Palestine Gaza - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450

I don't really know if this is fake but please boost we're doing this to help people and gain good deeds don't forget that

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8 months ago

Can you please check the blog of @islampalestinegaza

He's a gazan that lost everything in the war,he doesn't have the money to even buy a tent so he started sleeping in the streets!

He has been sharing a donation link but no one is responding as he only have a few number of followers and they couldn't actually donate .. I was wondering if you could please share his story/donation link to your followers so they can help him at least to buy a tent !😔

This fundraiser is on the following list of vetted ones and has been verified by @90-ghost

I'm sorry I wasn't active, But don't worry ill try to help by reblogging his posts💓

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8 months ago

Help evacuate our family and complete our studying

(july 25th edit: please check the reblogs for my updates on Firas' campaign)

Hey everyone, this is very different from what usually post, but it's important.

Firas Muhaisen (@firasmuhaisenn) and his sister are first-year medical students that traveled from Gaza to study in Egypt, leaving their family home in Gaza. But Israel began their attack, and the family has lost their ability to pay for the siblings’ tuition. And of course, they also lost their ability to have a normal, safe life in Gaza. They are trying to raise 82,000 CAD (59,500 USD$)

BY AUGUST 17TH, 2024!!

If you can, please go to his gofundme page, even the smallest of donations help. And just reblogging this, if you're not able to donate, can get this on more eyes.

Donate to Help evacuate our family and complete our studying, organized by Firas Muhaisen
We are two siblings from Gaza, two dreamers medical students, suppos… Firas Muhaisen needs your support for Help evacuate our family and com

This is his story, taken directly from his gofundme:

"We are two siblings from Gaza, two dreamers medical students, suppose to be doctors in the near future unless there’s no enough money to pay the university fees, which is 3000 USD$ per year for the one.

And that is the reality, my family has lost there only income, my dad had has construction factory, but it is crushed right now by the Israeli army 

Help Evacuate Our Family And Complete Our Studying
Help Evacuate Our Family And Complete Our Studying

My dad cannot pay us the university fees anymore. But we insist to complete our learning to the end, to be that hero doctors for our beloved Gaza. We are the last hope for our family.

We study in Egypt at Zagazig University, We are 1st year medical students, 4 years still to go.

12,000 USD$ for the 4 years per one

24,000 USD$ for both of us.

And we must pay the fees before the end of the year, otherwise we will pay fine.

Help Evacuate Our Family And Complete Our Studying
Help Evacuate Our Family And Complete Our Studying
Help Evacuate Our Family And Complete Our Studying
Help Evacuate Our Family And Complete Our Studying

Also, Sadly, since there’s no life in Gaza anymore, no schools, no universities, no hospitals, no medications, even no streets to walk in, no clear air, We decided to evacuate our family to be able for them to continue their lives as humans, to get their simplest rights Since there’s no jobs, no income, no at least 1$, They are living on assistance.

You are the hope for them, your 1$ donation is one step toward the life from death.

We are 6 members family, 3 adults and 3 under 18

2500 USD$ per child under 18

5000 USD$ per adult

22,500 USD$ for all

GoFundMe website takes 3% tip, Bank account also takes tip.

82,000 CA$ =59,500 USD$

13,000 CA$ is tip for GoFundMe

1 CA$= 0.7USD$

Sorry for the mathematics, but it is for honesty


Again, if you can, do. Firas and his family are extremely underfunded, having only 24 donations as I type, and 962 CAD (673.40 USD$). Anything from a small one dollar donation or just sharing, reblogging, and spreanding the word can help them get a bit closer to safety. And if you do plan on donating, make it fast! Deadline is August 17, 2024 and that will come here fast.

Firas’ campaign is verified by 90-ghost, don't hesitate donating!

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8 months ago

Please Support Siraj's Family in Rebuilding Their Home

I've been ask to share another story!

Siraj (@siraj2024) is a Gazan man who is the head of a family of five. Due to the war, they were displaced six different times, being made to evacuate their once beautiful family home, and forced to live in unfit tents, with a inhumane lack of basic necessities and prone to disease. Their goal is to rebulid their home. Thier cousin Ahmad has taken it upon himself to raise money for their campaign. Their goal is roughly 60,000 USD$ or (82,000 CAD).

