you turned toward the front entrance to see who showed up an hour before opening. Although you only heard one voice, three tall figures in casual clothing stand at the doorway. They step inside the building and you vaguely remember seeing their faces in a picture Osamu once showed you from high school.

The person in the middle of the group brushes away a couple strands of his gray hair with black tips while his other hand sits on top of the handle of a small suitcase. The one on the left has a built body with dark skin sporting a kind smile. The one on the right has a lanky body and long fingers that reach up to his face to cover a yawn on his bored expression.

If you remember correctly, Osamu had told you about some of his former teammates and the ones standing in front of you were Kita Shinsuke, Ojiro Aran, and Suna Rintarou.

The twins brighten in recognition and make their way over to the newcomers. “Kita-san! Aran-san!”

“I’m here too, you know.” Suna comments.

All of the guys greet one another in the middle of the room with smiles on their faces. You’re not really sure what to do since you’re the odd one out.

You stand off to the side behind the counter awkwardly, but you are interested in their little group dynamic. The Inarizaki alumni all hold completely different demeanors and postures, but one thing that they all share is that all of them are incomprehensibly attractive in their own way. Why are all of the former and current volleyball players that you’ve met so far like this?

Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realize that you’ve been staring at Kita in particular for a couple minutes. He must have felt your eyes on him because he momentarily looks away from his current conversation to make direct eye contact with you. You let out a small squeak after getting caught staring, but it doesn’t seem like Kita is bothered at all.

“Ah, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to ignore you.” Kita leaves his group to walk over to where you are and this catches the attention of the other four males as well. 

“It’s no problem! I wanted to give you guys room to catch up.” You lift up your hands to wave off his apology and give Kita a bright smile as you speak. “It’s finally nice to meet the oh-so-praiseworthy rice provider for the shop, Kita-san.”

Your reply elicits a soft laugh from the man’s mouth. “Nice to finally meet you too, (Surname)-san.”

“You know my name?” You ask, surprised.

“Aside from looking at your name tag, yes. I’ve heard some things about you from the twins,” Kita answers.

Your cheeks turn a bit pink in embarrassment because you completely forgot that you were wearing your name tag for work. Your embarrassment doesn’t last for long, however, when you quickly realize what Kita had just implied about the twins. You shoot an intimidating look at the two culprits and neither of them meet your gaze. “They talk about me?”

“Only good things. No worries.” Kita tries his best to reassure you that there hasn’t been any slander against you, but you still feel a bit insecure.

Knowing that feeling this way is probably unnecessary, you just resort to a little bit of teasing. “I don’t worry so much about Osamu-san. It’s the other one that needs to be kept in check.”

“Hey!” Atsumu’s head quickly turns to your direction at your very obvious accusation.

Suna snickers while ignoring his friend’s outburst. “She’s a smart one.”


Aran chuckles in amusement and Osamu just smiles at his brother’s distress. You try to fake exasperation by placing a hand on your cheek and Kita’s smile falters as he catches something from the corner of his eye. The charm bracelet that you received from Osamu is secured to your wrist with the small onigiri charm shining under the fluorescent lights.

 “Oh, so you’re the one

You look back at Kita in confusion. “The one what?”

Kita hesitates for a moment before simply shaking his head in dismissal with a knowing grin on his lips. “Ah, it’s nothing.”

You’re bewildered by his mysterious response, but it doesn’t look like he wants to talk about it anymore, so you just brush it off for now. 

As everyone else continues their own conversations, Kita thinks back to a conversation he had a couple months back.


“The rice should be coming in a couple days, Osamu.”

“Sounds good, Kita-san.”

“Is there anything else you need?”

“Actually...I have a quick question.”

“What is it?”

“What would you...um...give to someone who just graduated that’s not so generic or meaningless?”

“...Are you asking for your coworker?”

“Scary! Are you sure you don’t read minds or something, Kita-san?”

“I don’t believe I can. But, to answer your previous question, if you want to give a gift that holds more meaning, I would say buy or make something that’s personal to both of you. It could be from a fond memory you share or a common interest. However, based on the positive things I’ve heard about her, she would probably appreciate anything you give her.”


Kita is pulled out of his thoughts when he hears Osamu’s voice nearby. “I’ll get you guys the usual, right?”


The rest of the guys all nod their head and Aran makes the motion to take out his wallet. However, before he can do so, Osamu lifts up a hand to stop him. “No worries, Aran-san! All of this is on me!”

Atsumu’s ears perk up. “You’re not gonna make me pay for my food this time, ‘Samu?”

Kita looks towards Osamu and slightly tilts his head in confusion. “You make your brother pay for his food?”

“Always.” Osamu answers without hesitation and with one of the most deadpan expressions you’ve ever witnessed on him.

“I see.” Kita simply nods his head in understanding. “It would be detrimental to your business if you gave things out for free too much.”

Atsumu grabs onto his former captain’s arms in exasperation. “Kita-san!”

A quiet giggle leaves your mouth at the scene in front of you. It seems like the twins are a bit more competitive and bicker more often when their former teammates are involved. Seeing this side of Osamu amuses you since you’re more used to his laidback nature.

Eventually the brief comical moment calms down and Osamu begins to prepare all of the food. Kita and Atsumu seemed to be in their own world, so you decide to try and speak with the other two people in the room that you have yet to be acquainted with.

Suna and Aran seem to have been thinking the same thing because they are already walking up to the counter in your direction. Suna raises his right hand in greeting, while Aran gives you a polite smile before speaking, “You must be (Surname)-san. Apologies for taking so long to greet you.”

“No worries.“ You wave off the apology. “You guys were also teammates with the twins in high school right? The only thing I really know are your names. What were your positions?”

“I was a wing spiker. I’ve actually known the twins since we were in elementary school,” Aran replies.

You clap your hands together in realization. “You guys are childhood friends then! I’m surprised you haven’t come up in my conversations with them more.”

“Those two were always running around all over the place just to compete against each other, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t remember half of the things they experienced in school.”  Aran lets out a deep sigh, but you couldn't detect any real annoyance. 

If the counter wasn’t in the way, you definitely would’ve patted the man on the shoulder. “Well if you’re as patient and calm as you are now with their antics for all those years, then you definitely deserve the appreciation, Ojiro-san.”

“You deserve it just as much since you see at least one of them almost every day now.” Aran sends you another kind smile and you can’t help but mirror it.

Not wanting to leave out Suna from the conversation, you turn your head towards the male who is just listening with his hands shoved into his pockets. “What about you, Suna-san? What was your position?”

“Middle blocker. Although, I did work as a part-time witness to the twins’ stupidity.” The stoic male smirks and looks at you in the eye. “Seems like you’ve taken up that job?”

You burst out laughing. “I can’t really deny that. We should be compensated for all this work.”

Suddenly, you feel a heavy weight on your shoulder that catches you off guard. When you look up, Osamu’s elbow is leaning on your shoulder and there are pieces of rice stuck to his fingertips. He has one of his eyebrows raised in suspicion. “Hey, why do I get the feeling that you guys are talking behind our backs?”

Suna looks directly at Osamu with his usual expression. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Feeling a bit playful, you also answer with the same deadpan tone. “Yeah, we’re just bonding over some relatable stuff.”

Suna takes one of his hands out of his pockets and raises it up next to you. Without hesitation, you give him a high five while holding back your smile. Aran just chuckles at the unexpected tag team between you and his former teammate. 

Before your boss could make any more comments, his phone dings from where it’s sitting on the counter between his work station and the register. Osamu seems briefly conflicted since his hands are covered in rice but quickly comes to a decision. “Hey, (Name)-san. You mind holding up my phone for me? I think it’s a message about a shipment for some ingredients we needed to restock.”

“Yeah, sure!” You pick up the phone and a picture of Onigiri Miya with a large ‘Grand Opening’ sign in front of the entrance illuminates the lock screen. “Oh, you have facial recognition. I’m gonna have to borrow your face for a bit, Osamu-san.”

Osamu leans down as you place the phone in front of him for a couple seconds, but nothing happens. You try to angle the screen differently and wait a little longer, but it’s still not unlocking. Across the counter, Atsumu watches the two of you struggle through a few more attempts before losing his patience. “Just put the phone up to my face. It’ll probably work.”

A bit curious to see if the phone will actually unlock for the other twin, you move your arm to where Atsumu’s waiting. You keep the phone up for a few moments, but there’s still no response.

The blonde just stares at his brother’s phone in disbelief. “What the hell? Why isn’t it working??”

“Wow, even my phone can tell who the uglier brother is.” Yup. Osamu’s definitely feistier today.


The twins look like they’re about to start another round of unnecessary bickering. From the side, Kita sighs at the idea of having to intervene in yet another argument. He opens his mouth to stop the madness, but you beat him to it. You shove Osamu’s phone into his face again and surprisingly it unlocks. “Alright, guys. You can shut up now. I got it to work.”

Both Atsumu and Osamu shut their mouths immediately. They still looked a bit irked at one another, but no longer have the will to fight. Kita stares at you with shock. He’s never seen anyone other than himself dissipate the twins’ bickering so quickly and you haven’t even known them for as long as he has. Even Aran gives up at some point. Perhaps you are a much more important presence than he realized.

Clicking on the message notification, you lift up your arm just enough so that both you and Osamu can look at the screen comfortably. The message consisted of a picture of a shipment with a list of items. The list is barely legible due to the small font, so the two of you have to lean in closer to the screen. 

“The text is so small. Can you read anything?” You ask as you bring the phone closer.

Osamu squints and wipes one of his hands on a clean towel before placing it over your own to steady the phone. “Barely. Why did he send such a terrible picture?”

The close proximity and subtle touches between you and your boss do not go unnoticed. As you’re discussing the contents of the picture, Suna and Aran share a knowing look with each other.

After a couple minutes of trying to decipher everything in the message, you and Osamu have successfully written down a complete list of all the shipment contents on a napkin. Osamu pockets his phone and the napkin before turning to look at you. “Okay, I think everything’s all good. Thanks, (Name)-san.”

“No problem!” You rub your eyes from the slight strain and move back to where you were standing before while Osamu finishes up making the last of the group’s food. Suna and Aran just watch you both go back to whatever you were doing before as if your cheeks weren’t millimeters away from each other a few seconds ago. The two males make eye contact once again, but just shrug their shoulders.

“Food’s ready! Grab your onigiris and drinks. We can sit at the table for a bit.” Osamu announces to his friends. Your boss turns to you briefly as he starts going around the counter. “Wanna join?”

“No, that’s alright. You guys use this time to catch up. I can take care of setting up the shop on my own, so take your time.” You give him a reassuring smile and he returns a grateful one back.

While the guys chatted about their lives, you set up the chairs and checked each of the sauce bottles to make sure none of them were empty. About fifteen minutes went by and you now had a broom propped up against your shoulder after sweeping. On your way back, you pass by the table where everyone is still talking with one another. 

“I am funny! There just wasn’t anyone competent enough to get the joke!” It seems like Atsumu was yet again becoming a victim to the endless teasing of his former teammates because his face is slightly flushed and he’s fidgeting with pent up frustration. In hopes to ease his heated face, Atsumu roughly starts refilling his cup with ice water with a tight grip on the glass.

Suna shakes his head. “I thought it was funnier when you almost passed out from being overheated from the Jackasuke suit.”

“What?!” Atsumu abruptly stands up from his chair and in his haste, he doesn't realize that he had also raised his cup just as quickly causing the water to splash onto the nearest thing which just so happened to be you. “Oh shi-! (Name)-chan!”

The front of your shirt is entirely soaked and water drips down from your face and the tips of your hair. You mentally thank your boss for making the uniforms black. Lucky for you, your pants are completely dry because your apron took all of the damage. Aran, who is the next person closest to you, takes the broom from your possession and hands you a couple napkins to at least dry your face, but it’s definitely not enough to make a dent in your drenched clothes. 

Atsumu frets over you with a look of immense guilt in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, (Name)-chan! I-I didn’t mean to do that!”

“It’s...it’s okay. Just try not to lose your cool so easily next time.” You can’t really say you’re happy about your current predicament, but it wouldn’t do anyone any good if you lash out in anger. The running A/C is much more apparent now that it’s much easier to feel the circulating cold air and you start to shiver a bit.

Osamu catches your attention from the corner of your eye when he stands up from his seat. “You good, (Name)-san? You should probably go put on a jacket or something.”

“I didn’t bring a jacket or any extra clothes with me today.” You sigh at your misfortune at how something like this happens on the one day you don’t have your hoodie with you.

Osamu’s frown deepens at the growing unfortunate circumstances. “Ah, damn. We usually have extra shirts in the back, but I left them at home to wash.” 

You dread at the thought of either working with a wet shirt or having to walk all the way back to your apartment to change while suffering through the chilly breezes. However, the universe must be taking pity on you when you hear another voice join in. 

“(Surname)-san, I have some spare clothes in my suitcase.” Kita pats the suitcase that he had brought into the shop with him. 

You know that the best and most efficient way to get out of your misery is to accept his offer, but you’re still reluctant. “Oh no! It’s okay! I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble for you.”

“I don’t mind. It wouldn’t do you any good to go around with wet clothing. You might catch a cold, especially since the weather is becoming cooler.” Kita immediately brushes off any concerns you may have. He zips open his suitcase and grabs a simple navy sweater from his pile of folded clothes. There’s a slight pause when he holds out the shirt to you before continuing the conversation, “It would mostly cause Osamu to be very distressed.”

There isn’t much room for arguing, so you slowly take the soft sweater from the older male’s arms and nod your head in understanding. “Yeah, I guess he would have to work twice as much if I’m not able to help out.”

Kita blinks at your oblivious rationale. “...right.”

You hear a hint of something in his tone but don’t dwell on it for too long because another blast of cold air hits your body causing you to shiver again. Muttering a quick thanks, you rush to the bathroom to change. After peeling off your uniform shirt and bundling it up with your apron, you wipe off any water that remains on your skin before slipping on the borrowed sweater. It’s much larger and warmer than you thought it would be. After gathering the wet pile of clothes, you head out of the bathroom in your new attire. 

The table that everyone was sitting at is now completely cleared of any food and some of the guys are sitting at the counter while Osamu is washing all of the used dishes. Atsumu’s head is laying on the counter and still has distraught laced into his expression. He immediately stands up to apologize again when he hears you come out of the bathroom, but his words get caught in his throat when he sees you.

Kita’s sweater is definitely too big for your frame. The sweater reaches your mid thigh, but you’ve opted to fashionably tuck the front of it into your pants. The sleeves go past your hands only exposing your fingers and the collar reveals a sliver of your collarbone. The overall fit of the sweater creates an image that can make anyone stop and stare.

Atsumu’s ears redden at the sight in front of him and Osamu is frozen in front of the sink. Even Suna and Aran have briefly halted their conversation to stare silently. The only one who is visibly unaffected is Kita.

Kita decides to walk over to where you are and hands you an empty plastic bag. “You can place your wet clothes into the bag so it doesn’t get anything else wet. You can return the shirt to Osamu and he can give it to me before I head back home.”

“Ah, thanks! I’ll wash it tonight and give it to Osamu tomorrow when I come in for work.” You smile at him gratefully and do as he suggested. During the process, your sleeves roll down uncomfortably and you have to constantly pull at it so that it doesn’t get in the way.

Kita notices the way you are fidgeting and gives you an inquisitive look. “Are the sleeves bothering you?”

“Oh, um...just a bit, but it’s not too bad.” You reply.

The male just pulls the plastic bag away from your hands and puts it off to the side for the time being before holding out his own hands in front of you. “Here, let me help.”

You accept his assistance and hold out one of your arms to him. Kita calmly folds the sleeves to a proper length while you just watch quietly. Once he’s finished with one arm, he gently lifts the other and proceeds to fold the sleeve as well. 

The rest of the guys were just watching silently. The entire scene is almost like it’s from some kind of shoujo anime. Atsumu swears there is even a sparkling background with multiple flowers to match the sweet moment. There’s a strange feeling bubbling inside Osamu’s chest, but he chooses to look away and continue washing the dishes. You and Kita looked really good together.

“Thanks again, Kita-san!” Once Kita finishes up the last sleeve, you smile at him once again. “I guess I was lucky that you decided to visit so suddenly today or I might’ve been in trouble.”

“You’re welcome.” Kita returns the smile. “We were all busy on the twins’ birthday last week, so it’s a good thing we rescheduled to today.”

“What.” You blink once. It takes a few seconds for you to process what the man in front of you had just said, but once it clicks, a wave of shock passes through your body. “What?!”

You scramble over to where Osamu is avoiding your gaze and grab onto his arm. “Why didn’t you tell me your birthday was last week?!”

“Oh uh
 it never came up?” A bead of sweat runs down the side of your boss’ face.

Still enraged, you swerve your head towards the blonde twin and point an accusing finger at him. “And you! I would’ve expected you to be all over having the attention!”

Atsumu shrugs his shoulder in an uncharacteristically nonchalant way causing you to drop your arm in confusion. “Meh, I’m not really all that big on birthdays. I thought my brother would’ve told you.”

When you look back at Osamu, his hand is rubbing at his neck sheepishly. “It was your day off and you looked like you weren’t feeling well the day before, so I thought it’d be best if you rested.”

You’re not sure if you should feel touched that he noticed that you weren’t feeling so great last week or upset that he didn’t think to tell you about such a special day. Your boss has also been pretty busy lately due to work, so there is a part of you that is understanding of the situation. There isn’t really anything you can do about it now since it’s already too late, so you just sigh in defeat.

