Oracle Deck - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
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Reposting Here From My Main Blog. Feel Free To Print.

Reposting here from my main blog. Feel free to print. 

Oracle Meanings:

Undyne the Undying: Determination and persistence pays off, an extraordinary effort is required to move through your obstacles. Reversed: all the work you’ve built up to will be for naught; your ambitions are empty.

W.D.Gaster: You are trying too hard and being overworked in finding a solution; The solution is much simpler than you’re making it to be. Reversed:  You need to tread carefully, because slipping up may cost you something great; A warning; You may have to give up something great, perhaps even more than you have to offer.

Mettaton: You’re putting up a show to entertain everyone. Dreams of grandeur. Reversed: Your leading people around in circles; You’re trying too hard in becoming something/someone else; Your aggression is only hurting.

DT Extraction Machine: You want answers to something that either has already been answered, or something that cannot be answered. There is no reverse.

Amalgamates: Dysfunctionality can be hard at times but you need to pull through, mental illness needs to be taken care of and not put off. Reversed: Mental illness taking it’s toll, the fear of the unknown, paranoia, forgetting something gravely important.

Papyrus: Having great confidence and support from those around you; Do not doubt yourself, even in troubling times; Keep faith in those you trust. Reversed: Do not waver to ask for help - you are not above assistance

Toriel: Kindness and patience is the best way to handle the situation. Don’t go in headstrong. Reversed: You are using too much of yourself for the sake of others. Your kindness will be your downfall; you are being drained by trying too hard.

Sans: There are heavy consequences for you actions; your deeds won’t go unpunished, you can’t afford to be lazy anymore. Reversed: Friendship and socialization is key to your endeavors; You need to be good to yourself as well as others. It’s okay to rest.

Lesser and Greater Dogs: Having great power but being fair, honesty, being fair to everyone, giving everyone a chance. Reversed: Don’t give someone too many chances if they are hurting you, simply taking abuse isn’t a good way to handle the situation.

Dogamy/Dogaressa: Drawing someone close to you, understanding and shared interests, let passion and instinct be your guide, difficulties in relationships can be overcome (platonic, romantic, etc). Reversed: Needing to reevaluate a situation to understand it better, looking at someone in a new light to understand them

Mettaton EX: Your ego and self confidence is just a barrier; Having a facade around those you care about; hiding your true weaknesses under a happy visage. Reversed: You’re ego is inflating and it’s only hurting those around you. Your dreams are too ambitious to be only about you (and thus you are hurting others by dreaming them).

Undyne: Passion and persistence is the best to go about things. It’s okay to be headstrong, as long as you’re passionate. Keep going, and the challenges you face will be overcome. Reversed: You need to balance your passion and eagerness; you are out of control; a raging fit; the challenges ahead may be too big to accomplish right now; Recklessness.

Doggo: Unforeseen but good outcomes, be ready for the unexpected, something new and unique, exciting new events Reversed: Needing help to see what comes next, unexpected and bad outcomes

Asriel: The lightening of a burden; a weight has been lifted. Reversed: Only temporary relief; The eye of a storm.

Frisk + Chara: The choices you make will have a greater effect than you realize; You will need to make a great decision that will affect you and those around you. There is no reverse.

Alphys: You need to utilize your abilities to help someone else; Keeping some secrets is probably best in order to help those around you; You may be keeping an important secret, but it’s not as big of a deal as you think it is. Reversed: Don’t lie to those you care about. You will only end up making a tangled mess of things.

God of Hyperdeath: Great emotional turmoil, confusion, unsure of how to handle emotions (yours or someone else’s). Reversed: Feeling powerless, you’re desires are false, you’re lying to yourself.

Mettaton Neo: Your flamboyant efforts are useless. Reversed: Peacocking doesn’t do anyone good; You’re only bullshitting your way through a tough situation without actually dealing with it.