They are extremely unfunded as I write, having only 42 CAD$ (29.40 USD$) to their campaign.

Donate to Support Siraj's Family in Rebuilding Their Home, organized by Ahmad Abudayeh
hi, my name is ahmad and I'm raising a fund for my cousin Siraj and thi… Ahmad Abudayeh needs your support for Support Siraj's Family in Reb

If you can, please go to his gofundme page, even the smallest of donations help. And just reblogging this with tags, if you're not able to donate, can get this on more eyes.

Here's the story taken directly from the gofundme:

"hi, my name is ahmad and I'm raising a fund for my cousin Siraj and this is his message:

Building our house was not easy. It took over ten years of tireless effort, long hours each day, and the accumulation of debt. But it was our home, a place filled with love and dreams for the future.

At the beginning of the ground war on the Gaza Strip, our area was engulfed in fire and random shelling, which led to our beloved home being hit and destroyed. After that, we were forced to move six times, seeking refuge in places unfit for living, where we faced constant threats, evacuation orders, and danger both day and night.

Today, we find ourselves living in a poor tent on the street, surrounded by others in similar conditions. These tents lack the basic necessities of life, and epidemics and infectious diseases are widespread.

My children have lost their childhoods among these makeshift shelters. They don’t know how to play or learn. Instead, they help with hard tasks like fetching drinking water from long distances, cleaning around the tent, and much more. They deserve better.

Our dream is simple: to return to our life before this brutal war, to rebuild our beautiful home, to educate our children, and to provide them with safety and stability. This is our ultimate hope.

With your support, we can transform our story from one of pain to one of hope. You have the power to alleviate my family’s suffering, to stand by us, and to support us in rebuilding our lives.

Please Support Siraj's Family In Rebuilding Their Home
Please Support Siraj's Family In Rebuilding Their Home
Please Support Siraj's Family In Rebuilding Their Home

The stages of our house being bombed

Please Support Siraj's Family In Rebuilding Their Home

The struggle to obtain drinking water – we walk long distances, and sometimes we cannot go due to the danger of bombing.

Please Support Siraj's Family In Rebuilding Their Home

Our current living situation (in tents): It is a small, very hot tent, lacking the minimum basic necessities for life, and where dangerous diseases and epidemics are widespread.

Total cost:

- Construction: $40,000 USD

- Finishing: $20,000 USD

- **Total: $60,000** USD

Your generosity can help us rebuild our home and our lives. Thank you for your compassion and support."

As always, donate if you can, and if you can't donate, please take just a moment to reblog.

The campaign was documented by Nabulsi✅ Don't hesitate donating!

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8 months ago

My dear friend, 🌹

Welcome, I hope you are well. 🙏

I introduce myself to you. I am Siraj from Gaza, the head of a family consisting of 5 people, a father, a mother, and three children, We live in the midst of the ongoing fierce war on the Gaza Strip. 🥺

We have been displaced five times during this war, and we currently live in box-like ovens called tents, the temperature of which is greater than our ability to endure. Everything here is hot. Air. Bedding. The sand we sleep on sleeps with us under our clothes. All this hell is accompanied by armies of flies and strange insects that are hungry for our skin, causing scars and disfigurements. 🥲

We feel helpless in front of our children's eyes. We are no longer able to provide them with food. After they lost their education, their features, and their color, which became black and pale.

I invite you, my friend, to support and share our story, as it deserves your great attention.💗

The campaign was documented by Nabulsi✅

Link campaign:


they've only received 3 donations and their goal is $82,000!!! share, and if u can, donate!!!

Donate to Support Siraj's Family in Rebuilding Their Home, organized by Ahmad Abudayeh
hi, my name is ahmad and I'm raising a fund for my cousin Siraj and thi… Ahmad Abudayeh needs your support for Support Siraj's Family in Reb

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7 months ago

🚨 🚨 🚨

Hey Im Firas from Gaza again 🇵🇸

I came because I desperately need help

We only have a little money left to live on💔

We must pay the university fees before 1 Aug

Donate to Help evacuate our family and complete our studying, organized by Firas Muhaisen
We are two siblings from Gaza, two dreamers medical students, suppos… Firas Muhaisen needs your support for Help evacuate our family and com

Every 1$ gives us hope and makes a huge difference

@sar-soor @sayruq @nabulsi @90-ghost @palestine @palestinegenocide

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7 months ago
As Of July 19th,

as of july 19th,

remember guys, august 1st is less than two weeks away. If you have anything, and I mean anything you can spare without putting yourself at risk, even if it's a single dollar, donate it. I can't imagine how stressful it is for Firas and his sister to be so close to their deadline but still having a significant way to go. Every dollar truly helps and you can make a difference for these two siblings.