Kita decides to intervene before you get even more upset. “No worries, (Surname)-san. There’s always a next year for birthdays. If you wanted to spend time with him, I’m sure just asking will suffice.”

“Indeed. Osamu would definitely not mind making time for you, (Surname)-san.” Aran adds.

Atsumu seems to be feeling a bit left out and chimes in, “Wait, but what about me? It was my birthday too.”

“It’s not like Osamu knows how to do anything but play volleyball and work. Might as well take him out somewhere nice.” Suna mentions while ignoring Atsumu’s outburst for the nth time today.

“Woah, guys!” Osamu’s face flushes a bit from the teasing. You laugh at the group's antics and feel your frustration melt away.

Suddenly, a phone alarm goes off and Kita pulls out his phone to shut it off. “Well, we should get going now. We wouldn’t want to be in the way of your business, Osamu. We’ll see you tonight with the rest of our former teammates.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you guys later.” Osamu replies with a wave of his hand.

“I have to get to practice too, so I’ll walk out with all of you.” Atsumu walks towards the exit with his hands folded behind his head. Aran and Suna get up from their seats to get ready to go as well. The two say their goodbyes to both you and Osamu before stepping outside to catch up with Atsumu.

Kita is the last one out, but before he closes the door he gives you one last glance. “It was nice to meet you, (Surname)-san.”

“You too, Kita-san!” Your lips curve upwards at being able to have met yet another kind person at work. Kita finally closes the door and now it’s just you and Osamu left in the shop. After having such an eventful morning, the peace and quiet is pretty refreshing.

Osamu looks at you from the corner of his eye thoughtfully. His gaze then shifts down to where his former captain’s sweater rests on your figure and he feels a twinge of irritation but keeps his expression neutral. “Are you sure you don’t want to go home and change? You live pretty close by too.”

You think for a moment but eventually shake your head. “Hm...no it’s fine. I wouldn’t want to miss work just to change into another shirt. I think my extra uniform needs to be washed anyway. Is there something wrong?”


“Jealous that I talked to your friends more than you?”


A giggle escapes your lips when you hear your boss stutter. “You know you’re my favorite onigiri chef, right?”

“I’m the only onigiri chef you know.” Osamu points out and you giggle even louder. The male can’t even be upset because your laughs are quite contagious. Although, he does make a mental note to bring one of his own sweaters to keep at the shop from now on.



The Miya household is a simple two bed apartment with a decent view of the suburbs around the area. Both Miya twins are considered residents of the complex, but Atsumu usually stays in the dorm available for MSBY players. Today, both twins are in the apartment.

“‘Samu, I swear this shirt makes me look fat-...?” Atsumu barges into his brother’s room without knocking but cuts off his words when he sees his brother intensely staring at a pile of hoodies scattered on his bed. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to figure out which hoodie I wanna keep at the shop.” Osamu responds distractedly.

Atsumu stares at him incredulously. “What? Just pick whatever. It’s not like you don’t go to work every day. Why does it matter? ”

Osamu pauses for a moment. “...for emergencies.”

“Whatever, man. I’m heading out to go buy some new volleyball shoes with Shoyo-kun.” The blonde shrugs off his brother’s strange behavior and chooses to just walk away since he needed to leave soon. He momentarily looks out the window and notices some dark clouds filling up the sky. “And, I’m taking your umbrella!”

Osamu doesn’t hear what Atsumu says and barely registers the slam of the front door because he’s too deep in thought. What was your favorite color again?


A/N:  Ouch. I realized that if you were to actually follow the haikyuu timeline, some of this wouldn’t actually make sense. BUT I don’t care :D Also, not me indulging on some Kita action cause I am whipped for this man (but not as much as Osamu hehe)

taglist: @kiyoo-omi​ @tris-does-stuff​ @livshotel​

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3 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 8

Title: the oh-no-giri miya

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 5.5k (but are we really surprised)

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: yeeeeehaw another chatper update! there's a lot going on this chapter, but i just hope everything makes sense. thanks for all the support so far! im thinking this series might come to an end soon, but i will keep you all updated!


Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 8

You yawn for the fourth time after clocking into work today and rub your tired eyes. Your exhaustion does not go unnoticed by your boss.

“Long night?” Osamu asks as he finishes restocking the fridge.

“More like long week.” Another yawn threatens to leave your lips and you have to force yourself to stop. “There’s been construction going on near my apartment and the elderly couple next door seems to be having some sort of argument for the past few nights. If they don’t figure their issues out by tomorrow, I’m gonna have to have a talk with my landlord.”

Osamu gives you a sympathetic glance and pats your shoulder. “I hope they do. Can’t have my favorite employee walking around like a zombie every day.”

“I’m your only employee, Osamu-san.”

The man just shrugs his shoulders before giving you a more serious look. “You sure you’ll be okay though? I wouldn't mind if you left early today.”

You waved off his suggestion. “No, I’ll be fine. Plus, we have a lot going on today. I’d rather not leave you to deal with that on your own, especially since the entire team is coming to help out.”

There were only a few weeks before the V. League Championships, so the starting players of MSBY were coming in to volunteer and advertise their big match against the Schweiden Adlers. Atsumu was the one to suggest having this event and his coach seemed to like the idea. It did take a while to convince Osamu to allow anybody to work at his precious restaurant but gave in after his brother promised to wear a giant onigiri costume during the entire event and buy him some Wagyu beef after his next paycheck.

Before Osamu could ask you anything else, the front door to Onigiri Miya was roughly opened and the seven MSBY starting players sauntered inside. Everyone greeted each other briefly and Osamu was just about to get them set up in their spots, but MSBY’s setter had other plans.

Atsumu placed a large bag on top of the counter and took out what looked like picture frames along with a power drill.

Osamu raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing, you scrub?”

“What should’ve been done a long time ago!” Without hesitation, Atsumu approached the wall with all of the autographs from previous customers and began to put up seven other frames. He was clearly still upset about the fact that his brother had autographs of the rival team in his shop, so the blonde decided to take matters into his own hands and hang up signed portraits of himself and his teammates. There were shouts of displeasure from your boss and you’d normally be the mediator between the twins, but you felt too tired at the moment to care.

Meian Shugo, the captain of MSBY, approached the spot next to you and gave you a kind smile. “Hey, (Surname)-san.”

“Hello, Meian-san.” You returned the smile with a small wave.

Your boss wanted to meet up with all the volunteers a week prior to the event in order to teach them what they were responsible for, especially those who were helping with the cooking. Since he had asked you to help out, you were able to meet the three remaining MSBY players for the first time last week as well.

“(Surname)-chan, do you need any help with anything before customers start rolling in?” Inunaki Shion questioned as he skipped over to where you were with his teammate, Adriah Thomas, following behind.

“Actually, we need to set up a few tables outside in case it gets a little packed indoors during the lunch rush. Do you guys mind bringing the tables and chairs outside with me?” You pointed towards the plastic tables that were leaning against the wall.

“Sure thing!” Inunaki briefly translated what you had said to Thomas in English and the latter simply nodded his head in understanding. As Thomas was walking past you to grab one of the tables, he lifted his hands in front of you. You haven’t really been able to speak with him since you weren’t very fluent in English, but he has always tried to be as friendly as possible around everyone and seems to love giving high-fives. You thought his actions were endearing, so you gave him a high-five with an equal amount of enthusiasm.

After grabbing what you needed and stepping outside, you spent a couple minutes directing each of them to where everything was supposed to be set up. Once that was done, you ushered them back inside. “Thanks guys! We’re opening soon, so let me know if you have any questions on what you’ll be doing.”

Unsurprisingly, Atsumu and Osamu were still bickering, but now Atsumu had a large black and white onigiri costume in his arms. “How the hell am I supposed to wear this all day, ‘Samu?”

“Easy. Just put it on and keep it on.” The onigiri chef explained. “Bokuto-san, do you mind helping him put it on?”

“Sure thing, Myaa-san!”

Everyone spent the next few minutes decorating the room with MSBY merchandise or helping Atsumu put on his costume and before you knew it, the first customer had arrived. Multiple voices rang throughout the shop, “Welcome to Onigiri Miya!”

Thankfully, the first couple of hours went by without any issues. You were surprised at how all of the guys were able to adapt to their jobs so quickly.

Normally, the customers take their food from the counter themselves, but for the event, Bokuto and Inunaki served as waiters. They seem to be doing a pretty good job so far and the customers love their amiable personalities.

Atsumu was sent outside to give out fliers and keep watch of the people eating outdoors. He would come back inside every so often to refill on fliers or complain about the onigiri suit, and it usually ended up with him being chased out by Sakusa who was on cleaning duty (“Omi-kun why do you keep hitting me with the broom?!”/”I was told to clean any trash on the ground.”). Sakusa was a bit reluctant to be put strictly on cleaning duty but voiced no complaints when you told him that this job requires the least amount of human interaction.

Hinata and Thomas stayed in the kitchen to assist Osamu with cooking. The three worked quite well together and Hinata would translate anything for Thomas if need be.

You and Meian stood next to each other comfortably. You were doing what you normally did at the register except Meian took over all the phone orders.

Even with fewer responsibilities than usual, waves of exhaustion seeped into your bones throughout the morning. There would be the occasional superfan that would walk in and ask for a picture with all the players while squealing in a pitch that could outmatch a dolphin. Just the thought of it gave you a bigger migraine.


Your eyes shoot up to Meian who has been calling your name for who knows how long. Apparently, your fatigue was also affecting your reaction time. “Ah! Sorry, Meian-san. Did you need something?”

The tall man eyes you with worry. “Are you okay? You seem distracted.”

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just a bit tired.” You brush off his concern.

He looks like he wants to say more but is interrupted by Hinata who had popped his head in your periphery. “Hey, (Name)-san. Do you know where Osamu-san keeps the olive oil? He stepped away for a moment to check on something and I can’t find it.”

“Oh, yeah. I can get that for-!”

As you turn around from your spot, your vision blurs and you feel your knees give out from the sudden lightheadedness. There are several alarmed voices around you, but you don’t think you can react fast enough to stop yourself from falling over. You prepare for any pain, but before your head could hit the counter, strong arms wrap around your waist.


Hinata’s voice is right next to you, so you can assume that he is the one who caught you. The poor man looks like he’s about to call an ambulance in panic, so you place a hand on his forearm to let him know you’re still awake.

It seems like all the noise also caused your boss to rush back from whatever he was doing because his figure is suddenly crouched down in front of you. Without warning, Osamu places a gentle hand on your forehead and you involuntarily blush. “Your face is a little red, but it doesn’t seem like you have a fever. You said you weren’t getting enough sleep lately, right?”

“I-I think I just turned around too fast. I’m fine.” You tap Hinata’s arm to get him to let you go and make the effort to stand up on your own to show that you didn’t need help.

Osamu stood up and crossed his arms, his gaze focused on the dark circles under your eyes. “No, you are not. Go to the back room and take a break.”

“I’m seriously okay. Lunch rush is almost here and I don’t want to make things difficult for the other guys,” you argue back.

Osamu doesn’t seem like he wants to back down either. “Would you rather I tell you to leave early? It’s either take a break now or go home.”

After watching you and Osamu go back and forth, Meian felt the need to intervene. “Don’t worry, (Surname)-san. I’ve been with you all morning, so I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do. We’ve got more than enough hands to help out.”

There’s a brief silence as everyone waits for you to say something. You finally let out a defeated sigh. “Alright. I’ll take a break.”

The guys around you feel the tension leave from their shoulders at your compliance.

“But,” you lift up a finger to get their attention, “you have to call me if there are any issues or if you need help with the register.”

“Got it, got it. Now go, (Name)-san.” Osamu walks around you and places his hands on your shoulders as he pushes you towards the back room.

When the door closed behind you, there was an unfamiliar silence permeating the room. You’ve never taken a break by yourself, so you felt slightly uncomfortable. Deciding to just lay on the small couch at the corner of the room, you looked up at the ceiling not exactly knowing what to do during your ‘break’. You didn’t even realize your eyes started to droop until they were fully closed and you entered a deep sleep.

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 8

You stretch your arms as you walk back to the register feeling much more refreshed than you were before and mentally thanked your boss for convincing you to take a break.

There’s a small skip to your step as you get closer to where Meian is, but his strange posture makes you halt. When you look around the counter, there are multiple customers waiting in line and all of them seem to have irritated expressions. Meian has the phone up to his ears and he’s stuttering so much that you can’t even make out what he’s trying to say.

You’re about to reach out to help him, but the front entrance suddenly opens and you can’t help but gape at the sight. Standing in nothing but pants and an apron, Atsumu runs a hand through his blonde locks while sweat runs down his skin. You’re not sure why he’s shirtless or how he got away with taking off the costume, but your focus is once again taken away by another volleyball player.

Bokuto grabs a tray of food that Osamu left out and rushes to one of the tables. In his haste, he accidentally trips over his own feet and everything on the tray is sent flying. Your eyes widen when you witness the owlish man produce an entire front flip in the middle of the tiny restaurant and land it successfully. Although, the food didn’t survive and proceeded to fall right on top of Sakusa’s head with a resounding plop.

“Wow! Bokuto, when did you learn to do that?” Inunaki asks excitedly.

“I’ve been practicing so that I can have a grand entrance at the game!” Bokuto stands proudly, completely oblivious to his seething teammate. Sakusa is absolutely furious and looks like he’s about to blow a fuse.

Atsumu chooses to step in and make an attempt at calming his friend lightheartedly. “Hey, Omi-Omi! You’re overreacting. Just wash it off and call it a day. No need to get so mad at your friend.”

Atsumu’s words only seem to infuriate the dark haired male even more. “Get out of the fucking way, Miya. I don’t need your dumb excuses of friendship. I’m sick and tired of your shit.”

You could almost see the poison being spit out of Sakusa’s mouth as he directed his harsh words at Atsumu. The blonde seemed to have finally snapped as well as he alarmingly lifted one of his fists. Before Atsumu could cause any harm, Osamu grabbed his brother’s arm. You didn’t even notice your boss approach the two.

“‘Tsumu! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Osamu kept a tight grip on Atsumu as he glared. “Stop being an idiot and calm down.”

Atsumu roughly grabbed onto his brother’s collar with both of his hands. “You expect me to stay calm after hearing that? And, calling me an idiot doesn’t help, ‘Samu!”

You’ve finally had enough of being just a bystander, so you quickly ran around the counter and put a hand on each of the twins’ shoulders trying to lightly tug them away from each other. “Guys, you need to stop. Fighting in the middle of the shop is not going to solve anything.”

You knew that your words alone wouldn’t be enough to relieve their anger, but what you didn’t expect was the arm that harshly swung out in your direction, pushing you into the nearest table. If it weren’t for Bokuto and Inunaki steadying your balance, you could’ve been seriously injured.

“Stay out of this, (Name)-san.” Anger seems to have blinded Osamu and he doesn’t look even the least bit guilty for pushing you. “You’re being annoying. I don’t need you.”

If you could describe the way your heart felt after hearing those words, you would compare it to shattering glass. You knew you shouldn’t allow his words to affect you this much, but your emotions had failed you and all you could do was look down with tears in your eyes. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t taken that break.

Unfortunately, the universe didn’t seem to want you to even contemplate on your decision when a loud scream was heard from the kitchen area. Everyone in the room watched as Hinata, Thomas, and Meian collectively yelled the one word that could’ve made this situation worse.


Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 8

Your body aggressively shot up into a sitting position with your arms outstretched as you let out a startled gasp. A bead of sweat ran down your face and you took a second to take some deep breaths. Once you felt like your heart wasn’t going to jump out of your chest, you took in your surroundings.

You were alone in the back room of Onigiri Miya sitting on the same couch that you must have fallen asleep on when you first walked in. There was a thin blanket on top of your body that you don’t remember having before losing consciousness, but you didn’t wait to dwell on it as you tossed it aside and stood up to go back outside.

Throwing the door open, you steeled your nerves at the potential chaos that you might have to confront after your terrible, anxiety-provoking dream. However, the sight in front of you was... completely normal.

Your boss, being the closest one to the door, was the first person to notice your presence and smiled as you walked up to him. “Hey, (Name)-san. How are you feeling?”

“Uh...better? How’s everything out here?” Your eyes shift around the room to see if anything was unusual. “No raging fire or um...missing shirts?”

Osamu looked at you with confusion. “Not that I know of? It was a bit rocky after you left, but after about an hour everyone adjusted pretty well.”

Your shoulders released their tension at the fact that there weren’t any issues in your absence but immediately tensed back up when you realized what Osamu had just implied. “An hour?! How long was I asleep for?”

“Maybe about four hours?”

“Four-!” Almost choking on your words, you pulled out your phone to check the time and it has indeed been four hours since you started your break. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up?”

“I came in to check on you after about half an hour, but you seem really tired, and as your boss, I need to make sure you’re not overworked or sick.” Osamu brought up an arm to rub his neck sheepishly. “I know how you feel about me being concerned about your health, but I’d rather have you upset at me than risk you ending up in a hospital.”

A pout makes its way onto your face. How were you supposed to be upset if he gave you a reasoning like that?

Taking your silence as a sign to keep talking, Osamu brings his arm down and places his hand on your head comfortingly. “We’re not closing just yet, so you can still help out. I know you don’t like missing out on work, so there’s still some things to get done, if you’re good with that?”

You nod your head eagerly. “Yeah, sounds good. I’ll try to make up for what I missed.”

