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2 years ago
So I Was Thinking About How Grimwalkers Are Born From The Ground, Then Started To Imagine How They Must
So I Was Thinking About How Grimwalkers Are Born From The Ground, Then Started To Imagine How They Must

So I was thinking about how grimwalkers are born from the ground, then started to imagine how they must have started out small (picture from the book) and Belos probably had to start somewhere. They are basically weird mandrakes. So here is Belos repotting his baby grimwalker-mandrake. Inspired by that scene from Harry Potter.

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2 years ago
It Would Have Been Really Cool If Hunter's Blood Was Either Green Like A Palisman Or Blue Like Titans'blood
It Would Have Been Really Cool If Hunter's Blood Was Either Green Like A Palisman Or Blue Like Titans'blood
It Would Have Been Really Cool If Hunter's Blood Was Either Green Like A Palisman Or Blue Like Titans'blood
It Would Have Been Really Cool If Hunter's Blood Was Either Green Like A Palisman Or Blue Like Titans'blood
It Would Have Been Really Cool If Hunter's Blood Was Either Green Like A Palisman Or Blue Like Titans'blood
It Would Have Been Really Cool If Hunter's Blood Was Either Green Like A Palisman Or Blue Like Titans'blood

It would have been really cool if Hunter's blood was either green like a palisman or blue like titans'blood since he is a grimwalker.

We haven't actually seen him bleed, just scratches. He does have selkidomus skin, but his heart is made out of galdorstone so the idea that it should pump blood normally is a little weird. Also the rest of his body other than his lungs and maybe his bone/bones(bone of ortet) is made out of palistrom wood. But both him and the palismen seems to eat normally even if they don't really have normal organs. maybe it's just a demon/magic thing. who knows.

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2 years ago

If Hunter now has Flapjack's magic. Does that mean that all palismans have a special power unique to them? Like how flapjack can teleport and Luz's new palisman is super overpowered and can shapeshift?? Does Owlbert, Clover, Ghost and Emmiline have some type of special powers as well?

If Hunter Now Has Flapjack's Magic. Does That Mean That All Palismans Have A Special Power Unique To

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