And please reblog (with tags), share and spread his gofundme link around if you can't donate. Sharing is free, and can put fundraisers on the eyes of people who can donate.

Im a Gazan medical student Firas agan

This’s the 2nd post today, that’s mean the situation Im in it is so serious and very worried!!

This’s my dream and my sister dream to be a doctor 🙏

We must get at least 4000 CAD before 1Aug!! To pay the university fees and continue our medical school

Im A Gazan Medical Student Firas Agan
Im A Gazan Medical Student Firas Agan

The last donation 15hrs ago:((

Time is so sensitive guys, please any one has any way that can help me please do it

I hope everyone stand with me 🙏

@sar-soor @sarroora @mickisnotclever @wlwaerith @littlegermanboy @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @malcriada @echoweb2 @palestine @northgazaupdates2 @northgazaupdates @nezreblogz @cvlnmafia @igothurtdoingsafetydance @vress-shark @yuriyakuza @askweisswolf

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6 months ago

Fayez asked me to share this again. If you haven't heard of him, you should check my post above. Again not a verified fundraiser but **I think** his posts are very likely true and real, and it just wouldn't feel right to completely ignore someone going through language barriers, an unfamiliar app layout, and internet fees while also in a active warzone asking for help. Especially for the POSSIBILITY they could be a scammer.

He is at 1580 CHF as of now and has said he's been getting donations but at a slower and slower pace. He's now literally just getting one donation a day. and remind you, family with 10+ childern and a baby are whose stuck Gaza. Please, please considering helping this family in whatever way you know how.

( tagging for reach, sorry for the bother! ask me and I'll take out your name. No judgement no hassle <3

(@el-shab-hussein @heritageposts @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @palestine @appsa @vinstage4u @pale-grunge-dark @cocainecurls @ftkillzz @bxrntobesomebody )

Please share this underfunded (less than 1000 USD) palestinan gofundme!!

Please Share This Underfunded (less Than 1000 USD) Palestinan Gofundme!!

(For complete transparency, I've yet to see any sign of verification on any of Fayez posts. I've reached out to Fayez about him being vetted/permission to share his story, and if this post has been posted with this message, and I have not gotten a response. But his posts are very likely real and his gofundme is very underfunded, so underfunded i feel like it would be wrong of me not to share it. I'm not aware of how the process of vetting and verification works, so if you do or know anyone who does, please reach out to Fayez. And even if you don't, just read this post, share it, and read and share fayez's posts on his own profile.)

Fayez Al-Omrani (@fayezgaza) and his family fled from their home on Oct 7th, needing to leave behind most of their possessions and sources of livelihood. Since then, they have been displaced and forced to live in a tent in Deir al-Balah, Gaza. The tent is in constant threat of being bombed and has none of the sanitary equipment to keep the family safe.

They are trying to raise 55,000 CHF, which is 61,867 USD or 84,949 CAD. As of july 19th, 7:18 est, they only have 642 CHF, less than 1000 USD. The fundraiser has been completely stagnant for the last four days.

I'm not sure exactly how many people are in Fayez's family, But I do know there's is multiple small children in it, and seeing from his posts and gofundme, there are atleast 10 children, including toddlers and even a baby stuck in that tent. Not to mention Fayez himself.

Please Share This Underfunded (less Than 1000 USD) Palestinan Gofundme!!
Please Share This Underfunded (less Than 1000 USD) Palestinan Gofundme!!

Fayez speaks constantly about how he and the older siblings worry for the younger childern. He say the childern of their family is there source of strength, and who they hope will stay safe and largely uneffected by the attacks.

The tent is again unsafe and unsanitary, the family once even found a scorpion in the tent. The family often goes hungry, and everyday Fayez need to go out on long trecks in the hot Middle Eastern summer to recieve water for his family. The conditions the tent has forced them to live a horrible life, completely juxtaposed to their life before October.