When you returned to the register, some of the MSBY players welcomed you back happily. Hinata and Meian gave you worried looks but felt reassured when you gave them a cheerful thumbs up. The only person you haven’t seen in a while was Atsumu, so you assumed he was still working outside.

Since holding the MSBY event for an entire normal work day might tire out the players, Osamu had planned to close earlier than usual, which meant that there was only about an hour left before closing. You tried your best to do as much as you could during that hour, even checking up on everyone every once in a while.

Ten minutes before closing, a woman walked in with two young boys by her side. You could make the assumption that they might be twins based on the uncanny similarities between them. Although, one of them seemed much more outgoing than the other based on their mannerisms and the two reminded you of another set of twins. The kids must’ve been playing outdoors before walking in since their hands were covered in dirt.

The mother lightly pushed her sons towards the back of the room. “Why don’t you two go wash your hands in the bathroom, while I order the food?”

“Okay!” The more extroverted twin answered back and ran towards the bathroom after grabbing his brother’s hand.

The woman asks for a to-go order and strikes up a conversation with Bokuto and Inunaki while she waits. After a couple of minutes, there are strange noises and laughter coming from the bathroom. When you looked up, the mother was still standing with the two men, so her sons must still be in the bathroom.

Tapping Meian on the shoulder, you point to the back when he has his attention on you. “Meian-san, could you watch the register real quick? I’m gonna go check what’s going on in the bathroom.”

He gives you a slight nod and you make your way to where all the noise is. The bathroom door is slightly ajar and when you peek in, you see the two boys standing in front of the sink blowing bubbles with their fingers. There was soap and water everywhere. You silently thank the universe for not having you on cleaning duty today.

Not wanting to startle the children, you knock on the door before opening it all the way. You expected the boys to be terrified at getting caught, but when they make eye contact with you over the mirror, their grins widen.

“Pretty cashier lady! Look what I can do!”

The talkative twin plunged his hand in the sink and viciously started blowing bubbles everywhere after taking his hand out. The quieter of the two started running around to avoid getting hit by the bubbles, but miscalculated how slippery the floor had gotten from all the soap and water.


As soon as you saw the boy’s feet slip from under him, you rushed forward and caught him with your own body, saving him from potentially breaking his nose. “Are you okay?”

The young boy turned red at the close proximity and shyly nodded his head while avoiding your eyes.

The ruckus had caused a couple people to check up on what was going on and were surprised to see the state of the bathroom as well as the boy that was tightly gripping onto your shirt. The boys’ mother was also part of the group as she had realized that her sons were taking quite a long time to simply wash their hands.

Rest assured, you explained what had happened and the woman scolded her children before making them apologize for causing such a disruption. The boy you had saved from slipping kept shifting his body weight from one foot to another when a sudden idea popped into his head. He quickly ran out of his mother’s hold and slid open the front door to go outside.

Before anyone could run after him, the boy came back inside just as quickly with a small white flower in his hand. He shuffled over to stand in front of you and held out the flower. “I’m sorry.”

You thought your heart would burst at the cute gesture and knelt down to gladly accept the flower with a warm smile. “Thank you.”

All of the guys around were watching the scene with a smile of their own. Someone quietly leaned over to an unsuspecting Osamu and whispered into his ear, “You’ve got some tough competition, Myaa-san.”


With that, the mother left with her sons after grabbing their food and the day was officially over. All of the MSBY players, excluding Sakusa and Atsumu, sat down at a table together to take a quick break before getting back up to clean. Sakusa begrudgingly went to get rid of the mess in the bathroom and Atsumu was still nowhere to be seen, but no one really seemed to notice at the moment.

Even though you were out cold for a couple hours, it still felt like an hectic day.

“Looks like you just can't get away from ruining your uniform, huh.”

Turning to the side, Osamu walks up to where you are and a smirk is plastered onto his features. True to his words, your uniform was once again soaked with water, but this time, there are remnants of soap as well.

You let out a sigh. “It seems so.”

Osamu nervously looks to the side and shoves his hands into his pockets. “Do you, uh, need something to cover up?”

“Nah, it’s all good. I actually brought an extra uniform shirt just in case anything happened during the event today. Luckily, I thought ahead!” You mentally pat yourself on the back.


“I’m gonna go change in the back room now. I’ll come out to help with cleaning afterwards!” You don’t wait to hear a response and disappear into the back room for the second time today.

At the same time, the entrance slides open and Atsumu, still in his onigiri costume, strolls into the shop. There’s an empty bag of chips hanging loosely from his hands, which he throws away to the nearest trash can.

“Atsumu-san! Where have you been?” Hinata stands up from his chair to walk up to the blonde in curiosity. “And, where did you get those chips?”

“There weren’t any customers outside and I wanted a snack so I went to the nearby convenience store,” Atsumu replies.

Osamu scoffs. “You skipped out on work and went to the convenience store in that?”

“Everyone and their moms in the next 10 mile radius has seen me in this, so what’s the point of getting embarrassed over wearing this down the block?” Atsumu attempts to shrug his shoulders but the suit is too large to make it obvious. “We’re done right? I wanna get out of this thing as soon as possible. You left my shirt in the back, right Shoyo-kun?”

Atsumu began speed walking towards the back room to change and Hinata realized a second too late that his teammate had no idea that you were still inside. The younger male jumped in place and tried to stop Atsumu. “Atsumu-san, wait! Don’t-!”

Unfortunately, Atsumu’s ears didn’t register what Hinata was trying to say in time and he swung open the door. He froze completely when he saw the bare skin of your back before sliding up his gaze to lock eyes with you. You were in the middle of putting on your extra uniform but froze in shock from the sudden entry with only your arms through the shirt, leaving the top half of your body only clad in a bra.

Hinata, who was only able to grab onto his teammate’s arm a second too late, also had a clear view. To make the situation even worse, Sakusa had just finished cleaning the bathroom and had walked out at the same time of the fiasco making him the third person to see you shirtless.

All four of you stare at one another for a second before you snap out of it. A menacing aura seeps out of your figure as your expression darkens. “Close the door.”

“SHIT! SORRY!” Atsumu regains function in his limbs at your tone and slams the door shut.

Hinata covers his fiery cheeks and squeezes his eyes shut but then immediately opens them when the image of you becomes too clear in his mind. He’s muttering incoherent apologies under his breath as if you could sense his remorse through the walls. Sakusa looks down at his mop and remains silent, his own cheeks tinted pink under his face mask.

“What the fuck did you do, Atsumu?”

Atsumu flinches at the coldness of Osamu’s words from behind him. He slowly turns around and meets his brother’s gaze. Osamu was mad.

Not even a second later Osamu’s kicking around Atsumu across the floor in anger. Atsumu opted to pull his arms and legs inside the suit to avoid any injuries. Hinata and Sakusa can only watch from the side. Out of curiosity, even Bokuto joined in on spectating. If this was any other situation, one might even laugh at the somewhat comical sight.

You step out of the back room a minute later fully dressed. No one has noticed you yet, so you just make your way to where the three less problematic MSBY players were sitting. They all watch you with mixed expressions as you sit down on one of the chairs wearily.

“You just can’t seem to catch a break. You good?” Inunaki peers at you with sympathy in his eyes. Thomas lifts up a hand for you to take and gives you a comforting squeeze before letting go.

“Yeah. I’m fine, really. Can’t even say I’m surprised that nothing seems to be calm when I’m around all you volleyball players. I’ve already gotten used to it, though.” You sigh exasperatedly but you can’t stop the small upward curve of your lips as you glance behind you at the chaos.

Meian chuckles. “You know, you’re pretty good at handling their shenanigans. Even with all the work you did today, you still made time to check on everyone. I’d say you’ve got some good managing skills.”

You give Meian a grateful smile at his kind words. He then seems lost in thought for a moment before beaming at you. “Hey, we have a manager position that’s open right now. Would you consider working along with all of us?”

The suggestion caught you completely off guard. You working with MSBY? You can’t deny that the idea makes you curious.

As you open your mouth to respond, an arm is suddenly slung over your shoulders silencing you.

“Sorry, Meian-san. She’s too good of a worker to give up.” At some point, your boss had gotten behind you and eavesdropped on your conversation. He tugs your body a bit closer to his own possessively and looks at Meian straight in the eye. “She’s mine.”

You’re surprised how you haven’t ended up in the hospital with how many times your heart has gone out of control in the last 8 hours. Except this time, a blush accompanies your irregular heart rate.

To save yourself from any potential embarrassment, you shrug off Osamu and cross your arms. “Um, no. I don’t belong to anyone.”

A flash of anxiety runs across Osamu’s eyes. He worries that he might have offended you or pushed you to take Meian’s offer.

Ignoring your boss, you send a small apologetic smile to the older man.” Sorry, Meian-san. I’m pretty happy working here, and I don’t know if I can really commit to a manager position at this time. Thanks for considering me though!”

“No worries, (Surname)-san. Feel free to let us know if you ever do change your mind.” The captain nods his head in understanding and accepts the rejection coolly.

A pained groan echoes through the shop and you turn to the noise. Atsumu is still on the ground looking absolutely drained of energy while Bokuto pokes at his costume with a single metal chopstick. Hinata and Sakusa are still in the same spot from before and make no effort to help Atsumu up.

Meian claps his hands once next to you and his chair screeches against the floor as he stands. “Alright, guys! Break’s over! Our job isn’t done just yet. Let’s get to cleaning!”

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 8


You’re just about ready to pass out as you lay in your bed with the lights off. Despite the four hour nap you had today, you still feel drowsy and can’t wait to get some sleep. Luckily, the neighbors seem to have calmed down for the night, so sleep should come easily. As you feel your consciousness slipping from you, you’re suddenly jolted awake by the shrill ringtone of your phone.

Letting out an annoyed groan, you pick up your phone to check who would be calling you so late. However, your irritation dissipates as soon as you read Shirabu’s name on the screen. He isn’t the type of person to call for no reason, so you immediately answer with a bit of a concerned tone, “Hey, Shirabu-san! What’s up?”

“Hello, (Surname)-san. Sorry for calling you so late. My shift just ended and I came across some information you might be interested in.” His words catch you by surprise and you force your body to sit up. “I just spoke to a colleague of mine and they informed me that there’s a program you might be interested in. They’re accepting new applicants at her university.”

“What?! That’s great! Could you tell me more about it?” It’s difficult to keep your voice down with all your anticipation.

Shirabu relays all of the information that his colleague had told him and you quickly shuffle over to your desk and turn on your mini lamp to write down both the website and email needed for the application. He stays silent as you finish writing down everything. You’re about to thank your friend, but he speaks up once again. “Oh, but I think it would be good to mention that the application is due in two days.”

You let out a panicked gasp. Two days?!

“Sorry about letting you know so late. I only found out about this today.” Shirabu’s tone is uncharacteristically apologetic, so you know he’s being genuine about his words. “I wouldn’t have told you about it, if I didn’t think you were capable of finishing it on time.”

After taking a deep breath, your face breaks out into a small smile at Shirabu’s blunt display of kindness. “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. I really do appreciate you even letting me know about this at all. Thanks, Shirabu-san.”

Your ears pick up a car door slam, so you assume Shirabu must have gotten in his car to go home. After some shuffling, Shirabu responds back to your gratitude. “No problem. I’m going to assume that you’ll probably want to get started on your application as soon as possible, so I’ll hang up now. Good luck with everything and let me know if you have any other questions.”

Once you’ve both said your goodbyes, the line goes silent. A spark lights in your eyes and all of your previous drowsiness has disappeared. You turn on your laptop and spend the majority of your night working on the application with motivation that you haven’t had in a while.

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 8

A/N: it took everything in my soul to not write ‘Inumaki’ instead of Inunaki. Inumaki supremacy (i love me my onigiri boys).

did i write the scene with the baby twins just for the whole scandalous back room exchange. yes. yes i did.

if the bubble blowing bathroom scene reminded you of that one scene in the spongebob movie, you’re on the VIP list

taglist: @kiyoo-omi, @tris-does-stuff, @livshotel, @bokuatsubro, @akkeyomi, @kaleidoscopekai @hirugachan

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3 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 9

Title: the lighthouse in the midst of a storm

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 3.9k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: hi. new update and this one is a bit dialogue heavy. for good reason! just osamu this time, folks! this one's a lot less chaotic and a lot more floof. it's a bit of a break from all the things that have been going on the last few chapters


Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 9

Echoes of rain fill the almost empty restaurant as you stand in front of the register bored out of your mind. It’s been raining all morning causing there to be significantly less customers than usual. You can’t really complain since you’re still getting paid to do nothing, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t starting to get antsy.

Despite the change in weather, today is still a regular work day, but you can’t shake the weird feeling that something was going to happen.

Your discomfort must have been obvious because Osamu slides over to the spot next to you and leans forward to get your attention. “What’s on your mind? Not that I’m judging you or anything, but you got a bit of a constipated look going on right now.”

“I don’t know. Something just feels...off about today.” You place a hand on your cheek in contemplation and look up to the ceiling as if it was going to give you answers.

Osamu hums at your reply and straightens his back. “You sure you’re not getting sick or anything? Feeling lightheaded?”

You let out an exasperated huff. Ever since the incident during the MSBY event, Osamu has become more worrisome over your health. “Okay, you need to stop asking me that every single time I tell you I’m tired or distracted. I told you I learned my lesson from last time!”

“I know, I know. You just scared me a bit at the time.” Your boss places a hand on his chest with exaggerated movements. “I don’t think I’m qualified to hide a dead body just yet.”

You raise an eyebrow. “Hide my body? You wouldn’t call an ambulance or something?”

Osamu gives you a teasing smile. “Listen, I appreciate you as a worker, but reporting a dead body in my restaurant would give it some bad rep. I would instantly lose all my customers.”

“Oh, you little shit-”

Just as you were about to jab Osamu’s side, you hear someone clear their throat. Both of your eyes shoot up in surprise and notice a young woman waiting in front of the register.

Without giving you a chance to apologize, the woman holds out her hand to Osamu. “Hello, Miya-san! My name is Sanada Akemi, and I’m a journalist for Kitchen Kuts magazine.”

“Uh...Hello, Sanada-san.” Osamu accepts her hand in greeting.

You’re already kind of irked at how she was obviously making the effort to ignore your presence, but you feel even worse when the journalist grasps onto Osamu’s hand with both of hers in what you consider to be an unnecessarily intimate handshake.

“Wow!” Sanada lets out an exaggerated gasp when she notices the portraits that a certain blonde had put up. “Is that you? I didn’t know you were a volleyball player too!”

“Oh, no. That’s my brother. I don’t play anymore,” Osamu answers.

“That’s still pretty cool! Although, you definitely match the level of attractiveness of these athletes.”

Without saying a word, you aggressively click the button that opens the register and the compartment springs out loudly. The noise was loud enough to startle everyone around you. Osamu and Sanada direct their attention at you.

“Don’t mind me. Just organizing our funds. Please continue your conversation about the magazine.” You hoped that the fake smile you had was convincing enough. One side of Osamu’s lips twitch, but he refrains from revealing the smile that threatens to come out.

Your tense tone went unnoticed by Sanada as she placed her hand in front of her mouth. “Oh, dear! Sorry about that. I tend to get a bit distracted. I was wondering if I could do an interview with you about your thriving restaurant, Miya-san.”

Osamu brings his attention back to the journalist and nods his head. “Sure. Although, I will need to step aside if a customer comes in at any point.”

“That’s fine. Let’s take a seat at one of the tables.”

Once Osamu makes his way around the counter, you feel your left eye twitch as you watch Sanada place a hand on his shoulder and lead him to one of the empty tables. Your boss sits in the seat that’s facing away from you and Sanada takes the one in front of him.

They’re too far away for you to eavesdrop but glance at them a few times out of curiosity only to be caught staring by Sanada. The first time you take a peek you awkwardly stare at one another for a few seconds before you break away in discomfort. The second time you were caught, Sanada furrowed her eyebrows and sported a confused expression at your attention. The last time your eyes met, the journalist quickly avoided your stare and you were the one blinking in confusion this time.

Realizing that you were being a bit rude, you stopped stealing glances and waited patiently for the interview to finish, albeit with a small frown glued to your lips. After a couple more minutes, your ears pick up the screeching of chairs and you muster up the courage to look at the two one more time.

Sanada flips to an empty page in her notebook and begins to scribble something quickly before tearing it out. She motions for Osamu to take it and whispers something into his ear with a bright blush dominating her cheeks. Sanada then bows with a brief thank you and practically runs outside of the shop while haphazardly opening up the umbrella that she had left next to the entrance. You think you might’ve seen her look at you one last time before the door closed but don’t think much of it.

Osamu walks back to his place behind the counter with an unreadable smile. A familiar feeling begins to build up inside of you, but you’re too stubborn to admit how you truly feel out loud. Instead, you decide to take the passive aggressive route and mutter under your breath, “Yeah, of course. You’ll definitely swoon the owner of a restaurant by not buying any of his food. Perfect. Smooth.”

It seems like Osamu was still able to hear your mumbling based on how his expression transformed into a cheeky grin. “The journalist lady gave me her number.”

“Yeah? Okay. That’s great.” No matter how much you wanted to keep an impassive face, there was no stopping the pout from forming on your lips. “She was a pretty woman and you guys looked fine together, I guess. She was a little ditzy and a bit touchy, but I’m sure she’s got something good going for her. As long as you’re happy, I’ll be there to support your wildest endeavors forever and always since I’m your favorite employee and-”

“And she said it was for you.”