Napstablook: Modest and quiet, doing something you enjoy for yourself, creativity and inspiration. Reversed: Anxiety, bowing to pressure and stress, feeling of loss, floating in numbness.

Monster Kid: Everything feels like a new journey, excitement for what’s to come next, a new happening. Reversed: Events turn out badly, something is not what you expect in a negative sense, bad news.

Omega Flowey: Self destructive habits, the darker side of human nature, violence, dragging others down because of your selfishness. Reversed: Struggle, intrusive thoughts, you’re going in circles, you need to step back and look at the whole in order to figure out what you need to do, everything is convoluted.

Burgerpants: Keeping your life in order, trying hard to live your dreams no matter how long it takes can get what you want. Reversed: Wasting your time doing something that doesnt matter.

Flowey: You are being manipulative in order to get what you want; An amount of fallacy and manipulation may be needed to get what what you want, ulterior motives. Reversed: You are not hiding yourself or who you are; everything about you is an open book; your intentions are clear now

Asgore: You have to decide what the right course of action is to take;  Don’t force yourself into doing something; you need to let things run their own course. Reversed: what you are doing may not necessarily be in the right; look back at what you are doing before you continue. Sometimes, you can’t really win no matter what you do.

Miss Muffet: Stability and security; having a good run and being able to take care of yourself. Reversed: You are asking for too much; Your ambitions are too big; You need to rethink your priorities

Throne Room: Bittersweet memories, nostalgia, working through hard times. Reversed: Memories won’t bring back what you lost.

The Core: You need to find the heart of your problems, using a scapegoat instead of facing your problems wont fix them. There is no reverse.

Waterfall: Tranquility, a simple wish, caring but in subtle ways. Reversed: Gossip about you or someone else, fear of your dreams being laughed at.

Grillby: You need to gather your resources; Empty debts are left unfulfilled. Reversed: You need to prioritize your responsibilities and pay off debts; You can’t ignore your responsibilities.

Snowdin: Community/family is very important, bringing friends and/or family together, showing others that you care about them. “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” Reversed: Discourse in family or community, fear or discomfort at home.

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1 year ago

Feb 9 2024

Feb 9 2024

A significant ending. It is time to accept that one chapter of your life has ended so that you move forward to the new one with resolve. Let go of your attachments so that what needs to fall away and end does so with ease and acceptance. You see this resonating with you as you start the day knowing that you will soon be entering a more busy and hectic phase in your life. It may be a sign that the days where you could spend the entire day doing nothing but pleasurable activities are coming to an end. Accept the end of such.

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10 months ago

Today's affirmation, brought to you by the When My Soul Whispered oracle deck.

Abundance. "In recognition of my abundant life, I celebrate all the things that bring me joy."

Today's Affirmation, Brought To You By The When My Soul Whispered Oracle Deck.

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1 year ago
Coming soon: Rook and Rose Pattern Deck
Oracle cards for divination and games

Only one more week til our Kickstarter launch for the pattern deck from our Rook & Rose epic fantasy series! We go live on August 8, but you can sign up for notifications now.

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5 months ago

Oh gods this resonated with me.

Who Is Keeping Secrets From You?

Hi, guys! First of all, I just want to say thank you for all the love and support you guys have shown me recently. You have no idea just how appreciative I am of you all. I do have a new pick a pile reading for you today. In this reading, we're going to see who may be keeping secrets from you. So, pick the image you feel called to and find your pile below!

Love, Tara

Who Is Keeping Secrets From You?
Who Is Keeping Secrets From You?
Who Is Keeping Secrets From You?
Who Is Keeping Secrets From You?
Who Is Keeping Secrets From You?
Who Is Keeping Secrets From You?
Who Is Keeping Secrets From You?

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1 year ago
A spread of Spindlewheel cards next to an open journal

What's the story?

Sign up now to get the answers on Friday 8 September:

Foggy Outline
Follow me. The fog is thinner than it seems. I’m Matt Boothman. I’m the compère of the Merely Roleplayers podcast, where theatrical people p

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