Orpheus - Tumblr Posts

Oil painting of Orpheus
I spent like 2 hours going through different concepts for twst Orpheus and this is the one I liked best but I’m not so sure yet.... these r just concept sketches so I can get a feel for the character before I design his outfit

hmmmm I think I’m gonna name him Lyr Oscen. Lyr is the shortened version used to describe the constellation Lyre, named after Orpheus’ lyre and Oscen means singing-bird. I’m not sure yet. I could probably change that later too Huh ¯\_😗_/¯
I think he, Lilia and Rook should form a club for atrocious bob cuts

Our Lives are Brief, so Live Them

So I finished the picture of me and Hawks as Orpheus and Eurydice from Hadestown! I hope you guys like it.

slaughter-house five - kurt vonnegut / orpheus and eurydice - catharine adelaide sparkes / user sawasawako / orpheus mourning the death of eurydice - ary scheffer / metamorphoses - ovid / orpheus and euridice - enrico scuri / talk - hozier / orpheus and eurydice - michel martin drolling

claimed to be the world’s best headphones the Sennheiser Orpheus come with their own amplifier made of Carrara marble

the art of composing melodies; composition of music.
Etymology: from Ancient Greek μελοποιΐα (melopoiïa), from μελοποιός (melopoios, “song-maker, lyric poet”), from μελο- (melo-, “music”) + ποιεῖν (poiein, “to make”) + -ία (-ia, a suffix to form abstract nouns).
[Agostino Arrivabene - The Seven Days of Orpheus]
I found this youtube comment and honestly,,,, true

i have often wondered
if the roles were reversed
if hades had to walk into hell
with persephone at his back
would he turn
just as orpheus did
would he turn
full of doubt
would he turn
to exert his godly force
would he turn

nymphs finding the head of orpheus (detail) by john william waterhouse (1900) | petr svojtka as prince in ❝ malá mořská víla / the little mermaid ❞ (1976) dir. karel kachyňa

Trial by song doodle

This is how Ulysses dies at dawn ended, right?
When I saw Hadestown I got the muses and fates confused so I thought Orpheus’s mother abandoned him just to show up later and bully him and his lover
Something cool that I think would be a good fic idea is the boys being Orpheus and Eurydice reincarnated. Like they compared them so often and there’s so much potential there. I can’t write but someone else is free to take this idea and do whatever with it…
Like maybe death doesn’t want to take her nephew and his love’s souls again/ force them to separate. Or they had the reason they were born in separate times was an attempt to separate them. They failed their test and they weren’t supposed to together again but their love transcended time. What would Morpheus’s feelings be when he discovers his son is back on earth as a ghost?
Someone please use this idea before it drives me to write, nobody wants that, I don’t want that.
Continuing with this idea, how would Charles handle having a father/family that cares? (Also there’s some talk of the cat king being desire’s child and them being cousins would be hilarious) Also in the comics the boys know Hob so what if he introduces them to Morpheus without knowing?? I just have so many ideas but I can’t write. Ik there’s already at least one reincarnation fic and it’s great (check it out!!) but it doesn’t go into as much detail with the family dynamics as I would have liked
Edit: I also just realized Edwin dead the same year Morpheus was captured. Charles died the year he was supposed to meet up with Hob but missed it because of that.
Something cool that I think would be a good fic idea is the boys being Orpheus and Eurydice reincarnated. Like they compared them so often and there’s so much potential there. I can’t write but someone else is free to take this idea and do whatever with it…
Like maybe death doesn’t want to take her nephew and his love’s souls again/ force them to separate. Or they had the reason they were born in separate times was an attempt to separate them. They failed their test and they weren’t supposed to together again but their love transcended time. What would Morpheus’s feelings be when he discovers his son is back on earth as a ghost?
Someone please use this idea before it drives me to write, nobody wants that, I don’t want that.
Some of my Orpheus!Charles and Eurydice!Edwin dbd ideas!
Unlike Orpheus, Charles’ Father disliked his singing and thought it was too girly
Since in the series Death hasn’t meet the boys, she only suspects they’re the reincarnations of her nephew and his love, she isn’t 100% sure and doesn’t want to give her brother false hope
The cat king is a child of Desire, making him a cousin to Orpheus
What if the boys met Hob first and he introduces Morpheus to the boys
Hob doesn’t know the boys know Morpheus (maybe the boys don’t remember either)
The reason their lives restarted in such different times was an attempt to try to separate them, but their soulmates so they found each other anyway
Edwin’s soul always has some mark of hell
Reverse reincarnation: Edwin as Orpheus, Charles as Eurydice
Maybe Eurydice was always book smart, but it got lost in time
How would the boys go from being on the run from an Endless to being family to them??
I’ll probably have more but if anyone wants to use any of this feel free. I’m an idea person not a writer.
Adding to my list:
For Orpheus!Edwin, image Dream’s despair in learning his son died the around the same time he was captured, they were so close to being together again, if had noticed him before, what could have changed…
With Eurydice!Edwin, what if he did notice, but when he tried to search out his son, Dream discovered that Edwin was alone in this life. All he could do was give his son’s lover peace in Edwin’s dreams, believing that he would be better off not knowing his former life. For without his Orpheus, Eurydice would always be lonely.
Cont. Because of his time captured, Morpheus believed that Edwin/Eurydice lived a simple life, not knowing that he died and found his Orpheus
Some of my Orpheus!Charles and Eurydice!Edwin dbd ideas!
Unlike Orpheus, Charles’ Father disliked his singing and thought it was too girly
Since in the series Death hasn’t meet the boys, she only suspects they’re the reincarnations of her nephew and his love, she isn’t 100% sure and doesn’t want to give her brother false hope
The cat king is a child of Desire, making him a cousin to Orpheus
What if the boys met Hob first and he introduces Morpheus to the boys
Hob doesn’t know the boys know Morpheus (maybe the boys don’t remember either)
The reason their lives restarted in such different times was an attempt to try to separate them, but their soulmates so they found each other anyway
Edwin’s soul always has some mark of hell
Reverse reincarnation: Edwin as Orpheus, Charles as Eurydice
Maybe Eurydice was always book smart, but it got lost in time
How would the boys go from being on the run from an Endless to being family to them??
I’ll probably have more but if anyone wants to use any of this feel free. I’m an idea person not a writer.