Osamu’s words cut your rambling short.


The male lets out a chuckle. “She said she was too shy to give it to you herself and asked me to ‘give her number to the lovely girl at the register’.”

All of the pent up frustration rapidly leaves your body as you process what you had just heard. A full minute passes by before one of your hands nervously comes up to your neck similar to how Osamu often gestures. “Oh...um...sorry I guess I got kind of carried away there.”

Your boss pats your shoulder playfully. “No worries. Glad you’re looking out for me, favorite employee!”

“S-shut up!”

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 9

After you had politely declined taking Sanada’s number from Osamu, the rest of the afternoon went by fairly uneventfully other than the storm outside getting progressively worse at every hour. As a result, there hasn’t been a single person that has walked through the front door in the last two hours.

“Damn. It doesn’t look like it’ll get any better by the time we close, so I think it’s safe to say that we should close early.” Osamu winces as the violent winds cause the front door to rattle.

You grimace. “Yeah. We’ll probably be stuck here for a while though. If we go out there now, it’ll be hell.”

A flash of lightning startles you and a boom of thunder follows soon after. Suddenly, the overhead lights begin to flicker before completely dying out. Your entire vision is shrouded by darkness. The one time you leave your phone in the back room is the one time you actually need it. “I didn’t think the storm would bring us any more misfortune, but I stand corrected.”

“Hey, now. If you say something like that, you’ll jinx yourself.” Osamu starts patting the counter. “Where the hell did I put my phone?”

You shuffled over to where your boss was to help his search. “Sure, sure. What could possibly-! Shit!”

You’re not sure who the idiot was that left the broom in the middle of nowhere (it was you), but as you're making your way to Osamu’s general direction, your foot gets caught on it. Your eyes haven’t adjusted to the darkness yet, so you just blindly flail your arms in hopes of latching onto something before injuring yourself. Luckily, your workspace is small.


Without thinking, your arms immediately embrace Osamu’s torso to stop your fall and his own arms wrap around your shoulders. The two of you stumble back a couple steps but don’t topple over. You stay still for a couple moments to calm yourself down, but your hold on Osamu doesn’t loosen.

“Alright. It’s like you’re asking me to learn how to hide a body,” the male teasingly quips.

You can’t keep the humor out of your own voice, “Osamu-san, this isn’t the time to joke around! I literally almost died!”


Both of you laugh together at your shared moment. You discreetly notice how the two of you are still wrapped around each other and subtly step out of his hold before things could get awkward. The loss of warmth causes your body to involuntarily shiver. “It’s getting kind of cold here.”

“Did you bring your jacket with you?” Osamu questions.

You shake your head forgetting that he can’t really see you. “No. I was so caught up in taking my umbrella this morning that I completely forgot it.”

“I’ve, uh, got an extra hoodie in the back if you wanna borrow it

“That would be really nice actually. Is it in the back room?”

“Yeah. We can just go there and sit on the couch until the rain subsides a bit too. No point in standing around uncomfortably for a couple hours. I think I left my phone there too.”

Now that your eyes have adjusted to the dark, you see Osamu holding out a hand towards you. You tilt your head in confusion. “Are you asking me to hold your hand?”

“I’m trying to help you get to the back room without getting a concussion in the process,” he replies cheekily.

“Better watch your mouth or you’re gonna be the one getting the concussion.” Even though you let out a dramatic sigh, your hands still grab onto his. Your fingers naturally interlock and you let him carefully pull you to the back room. Your hands fit together rather nicely.

Once the two of you were inside, you let go to find your respective belongings. Now that you have your phones, the flashlights are able to illuminate the room. Osamu hands you his hoodie and you gladly put it on. You won’t admit it to anyone, but Osamu’s hoodie makes you feel much warmer than Kita’s sweater in more ways than one.

For the next couple minutes, you both sit in a comfortable silence while scrolling through your phones lazily. You just started going through your emails when one particular sender caught your eye. When you open up the email and read through its contents, your breath gets caught in your throat.

Osamu notices your stunned state. “Is something wrong?”

There’s a slight pause before you turn your screen to face him. “I got in.”

He slowly stands up from his seat. “You...you what?”

“I got into the graduate school program!” You jump up from your chair and throw your fists into the air in joy.

“Holy shit! That’s amazing! I knew you could do it!” Your boss joins you in your shouts of elation as he mimics your gestures of excitement. “Where is this university anyways?”

Your heart drops. “It’s...it’s on...the other side of Japan.”

The man freezes in place as his expression turns somber. “Oh, then


The previous cheerful atmosphere switched to a tense silence. You knew you wouldn’t be staying at Onigiri Miya forever, but you didn’t think the option to leave would come so soon. “But, I don’t have to move until March since I start in April, so I’ll still be able to work a bit longer. I wouldn’t just leave you without helping you look for another worker.”

“Oh, I...wasn’t really worried about that.” He rubs at his neck before giving you a small smile. “But, I’m glad. I’m really happy for you.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, you plop back down to your seat. “Well, enough about my academics. We can talk more about what we’re gonna do a bit later. Got any funny childhood stories to pass some more time? We probably have another hour or two to kill.”

“Of course. It’s definitely gonna take more than an hour to tell you everything ‘Tsumu’s done wrong as a child, but we can get started.” Osamu laughs as he also sits back down. “There was this one time, though, when we tried to do the whole twin trick where we pretended to be each other to cheat on exams.”

“Did you get caught?”

“Every time.”

“You’ve done it more than once?”

“Every year.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Not as crazy as ‘Tsumu.”

“That I can agree with.”

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 9

“...and then some kid from our elementary school told ‘Tsumu that the next day was ‘Underwear Day’.”


“Yes. He showed up to school in just his briefs. I had the flu and stayed home, so ‘Tsumu didn’t realize that he was lied to until he actually got to school. Our dad would not let it go for years and even took this picture of him.”

Osamu brings his phone to your line of vision and your eyes meet a teary-eyed younger Atsumu in his neon green briefs in front of his elementary school. It feels wrong to find it so funny, but you can’t stop the burst of laughter from leaving your mouth. You could just think of it as payback for the whole ‘seeing you shirtless’ incident.

Your eyes catch the time on the corner of the screen and realize that it’s a little bit past closing. “As much as I’d hate to ruin the ‘Embarrassing Atsumu Arc’ of your life, we should probably check to see if we can head out. I haven’t heard any thunder for a while, so the storm might’ve died down.”

Osamu stands up and stretches his body to loosen its stiffness. “Sounds like a plan.”

After gathering your belongings, the two of you walk out of the back room and open the front door slightly. It’s still raining, but the winds have calmed and no lightning in sight.

“I think we’re good to go,” your boss concludes.

You’re about to lock the door when a sudden thought crosses your mind. “The food!!”

“Ah, shit!” Osamu takes his cap off and runs a hand through his hair. “It’s fine. We’ll worry about it later. I needed to restock tomorrow anyways. There’s not much we’re wasting.”

“If you say so.”

As you’re opening up your umbrella, Osamu lifts up his apron and ties it around his head. You raise an eyebrow. “What are you doing? Where’s your umbrella?”

He lets out a deep sigh. “Don’t have one. Or, actually, ‘Tsumu stole it from me a while ago and I forgot to get it back.”

“Oh, then you can just take mine. I live closer, so the walk won’t be too bad.” There was no way you were letting him walk home like that.

Vice versa. “No can do. There’s no way a gentleman like myself would ever let you walk in the rain.”

Thinking back to the journalist from earlier today, you remember how bold she was when interacting with Osamu, albeit with misinterpreted intentions. Was it really that easy? “F-fine. How about you walk me home and take the spare umbrella from my apartment? That’ll make it even, right?”

The male contemplates for a moment before removing the apron from his head and gently taking the umbrella from your hands. He grins at you. “Deal.”

The walk to your apartment was filled with the sounds of rain pattering down on the umbrella and soft pairs of footsteps. The warmth at your side was enough to keep you preoccupied despite the lack of conversation.

You arrive at your apartment complex and before you know it, both of you are standing in front of your door. You turn to face him. “Thanks for walking me home!”

“No problem. Gotta make up for stealing your umbrella for a night.” He pats your head and takes a step away from you before you stop him.


The man halts his footsteps and you clear your throat. “Could you wait out here for a moment?”

Osamu tilts his head curiously but nods in compliance. You quickly unlock your door and disappear through it for a couple minutes. When you appear once again before him, nothing’s changed about you except for the wrapped box in your arms. Nervously, you hold out the box towards Osamu. “Here, uh...I know it’s kind of late, but I bought you a birthday gift.”

“Really?” Osamu takes the gift hesitantly, but once the box is in his hands, he immediately starts ripping through the wrapping eagerly. Inside was a soft grey scarf made out of wool with a small onigiri embroidered onto the corner of one of the ends. Left speechless, all the male could do at the moment was stare at the gift fondly.

Slightly panicking at his silence, you start rambling. “Winter’s coming soon, and you told me that you don’t own a scarf a couple days ago. I also remembered that you dyed your hair grey in high school, so I thought you liked this color at least a little bit? I would’ve given your gift sooner, but I was a little low on money a-and I wanted to get you one that was nice. Not that you don’t pay me enough! I would never-”

Your words are cut off when strong arms circle around your shoulders for the second time today, but this time, for an intentional hug. You stiffen for a moment before relaxing into the embrace. Osamu presses his cheek to the side of your head. “You’re rambling quite a lot today. Don’t worry. I love it. I really do.”

Without stepping out of each other’s hold, you lean back to face one another. Your noses are inches apart and the tension grows.

“Hey, uh, (Name)-san?”


“Can I k-”

Suddenly, the shrill sound of Osamu’s ringtone interrupts the moment. Forcing yourselves to untangle from one another, he frowns at the caller ID before answering. “What do you want, ‘Tsumu.”

It’s difficult to hear exactly what Atsumu was saying since he was slurring his words, but you were able to make out a couple rather concerning things. “...went out drinking...hungry...microwave...burnt

Osamu’s hand comes up to pinch the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “Alright. Do not touch anything else. I’ll be home in less than half an hour, and if you do anything stupid, I am disowning you as a brother for real this time.”

The call ends quickly and Osamu puts his attention back on you. “Sorry, I should probably head back now.”

“Y-yeah. Don’t want Atsumu burning down your entire apartment,” you stutter.

Osamu puts the scarf back in the box and protectively tucks it under his arm while his other hand clutches onto your umbrella. “Thanks for the gift. I’ll definitely wear it soon. I’ll return your umbrella at work tomorrow too.”

“I’m glad! I’ll...see you tomorrow.” A small smile adorns your lips and before you can chicken out, you land a soft kiss on his cheek. “Good night, Osamu-san.”

The man’s ears turn bright red at your sudden affection. “R-right. Good night, (Name)-san!”

Knowing that your entire face is completely flushed with how warm it feels, you quickly walk into your apartment. After closing the door, you lean on it and slide down while cupping your flaming cheeks.

You’re not sure whether to pat yourself on the back or change your name and move to another country. Okay, maybe you’re exaggerating, but that doesn’t mean you’re not freaking out like some touch-deprived high schooler.

You rub your face against your sleeves when another thought hits you. You were still wearing Osamu’s hoodie. With everything that happened, you completely forgot that you haven’t returned it yet. There was a part of you that wasn’t ready to give it back though. It was probably one of the most comfortable hoodies you have ever worn and that says a lot since your closet is full of them (or maybe you’re just a little biased).

He won’t miss it for a couple days, right?

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 9


It’s been a few days since Atsumu almost burned the apartment down. The blonde is feeling upset, but not about that situation.

Osamu has been walking around the house with his new scarf every single day as if he were mocking Atsumu. Weren’t they twins? They shared the same birthday. You and him were friends, right? Why didn’t he get a gift too? Atsumu’s pout turned into a full blown frown the more he thought about it.


Atsumu sneaks a quick glance at his brother who’s leaning against his bedroom doorway. Of course he has on that dumb scarf around his neck again. “I’m not in the mood, ‘Samu. And, why are you wearing a scarf indoors?”

Osamu scoffs. “I do what I want.”

“Alright, but what do you want from me? Are you here to brag about your new gift from (Name)-chan?” The blonde pulls his blanket over his body. “If you are, then leave.”

Atsumu can hear footsteps drawing closer to his bed and then something is placed on top of him a bit aggressively. When he pops his head out from under the covers, he sees a small gift bag laying on his side. “Did you get me a gift, ‘Samu?!”

“Hell no. Just take it, scrub.” And with that, Osamu walked out of Atsumu’s room without closing his door.

Curiously, Atsumu peeks inside the bag and takes out the small cardboard box sitting underneath a layer of tissue paper. He gasps when he opens the box and sees a new sports towel with an MSBY symbol in the corner. Underneath the symbol are his initials sewed onto the material.

When he looks back into the bag, there’s a small note at the bottom and he doesn’t hesitate to take it out. There’s a single yellow cosmos flower taped to the piece of paper and his eyes widen when he reads the note.

Sorry for giving your gift so late! There was a delay with my order, so it came in later than expected. I also included a small flower. I’m not as well versed in flower meanings as you are, so I hope your birth flower suffices! Happy belated birthday! -(Name)

Tears fall down Atsumu’s face dramatically as he stares at your gifts. “SERIOUSLY, SHE’S GONNA MAKE ME CRY!”

Hearing his brother’s comical sobbing, Osamu places his headphones on and raises the volume of his music to drown out any external noises.

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 9

A/N: probably the most “romantic” chapter I’ve written. Hgnn. almost 40,000 words and they still havent kissed askjdgamfhdfa

Side note: Osamu never remembered your favorite color so he decided to just take one of his black hoodies cause who doesnt like a nice black hoodie to disappear in

taglist: @kiyoo-omi, @tris-does-stuff, @livshotel, @bokuatsubro, @akkeyomi, @kaleidoscopekai, @hirugachan, @geektastic84 @ntimacy @sagefzy

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3 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 10

Title: the big game

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 4.8k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: i present to you...a new chapter a little earlier than usual because im not good at making productive decisions for my life or getting enough sleep :D


Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 10

You’re greeting yet another hungry customer during work, but your surroundings are a bit different from usual. Today, you stand behind the Onigiri Miya food stall at Kamei Arena Sendai. Osamu had planned to set up a stall for the V. League Championships event to promote his restaurant. Even though he won’t admit it, he is also here to support Atsumu.

The different setting isn’t the only thing that was new, however. Today, you had an extra worker helping out with the stall.

“Dai-kun, can you refill the Grilled Mentaiko and Salmon onigiris on the shelf?” You ask a male standing behind you while passing an order to the awaiting hands of a father and his child.

He jokingly salutes at you. “Aye aye, captain!”

Kimura Daisuke is a cousin of yours that is a year younger than you and has recently moved into town to transfer into the local university. He currently has an online tutoring job but has shown interest in working at Onigiri Miya around the time you’ll be leaving. Having your cousin assisting today is sort of like a trial run for your boss to assess. It’s also nice to have an extra pair of hands since the day was surely going to be very busy.

Osamu suddenly bumps your shoulder. “Have I already been replaced as the boss? Kimura-san seems to listen to you more than his potential employer.”

“I don’t know. Maybe you’re just slacking?” A small giggle leaves your mouth and he returns your smile.

It’s been a couple of weeks since that day. After Osamu had walked you home in the rain, he didn’t treat you any differently during work despite the slightly intimate moment you two had shared the night before. You couldn’t bring yourself to mention anything, so you decided to just act like nothing happened. It was honestly a bit of a relief since you don’t think you really have the mental capacity to deal with your feelings while trying to prepare for your new life in graduate school.

Your thoughts are cut short when you hear Osamu let out a noise of recognition. “Oh hey! It’s you, uh...from Karasuno! You were the one with that really nasty jump floater!”

A tall male with freckles scattered across his face responds to Osamu’s exclamation. “Ah. It’s Yamaguchi.”

Your boss snaps his fingers as he remembers something. “Oh yeeeah. This is Sendai. Duh. It’s your home turf.”

“Yeah. But, even if it wasn't being held here in Sendai, there’s no way I’d miss this game.” There’s a certain glint in Yamaguchi’s eyes.

Osamu grins knowingly. “I bet you wouldn’t.”

As the two look up at the Adlers vs. MSBY banner behind the food stalls, you decide to voice the question that had popped up in your mind when Osamu first greeted Yamaguchi. “Hey, you said you went to Karasuno, right? Does that mean you were teammates with Sho-kun? Or, uh, Hinata-kun?”

Yamaguchi is a little flustered when he realizes that you’ve been listening to the whole conversation but nods his head. “We were on the same volleyball team all three years of high school. Are you a friend of his?”

“Yup! I actually met him in Brazil and we’ve been good friends ever since. He’s told me a lot about his former teammates, but I’m just bad with names.”

He points to you in realization. “Oh! So, you’re the friend from Brazil! Hinata’s mentioned you a couple times when we talked over the phone.”

You chatted with Yamaguchi a bit more and even got to meet another girl named Yachi who had also been involved with Karasuno’s volleyball club. Eventually, they both had to leave since the game was starting soon and needed to meet up with a friend.

Once the Adlers vs. MSBY game commenced, there weren’t that many customers, so you were able to watch the majority of the game undisturbed. You were, however, surprised to see Akaashi when he came up to the stall to buy some onigiris. You haven’t seen him since your first day of work, so it was a bit comical to witness him slightly deflating when you mention that you haven’t told anyone about the tax incident.

