Overrated - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

just finished listening to ttpd with my sister and if I'm being honest, it's not as good as I expected. its pretty mid (kinda bad actually). she seems to think that more lyrics = better quality. some of the lyrics are weird and not what you'd expect from a 14 time Grammy winning global sensation. I didn't like the music, because it felt so... unnatural?? yeah, it sounded like it was created using AI and all the songs sounded the exact same. there was no diversity in this album. LITERALLY EVERY SONG SOUNDED EXACTLY THE SAME

"I'd pick the 1830s, but without all the racists" and "touch me while your bros play grand theft auto" just sound wrong. I genuinely couldn't tell whether she was joking or not with lyrics like that.

there are a few good songs which I related to, or thought were really well written, but for the most part, I felt like this album lacked something... idk what to say really

ironically enough, my favourite song was 'i hate it here'

overall, I'd give this album 4/10

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4 years ago

Love is overrated and I’m sleeping

-sleep deprived

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1 year ago
Well, That Was That Then. Brad Had Himself A New Years Resolution. His Resolution Was To Not Have A Resolution

Well, that was that then. Brad had himself a New Years Resolution. His resolution was to not have a resolution for the year that was new in the moment where he was. That was on the beach in Santa Monica at the end of 2023.

While he was there staring into 2024, he was also giving up lent for lent, and trading in Columbus Day for an Akron knight. He would just need to convince Elton John to take a holiday to Ohio in October. It was a good thing leaves died pretty. He could use that to his advantage.

If that didn’t work out, Brad would try a different time of day. Akron Dawn for example could score an obvious sponsorship assuming people in Ohio did their dishes upon waking up. It sounded like something people in sensibly sized Midwest cities might do.

The notion never crossed his mind in Brad’s 22 years living in Los Angeles. Why would anyone born and bred in Southern California ground themselves where it could crack open and swallow you whole at any second? Midwestern sensibility just didn’t stack up here.

Akron was in Ohio right? Brad could never be sure even with a smart phone in his hand. Miss Information was everywhere and there were no places to hide. How would you know where to go anyway?

All the cities in Ohio looked exactly the same to Brad. You could be in Toledo or Cincinnati, and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference even if you were at the local library checking out books. As long as ‘Ohio’ was somewhere on your library card or drivers license, you were golden.

At least that’s what Brad imagined. The locals likely didn’t feel the same way.

On the eve of a change in one of many calendars used across the globe, Brad took a minute reflect upon what had yet to happen by asking questions in the present tense.

Did all the oceans in California look the same to people from Ohio? Those from the two bucks an eye state (post inflation), were human beings dealing with a relative relative spendy reality. That part was clear. The rest of it got fuzzy as he didn’t know anyone from Ohio he could ask.

Brad wasn’t sure how many oceans he was looking at in the first place. They all kinda mixed together with few if any official boundaries. To call the water in front of him by one name took it from Will Rogers in Cali all the way to Bondi in Australia, but it was hardly the same water. The whole thing read as a gross over generalization as everything Pacific.

Each day it was less and less surprising to Brad that more than 90% of the sea floor failed to be mapped. We as a species held not a clue as to what was down there yet some of us were already taking tours of outer space which was technically nothing itself. Was that not why we called it space?


Brad didn’t want to put too much into space tourism or an overrated holiday like NYE, or even Christmas for that matter…

Brad stopped himself there. If he took that thought any further he could start getting answers. That could take him into resolution territory where he resolved to not go yet already was.

The annual practice never played out well for Brad despite being out himself. While others made money Brad beat himself up. By the President’s Day circuit party he was always in a downward spiral. If Brad ever OD’d it would likely be there smack dab in the depths of the Southern California rainy season swallowed whole by the first round of judgement preliminaries for White Party in Palm Springs.

Seeing where he was, Brad pulled himself off the bitter party of one path to that of personal responsibility. No one besides himself stuck around any NYE resolution to ensure he followed through. It may be paid for but did it matter where the money came from? While the commitment was squarely his, it often turned out the enthusiasm was not.

Brad paused to fix the back of his swimmers. They began riding his youthful 22 year old butt muscles while doing all this thinking. Did he really workout every day just so his clothes could malfunction?

Maybe. He could def take the notion somewhere sexy. Too bad there wasn’t a pen and paper around. Was this why people wrote their name in the sand? That whole notion read downright silly standing so close to the world’s biggest eraser.

When all was said and done, the greatest part about having a perky butt wasn’t sex or attention. It was having a place to set things down where no pockets were available. Brad always offered the space to others where he could think enough to do so. Ironically, the last thing he wanted to be was an ass.

The notion spurred another thought. Brad would ask Chris to look for a date on his butt when he came back from the concession stand with lunch. All this male beauty comes with a shelf life apparently so his boyfriend should probably know when to stop eating it. To that, and out of respect for himself, he should probably check Chris’ butt too. Brad needed some action and the whole notion just brought forth was good enough to jumpstart a very fun afternoon.

These things only needed to be paper thin with two men in the equation. An impromptu hamster inspection of the men’s locker room at the local gay watering hole instigated a wild three way with Brad and Chris’s neighbor Luke just a few hours earlier. Unsurprisingly, not a single hamster turned up at the gym, but the whole debacle did put a new spin on wood shavings.

A rouge wave reached high enough to grab Brad’s attention and bring him back to the present tense. Brad looked at his phone but he didn’t have any gauge as to when he and his thinking drifted off. Well, at least he came around this time with his swimmers still on. He lost two pair just in the last 24 hours.

Now where was Chris with the food? Brad was craving curly fries and a big fat dill pickle.

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11 years ago

If I were in a room with five other people and I said "Minecraft," I would get three responses. Three people would say, "Minecraft!" One would say, "What's Minecraft?" The other one would say, "Minecraft is overrated."

overheard from someone at school

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5 years ago

So I know ivy pool is overrated buuttttttt I don't care

So I Know Ivy Pool Is Overrated Buuttttttt I Don't Care

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7 months ago

I made a what the fandom thinks of you generator

edit: please remember

1. i have to read all the tags


thank you

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"tears welled in y/n's her diamond blue orbs,"

*throws phone in rage*

reblog if the use of "orbs" in a fanfic automatically makes you click off of it

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1 year ago

just read Ticci Toby for the first time, I don't see why people like it so much, it wasn't very good.

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1 year ago

Murder Drones Review, I guess

So, I started watching (and binging) Murder Drones, but I stopped at episode 4, because I lost interest. tbh, I didn't really like it very much, it felt like a cringey over-edgy fanfiction a 14 year old would write. I would know, I'm 14. pacing wise, I probably couldn't have done better, I think Uzi is an annoying little shit, N is boring, but I think I could definitely do better if I had my own show... Say, there's an idea... Anyway, I think it is overrated. it's alright, but overrated. I might finish it, but probably not anytime soon.

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2 years ago

If I see one more red guy x reader I'm goi g to puke.

Red guy??? More like mid guy!!!!

Srsly I love him but he is so overrated 😞

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