Fayez says in one of his post's that the tent is not fit for life, and if the bombs from Isreal do not kill his family, living in the tent will surley will.

Fayez and his family have been living in the tent for 9 months, and he started sharing thier story on here since June 15th. But he has not broken 50 notes on any of his posts (and his most recent posts average 1-5 notes), and hasn't even recieved enough donations to pay for a mere month's of rent in the usa.

Imagine being forced from your home, and having the city you've known all your life turn in to rubble and ashes. Imagine living in constant threat of bombs or missiles being rained down on you, killing your family's childern. Imagine going how ever many miles you need to walk get access to internet, and only getting two or one notes on your post and a small donation. Imagine needing to promote your own lifeline, inbetween surviving the cruel life in Gaza.

Fayez is tired. He says it in his post and has been saying it since the beginning of his account. It's exhausting to live day to day like this, and you can help him and his family stop living like this by donating today.

Donate to Fayez : Help evacuate my family from Gaza to safety .., organized by Fayez and family
Hello, I am Fayez Al-Omrani, displaced in Deir al-Balah "and m… Fayez and family needs your support for Fayez : Help evacuate my family from

And if you're not confortable donating as of today, reblog this post, reblog Fayez's posts, if you know how to, try to help him become a vetted fundraiser. Anything that could help this and and his family!

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7 months ago

🍉 DCU Commissions for Palestine Creator Masterlist 🍉

We have a bunch of writers and artists ready to create DCU fanworks for you in exchange for donations to support Palestinians! Each creator has their own commission sheet with their own prices, which can be soon below. Once you've decided on a creator, you can donate to one of these causes we are supporting (or any verified GoFundMe supporting Palestinians) and submit proof in this form. Every time you commission a creator, you will also get an entry into our raffle! If you want more info on how the donation process works, check out our donor guide. Commissions close on August 10 and some creators have limited slots, so be sure to get a commission while you still can!

Fic writers

a-bio-hero-writer (@a-bio-hero-writer) - offering $5 fics! (also offering art)

aroveins (@aroveins) - offering fic for $1 per 100 words!

cetaceans-pls (@cetaceans-pls) - offering fic for $1 per 100 words!

gnomewithalaptop (@gnomewithalaptop) - offering fic starting at $5!

griseldagimpel (@griseldagimpel) - offering fic at 1 cent per word!

hurricanebreeze (@hurricanebreeze) - offering fic for £1 per 100 words!

incorrectbatfam (@incorrectbatfam) - offering $5 fics + $3 playlists!

nelson-and-murdock (@nelson-and-murdock) - offering fic starting at $5!

theriveroflight (@theriveroflight) - offering fic for $5 per 500 words!

robo-bud (@robo-bud) - offering fic starting at $5! (also offering art)

wolfbanesparks (@wolfbanesparks) - offering fic for $1 per 100 words!


12leafclover (@12leafclover) - offering pixel, voxel, and animated art starting at $5! a-bio-hero-writer (@a-bio-hero-writer) - offering doodles, sketches, and portraits starting at $3

cricketsintheaudience (@cricketsintheaudience) - offering portraits starting at $10 + mystery doodles for $5! (commissions closed for now, but more slots may become available!)

gothamsgaygirlgang (@gothamsgaygirlgang) - offering sketches and portraits starting at €15!

grayfoj (@grayfoj) - offering sketches and portraits starting at $5!

hauntedshrimp (@hauntedshrimp) - offering colored portraits starting at $20!

herahawk (@herahawk) - offering sketches starting at $5!

lostincave (@lostincave) - offering doodles, sketches and paintings starting at ANY AMOUNT!

lowquats (@lowquats) - offering character art starting at $15!

mysteriousbeetle (@mysteriousbeetle) - offering icons and portraits starting at $5! paintedimagery (@paintedimagery) - offering doodles, portraits, and comic book covers starting at $5!

robo-bud (@robo-bud) - offering colored sketches starting at $5!

strawberrysoop (@strawberrysoop) - offering portraits starting at $10 + custom emojis starting at $5!

vuldarian (@vuldarian) - offering full-body sketches starting at $10!

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