For the rest of the game, the only sounds you make are ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as you try your best to follow the fast pace (Although, you did meet a nice guy named Koganegawa who practically jumped like a child when you handed him his food). Even with all of the things you already know about the sport, this volleyball game was just too intense for you to digest everything. Before you knew it, the match was officially over with MSBY scoring the win. You felt proud of Hinata and was thoroughly impressed by all the other athletes you’ve come to know at work.

Osamu and Kimura both cheered in joy at the fantastic game as well. Even though you technically didn’t win anything, you still wanted to take advantage of the positive atmosphere, “Do you guys want to take a picture as a memory for this day?”

Your boss smiles. “Sure. I can take it with my phone. Get in!”

The three of you stand close to each other to get into the frame, with you being the middle. Osamu takes the picture and pulls it up to show you and your cousin how it turned out. Just as Osamu is about to take another photo, Kimura steps aside and you both look at him curiously.

“You guys should take a picture with just the two of you!” Kimura suggests.

You tilt your head in confusion. “What about you?”

“I just think you guys should take a picture together since you’re technically the ‘real’ workers...and some other things.” Your cousin mumbled the last part of his sentence, but you couldn’t ask him what he meant since he had already turned around to speak with someone at a nearby stall.

Both you and Osamu just shrug your shoulders at Kimura's explanation. Osamu puts his phone in a selfie position again and gestures for you to get closer. You comply and muster up the happiest smile you could make. The man beside you also produces a bright grin and snaps the picture. Afterwards, Osamu sends you both pictures and your expression softens.

Now that the game has concluded, there’s an influx of hungry customers that leave your stall busy for about an hour or so. Osamu has allowed Kimura to man the second register and your cousin has been doing fairly well for his first time on the job. After helping an elderly man with his order, the lunch rush seems to have finally died down.

You take off your apron and put it off to the side. “Osamu-san, Dai-kun. I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Will you guys be okay on your own for a bit?”

Kimura nods his head fervently.

Osamu waves his hand at you. “We’ll live.”

You snicker at his response and make your way into the closest restroom, which was actually a lot further than you expected. After taking care of your business, you walk out of the bathroom and see two male strangers loitering in the hallway, both adorning tracksuits of a team you can’t recognize. You attempt to walk past them unnoticeably but fail to do so when they stop conversing and stare at you with lingering eyes.

“Oh, hey there. You’re pretty cute.”

“Yeah. You got a boyfriend?”

The two men slowly walk over to where you’re standing and corner you against the wall from either side. You did not want to deal with this right now. “Doesn’t matter to you. Move out of the way.”

One of them scoffs and a drop of spit lands on your cheek. “What’s the big deal? We just complimented you. Can’t you see that we’re being nice?”

You wipe your face in disgust. “I’m trying to get back to work. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

As you try to push past them, you feel a rough hand grip around your wrist tightly. Another arm threateningly wraps around your waist and your steps are halted. You struggle a bit to escape, but their holds are too constricting. In the back of your mind, you wish Osamu was there.

You grit your teeth. “Let me go.”

The one with the grip on your wrist uses his other hand to grasp your chin and you glare at his face. “Listen, we’re volleyball players. Isn’t it like every girl’s dream to hang out with cool athletes like us? Clearly, being nice isn’t enough, so we’ll just have to use force.”

Having had enough, your instincts tell you to raise your leg and get ready to kick one of them. Just as you’re about to wreak havoc, a new hand grabs onto the wrist of the man in front of you. The vice grip on the man’s wrist causes his hold on you to loosen. The arm on your waist also disappears and you don’t hesitate to pull away.

In your haste, you almost lose your footing but someone catches you and pushes you behind them. Your face is assaulted by a comforting citrus scent and you immediately know who you bumped into. Sure enough, when you look up, a freshly showered Hinata is standing in front of you. He’s staring at the men who were harassing you and you’ve never seen him carry such an angry expression.

When you finally take in your surroundings, another familiar figure comes into view, his blonde hair still wet from washing up after his recent game. The mysterious hand belonged to none other than Miya Atsumu. “Looks like we’ve got some pieces of shit that leaked out of the bathroom.”

Surprisingly, Ushijima was the one who had pulled the other guy away from your waist. “Indeed.”

Both of them glare at the harassers coldly. Starting to feel a bit threatened, the strangers step aside and begin walking down the hall while looking behind them. “Ugh, these guys are just from those big shot teams. We better run before we get banned from playing.”

The men started to pick up their pace but suddenly ran into another tall figure. When they look up, Kageyama is intensely staring them down in silence. The strangers’ faces pale at the sight of the Adler’s setter.

“Dude, that's Kageyama! I think we made him angry!”

“Fuck! S-sorry!”

The two practically sprinted away leaving behind a rather confused Kageyama. He has absolutely no idea why they ran away from him. Despite what had just conspired, you internally laugh at how unaware the male was.

“Are you okay, (Name)-san?” Hinata turns around and faces you. Any traces of anger had completely dissipated from his face. “They didn’t hurt you or anything?”

“I’m okay. I appreciate it, Sho-kun.” You give him a reassuring smile.

“Man, those guys are scum,” Atsumu says with clear irritation in his voice. Even through his irritation, you can still recognize the concern in his own eyes as he focuses his attention on you. “Lucky you had your knights in shining armor?”

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Atsumu-san.” You raise your eyebrow at his words but wonder if this was his way of comforting you.

The blonde raises his hands in front of him in a defensive stance. “Oh, I know. I’m sure you can deliver a nice blow to the next guy that dares lay a hand on you, sweetheart.”

Ushijima speaks up from his usual quietness to give his own input to the conversation as he remembers a certain incident the first time he visited Onigiri Miya. “She has actually already done so to one of my former teammates.”

Atsumu smirks. “Well, damn.”

You get flustered for being exposed by the stoic spiker. “It was an accident!”

Before you could suffer any longer, the moment is interrupted by loud voices echoing the halls.

“Oh, wow! Are we finally gathering for that arm wrestling competition?” Spiky grey and black hair animatedly sway from side to side as Bokuto sees all of you together.

Behind him, Hoshiumi runs up to the group enthusiastically and starts to jump in place. “Oh, boy! Count me in!”

Kageyama blankly stares at his bird-like teammate. “Ah, Hoshiumi-san.”

With the addition of two more rowdy people into the group, Atsumu looks like he’s about to have a heart attack with the way he clutches his chest. “No, no! We’re doing this again?! What is this ‘let’s overwhelm the reader part 2’?!”

You have absolutely no idea what he was talking about and just shake your head in indifference. It was probably best to just leave him alone in his own strange distress.

Your movement catches Hoshiumi’s attention and the male waves his arm in greeting. “Oh, hey (Surname)-san! Did you watch our game? Did you see my skills?”

You giggle at his excitement. “I did. I was impressed by your jumping ability. You all played really well. ”

Bokuto perks up at your comment. “You have a pretty nice view from Myaa-sam’s stall, so you’ve seen all of my spikes too, right?!”

“Of course, Bokuto-san.” You briefly check your phone and realize that you’ve spent far too long going to the bathroom. “Speaking of ‘Myaa-sam’, I should probably head back to work.”

You quickly waved to all of the volleyball players and they each gave you their own warm goodbyes before walking back to their own locker rooms. However, one person stayed behind.

“I’ll walk you back, (Name)-san!” Hinata offers.

“You don’t have to. It’s not that far of a walk.” You put your hands in front of you.

He shakes his head and sends you a friendly grin, but a hint of concern is laced into his eyes. “Just in case.”

Understanding his worry, you nod and let him stay beside you as you start walking down the hallway. Right as you turn the corner, a figure wearing a face mask leaning against the wall startles you.

Hinata is momentarily shocked as well but relaxes when he realizes that it’s just another one of his teammates. “Omi-san? What are you doing here?”

Sakusa doesn’t answer Hinata and moves away from the wall to make his way towards you with his hands in his pockets. As soon as he’s in front of you, a single word leaves his mouth, “Hand.”

You’re confused but slowly lift up one of your hands anyways.

“No, the other one.” Sakusa looks at your other arm.

You comply and lift up your other hand instead and without warning, the masked man takes his hands out of his pockets and squeezes a generous amount of hand sanitizer on the wrist that was manhandled a couple minutes ago.

You stiffen at the sensation and just watch in bewilderment as Sakusa leaves without uttering another word. “What...just happened?”

Hinata softly smiles at the interaction. “That’s just how Omi-san shows he cares.”

“Me? Why would he care about me?” You ask.

“Hm...that’s something even I’m not too sure about. Omi-san can be pretty hard to read.” He places a finger on his chin in contemplation. You hum in understanding and spread the hand sanitizer around your wrist thoroughly.

Both of you continue walking back to the food stalls when Hinata comes up with an idea. “Since you’re here already, do you want to meet my former teammates from high school? They’re all staying for the whole duration of today’s games, so you can meet them after you finish work!”

“Are you sure?” There’s a small part of you that wants to meet the people who helped shape Hinata’s bright personality. “I wouldn’t want to impose on your reunion.”

“It’s no problem at all! We already kind of met up after the game, and I would love everyone to meet you since we’re also close friends! Kageyama will be there too, so you’ll know at least one other person.”

You give it another moment of thought before answering, “Alright. I’d love to meet them.”

You finally make it back to the Onigiri Miya stall after what felt like hours even though you’ve only been gone for a little while. Osamu nods his head at you first and Kimura vocally welcomes you back.

“Ah, I was wondering what was holding you up.” Your boss turns his attention to Hinata and gives him a pat on the shoulder. “Hey, man. Good game out there.”

“Thanks, Miya-san!” Your orange haired friend gives you a quick hug. “I’ll see you later, (Name)-san!”

“See ya, Sho-kun! I’ll text you when I’m free.”

Once Hinata leaves, it’s just the three of you behind the stall once again. Osamu claps his hand loudly and glances at his two co-workers. “Ready for round 2 of the pre-game lunch rush?”

“Yes, sir!” Both of your voices respond back in unison and you all get to work.

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 10

All three of you let out a final huff as you finish packing up all of the supplies and equipment used for the stall. You’ve been working nonstop for a couple hours now, but the day is finally over and everything has been cleaned up.

“You said you were meeting up with those Karasuno folks, right?” Osamu questions. “You can head over to meet them now.”

“But, what about all of this stuff?” You point at all of the boxes and tables you’d just organized.

“Kimura-san and I can take care of it. I rented out a van to move everything, so we’ll just borrow two carts to avoid any second trips,” your boss explains. He walks behind you and gently places his hands on your shoulders. “Don’t worry about us and go do your thing.”

Without much room to argue, you’re pushed away from the stalls. “Okay, okay. I’m going. I’ll see you tomorrow, Osamu-san. See you around, Dai-kun!”

Both men respond back with a shout of their own and part ways. You quickly shoot a text to Hinata telling him that you’re done. Your friend messages back immediately and lets you know where everyone was meeting up.

It wasn’t too difficult to find the Karasuno alumni since their group stood out quite a bit from others. You were able to spot Hinata first because of his apparent orange hair and even Kageyama’s furrowed eyebrows have become common enough for you to recognize. You walk over to where they are and try to position yourself in your friend’s line of vision.

“(Name)-san, you’re here!” Hinata makes eye contact with you and cuts off the conversation he’s having with a tall blonde to greet you. “Our old coach left with our kouhais since it was getting late, but most of my former teammates are here.”

Now, you’ve caught everyone’s attention and feel a bit flustered. “Um...hello. I’m Sho-kun’s friend, (Surname) (Name).”

There’s a brief pause and you wonder if you’ve already done something wrong. Suddenly, a chorus of ‘hellos’ and ‘nice to meet yous’ fill your ears and you’re slightly overwhelmed by the enthusiastic greetings.

A broad shouldered man approached you first with two other people following closely behind. He holds out his hand and you place your own in his for a handshake. The handshake is firm yet comforting. “It’s finally nice to meet you, (Surname)-san! I’m Sawamura Daichi, former captain of the Karasuno Boys’ Volleyball club.”

The grey haired man with a mole under his eye introduced himself next, “Sugawara Koshi! Hinata’s told us a bit about you, so it’s nice to finally be able to put a face to the stories. This guy next to me is Azumane Asahi; he’s a bit of a shy one.”

“S-Suga! I’m not like how I was in high school anymore. Stop teasing me!” Asahi whined to his friend before turning to you once again. “I’m Azumane Asahi.”

The rest of the group took turns introducing themselves and you were delighted to see Yamaguchi for the second time today (Although, you’re not sure why Kageyama introduced himself again since you’ve already met before). You felt more comfortable knowing that you weren’t the only girl in the group, but you’d be lying if you said that Kiyoko didn’t seem a bit intimidating with her beauty. Even Yachi’s cuteness almost blinded you.

You were in the middle of telling Yachi and an uncaring Tsukishima how you’d met Hinata in a foreign country when the man named Tanaka let out a shout to get everyone’s attention, “Guys! Noya-san wants to video chat!”

Most of the guys crowded around Tanaka’s phone and eagerly waited for ‘Noya-san’ to appear on the screen. It wasn’t long before a man with spiky dark hair and a tuft of blonde popped up a little too close to the camera. “Ryu! Everyone! What’cha guys been up to?! I caught a Marlin this morning!”

“Nishinoya! We’re doing great! We’re just meeting up for a bit before we have to leave. Hinata brought his friend too!” Daichi responds.

At the mention of a new friend, Nishinoya’s eyes light up. “Oh! Who are they? Can I meet them?”

Tanaka shifts his phone so that you’re the only one visible on camera. Feeling a bit awkward, you just give a slight wave. “Uh...hello, I’m (Surname) (Name).”

For a minute or two, the male just stares at you with wide eyes. You have no idea what to do, so you just stand still and hope for someone to intervene. Nishinoya is the first to speak and his tone turns serious, “Ryu, take me to Shoyo.”

Tanaka turns the phone to Hinata who is just as confused about the sudden change in demeanor. Once the focus is on the MSBY spiker, Nishinoya holds out his arm in front of him as if he were virtually holding the younger man’s shoulder. “You’ve done well, my young disciple.”

Hinata blinks. “Huh?”

The audio almost cuts off as Nishinoya yells his next few words, “SHE’S GORGEOUS!”

Your cheeks turn bright pink at his exclamation as the rest of the guys laugh at their friend’s antics. You weren't sure whether to feel embarrassed or flattered by the compliment.

Luckily, the excessive attention on you is short-lived as Nishinoya switches to another topic. “Should I send you guys some souvenirs? I saw this strange mask that kind of looked like Ryu from high school, and I think you guys would really like it!”

Tanaka looks amused and begins to smirk when a sudden idea pops into his head. “Noya-san, you should definitely get Daichi-san one of those!”

Daichi begins to panic. “What do you mean, Tanaka? What are those?”

“Ah, yes!” Sugawara mischievously grins. “I think he’ll like one of those!”

At this point, Asahi is nervously sweating.

Hinata looks up at Kageyama, perplexed. “Kageyama, do you know what they’re talking about?”

“No, dumbass.”

“What?! Why’d you have to add ‘dumbass’?!”

“‘Cause that’s what you are.”

A new voice pitches in. “Oh? Is the tyrant back for his new reign?”


You’re standing off to the side with Kiyoko and Yachi, sweatdropping at the chaos enfolding in front of you. “Were...were they always like this?”

“Yeah...they haven’t really changed, huh.” Yachi lets out a lighthearted sigh. Kiyoko laughs softly.

It takes a couple minutes before everyone calms down, and Tanaka eventually ends the call with Nishinoya. It doesn’t even take a second before Sugawara makes a suggestion. “Hey, guys! We don’t know when we can all meet like this again, so let’s take a group picture!”

Tanaka jumps in agreement. “That sounds like a great idea!”

“I can take the picture,” you offer and Sugawara passes you his phone gratefully.

Hinata steps to the spot next to you. “Are you sure you don’t want to be in the picture too?”

There’s no way you’d feel comfortable butting into their picture, so you shake your head. “No, it’s fine. This is your reunion. I promise I’ll take some nice pictures.”

Everyone gets into position and you take multiple photos while making sure to capture all of their comical poses. Once everyone is satisfied, the group relaxes.

Daichi checks his watch and musters a tired sigh. “Alright. I should probably head back to work. I’m up for a night shift today.”

“I have to go too. I have a couple exams that still need to be graded by tomorrow.” Sugawara stretches his arms upwards. “We should definitely eat together next time!”

Everyone seems to agree to call it a day which is your cue to leave as well. “It was nice meeting you all.”

Asahi smiles at you. “Same here! If anything, we’re glad Hinata was able to find a good friend while he was in Brazil. We were all pretty worried about how he would fare in a new country.”

Hinata rubs the back of his head bashfully and you share a knowing look with him. “He helped me out just as much, so I’m glad too.”

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 10

After parting with the Karasuno alumni, you stopped by the bathroom before heading out. It seems like the universe has decided that you haven’t had enough chaos today when a shadow looms over you and a chill washes over your body.

You quickly turn around ready to chuck your bag at the mysterious entity but stop yourself when you make eye contact with yet another familiar individual. He’s once again in a professional black suit alongside his usual bedhead. “What the f-! Kuroo-san?”

Said male smirks. “In the flesh. How have you been, register girl?”

“What are you doing here?” Your body relaxes, but your mind is still sharp since you never know what the man is plotting.

“I work for the Japan Volleyball Association. I think it would be natural for me to be at a volleyball game, “ Kuroo explains nonchalantly.

“Could you not sneak around like some horror movie creature?”

“Oho! Already so sassy and we’ve only met once before!”

“You just give off a sassable vibe.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Whatever you want it to be.”

“Are you dating him yet?”

Kuroo’s sudden change in topic catches you completely off guard and almost stumble in place even though you’re not even walking. “...who?”

He lets out a pitiful sigh at your uncertain answer. “Poor guy

You’re confused as to why Kuroo’s acting like this, so you just stare at him blankly. He doesn’t seem to want to answer your unasked question and instead brings up another subject. “Well, if you’re still single, you wouldn’t happen to be interested in a guy that streams online and is also a CEO of a company?”

“If you’re trying to set me up with who I think you’re trying to set me up with, then it’s gonna have to be a no,” you quickly reply. Kuroo looks a little disappointed and you feel a bit bad for shutting him down so harshly. “Not that Kod- Kozume-san is a bad guy or anything. I just...don’t think getting in a relationship right now would be a good idea. I’m gonna be super busy and I won’t be here for much longer anyways.”

The lanky man’s expression shifts to one of curiosity. “You going somewhere?”

You suppose you should get used to explaining yourself since you’ve only told a handful of people about your future plans. “I’m going to a graduate school a couple hours away, so I’ll be out of this area in a few months.”

“What are you studying?’

“Sports medicine.”

Kuroo lets out a low whistle. “Never took you as the type to study something sports related, but that’s pretty cool.”

He reaches into the pocket of his blazer and takes out a business card. He offers it to you with a smirk on his face. “Here’s my business card. My number’s on it.”

You raise your eyebrows at his gesture and cautiously take the card. “I still have your number from when you sent me pictures, remember?”

His eyes lighten up at your revelation. “I’m flattered that you never deleted it. Pass this to a friend of yours if you’d like then.”

“Is there a reason you wanted to give me your business card?” You place the card in your bag for safe keeping.

Kuroo’s face softens. “Give me a call after you graduate. I can hook you up with a few connections for a job.”

Your eyes widen at the unexpected kindness. You’ve only met the guy twice, but he’s already offering to do something so helpful. If you didn’t already know the people he surrounded himself with, you would have definitely been more suspicious of him. “That’s...really nice of you. Thanks, Kuroo-san.”

“Anything for my best friend’s number one fan.” He points to the Bouncing Ball keychain dangling from your bag and you feel a bit shy. The man then places a hand to his chest and lifts his other arm to the side. “Plus, I’m always this kind.”

“Oh, I’m sure.”

The two of you exchange amused expressions before you finally head out of the building. The night air is refreshing after spending an entire day inside of a crowded gymnasium. Despite the variety of personalities that you’ve met in a span of less than an hour, you’re walking off feeling strangely at ease.

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 10

A/N: cockblock atsumu strikes again but for the good of the universe this time :D

In case you’re wondering why i added Kimura (cousin) suddenly, i just made him the little dude working with osamu at the stall in the manga hehe


Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 10


taglist: @kiyoo-omi, @tris-does-stuff, @livshotel, @bokuatsubro, @akkeyomi, @kaleidoscopekai, @hirugachan, @geektastic84, @ntimacy, @sagefzy

Tags :
3 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 11

Title: the last hurrah

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 4.3k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: LEZZ GOOOOO. please enjoy the chaos that is this chapter. let me know what you think!


Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 11

A small snowflake lands on the tip of your nose as you’re walking to work. The thick coat wrapped around you keeps your body warm, but your exposed cheeks aren’t spared by the cold February air. Luckily, the sun has already been out for a bit, so it’s not too bad. For some reason, Osamu had asked you to come in to work a bit, so it’s not too bad. For some reason, Osamu had asked you to come in to work a bit later than usual, so it was already around noon when you had left your apartment.

Today was your last day as an employee at Onigiri Miya. You’ve finished packing everything into boxes and only had out your basic necessities. All that was left was to finish up work and head to the train station in a couple of days to finally head off towards your new life.

Your phone buzzes from your pocket, and you look to see that your boss had sent you a text. Apparently, he’s going to be late, so you should head in first. You raise you eyebrows when he also mentions that he needs to murder someone today, but a little voice in your mind tells you that the victim is probably just Atsumu.

An amused smile forms on your lips as you approach the doors to the restaurant. However, strange noises from the other side of the door cause you to freeze in place. As you listen carefully, there’s more shuffling, and you can make out a few hushed voices.

“Hey! Watch where you’re throwing that!”

“Shh! Don’t be so loud or someone might hear us!”

Your heart speeds up at the idea that someone might have broken in. When you look closely, you notice that the door is also unlocked even though you’re pretty sure your boss is not inside. With your phone in your left hand ready to call the police, you swiftly slide the door open and put on your most intimidating glare. The sight before you was not what you expected. You definitely caught people red-handed but not for the reason you initially believed.

Your eyes are assaulted by colorful balloons and flower petals littering the floor. There is an uncanny amount of streamers strewn across the entire shop and you’re mildly concerned about the potential fire hazard. Scattered across the room are the four MSBY volleyball players that you’ve become very comfortable with in the last year.

Atsumu is standing in front of the counter tangled in a large ribbon and is clearly struggling to get out of the mess. Hinata is sitting atop Bokuto’s shoulders while attempting to hang up a large, poorly designed banner that says ‘Happy One Year Anniversary!’. It’s clearly not meant for whatever occasion this was because the words are surrounded by red hearts and a cupid’s bow. Sakusa is crouched in a corner with his usual mask and frown combo, staying away from the clutter.

The glare is wiped off of your face as you slowly close the door behind you, and your expression is instead replaced with bewilderment. “What the hell are you guys doing?”

All of them stare at you with wide eyes once they realize who had barged into the shop. Atsumu and Hinata are the first to move. They both quickly set off confetti poppers that were hidden in their pockets.


Bokuto flinches at the noise and pops his own confetti popper hastily. His sporadic movements cause Hinata to dangerously lean backwards from the older male’s shoulders and there’s a moment of panic in both of their eyes. You thank the universe for giving Bokuto such great reflexes as you watch him swiftly grab onto Hinata’s legs in a tight grip. The two sway back and forth a couple of times before stabilizing their balance. Bokuto then lets the younger man down safely from his shoulders.

You let out a sigh of relief, but it feels like ten years have been shaved off your life. You’re barely able to comprehend the amount of decorations displayed in front of you. “What is all this?”

After finally giving up on detangling himself, Atsumu just leans on the counter. “It’s a surprise for you. We wanted to make your last day of work exciting.”

“Oh, uh, you didn’t have to do that for me,” you reply.

“But, we wanted to. You deserve it for working so hard for a year!” Hinata answers enthusiastically while Bokuto grabs a can of Silly String and starts to spray randomly into the air.

You cringe at the added mess. “Thanks, guys. Although, we’re going to need to clean up all this stuff since we have to open soon.”

Atsumu raises an eyebrow. “‘Samu didn’t tell you? He-”

Just as you did a couple of minutes ago, someone suddenly bursts through the front door. You don’t know if you should be surprised to see an angry Osamu sending a death glare at his brother the moment he walks in. He’s wearing the scarf you had given him and there’s a light layer of snow on top of his hair.

You take a couple steps to the side as Osamu points at Atsumu accusingly. “‘Tsumu, what the fuck is wrong with you!?”

The blonde shrugs his shoulders without a care in the world which only fuels Osamu’s rage. You step into your boss’ line of vision to get his attention. “What happened?”

“This idiot is the reason why I’m late.” Osamu lets out a huff of air in frustration and crosses his arms. “‘Tsumu hid my phone and turned off my alarms, so I woke up late. He made me look for it like some sort of kid’s scavenger hunt with sticky notes across the apartment. Not to mention he also stole my keys and my wallet. The bastard should be grateful that it’s not summer or I would’ve melted my ass off while running all the way here.”

Before you could say anything, Atsumu chimes in. “Listen, you wouldn’t have let me decorate the place like this otherwise! You would’ve been nagging the whole time about how ‘your precious restaurant shouldn’t be tainted’.”

“So, you thought it would be perfect to make my morning a living nightmare?” Osamu narrows his eyes.

The blonde twin smirks. “Why not?”

With a defeated sigh, Osamu realizes that there’s nothing he can do to fix his brother’s devilish nature. “You’re lucky I decided to close up the shop today.”

You’re shocked by Osamu’s words since this was news to you. “What do you mean? Wasn’t today supposed to be a regular half day?”

“Oh, right.” Osamu rubs the back of his neck. “I wanted to spend your last day with us as a chill day without any work, so I closed the shop without telling you as a surprise. I even told these guys that they could help out, but it seems like they went a bit overboard.”

You tilt your head. “Is this technically my last day of work if I’m not working?”

“I don’t know. I don’t make the rules.”

‘You’re still my boss for another couple hours, Osamu-san.”

“Think of it as a paid vacation.”

“You’re paying me for this?”

“Only if you’re enjoying it.”

Atsumu abruptly clears his throat and starts wiggling a hand that’s almost completely obscured by the ribbon. “Alright, alright. Save the flirting for later. We got other plans for the day. Can someone get me out of this?”

“I’ll help you, Tsum-Tsum!” Bokuto rushes to his teammate eagerly. Without thinking, he grabs one end of the long ribbon and pulls aggressively.

Atsumu yells as he begins to spin rapidly. He has no control of his movements and ends up jostling a couple chairs to the ground while trying to stop himself. Bokuto almost trips on one of them, so he jumps onto the counter out of instinct but not without knocking some things down himself. The spiker manages to accidentally push a pile of plates and a few condiments off. The plates shatter on impact while the condiments ungracefully bounce on the floor.

To make matters worse, the banner falls off the wall and lands right on top of Hinata. He panics at his loss of vision and starts walking around while trying to remove the banner from his head. Hinata steps on a couple of the condiment bottles causing the sauces to splatter onto multiple surfaces.

You and Osamu just watch everything unfold in horror. So much has happened in the last couple seconds leaving the two of you speechless. You almost feel bad for quitting your job and leaving Osamu to deal with these chaotic guys.


A sudden popping noise takes you out of your stupor and a few pieces of colorful tissue paper flutter onto your head. When you turn around, Sakusa has his arms stretched out with a confetti popper in one hand. It was as if he was adding the final touch to the chaos.

Silence rings in the air once everyone has stopped moving. The room is in an even bigger disaster than before and the MSBY players have guilty expressions on their faces.

“Sorry, Myaa-sam.” Bokuto’s hair droops down to reflect his sadness. Hinata voices his own apology shortly after, and even Sakusa lets out a quiet ‘sorry’.

“I, uh, didn’t mean to trash the place, ‘Samu.” Atsumu looks down to the ground, avoiding his brother’s eyes. It’s not very often that the blonde uses a genuinely apologetic tone. “Sorry.”

You glance up at Osamu to gauge his reaction, but he doesn’t look as upset as you expected.

“You know what? It’s fine.” Osamu lets out a tired sigh and rubs his eyes. “This is my fault. I should’ve eaten Atsumu in the womb or something.”

“Pfft-!” A small laugh leaves your mouth before you place a hand over it. The tension is released at your boss’ comment, and everyone’s shoulders relax.

“Everyone’s gotta help clean up the place though. This is gonna take at least an hour.” Osamu starts walking to the back room to grab some cleaning supplies and gestures for you to follow him. He turns to look at you while you’re walking together. “Sorry. I know you weren’t supposed to work today but plans seemed to have changed.”

This time, you allow yourself to laugh out loud. “It’s all good. I’m glad to at least be able to help out in some way before I leave.”

After gathering everything you need, everyone is assigned a cleaning task. The streamers are taken down and the floors are scrubbed until every trace of sauce is gone. Although a bit hesitant, Atsumu discards the awful banner into the trash (“It was on sale!”/”You’re literally a pro athlete, you scrub.”). Once everything is placed back into their rightful spots, the room looks normal once again.

“We did it!” Bokuto yells excitedly. Hinata gives his friend a high-five and everyone else sits down to rest.

You take a sip of water and face Atsumu. “Atsumu-san, you said you guys had other plans for today?”

“Yeah! I brought my laptop, so we hooked it up to the TV to watch some stuff together. We have a lot of things we can choose from like movies and a few volleyball matches,” Atsumu explains as he points at the computer that’s already wired up. “We also bought some snacks from the convenience store but not too much since we ordered food for dinner later.”

You nod in understanding and secretly cheer at the relaxing activity. You were really not up for moving around, especially after basically deep cleaning the entire shop for an hour. The rest of the guys look just as relieved and start to make themselves comfortable in front of the mounted TV. For snacks, there’s tortilla chips and some dip placed on one of the tables in the middle.

The first thing you all watch is an animated action film that Hinata recommended. The movie was enjoyable for the most part, but a certain heartbreaking scene between a father and his daughter brought upon the waterworks. Bokuto and Hinata have no problem with openly crying, while Atsumu pretends like he isn’t affected even though you definitely see him wipe at his face a couple times (He eventually gives in and sobs into a handful of napkins). You did tear up at one point, but watching the other three being more dramatic than the actual movie almost made you laugh. Osamu and Sakusa remained quiet, but you did notice Sakusa adjusting his mask suspiciously when he thought no one was looking.

You all watch one more movie before switching over to recorded volleyball games. It was endearing to watch all of the guys get so passionate about different aspects of the matches, and their energy was seeping into your own excitement. You found it funny that they just had to watch volleyball matches for your little party. They really live and breathe the sport.

You were in the middle of watching an Argentina v. Brazil game when Atsumu’s phone started ringing. He stepped to the side for a bit to answer and Hinata began to gush over a friend of his on the Argentinian team. When Atsumu returns to the group, he has a disappointed look on his face. You pause the video and everyone looks at him curiously.

“We have a problem,” Atsumu begins. “The place I ordered food from says they won’t be able to make it here because it’s snowing too much, so it’s pretty much cancelled.”

Osamu lets out a frustrated sigh. “I told you not to order from a restaurant that’s an hour and a half away.”

“But, the food there is really good! I wanted (Name)-chan to try it!” Atsumu whines.

Bokuto pats his teammate on the back reassuringly. “That’s okay! It probably would’ve been a bit boring to just order food anyways! We can always go out another time!”

Atsumu deflates at his ruined plans. “Aw, man. They had our alcohol too

Osamu sneers. “Good, ‘cause we are not having a repeat of last time.”

Hinata places his hand on his chin in thought. “What are we going to do about dinner then? It’s too late to make a reservation at a nice restaurant, and we might have to wait in line for other places at this hour.”

Bokuto suddenly claps his hands loudly and it makes you jump slightly. “Why don’t we just make dinner for (Surname)-chan here?! A whole three course meal made by us right in this kitchen! If Myaa-sam lets us, of course.”

“Sorry, the only two people I’d ever let into the kitchen are (Name)-san and Hinata,” Osamu immediately counters.

Bokuto saunters over to your boss and begins to whisper into his ear. Osamu listens to him for a couple seconds and when Bokuto pulls back, the volleyball player gives him the saddest puppy-dog eyes you’ve ever seen. Your boss lets out a deep sigh and reluctantly nods his head. “Alright, fine.”

You’re surprised at Osamu’s words and watch as Bokuto wrangles in his teammates to tell them about his plan. To be honest, you would’ve also given into Bokuto’s pleading expression.

“(Surname)-san! Stay where you are and um...finish watching the volleyball match, while we get everything ready!” Bokuto slides your chair to face away from the kitchen. You just nod your head in compliance since there wasn’t really much you could do anyways.

For the next couple of minutes, you can hear multiple bodies shuffling around and food sizzling in the kitchen. Osamu reprimands some of the guys a few times, but you trust him enough to have everything under control. You become so engrossed in the volleyball match on TV that you don’t notice how much quieter the room has become until someone taps your shoulder.

When you turn around, you see a single table isolated on one side of the room with a set of utensils laying on top of it. Atsumu gently takes one of your hands and leads you to the table like a waiter. “We’ve got a super fancy three course meal for you, sweetheart.”

As soon as you sit down, Sakusa appears to your left with a plate in his hands. “Appetizer.”

When the plate is placed on the table, you have to hold in the laughter bubbling up in your throat. There’s a small pile of tortilla chips from your leftover snacks underneath a thin layer of melted cheese. You weren’t sure what you were expecting when they told you to look forward to your ‘fine dining’ experience, but you’re amused.

Just as you’re about to start eating, Bokuto jumps in front of you on one leg. “I wasn't allowed in the kitchen, so I’ll be the free entertainment with your meal!”

He turns on some ambient music from the laptop and begins to dance in front of you. His movements don’t match the music at all, but you can definitely say that you are entertained as you eat your homemade nachos. The rest of the guys were behind the counter, and you are a bit concerned when you notice that you’re the only one eating. “Aren’t you guys going to eat too?”

Osamu waves his arm in dismissal. “This is for you. I’m making some onigiris for everyone else while they do their thing, so don’t worry about us.”

You nod and finish up the last chip before passing the empty plate to Sakusa. He walks away and someone else takes his place. Hinata is holding another plate with both hands when he stands next to you. There’s steam coming off of the food and your mouth starts to water at the delicious aroma.

“I tried my best to make something with whatever ingredients were available, so I hope it’s good.” Hinata puts the plate down on the table and you’re pleasantly surprised by the visual. There was a cooked fish next to a mound of white rice and three seasoned meatballs. It was still far from a fancy meal, but it’s a lot nicer than any meal you would’ve cooked for yourself on a day off.

“Wow, this is really good!” Your eyes light up when you take your first bite. Hinata blushes at the compliment and mumbles a ‘thank you’.

Bokuto has now transitioned to doing some flips and cartwheels across the room. You’re not sure how he’s been able to move around so much without knocking over anything, but you’re not complaining as long as there’s nothing to clean up after.

You finish the meal Hinata had made you in no time feeling much fuller than before. Your friend takes the plate back to the kitchen and Atsumu returns with the final portion of your improvised three course meal. Your eyes light up at the piece of strawberry cream cake being put down in front of you. “Did you make this?”

Atsumu makes an exaggerated ‘x’ with his arms. “Hell no. I bought this from a bakery a couple blocks down and kept it in the fridge. There’s also a piece of chocolate on the plate that I normally keep in my bag for when I get hungry during practice. Don’t worry, it’s a new one.”

The cake has just the right amount of sweetness, and you can’t help but smile at the flavor. “Well, at least you have good taste.”

Once the cake (and the chocolate) completely disappears from your plate, you lean back in your chair full and satisfied. Bokuto does a couple more spins before striking a final pose and everyone claps in amusement.

“Alright, the food’s ready for everyone else!” Osamu announces. The rest of the guys bring chairs over to your table and sit down with a few onigiris in their hands. Osamu takes the spot next to you with his own food but doesn’t start eating immediately. Instead, he hands you a card. “This is for you.“

Curiously, you take the card and your eyes widen as you open it. The card is completely filled with writing from top to bottom, but what surprises you the most is the amount of different messages, each with their own unique handwriting. “What is this?”

“I got a couple people to sign you a card through my contacts. I wrote down the messages from people that I wasn’t able to meet in person too,” Osamu explains. ‘A couple’ was an understatement. There were a lot of names that you’ve come across during work and some of them even wrote their phone numbers asking to keep in touch.

You held the card to your chest gratefully. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

The next hour is spent eating and conversing with one another peacefully. You almost didn’t want the day to end. However, it was getting late and the guys needed to head back to their dorms for an early practice game the next day. Bokuto called a taxi and you all headed outside to wait.

It didn’t take long for the taxi to arrive which meant that this would be the last time you’ll be seeing the volleyball players before you move, at least for a while. The mood turns a bit somber, but everyone is still able to keep a genuine smile on their face.

Bokuto is the first person to say goodbye. “Have fun in school! Bring us back a souvenir!”

You giggle at his silliness. “Bokuto-san, I’m not moving to a whole different country, but I hope you have fun playing volleyball too.”

You give him a double high-five and he enters into the back of the taxi to give the driver directions.

Surprisingly, Sakusa walks up to you next. “Good luck. Try not to associate with anyone like Miya.”

Atsumu scoffs. “Hey!”

Another laugh leaves your lips. “I’ll keep that in mind, Sakusa-san.”

“This is bullying!”

The both of you completely ignore Atsumu’s protests as you share a friendly fist bump. Sakusa then slips into the passenger seat of the taxi while getting an earful of his teammate’s outcry.

You hear footsteps approaching and turn your head to see Hinata with his arms outstretched. Without hesitation, you wrap your arms around his torso and he engulfs you in a warm bear hug.

“We’ll keep in touch, (Name)-san!” Hinata’s words are a bit muddled because his cheek is pressed against your head. “Let me know if you ever need anything. We’ll miss you!”

“I’ll miss you too, Sho-kun. We’ll definitely keep in touch.”

Your friend gives you one last squeeze before letting go and joining his teammates that were already in the car.

Atsumu seems to have calmed down since he’s walking back over to where you’re standing. “Saving the best for last, sweetheart?”

“Technically, your brother is the last person I’m saying bye to,” you mention cheekily.

Atsumu lets out a dramatic sigh. “Why can’t anyone just let me win?”

“Well, you are one of the top setters and one of the top servers in all of Japan. I would say you’re already a winner.” You then gesture at the male’s face. “I suppose you’ve also got a pretty nice looking face.”

“You’re just saying that to compliment ‘Samu
” He blushes at your compliment, but you can tell he’s still happy from the way his feet shuffle back and forth mirthfully.

You lean over to give Atsumu an amiable side hug and he immediately accepts it. “I’ll let you know if I’m ever down for whatever reason, so maybe we can drop a few eggs in Osamu's restaurant or something.”

Atsumu smirks at the memory of the first time you ever met. “That’s a promise.”

Once he finally steps into the taxi, it doesn’t take long for the vehicle to drive away out of sight. The night air has gotten much quieter now that the rowdier part of the group has left. Right now, it’s just you and Osamu left on the sidewalk in front of Onigiri Miya. You look up at the shop thoughtfully and smile.

“How are you feeling?” Osamu asks.

“Honestly, not too bad.” You turn to face the man who is no longer your boss now that it’s technically past work hours. It’s only been a year since you’ve met Osamu, but it’s hard to believe that you won’t be seeing him almost every single day for work. “I don’t know when I’ll have time to visit town or...um
 to see you.”

Osamu looks at you for a moment in thought before giving you a soft smile. He suddenly leans forward and places a chaste kiss on your cheek. “No worries. I’ll be here. I don’t mind waiting for you.”

Your heart jumps and your chest is filled with warmth.

Osamu begins to walk towards the direction of your apartment while clutching the scarf around his neck with one of his hands. “I’ll walk you home?”

You catch up to him and match your pace with his while your arms brush against each other. “You know the way.”

The two of you walk further away from Onigiri Miya feeling lighthearted. You expected to feel much more wistful after leaving, but you felt surprisingly okay. There was always some anxiety over the idea of starting over in a new place. There was even a moment when you felt like you didn’t want to leave because you were scared to lose any of the people you’ve grown close to. However, based on the entirety of today and even the card Osamu had given you, there seems to be quite a few people that cherish you just as much as you cherish them.

Just a year ago, you felt unsure about your future, but here you are now. There are still some things that are up in the air, but you’ve come to understand that not every uncertainty needs to be fulfilled to an expectation. Sometimes it just takes a bit of patience and a good idea to take a step forward in life.

Perhaps working at Onigiri Miya was just a really good idea.

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 11

A/N: and there we go. Last day of work! I highly doubt any of these volleyball junkies would know how to properly plan a goodbye party and you cant change my mind lmao

there’s only one chapter left! it’ll sort of be like an epilogue so it wont be too long but i hope you look forward to it! hint for people that read this note: there’s gonna be a small timeskip :)

taglist: @kiyoo-omi, @tris-does-stuff, @livshotel, @bokuatsubro, @akkeyomi, @kaleidoscopekai, @hirugachan, @geektastic84, @ntimacy, @sagefzy

Tags :
3 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Last Chapter

Title: the cherry on top

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 2.2k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: i know this is supposed to be a gen fic, but my gosh i couldn't stop the couple lines of fluff. if you're not into that stuff, i am not apologizing cause y/n deserves only the best (; feel free to skip those couple sentences or gush over it once :D


Onigiri Miya Tidbits Last Chapter

The summer air is buzzing with excitement for the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. Banners of the big sports event line the streets above all of the shops and stalls. The year may be 2021, but it seems like the event’s delay only fueled the nation’s anticipation.

The street you’re walking down hasn’t changed much in the past three years since you last worked in the area, so it doesn’t take long for you to spot the familiar Onigiri Miya sign. Nostalgia overtakes your senses when you reach your destination and slide open the entrance to the restaurant.

“Welcome to-! Oh, hi!” Your cousin Kimura greets you as you walk in and then swiftly turns around. “Boss, she’s here!”

Osamu looks up from the counter and smiles when he makes eye contact with you. He doesn’t seem to be busy at the moment, so you both walk towards the back of the room to stand in front of one another.

He gives you a small pout. “It’s been a while. I missed you, (Name).”

“Osamu, we went on a date last week.” You giggle at his expression and place a hand on his cheek. The two of you instinctively lean towards one another and share a sweet kiss. After parting, you look up at him to continue the conversation. “The Olympics is less than two weeks away. Of course, I’m gonna be busy. You know, ‘cause that’s like a big thing for sports? And, my job is also kind of big on sports?”

“I knooww, but you’ve been so busy with work,” Osamu whines.

“I just happened to get my job right before one of the biggest sports events in Japan. You can blame Kuroo-san for that.” You remember when you had called Kuroo a couple days after your graduation asking if he could still hook you up with a job offer. It didn’t even take a minute for him to pass the phone to one of his superiors. You’re still shocked to this day on how you were able to secure a job after how much you stuttered in that call. If he hadn’t helped you get your job, Kuroo would’ve been on your hit list.

“Speaking of jobs and sports, I’ll let you in on a little tidbit.” Osamu places a hand next to his mouth as if he were about to tell you some big secret. “I heard there’s a super competent sports nutritionist working with the men's’ national volleyball team.”

A laugh escapes your lips as he mentions your occupation. “Really? I’ve heard her say that Onigiri Miya is her favorite restaurant of all time and that she’s dating the owner.”

“Lucky girl.” Osamu shifts his legs so that he’s able to lean against the counter. “What made you choose being a sports nutritionist again? You originally applied for your program ‘cause you wanted to be an exercise physiologist, right?”

“My program had a pretty broad range of studies and all of the students were able to have some exposure to a bunch of professions before we ultimately had to choose. An exercise physiologist seemed pretty cool, but I really loved the dynamic of a sports nutritionist and how they work with athletes. And, I don't know, I guess sports and food just clicked?” You shrug your shoulders lightheartedly while Osamu nods his head in understanding.

Your conversation is cut off by your phone’s ringtone indicating an incoming call. When you look at the caller ID, you see Bokuto’s name with a silly picture of his nostrils that he had taken when he had given you his number. You take a seat on one of the counter chairs and give Osamu a confused look when he sits down next to you. “Aren’t you in the middle of work right now?”

Osamu shrugs his shoulders. “It’s been a slow day, and the few customers here are doing alright. I’m curious about how they treat you now.”

With a simple nod, you slide your finger over your screen to answer the call with an automatic greeting, “Hey, Bokuto-san. Did something happen?”

“(Surname)-chan!” Bokuto’s exclamation causes you to wince at the loudness. “I have a question!”

“What’s your question?”

There’s a brief rustling noise on the other end before Bokuto replies. “I know we’re supposed to be on a pretty strict diet, but Mori-Mori brought some tasty jelly snacks! Can I eat some?”

You sweatdrop at the childish inquiry. “Yeah, that’s fine. Ask Komori-san to bring some tomorrow as well.”

“Got it! Thanks, (Surname)-chan!”

Bokuto hangs up the call right after thanking you, and Osamu snickers at the interaction. “So, this is what it’s like being the nutritionist of the biggest volleyball team in the nation?”

“Oh, you have no-” You're interrupted by your phone’s ringtone once again. When you look at your screen, you see Bokuto’s name flash. With a sigh, you answer. “Hello?”

“(Surname)-chan! Yayaku brought some really delicious honey chips and I was wondering if I could eat those too? They look really good!” Bokuto asks fervently.

You bring a hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose. “Bokuto-san, you know you don’t have to ask me every time you want to eat something. I’m a nutritionist, not a mother. I just help you with your diet. Snacks are okay in moderation. I’m sure Yaku-san wouldn’t mind letting you have some.”

“That’s true
Okay, I won’t call you anymore today! Bye, (Surname)-chan!” Bokuto hangs up but not before you hear another voice in the background that screams ‘See? I told you!’.

Osamu finally lets out a hearty laugh as he watches you place your phone on the counter. “They sure keep you on your toes. Is work always like this?”

“Nah. They all have a pretty good amount of respect for me, so it’s actually really nice working with them most of the time. Although, I’ve had to wrangle in some of the guys before they did anything stupid.”

“I'd imagine it’s been pretty hectic considering the people you’ve been working with.”

“It’s...definitely a strange dynamic. Most of the guys on the team are pretty chill with a few exceptions. Atsumu’s the same as always, but at least I have Ojiro-san now to reel him in. Not to mention my co-worker, Iwaizumi-san, is a godsend.”

The man beside you raises an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name. “Iwaizumi? Can’t say I’ve ever heard of him before.”

“He’s the athletic trainer for the team. We work together to make sure everyone’s taking care of themselves.” You scroll through your phone and pull up a picture of your co-worker when he was helping some of the athletes with their stretches.

“Damn.” Osamu eyes the screen intently. “Should I be worried that he’ll steal you away from me?”

“Based on your reaction, I should be worried he’ll steal you away from me. Plus, apparently some of the guys have been secretly plotting for you and me to get together for the past three years and will make sure nothing gets in the way.”

You share another moment of laughter. You’re about to change the subject to ask him about the shop, but your phone rings for the third time today. When you check, you’re surprised to see a call from the man you were just talking about. “Speak of the devil.”

This time you answer with the speaker on so that Osamu can hear. “What’s up, Iwa-san?”

There’s a tired sigh from the other end before Iwaizumi finally speaks up. “They’re going insane over eating too many snacks, and they don’t want to get in trouble with you. It doesn’t matter what I tell them ‘cause they won’t listen to me. When are you coming back? I’m about to rip my hair out or punch someone.”

“I’ll be back in Tokyo by tomorrow, so you’re gonna have to hold them off until then.” You don’t hide the amused smile and Osamu audibly snickers.

“Oh, shit. Are you with someone? Sorry, to bother you on your day off,” Iwaizumi apologizes.

You let out a small noise of reassurance. “No, you’re good. I know it’s a handful to watch over them by yourself. You could probably get the coach to let them start a practice game or something to keep them distracted for the rest of the day.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, (Surname)-san. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

This time, you hang up the phone first and silence your ringer. When you face Osamu again, your heart flutters at the way he’s staring at you. He has one hand squishing into his cheek from being propped up on the counter making his face rounder, and his gaze is soft. He’s going to be the death of you.

“S-so, any news on the shop? I kind of miss working here. We went through quite a lot of...interesting experiences.” You curse at yourself silently for stuttering, but it seems like Osamu doesn’t think too much of it.

“Not really. We have been getting a lot more customers but nothing too crazy. It was honestly the craziest when you were around,” Osamu responds. For the next couple minutes, you both reminisce over the year you worked at Onigiri Miya with a couple added thoughts from the two of you.

Your first day of work. (“I’m sure Bokuto-san has figured out his taxes by now, right?”)

When you met Atsumu. (“Really? He told me you knocked over the eggs.”)

The MSBY welcome party for Hinata. (“I never let them into the shop with any form of alcohol after that. Even Sakusa-san’s sanitizers are a hazard.”)

When you met your favorite Youtuber. (“He won’t let me pay for his patreon. He just keeps giving me stuff for free! No, I’m not complaining.”)

The Shiratorizawa alumni reunion. (“I really didn’t mean to kick him that hard.”)

Meeting the Schweiden Adlers. (“Hey, don’t laugh at me. I admired Romero-san just as much as you admired Kozume-san.”)

Meeting Osamu’s high school friends. (“Yeah, I was jealous when Kita-san gave you his sweater.”)

The MSBY promotion day. (“Oh, stop pouting. It was an accident, Osamu. I always remembered to lock the door while changing after that.”)

When you were stuck because of a storm. (“A month? You had that hoodie in the back room for a month??”)

The big game day. (“Wow. You had yourself a whole harem- ow! That was a joke!”)

Your last day of ‘work’. (“I still have the card you gave me on my nightstand. Means a lot to me.”)

As you’re wrapping up your trip down memory lane, a phone suddenly rings. It can’t be yours since you’ve silenced it, and your suspicions are confirmed when Osamu takes out his phone from his pocket. He doesn’t seem to recognize the number, but answers in case it’s for work. “Hello? Miya Osamu speaking.”

A familiar voice shouts into the phone from the other end. “‘Samu! I wanna ask (Name)-chan something. I know she’s with you!”

“‘Tsumu? Who’s phone are you calling from?” Osamu asks.

“I...borrowed Yaku-san’s phone for a bit. (Name)-chan isn’t answering my calls, and I know you wouldn’t answer if you saw my number,” Atsumu whines. “Why is (Name)-chan ignoring my calls?!”

At your confusion, you pull out your phone. Surely enough, there are 3 missed call notifications from Atsumu. You and Osamu give each other a look of understanding before Osamu directs his attention back to his phone. “Because she has better taste in men. Don’t call again while she’s with me. Ask her tomorrow.”

“What?! I want to talk to her right now- gah! Yaku-san-!” The call cuts off right after you hear the blonde’s outcry. (He probably got caught by the libero and is going through hell right now. Rest in peace, Miya Atsumu.)

Once the call disconnects, the screen flashes back to Osamu’s lockscreen and a warm feeling encompasses you when you see that it’s the picture that you took on the day of the Adlers vs. MSBY game. “Your lockscreen is still that old picture?”

The male looks at his phone fondly. “Yeah, I couldn’t let it go. Yours is still the one from our first date, right?”

You nod your head and turn on your own lockscreen. As he said, it’s a picture of when you went on your first date to a food festival in Hyogo. Wide smiles adorn your faces while an ungodly amount of street food hangs from your arms. It was a good memory.

You wish there was more time to talk with Osamu, but it seems like the world is still against you when a large group of teens walk into the restaurant to order food. Kimura sends a look towards his boss and Osamu nods his head in acknowledgement. You both stand up from your seats and turn to face each other.

“Looks like our time’s up,” Osamu comments. He takes your right hand and pulls it up to brush against his lips dramatically. “Do you think the pretty lady in front of me might want to go for some dinner together after I close up later tonight?”

“Osamu, we’ve been dating for 6 months.”

“Then, I’ll take that as a yes?”

“I’ve got a little tidbit for you.” You peck his lips with a chaste kiss. “It’s a yes.”





1. a small piece of tasty food

2. a small piece of pleasing or interesting information

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Last Chapter

A/N: and that’s a wrap! thank you guys for all the support for this series for the past couple months! i know the updates were a bit wonky, but you guys were very patient with me, and i appreciate it! next time i write a series, i promise to plan ahead of time hehe

I’ll probably start focusing on some more oneshots while i write up a new series so i wont disappear for too long (no promises cause im a sporadic writer) there will be more bnha and haikyuu though!

thanks again for all the love and i hope y’all were able to find some comfort in my writing. ‘til next time!

taglist: @kiyoo-omi, @tris-does-stuff, @livshotel, @bokuatsubro, @akkeyomi, @kaleidoscopekai, @hirugachan, @geektastic84, @ntimacy, @sagefzy

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2 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits BONUS Chapter

Title: August 14, 2022

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 3.3k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: IM BACK WITH A BONUS CHAPTER. FURUDATE FEEDING THE NEEDY SO I DECIDED TO DO THE SAME. enjoy the utter chaos that ive manifested with my self-indulgent intrusive thoughts



You let out a sigh of relief as the hot and humid summer air is replaced with the chill of Ota City General Gymnasium’s fresh air conditioning as you walk indoors. The sweltering August heat often makes you feel sluggish and uncomfortable, so you’re grateful that you don’t have to be standing outside for the whole day. Bless indoor volleyball.

The person walking next to you lets out their own relieved sigh as they wipe a few beads of sweat from their forehead. You let out a small chuckle as you compare your comfy t-shirt and jeans to your companion’s attire. “No one said you had to wear a whole button-down and vest combo to the game.”

Kuroo lightheartedly rolls his eyes at your comment. “Not everyone has a day off like you, (Name)-chan. I organized this whole event, so I’m still on the job. Gotta keep up my professional look to make sure everyone knows of my hard work.”

“I will admit I’m pretty impressed by how you managed to get everyone here today.” You remember the day Kuroo had called you from Brazil to ask for a favor. He had wanted you to recruit Aran and Suna in person since you happened to have been nearby where they were practicing at the time. Technically, it wasn’t really your place to do so, but the man had seemed so desperate and you caved when he had told you his flight to Japan had been delayed for twelve hours. “Traveling the world really paid off, huh.”

The businessman shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly and gives you a smug smile. “What can I say? I’m a master at motivating.”

“More like a master at manipulation.”

“That’s a bit of a fancy word for it, so I’ll stick with what I came up with.”


The both of you make your way towards the main gym while trying your best to avoid the large crowds of excited people. You’re about to walk up the steps to find a good spot to sit down and watch the game, when Kuroo stops you by placing a hand on your arm. You look at him curiously when he digs into his pockets and takes out a plastic card attached to a lanyard. 

“I pulled some strings to get you this special pass to watch the game from the court. All you have to do is flash this at the security guards at the barriers and they’ll let you in. I’ve already let both supervisors on each team know to expect you, so you’re free to sit alongside the other players on the bench,” Kuroo explains.

Your eyes widen once you finish processing what the man had just said. “Is that even allowed?”

“Like I said, I was able to pull a few strings with the event organizers. This game technically isn’t official since it’s mostly for promotions, so there aren’t any issues with it.” Kuroo smirks in amusement. “Plus, you’re not just any fan or civilian. You’re a very valuable and well-known sports nutritionist.”

You definitely weren’t too far off in labeling him as a skilled manipulator. His tactics are well thought out. Was it working on you too? Perhaps.

You take the pass from him and place it around your neck. “I really appreciate this. It would be incredible to watch this game from up close. Will you be joining too?”

Kuroo pats your shoulder in acknowledgement as he shakes his head. “Nah. I’m gonna be walking around making sure everything is running smoothly, so I probably won’t even be able to watch the full game sitting down. I’ll see you around.”

With that, the two of you say your goodbyes and part ways. By the time you reach the court, the volleyball players have already been introduced to the crowd and are waiting to warm up before the actual game. True to Kuroo’s words, the security guards don’t even bat an eyelash as they push aside one of the barriers for you to walk past after they recognize your pass.

The first person you make eye contact with just so happens to be one of your favorite coworkers standing off to the side with an exact replica of your pass hanging around his neck. “Hey, Iwaizumi!”

Said male gives you a small smile as you share a fistbump with each other in greeting. “I told you Hajime is just fine. I see you got yourself one of the special passes from our local con man too?”

You grin at the taller male. “Well, Hajime. We’ve definitely got some good connections.”

Before you could really start a proper conversation with the athletic trainer, a loud gasp fills the air and catches both of your attentions.


Without even giving you a moment to react, a large, muscular body barrels towards your direction and practically slams their hands down onto your shoulders with familiar aggressive affection. You have to hold back a flinch when Bokuto leans to take a good look at your face. 

Another shorter figure follows Bokuto from behind. Hoshiumi grins as he moves his head around his teammate’s broad shoulders to look at you. “Isn’t it your day off today, (Surname)-san?”

“Yeah, but I thought this game was too good to pass up on. I haven’t seen some of you since the Olympics,” you reply as you slowly peel Bokuto off your body but lightly pat his head to let him know that you have nothing against him. “I was going to go up to the stands, but I got a pass to sit with you guys on the bench during the game.”

Bokuto’s eyes sparkle at your revelation. “That’s awesome! You can come sit on Team B’s bench and watch all of our cool spikes!”

You’re just about to respond when two new voices interrupt you once again.

“Now, why would (Surname)-chan sit on the loser’s side of the court?”

“She would be much more comfortable sitting on Team A’s side of the court. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

Two tall shadows loom behind you, but the tone of the voices have already given you a good idea as to who they may be. When you turn around, Oikawa and Atsumu stand side by side smiling threateningly at Bokuto and Hoshiumi. 

Ah, shit. Here we go again.

“What makes you say that we’re the losing team, hah?! We’ve clearly got the stronger players, so (Surname)-san would prefer to be with the strongest.” Hoshiumi gives his opponents his signature sneer. 

Atsumu glares back with confidence. “In that case, (Name)-chan would prefer to be with us. Plus, she has good taste, so the obvious choice is Team A.”

Your heart starts to drop into your stomach when you see some pointed stares from the crowd at the little group gathered around you. It seems like
whatever this is has attracted the attention of quite a few people including the other players on the court.

“Is that (Surname)-chan?”

You let out a sigh of defeat when you hear a few more footsteps scrambling over to your direction. The last thing you want to do is risk being kicked out for being a distraction to the players, but alas, nothing really seems to go your way when it comes to these chaotic volleyball players.

You’re bombarded by more familiar faces and they each greet you in their own unique ways whether it be a friendly wave or a simple nod. Hinata is the first to speak up, “Hiya, (Name)-chan! What’s going on?”

You relay the whole situation for everyone to hear, fully expecting them to brush off the silliness with a shared lighthearted laugh. What you didn’t expect was the spike in tension in the air.

Kageyama steps forward with his typical stoic expression, but there’s a hint of competitiveness in his stare. “It’s true, though. Team B is the winning team.”

Hinata sports a determined look and faces his rival. “We’ll see about that, Kageyama! I’ll defeat you today and even the score to 1,657 wins!”

Goshiki stands proudly behind Hinata. “That’s right! We’re going to win with the beautiful, (Surname)-san, on the bench with us!”

As if appearing out of thin air, Yamamoto slots himself in the conversation as well. “I think you mean the gorgeous, (Surname)-san, is going to sit on the bench with Team B!”

Alrighty, time to move on. You spot two of your favorite liberos and quickly shuffle away from the new problematic group.

“Komori-san! Yaku-san!”

The two males give you sweet smiles that drastically lowers your stress level. They’ve always had a much more mature demeanor compared to their previous teammates, and you can’t help but appreciate their level headedness whenever you start feeling overwhelmed. You raise both of your hands to give them a high five and they respond happily.

“Seems like you’re in high demand, (Surname),” Yaku jokes.

You shake your head in mild disappointment. “I can’t seem to catch a break even on my day off.”

“I can’t blame them though. You are pretty reliable.” Komori bashfully rubs at his neck. “There are very few people in the world that can stabilize their chaotic mess.”

The shorter libero laughs heartily in agreement. “Yeah, even the teams for today aren’t spared. Team B’s got the loudmouths Bokuto, Hoshiumi, and Yamamoto.”

“I’d take loud and boisterous over dramatic and sly. It’s either bickering between Miya-san and Oikawa-san or underhand comments by Suna-san and Kiyoomi. There’s really no end to it,” Komori sighs.

“You’re telling me. Team B would definitely benefit greatly from (Surname)’s presence,” Yaku supplies.

Komori’s smile twitches. “I think Team A would really appreciate (Surname)-san’s calming aura more or they might break out in a fight or something. That would really mess up the flow of the game for both teams.”

Yaku narrows his eyes. “No way. Ushijima and Kageyama were talking about charcoal in the locker rooms with the most stoic expressions I’ve ever seen on a person and next to them, Bokuto was spouting nonsense left and right. There’s definitely only one brain cell in my entire team, so (Surname) should definitely sit with us.”

“Well, Kiyoomi almost pepper sprayed Goshiki when he stepped a little too close for comfort and ended up running into Hinata who ended up accidentally tripping Ojiro-san all while Suna-san recorded everything on his phone for blackmail.” Komori’s smile is visibly strained as he takes a deep breath. “So, (Surname)-san can substitute for the lack of brain cells when she sits with us.”

Cue your nth sigh of the day. You’re slowly losing the little faith you had in these men. The two liberos continue to ramble about their respective, troublesome teams and don’t even notice when you start to walk away. 

You hear a strange strangled noise and turn your head in that direction only to find Iwaizumi, who had somehow migrated to a spot near Team A’s bench, hunched over with puffed up cheeks. He had clearly been holding in his amusement for who knows how long, but once you make eye contact, the athletic trainer bursts out in laughter. The people around him glanced at him strangely for a moment before shrugging their shoulders and going about their own business.

If you weren’t in such a public area, you would’ve definitely flipped him off. In the middle of rolling your eyes, you bump into two very solid objects
or rather people. There’s a hand on both of your shoulders to keep you from falling backwards and when you look up, Ushijima and Sakusa are staring down at you.

You wait with bated breath at what kind of nonsense they might come up with to get you on their side of the court. However, you find yourself blinking owlishly at them when they both just simply pat your shoulder almost sympathetically before walking back to their respective benches. That seemed to have been the last straw in completely defeating your last ounce of patience.

“This is ridiculous.” You start walking back to the way you entered the court and get ready to ask the security guards from before to kindly let you out of your misery. You’ve made the decision to just simply go back upstairs to the stands and watch the game far away from any volleyball-athlete-tainted grabby hands. Maybe you’ll even get the chance to watch the game with Kenma if you find him quick enough.

And, of course, the universe decides to give you the exact opposite of what you wanted when you feel a hand grab onto your left wrist. Hoshiumi had been the one to grab you and is now pulling your body towards Team B’s bench. “Let’s go, (Surname)-san! These guys don’t know what they’re talking about!”

Just as you’re about to tell him that you’re planning on leaving instead, a much larger and calloused hand grasps onto your right wrist. This time, Atsumu was the one to seize you from the other side and is also tugging in the opposite direction, effectively stopping you and Hoshiumi in your tracks. “Now, now, little one. I’m taking (Name)-chan to where the adults are, so let go.”

Hoshiumi’s face reddens at the little jab at his height and a newfound strength seems to overwhelm him. You let out a yelp when the white haired outside hitter yanks your arm and even starts dragging Atsumu with his heels digging in the ground. For someone that’s not much taller than you, he’s a lot stronger than you expected.

Oikawa has also entered the fiasco again and grabs onto the crook of your elbow to help Atsumu tug you to Team A’s bench. “We’ve had enough fun. You’ve had more time with (Surname)-chan in Japan, so let us spend some time with her!”

By now, you can practically feel the curious looks from a large portion of the audience from the floor as well as the stands. To make matters worse, the volleyball players seemed to have completely forgotten that this game is a very public event that’s supposed to be shown on live television. You make the effort to ignore the large cameras starting to point in your direction before you actually burst from anxiety.

“Oh, boy! This looks kind of fun!”

You look up at the ceiling for a couple seconds to silently curse at the universe as Bokuto joins the human-centered tug-of-war battle. However, instead of grabbing onto you, the enthusiastic male grabs onto Hoshiumi sides. The shorter of the two outside hitters starts cackling intensely as Bokuto unintentionally grips onto the most ticklish portion of his body. Hoshiumi’s hold on your wrist loosens completely which causes you to fling right into Atsumu and Oikawa.

Your body twists around in the air until your back hits Oikawa’s chest and Atsumu hugs your arm possessively.

“Ha! We win!” Atsumu yells in victory as Oikawa sticks his tongue out childishly. The two laugh together comically and your head slumps in mental exhaustion when a sudden eerie chill fills the air. Hoshiumi and Bokuto have terrified expressions on their faces as they focus their eyes on something behind the three of you, while Atsumu and Oikawa instantly grow silent. You feel the two that are still latched onto you stiffen their entire bodies as a pair of arms encircle their shoulders.

“I’ll give you 2 seconds to take your hands off my girlfriend before I teach you who the real monster is in this generation.”

The deep timbre of Osamu’s voice rings through the air and even some of the onlookers have stopped breathing. Atsumu and Oikawa spring away from you as if your body was burning theirs and gulp nervously as the CEO of Onigiri Miya stares them down.

You finally turn around and see your boyfriend out of his uniform and dressed in a comfortable shirt and shorts. His hair is a bit disordered from wearing his work hat all morning in the food truck, and he probably ran his hand through it several times to make it a bit more presentable but ultimately gave up. There are still some signs of sweat around his neck and his cheeks have a slight red tinge to them meaning he probably came straight here after work. The intense look in his eyes is a pretty big contrast to his usual calm expression, but you definitely notice how he softens when he looks down at you. “Hey.”

A blush makes its way onto your cheeks, and you can’t help the smile making its way onto your lips. “Hey.”

The matching smiles on your faces seems to be enough for everyone to finally breathe normally again.

“Let’s go sit. Warmups should be starting soon.” Osamu takes your hand into his and locks your fingers together. He chuckles when he sees your eyes questioningly trained on the lanyard around his neck. “Kuroo-san stopped by a while ago to give me a pass too. Said something about needing someone to make sure you don’t lose your sanity with these guys.”

“Then, I guess I’ll have to thank him later because I was just about ready to risk it all and get canceled on Twitter for putting a few famously attractive volleyball players in an embarrassing headlock.” You huff in exasperation.

When you look back towards Team A, you see Atsumu sulking on the bench with Aran patting him on the shoulder comfortingly while Suna looks to be recording the whole situation on his phone. Oikawa is equally sulking in the corner as Iwaizumi laughs until his face turns beet red.

Osamu leads you to Team B’s bench and Bokuto and Hoshiumi celebrate your presence without overstepping their boundaries this time around. The rest of the team greets you both amiably before making their way onto the court to finally start their warmups.

As you sit beside Osamu and watch all the players turn serious on the court, a huge contrast to their wild personalities, a warm feeling encompasses your heart. It’s quite crazy to believe that all of these volleyball players from around the world have gathered today to simply play together and tell everyone about the sport once again. Sitting here feels like you’re reliving the memories of your time working at Onigiri Miya and meeting everyone. Many of the friends you made along the way are standing before you doing what they love with bright expressions on their faces as if there are no current concerns in the world or responsibilities for tomorrow.

There’s no need to think about the future or worry about what comes after because what matters right now is getting absorbed by the fun and enjoying the sport called haikyuu.



“My what did what, now?”

Osamu looks at you dumbfounded by what you had just told him while scrolling through social media.

“Your fansites grew after the game,” you repeat. “In fact, they’ve apparently tripled in size after you showed up and threatened the guys on live television. People have now labeled you as one of the ‘hot volleyball guys’ and now Onigiri Miya fans are keeping track of all the games you go to.”

a little freaky, not gonna lie.”

“Well, you did show up looking like the hottest man alive, so I kind of get it.” You laugh as your teasing flusters him. 

Osamu walks over and joins you on the couch you're currently lounging on and places his arms around you in a gentle embrace before kissing your temple lovingly. “As long as they don’t get in the way of our relationship, then I guess it’s fine for now.”

“As if anything will be more of a nuisance than Atsumu,” you reply.

Your boyfriend chuckles in agreement. “You’re definitely right about that.”


A/N: i dont plan on writing any more chapters for this series (unless furudate brings out more crumbs for me to pick up off the ground with my bare hands) thank you for loving this series and i hope this surprise chapter was able to make you smile! :D

i tried to include an updated taglist for this series in the hopes that y’all actually want to read this but some of your @s have changed and i couldnt find the updated ones so i took them out (if you’d like to be taken off the list, feel free to message me!)

taglist: @omiisangel​, @bokuatsubro, @kaleidoscopekai,  @geektastic84, @ntimacy, @sagefzy

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5 months ago

osamu acting like that guy from the bear everytime suna and atsumu try to help him

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